Benteke to Liverpool? You’re having a laugh, int ya?

Cor blimey govner and all that.
Hmm, enough of the Tim Sherwood impressions I think.

Well, it had to come didn’t it?
Christian Benteke’s gone on a scoring run that makes him currently amongst the best strikers in Europe and the lazy Journos are coming out with the same old poorly researched, no quotes to back it up, load of old tripe.

If you haven’t heard/read, the Mail are saying that Rodgers is chasing Benteke in a £30 million swoop that might see Ricky lambert coming the other way;

To be honest, it was actually the Metro that ran the story first, but seeing as they’re practically the same thing and the Mail has us listed in their top five Villa websites, we like to link to them occasionally.

Anyway, this is just rubbish on a few levels in my opinion.
First, we’re under no pressure to sell the player, who would be a major loss to a club that is looking to be on the way back up from it’s current lows.

Second, I don’t believe for one minute that Sherwood would sanction it, regardless of what he’s said previously.

Third, £30 million isn’t enough, in my opinion. Who are we going to get to replace him? A couple of up and coming strikers, in the hope that one of them fires straight from the off?
That would be incredibly risky.
Perhaps lambert is the answer? (which is my fourth point).
No way, again in my opinion. How long does he have left in the game? And can we really see him being a part of a longer term future that it seems Sherwood would be looking at?

And finally my fifth point.
If you read all the stuff that has been written about Liverpool after we beat them in the cup, you might be led to believe that Rodgers doesn’t even have a say on the players that come into the club and it’s apparently all decided by a panel. So it’s not up to him anyway.

Of course, there are another couple of options, in that Benteke (or more likely his money grabbing agent) might try to force a move.
Or worse still, if we get taken over by some cheapskate owners, they might want to get a quick return on their investment (that rumoured £150 million is starting to look ridiculously cheap in this sense).
I can’t see that happening though. What better way is there to fall out with the fans as soon as you arrive? (unless they engineer it to look like they had no choice).
No, if we do get new owners, I can’t see him leaving at all.

And anyway it won’t be Liverpool if he does go, even if they do pay the big bucks wages.

Benteke is tailor-made for the Arsenal that he supposedly likes in my opinion.
Or an even bigger club.


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  1. steve
    steve April 26, 2015 at 8:13 pm . Reply

    another reason he will not go to liverpool is he if he goes anywhere it will be to a club in the champions league.

  2. macca1874
    macca1874 April 26, 2015 at 8:32 pm . Reply

    “Tailor made for “the Arsenal””. Did a Villa fan really write such small-time shite? He’s tailor made for Villa -especially after a big takeover.

  3. langfordvilla
    langfordvilla April 26, 2015 at 9:04 pm . Reply

    If Benteke is sold before his contract runs out then its ‘fuck you Villa’ for me. We should be building around him and NOT without him. What would that say to Sherwood and the thousands of Villa fans who have stayed loyal despite 4 shit seasons? Its sad but its difficult to keep paying to see a great club showing no ambition year after year….Lerner/new owner, you cant keep taking the piss out of us….we MUST move forward next season….sell Benteke then its another move backwards!

    Lerner/new owner FFS show us that you care or stay away from OUR club!

    As for Lambert, I’d rather have Paul than Ricky! 🙂 ….did I really just say that?

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath April 26, 2015 at 11:10 pm . Reply

      As I keep saying Benteke will be off one way or another just a question to whom and how much. Liverpool have as much a chance of getting hi as anyone. He was happy to go to Spurs recently and I would say Liverpool are a much bigger club than Spurs. The only thing that might go against them is no CL and they are not in London

      1. Colonius81
        Colonius81 April 26, 2015 at 11:26 pm . Reply

        just out of curiosity, elaborate on how you know he was happy to go to spurs?

