Amavi to Sevilla is OFF: Shenanigans or a serious problem?

According to Spanish sources, the Amavi move has been knocked back after the player failed a medical which showed that the player has a significant risk of the cruciate knee injury that he suffered while playing for France, re-occurring.
Now it’s well known that Sevilla will try any trick in the book to get a player’s price down (and why not? it’s good business sense, something we’ve sorely lacked recently) and if so, you’d hope we’ll give them short shrift and not even entertain the idea of them getting him on a loan or even at cut price.
And indeed “significant risk” is a matter of judgement that might well mean they’re trying it on.
For any expert in any area, you can always find someone who thinks the opposite, after all.

But my worry is what if this is all plausible and Amavi does have that significant risk?
Even though there is supposed to be a fair amount of interest in the player, surely this will see him being valued at a much lower worth?

All in all, this is a fairly big bombshell, as surely we were banking on getting a good few quid for Amavi, which in turn, must have made his sale pivotal to our spending plans?
I don’t want to be the doom-monger that some of you paint me out to be, but the fact is, this could quite easily put paid to any more spending in this window, because if as we suspect, we wanted another two or three players in, the sums are beginning to not add up

You would have to hope that Sevilla are indeed just playing their usual games.
But even then, just the talk of this will surely mean any other interest will wane, at best.
If we were in a better financial position, I’d have liked to see Dr Xia tell Sevilla that we’ll never do business with them again.
The trouble is, I suspect our hand might already have been forced and we’ll have to let him go on the cheap.

It’ll be interesting to see what happens.


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    GIDDYVILLAN July 10, 2017 at 2:30 pm . Reply

    Are seville being over presumptuous about the knee injury if so you could say that about any player whose had this injury or similar your now unsellable because it might flare up again to me it’s a kop out

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath July 10, 2017 at 2:49 pm . Reply

      I don’t care if he’s sellable I’d rather keep him as long as he’s fit. He could easily play wing back role imo

      1. nath
        nath July 10, 2017 at 7:32 pm . Reply

        i would totally agree amavi could play the wing back role down the left, maybe better than taylor could.

        1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
          OohAhPaulMcGrath July 10, 2017 at 8:56 pm . Reply

          IV always thought he is better going forward tbh and he can cross really well when he wants. Remember that cross for Gestede goal v the scum 😄

          1. jvillan
            jvillan July 10, 2017 at 9:56 pm . Reply

            your first sentence is why bruce prefers taylor, bruce supposed strengths are his management why can he and his coaches not help out amavi show him where he is going wrong, actually coach them like george graham used to do dixon and winterburn turned out really good full backs down to coaching

            1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
              OohAhPaulMcGrath July 11, 2017 at 10:59 pm . Reply

              I agree if they can work on Amavi in pre season and he stays fit and focussed he could fill that wing back role perfectly imo. I think a few posters on here over past year or so have said they would prefer him as a left midfield instead of a left back which I agree with but not sure he has the discipline. This is where the likes of Bruce and Terry should help out especially Terry as he was very disciplined at Chelsea and their back line and midfield was well drilled.

    GIDDYVILLAN July 10, 2017 at 2:48 pm . Reply

    I feel like calling there bluff & just say OK no deal, but I’m sure this could have a knock on effect with possible other deals unless like Langford says on an earlier post the doc might do some financial juggling around here’s me hoping UTV

  3. Langfordvilla
    Langfordvilla July 10, 2017 at 3:47 pm . Reply

    Don’t panic! For signings see ‘creative accounting’ by Dr T….I’m convinced that Bruce will land his targets, may take a little longer though! This calls for patience!


  4. Langfordvilla
    Langfordvilla July 10, 2017 at 6:00 pm . Reply

    Johnstone deal finalised! Expect official announcement soon!


  5. originallondonlion
    originallondonlion July 10, 2017 at 7:25 pm . Reply

    No problem with Sevilla. We make the point that if we have to sell the player for less because of his injury risk, we will not sell him to them. So perhaps he goes to one of their competitors. We should not say as suggested above we will not do business with them again, that might prove to be a mill stone. However we make it clear we will not be shafted by a dodgy medical and will close the sale with someone else.

  6. nath
    nath July 10, 2017 at 7:52 pm . Reply

    sevilla rejection will be hurting amavi the most, he played enough last season to proving he is over the worst, he will get stronger and stronger.

    its like sevilla had in house arguments whether they wanted him or not. unlike england don’t they have a panel committee on transfers. sounds like they were never sure about really wanting him. haggling over the price, when only one window before he was worth 25million. at least dick turpin had the decency to wear a mask when robbing us

  7. nath
    nath July 10, 2017 at 8:27 pm . Reply

    carles gil spent last season in spain playing under another teams nobody cant blame our boring long ball AVIT style not suiting him. didn’t somebody say there was loads of big clubs after him, i seriously doubt that. if he impressed in spain last season,somebody would have offered a bean or three legged donkey for him by now.

    i bet we don’t get a penny more than 1million. he will be loaned again to a bottom 5 spanish club. they know hes not worth anything like the price we want.

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath July 10, 2017 at 8:57 pm . Reply

      Il be surprised if he still wants to go there. More famous for their oranges than football.

