Benteke’s staying. For the summer, at least.

Various reports are coming out that Christian Benteke’s agent, Kismet Eris, has said that Benteke will be staying at the Villa for this summer.
So why am I tempted to say “no xxxx, Sherlock”?

We all detest agents, but I think Eris has actually performed exactly as is required, even though I’d have all football agents put up against a wall and shot for the crime of helping to destroy the game.
That’s only a joke, but these agents really do annoy me in the same way employment agencies do.
They’re just leeches, in my opinion.

Anyway, that’s my little rant out of the way.

So what are we actually learning here?
Quite simply nothing, as who’s going to pay serious money for a player who won’t be back for months?
Well, ok we did with Downing, but it’s very rare.

It’s just stating the obvious.
Although, if Benteke makes the quick comeback that he’s predicting and gets off to a good start Eris will probably be angling for a move again.

And if that was to happen, would we be able to hold on to him in the January window?
But next summer?
Doubtful in my opinion.


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  1. macca1874
    macca1874 May 28, 2014 at 9:12 pm . Reply

    It’s very hard to predict what will happen to Benteke given we don’t know who our new owners will be or, indeed, when they will take over the club.

  2. VillaAwayInDiv3
    VillaAwayInDiv3 May 28, 2014 at 10:30 pm . Reply

    Before the end of the season all I wanted was to know what was to happen in the future …..and this is possibly the worse thing I could have known.
    RL has spoken and told us what’s happening and that’s it……….we are left in the wilderness and will not move on for years as it will take that long to get anywhere near selling and in the meantime we drop further and further behind…..and when we are currently in the depths of the league it won’t take much of a drop to be on a downward journey.
    Yes I am getting more and more depressed as I write this…..the anniversary of Rotterdam has just made me worse………

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath May 28, 2014 at 11:32 pm . Reply

      Think the next few seasons are write offs at best. We must be odds on to finish bottom 3 IMO

      1. Jay Dee
        Jay Dee May 29, 2014 at 12:26 pm . Reply

        Depends on the players wen bring in me mon

        1. Jay Dee
          Jay Dee May 29, 2014 at 12:27 pm . Reply

          We bring in

      2. mike
        mike May 29, 2014 at 8:49 pm . Reply

        Albion Burnley and hull is my bottom three. Please stop being so negative.

        1. Andrew
          Andrew May 29, 2014 at 9:02 pm . Reply

          Can be negative all he wants, he’s yet to be right on most things.

          1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
            OohAhPaulMcGrath May 29, 2014 at 10:25 pm . Reply

            I am right on most things. I said after man city win that result was papering over the cracks and got slagged for it. But I was proved right easily. That’s just one example

          2. Andrew
            Andrew May 29, 2014 at 10:32 pm . Reply

            Papered over what cracks? No Villa fan went nuts of beating City. You got slagged for claiming everyone would freak out and be 100% behind Lambert for one win because it papered over nothing. And I can hardly remember a time I’ve been coming on here for over 5 years now.

            1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
              OohAhPaulMcGrath May 30, 2014 at 12:44 am . Reply

              Loads of fans on here were having a fest over that win Andrew. Exactly like the win v Chelsea. It did paper over the cracks

          3. Andrew
            Andrew May 29, 2014 at 10:37 pm . Reply

            I can however remember you claiming Liverpool would win the league since the start of the season, and you were completely wrong. 😉

            1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
              OohAhPaulMcGrath May 30, 2014 at 12:16 am . Reply

              Since February I said they would win it and I wasn’t far off was I. Looks like Langford was right after all

          4. Andrew
            Andrew May 29, 2014 at 10:46 pm . Reply

            But then that was a bit of a childish comment to make. So moving on. Interesting read in the Independent I posted.

          5. Andrew
            Andrew May 30, 2014 at 1:03 am . Reply

            Those same fans that are still behind Lambert? I can’t think of a single person on here that’s actually changed their mind over Lambert. Be it good or bad.

          6. Andrew
            Andrew May 30, 2014 at 1:06 am . Reply

            maybe he is right too. 6-8 interested parties sounds huge though. And he could even have a consortium set up, with Donald Trump as a minor investor. 😀

            1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
              OohAhPaulMcGrath May 30, 2014 at 1:17 am . Reply

              Well if it’s true the club will be used as a money laundering operation IMO. No problem with that exactly the same as abromovich at Chelsea again IMO.

            2. OohAhPaulMcGrath
              OohAhPaulMcGrath May 30, 2014 at 1:26 am . Reply

              Ps looks like we would get top players as well. As they have a stake in players transfer fee plus their image rights. Sounds well dodgy IMO they have rights over falcao and neymar too. Hmmmmm

          7. Andrew
            Andrew May 30, 2014 at 1:30 am . Reply

            Yeah, read that. Fascinating times ahead if he becomes the new owner as head of the consortium. Wonder who they’d pick as manager. I just hope we’re not like Chelsea in sacking a manager every bloody year/two years/three years.

        2. Andrew
          Andrew May 29, 2014 at 9:13 pm . Reply

          Oh and why Hull? They looked good this season, they now have 2 solid strikers, They’ll lose Livermore but they look like they could sign a few players under Bruce who are good enough.

  3. Saddened
    Saddened May 29, 2014 at 3:57 pm . Reply

    Cant get over excited at him staying while he is injured, only to fuck off as soon as he is fit and well….. But thats football

    and badger I work in recruitment and we are all great people.