        1. Andrew
          Andrew April 27, 2015 at 12:20 am . Reply

          Papers said so. He follows everything tabloids say, unless they go against what he believes. So Benteke handing in a transfer request and Spurs were “linked”, clearly wanted to go there.

        2. OohAhPaulMcGrath
          OohAhPaulMcGrath April 27, 2015 at 12:48 am . Reply

          Because he wanted to go 2 seasons ago that’s why

  4. OriginalLondonLion
    OriginalLondonLion April 26, 2015 at 10:04 pm . Reply

    The journos who write for any paper “below” the Telegraph, and you know what below means in that context, are away with the fairies when they have a blank mind and a column to fill. United, Real Madrid, Liverpool are always allegedly after whoever’s hot that week and Citeh, Chelsea and Arsenal go through end of season revolutions which brings them to the bun-fight.

    Villa are supposed to be amongst the easy meat clubs, WBA, Everton, Southampton and Palace also in that lot, who the journos suppose will sell any star player in exchange for a “big” team’s latest overpriced flop and a dollop of cash. In reality only Southampton and Palace ever take an interest in such deals and Saints have stopped taking the dross, they just make a cash sale.

    Villa’s track record of sales follows a consistent pattern since Bosnich. No player has become a bigger star after leaving us. Milner Barry Young Downing all claimed an England shirt while at Villa. We screwed a top dollar price mostly, taking only Ireland as a dross p/x (never again). Our players’ big money moves caused them to become bit-part players in a multi-squad club, in danger of losing their England shirts to players with more league match time.

    Cahill at Chelsea is the stand out example of a recent Villa player who became a big star on leaving us, but he was only a youth international when he left and we suddenly lost good centre backs who were keeping him out of the team.

    1. Bum Bum
      Bum Bum April 27, 2015 at 3:22 pm . Reply

      Do you include The Telegraph as a paper you would read, or one you wouldn’t?
      Funnily enough, The Telegraph was recommended to me many years ago by Monica Foot, Michael Foot’s sister…Not the worst of the right leaning press…

  5. Colonius81
    Colonius81 April 26, 2015 at 11:39 pm . Reply

    I was wondering when the Benteke rumours would flare up again.
    Its just about right on cue too.
    but I wouldn’t put anything on the Metro or daily mail stories, Lambert swap? that happened last years and he refused to come to Villa, that is the only reason he gets mentioned here again.
    Benteke to liverpool? Rogers has been quoted in the papers as saying they need a fit top class striker to play at the highest level all season long as they have missed that this season. sturridge being injured, Suarez being sold etc etc.

    Thats how the tabloid new works, basically, just get a sniff of a possibility and run with it with terms such as “.Liverpool are reportedly…” ” but are still likely” “they are keen to …”

    total shite talk. but it sells, similar to ooh-aah’s feigned attempts at being pessimistic/controversial it draws in the comments,

    that said, unless we were to seriously fast track our progress under Sherwood I cannot see him last the next 2 seasons at Villa, especially if he continues on in beast mode.

    It would take a bumper contract, serious money being spent on new players and the lure of massive progress in terms of league position all in the next 2 years to keep him.
    the last team to attempt that approach was Man city and it took them about a billion to do it.

    Benteke will leave us I am afraid 🙁 I just hope that its on our terms and its not for another season at least.

  6. steve
    steve April 27, 2015 at 10:03 am . Reply

    They can let us buy Sturridge (a Villa fan) and we’ll keep Benteke.

    I’m so nervous. I believe we are on the brink of Villa finally coming out of the doldrums but have to stay up. We are playing so much better than i have seen for many a year.

  7. Dave.C
    Dave.C April 27, 2015 at 11:23 am . Reply

    I agree with Oohah when he says that Benteke is more suited to Chelsea than Arsenal, Andy Jacobs on TalkSport said he’d love him at the Bridge, though I also agree with Badger that he won’t be moving this summer, at least one more season with us I think and maybe more if we start/keep progressing.