    2. originallondonlion
      originallondonlion July 11, 2017 at 9:49 am . Reply

      Gil is a light-weight in the literal sense. It isn’t necessary to be a big muscular powerhouse to be a top footballer as Messi and Modric are showing, but you do need a special talent to retain the ball rather than be knocked off it. Whereas those two players have that talent of skipping away from, or hurdling, challenges – Carles did not seem to have it, he was dispossessed too often.

      1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
        OohAhPaulMcGrath July 11, 2017 at 11:02 pm . Reply

        Messi has incredible balance and is stronger than he looks. So gets away with it. Same as Maradonna

  8. nath
    nath July 10, 2017 at 9:16 pm . Reply

    ooohahaha when your being serious and honest. when your not posting to annoy or drum up reactions, your posts are always worth a read, you defiantly have something interesting to say, shame you don’t post more with this honesty.

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath July 11, 2017 at 10:55 pm . Reply

      Thanks Nath but I don’t post to annoy people I just say what I feel at the time. Which dosnt always go down well 😓

  9. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson July 11, 2017 at 6:58 am . Reply

    Nath, be careful Oohah head swells its 6. 78th at the minute, but I know what you mean. So can we now assume that we have two players in and two to go? or doesnt Johnstone count, things seem a bit slow being only a few weeks to go, players don’t want to be playing and having to move house I would think.just a thought.

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath July 11, 2017 at 11:01 pm . Reply

      Ha ha. Johnstone dosnt count imo as he was here last season so effectively all we’ve done is hold onto him for another year but only on loan

  10. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson July 11, 2017 at 6:59 am . Reply

    6.7/8 ..😆👒

  11. Badger123
    Badger123 July 11, 2017 at 12:54 pm . Reply

    It’s beginning to look like they have used it purely as an excuse

  12. Badger123
    Badger123 July 11, 2017 at 12:59 pm . Reply

    And they have indeed offered to take him on loan, an offer we’ve rejected out of hand.
    Cheeky barstewards!

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath July 11, 2017 at 11:03 pm . Reply

      We should tell them to do one.

    GIDDYVILLAN July 11, 2017 at 1:23 pm . Reply

    Next they’ll be asking for a reduction in the fee, I’d tell them to jog on

  14. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson July 11, 2017 at 1:28 pm . Reply

    Do all foreign teams think the Brits are daft, on your bikes.

    GIDDYVILLAN July 11, 2017 at 2:18 pm . Reply

    Just been reading on Facebook that sevilla are going to be investigated by the EFL regarding amavis failed medical & their request to have him on loan

      GIDDYVILLAN July 11, 2017 at 2:19 pm . Reply

      Ps they could receive a transfer ban

      1. Hitchens 60
        Hitchens 60 July 11, 2017 at 6:24 pm . Reply

        They should – completely unacceptable behaviour and Dr. T is right – disrespectful to the player and our club. I really hope this backfires on Sevilla in that other clubs should be very suspicious of dealing with them

        1. nath
          nath July 11, 2017 at 7:43 pm . Reply

          their should be some sort of punishment. they enter negotiations under false pretenses. they haggled the price down, decided it was still too high, got out of the deal and now insult player and club by offering a loan,

          apparently this is how sevilla do business,they are known for being a club that offer well below valuations and use dirty tactics to achieve this, also selling their own for inflated prices. they see us desperate to offload and they tried to screw us over.

          1. jvillan
            jvillan July 12, 2017 at 12:05 am . Reply

            every man and his dog know we have to sell players, cant really blame seville for chancing their arm,

        2. OohAhPaulMcGrath
          OohAhPaulMcGrath July 11, 2017 at 11:04 pm . Reply

          If we must sell him I’d rather we sold him to anyone but Sevilla

    2. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath July 11, 2017 at 11:03 pm . Reply

      Interesting something is no right here

  16. Langfordvilla
    Langfordvilla July 11, 2017 at 6:54 pm . Reply

    Just wanted to give you guys the heads up in case you didn’t already know!

    All our preseason games will be FREE to view on You Tube. If you don’t know how to get it, google this: AVFCofficial on YouTube. The dates of times of all the games can be found on the OS….hope you all enjoy!


    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath July 11, 2017 at 11:04 pm . Reply

      Thanks Langford

      1. Langfordvilla
        Langfordvilla July 12, 2017 at 7:50 am . Reply

        Your welcome!

  17. Langfordvilla
    Langfordvilla July 11, 2017 at 6:56 pm . Reply

    Further to my last post re..preseason games you can also subscribe on the OS site to watch on PC, Tablet, phone etc!


  18. nath
    nath July 11, 2017 at 7:32 pm . Reply

    wished we were in premiership so we could unsettle all sevilla 1st team offer them treble your wages and then wait until the 12th hour and cancel transfer. then offer them a loan see if they would accept this as normal behavior

    like bill says do all foreign clubs think english are stupid. they have money so they don’t haggle. i personally wouldn’t do any business with sevilla. we are professional compared to them. shame on them. you have got to feel for amavi he is the innocent guy in this mess

  19. nath
    nath July 12, 2017 at 6:08 am . Reply

    do we play our first friendly today ?? is it this evening or in the day kickoff

      GIDDYVILLAN July 12, 2017 at 6:47 am . Reply

      Harriers tonight 7.45pm

      1. nath
        nath July 12, 2017 at 7:03 pm . Reply

        cheers 🙂 i have made it

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