Absentee Owner danger

Ian has offered the following;

Yes it has been a while since I wrote an article, what about 14 months ?

Well I went away for these reasons

1) Work – and that has changed recently

2) Modern football and the utter rubbish served up

3) Randy Lerner

Well this is to address point 3.

After the surrender of the last two games more and more people are questioning Lambert, sorry guys but wrong there ! Don’t misunderstand me, remember I wanted Martinez as manager once the OGS thing blew over and his rejection of us said many things. Lambert is a very average manager but he is perfect for the owner.

The day that Lerner appointed McLeish showed his utter contempt for Villa fans. I applaud of course, his Acorns donation but did he bother to turn up today ? How many times has he bothered in the last three years? This is the kind of absentee owner I hate and he has to go. However he has good PR, he leaks stuff through the lapdog Faulkner to selected fans and we have become totally docile.

So into this mix came Lambert.

The perfect manager for Lerner, his mumbling PR hides his averageness as a manager and of course he is a total lapdog to Lerner’s policy of running down the club. With all the extra TV money there is no reason at all for the wage cuts and yet still they come and the fans go, OK Lambert can manage lower paid players. Guess what? those players are average as we can see, no diamonds there at all.

But as he moves the dugout, as he buys cheap foreign rubbish and as he plays ‘attacking football’ (don’t laugh !!) then Lerner sits there back at home in the States and counts the money rolling in from the gullible fans. If you want Lambert out then call for Lerner because the absentee owner would only appoint another rubbish manager and he just wants the debt cleared before he can sell.

Great, give money to Acorns, that is no impact on Villa is it ?

That is all that should matter.

Ps. Terry was right about Lerner, I apologise mate !


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  1. nath
    nath December 16, 2013 at 2:01 pm . Reply

    nobody said there’s no money but I believe the days of buying bangers and paying top wages 2 them while they sit on bench and using our wage buget up.

    if u don’t agree some of the players Geoff bird mentioned were on higher wages, than they deserved look at were they are now only 2 are probably on better wages others av dropped down 2 get a club or some are stubborn and still won’t leave us until the contract has ended

  2. nath
    nath December 16, 2013 at 2:09 pm . Reply

    how much is given Ireland mutton nzogbia and bent these lot most be on some ~ other teams must av looked at villas trash and tried 2 get them 2 reduce the prices but greed and lack of ambition and knowing they can’t cut the mustard anymore av kept them ere

  3. DSVilla
    DSVilla December 16, 2013 at 10:56 pm . Reply

    Ian can you at least try to distinguish fact from opinion? You say Lerner wants to “run down the club”, and is counting the “money rolling in” and just”wants the debt cleared before he sells”. That’s your opinion, and you attempt to justify this as facts based on historic accounts that show no such thing. All the behaviours I see look like the actions of a sensible business man. Lerner, in my opinion, is not being dishonest. Whether he wants to sell or not I haven’t the faintest idea, but it’s pretty irrelevant anyway unless someone with a lot of money wants to buy.

    One other point. Didn’t Lerner write off about £20m in interest due on his loans a year or so ago? What a money grabbing Yank bleeding the club dry.

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