    Andrew, you talk quite a lot of sense, but sometimes you don’t half talk some nonsense, ‘Arsenal haven’t been a passing team for 8 years’. Have a word with yourself.

  8. Adam
    Adam April 27, 2015 at 12:04 pm . Reply

    Benteke wont go anywhere this year imo. I’ve just gone through the remaining fixtures and I’ve got the following final points tally.

    Newcastle – 40
    Aston Villa – 37
    Leicester – 36
    Hull – 35
    Sunderland – 34
    Burnley – 31
    QPR – 30

    1. steve
      steve April 27, 2015 at 12:17 pm . Reply

      i hope you are right.

      1. Adam
        Adam April 27, 2015 at 12:27 pm . Reply

        Hinges on the win against West Ham though so we could still be in for a last day finale!

  9. Dave.C
    Dave.C April 27, 2015 at 12:28 pm . Reply

    Who was it who posted on here a few weeks ago with his predictions for the remaining fixtures, whoever it was didn’t include Leicester as he said they were as good as down. Just goes to show that you never know how things are going to pan out. I said at the time that we didn’t need to beat Q.P.R. as we could go and beat Spurs and Citeh. Who’d thought that Hull would beat Palace, I had Hull down, now not so sure. As my dear Mum would’ve said, ‘many a slip between cup and lip’.

    1. Bum Bum
      Bum Bum April 27, 2015 at 3:25 pm . Reply

      I think we all thought Leicester were dead and buried.

      1. Bum Bum
        Bum Bum April 27, 2015 at 3:26 pm . Reply

        Why am I in moderation again? Your doing OhAhh????

        1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
          OohAhPaulMcGrath April 27, 2015 at 3:41 pm . Reply

          Hi mate no idea why iv released all comments so hopefully should be ok. But iv not put into moderation

          1. Bum Bum
            Bum Bum April 27, 2015 at 3:59 pm . Reply

            Cheers mate.

            1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
              OohAhPaulMcGrath April 27, 2015 at 9:02 pm . Reply
            2. OohAhPaulMcGrath
              OohAhPaulMcGrath April 27, 2015 at 9:02 pm . Reply

              No problem

  10. Adam
    Adam April 27, 2015 at 12:35 pm . Reply

    Yeah I will probably be well out no doubt as football has a habit of being unpredictable!

  11. saddened
    saddened April 27, 2015 at 2:04 pm . Reply

    I think that Man city (not) off side decision, may prove bigger than we all anticipated… If we do not beat Everton, who played very well yesterday, we may be in the brown smelly stuff.

    1. Bum Bum
      Bum Bum April 27, 2015 at 3:27 pm . Reply

      On the other hand, they may well have their flip flops on as they’re nicely safe now…

      1. saddened
        saddened April 28, 2015 at 11:54 am . Reply

        lets hope so Bum Bum

  12. steve
    steve April 27, 2015 at 3:54 pm . Reply

    Simple beat West Ham and Burnley at home.
    If we don’t we deserve to go down.

    GIDDYVILLAN April 27, 2015 at 4:29 pm . Reply

    So no one thinks we’ll get anything out the Everton & saints games????? I do.

    1. steve
      steve April 27, 2015 at 4:59 pm . Reply

      i am confident will we get something against Everton and Southampton but West Ham and Burnley at homes are musts.

      1. colonius81
        colonius81 April 27, 2015 at 5:55 pm . Reply

        I echoe that exactly I expect us to get something from Everton and Southampton but it won’t be easy, but west ham and burnley like you say – absolute must wins

    2. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath April 27, 2015 at 9:06 pm . Reply

      Wouldn’t surprise me if we beat everton and saints and lose to burnley and west ham. A lot of freak results happen now where anyone can beat anyone. If we are safe with burnley to play us to stay up expect them to beat us especially as we will play a weakened team to rest players for cup

    GIDDYVILLAN April 27, 2015 at 5:05 pm . Reply

    I can see Leicester & hull coming down to earth with a very big bang this week,the heavier the better.

    1. Bum Bum
      Bum Bum April 27, 2015 at 8:01 pm . Reply

      How big a bang Giddy? Elaborate??? 🙂
      Leicester almost deserve to stay up, but it’s every man (team) for himself (themselves).

        GIDDYVILLAN April 27, 2015 at 8:13 pm . Reply

        A hammering mate increase their GD.

  15. OriginalLondonLion
    OriginalLondonLion April 27, 2015 at 10:33 pm . Reply

    We wont get anything from Everton if that bald Muppet in green – no not Kermit – is playing. Osman has scored the same goal against him 3 years in a row because the **** cannot anticipate and position himself correctly. Everton looked very useful thumping Manure so we need some quality at the back.

    I’m looking forward to seeing Bournemouth at VP again next season – how crazy is that?

  16. Dave.C
    Dave.C April 28, 2015 at 12:22 pm . Reply

    Originallondonlion, I think we owe Eddie Howe a big thank you for playing a weakened side against us in the F.A. cup, the way we were playing at the time I’ve no doubt that a full strength Bournemouth side would’ve beaten us. I understand that getting to the promised land of the Premiership is the be all and end all to many clubs, but I think Howe made a mistake there. That being said, I do believe that Eddie Howe could be one of the greatest managers of his generation, the job he’s done at Bournemouth is nothing short of miraculous, playing attractive football as well. If he was a continental, Karanka for example, some people would be having a right fest over him!

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath April 28, 2015 at 2:41 pm . Reply

      Poor Harry redcrap praying Howe will go so he can get his job lol

    2. OriginalLondonLion
      OriginalLondonLion April 28, 2015 at 7:29 pm . Reply

      I am sure Eddie Howe won’t be tempted away, certainly not by West Ham, without giving it a go with Bournemouth for one season – to see if they stay up. There is a reason they may flop in the EPL, they are the least physical side I have seen reach it.

      Hopefully Tim keeps us up, and Leicester survive. Then there will be three English managers giving straight questions straight answers, instead of the ridiculous outpourings on MOTD of Mourinho, Wenger, Rogers, van Gaal, Pochetino and others.

  17. badger123
    badger123 April 28, 2015 at 1:22 pm . Reply

    Going back to the original topic, it now seems Eris Kismet (Benteke’s agent) is now very much towing the club’s line;

    I wonder how much that cost?

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath April 28, 2015 at 2:43 pm . Reply

      Typical villa never keep our best players. Will probably resign heskey that’s about our level tbh

  18. badger123
    badger123 April 28, 2015 at 1:25 pm . Reply

    He’s also quoted as saying he thinks Villa are playing the best football in the Prem.
    I find that difficult to argue against and it’s great to be able to actually say that.

  19. Langfordvilla
    Langfordvilla April 28, 2015 at 1:30 pm . Reply

    new owner may want to cash in….fucking hope not!O

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath April 28, 2015 at 2:43 pm . Reply

      New owner or not we will cash in I’m afraid. There’s always Robbie Keane though !!

  20. badger123
    badger123 April 28, 2015 at 2:16 pm . Reply

    Langford, I gave my reasons as to why that won’t happen in the original article.

    Lerner, on the other hand, might well do.

    It all depends how you value a club, I guess.
    For me it’d be more about bricks and mortar.
    Players are of course a massive asset, but valuations can change at the drop of a hat based on one season. Which makes that part a big gamble.
    And if you’re laying out £150 mill, you’re not going to gamble, imo.

    We have one of the finest grounds in the game (although it could do with some improvements), one of the best training setups and own land.
    We’re also on course to show some very good figures in the accounts (the worst losses are long gone imo, as I’ve suggested often). Which makes us a very good prospect.

    My point being that £30 mill from Lerner selling Benteke might well be worth more than how buyers judge the club’s value.

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