  4. Lilo
    Lilo May 29, 2014 at 4:32 pm . Reply

    Well well well….so much for oohahpaulmcgrath’s prediction that he’ll leave in this window….just like he predicted he’d leave in January….and last summer…..and the January transfer window of last year…..and the summer before that.

    Keep predicting oohahpaulmcgrath, you’ll be right one day. 🙂

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath May 29, 2014 at 4:34 pm . Reply

      what a stupid comment its obvious to anyone that he would of gone this summer if it wasnt for his injury. if he wasnt injured he would be off. and window not over yet

      1. Andrew
        Andrew May 29, 2014 at 9:01 pm . Reply

        Except they’re right, and it’s not stupid. You’ve been wrong for over a year now about him leaving. And again you have no idea if he’d be off this summer if he was fit, because you’ve yet to actually be right about it. But then as they said, you keep claiming he’ll be off, you’ll eventually be right.

        1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
          OohAhPaulMcGrath May 29, 2014 at 10:23 pm . Reply

          He would be off if he wasn’t injured no one will touch him till at least jan so another year of him being injured, playing well in patches and his fuckwit of an agent who’s desperate to sell him so he can get a nice commission.

          1. Andrew
            Andrew May 29, 2014 at 10:35 pm . Reply

            Would he? Would he really? Only been wrong for a year, why not claim he’d be off if he wasn’t injured, despite not knowing if that’s true.

      2. Eggnog
        Eggnog May 31, 2014 at 3:52 am . Reply

        Why’s it a stupid comment oohahpaulmcgrath? Because it contains facts and you’ve been proven wrong…..again.

  5. wittonryan
    wittonryan May 29, 2014 at 4:58 pm . Reply

    Did Lerner not say there would be no in and outs and no contracts sorted apart from players being released … does not really matter what the agent says…Lerner owns Benteke’s contract simples.

  6. Donnie Wyer
    Donnie Wyer May 29, 2014 at 5:09 pm . Reply

    His agent is a grade A cock.

    I’d be in 2 minds to tell him to find a new club for Benteke.
    No play or his agent is bigger than the club and I’m sick of these 2 thinking they are.

  7. Lambert OUT
    Lambert OUT May 29, 2014 at 8:23 pm . Reply

    Great news, we’ll finally be rid of him soon!!
    Oh hang on a sec, its bloody Rickie not Paul.

      GIDDYVILLAN May 29, 2014 at 8:35 pm . Reply

      The saints are going to be stripped to the bone, we all know when a player shines the big boys come looking how the FUCK can you compete with that??????

      1. Andrew
        Andrew May 29, 2014 at 8:45 pm . Reply

        He’s also a Liverpool fan though, so of course Lambert’s jumping at that chance. Plus when you let Cortese go, and then Ponchettino goes, when it’s known by Southampton fans those 2 were close to most of those players, it can only be expected that a lot of them are leaving.

      2. Colonius81
        Colonius81 May 31, 2014 at 12:14 am . Reply

        utterly depressing isn’t it? ..
        lallana, lambert, shaw, Clyne, (pochetino even) .. young, downing, barry, milner
        its just a case of can’t beat them join them now really .. swashbuckling billionaire with a billion to splash over 5 years please … because if not, and we are exceptionally lucky, in almost every way, ie, youth players, management appointment, transfers, then maybe we can enjoy a couple of a seasons of promising rebuilding with 10th to 8th place finish before we sell the key or core players and the manager gets sacked or cherry picked away. thats if we are lucky.
        most likely we might have mid table finish or another relegation fight with just the minimal of investment.

    2. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath May 29, 2014 at 10:21 pm . Reply

      Just seen that got all excited for nothing

  8. Andrew
    Andrew May 29, 2014 at 10:34 pm . Reply

    So a controversial owner worth just under 4 billion USD’s, and a reported 6-8 possible interested parties wanting to buy Villa. interesting. They claim they have a “source”. Haha

    1. Andrew
      Andrew May 29, 2014 at 11:00 pm . Reply

      Partner of Donald Trump, a consortium could include him. Haha… It’s worth dreaming.

      1. Bum Bum
        Bum Bum May 30, 2014 at 5:01 am . Reply

        The Independent usually steer clear of bullshit stories like the tabloids so this is very encouraging. All serious, I.e. lots of, money seems to have a grubby history and todays super rich are no different. Allegedly! I was beginning to fear there was nothing on the horizon, but maybe I’m wrong. I certainly hope so!!!

      2. Bum Bum
        Bum Bum May 30, 2014 at 8:27 am . Reply

        Can u imagine the entire Holt End in Donald Trump wigs as a tongue in cheek homage!!! Lol!

    LANGFORDVILLA May 30, 2014 at 9:29 am . Reply

    Well guys…it is the end of May. As I said there will be a ‘pleasant surprise’ very soon!
    Did I not say that the potential new owner ‘has not been mentioned on here ‘YET’. DidI also say that the new owner/manager will have a ‘TURKISH CONNECTION’. …….further to this . it has been confirmed that a private jet ‘with connections’ to this group was parked up at Brum Airport 2 weeks ago, the same time as the Bob Rich plane and Randy’s lawyers plane was there!…….this was confirmed yesterday by ‘trees’ on Villa Talk. He did not mention it at the time as he didnt think it was relevant!
    Keep the faith.

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath May 30, 2014 at 11:17 am . Reply

      How did u know Langford fair play to you we all owe u a pint. Some very shady people IMO looks like we will win every game or the teams that beat us will wake up with a horses head lol. How much is he worth.

        LANGFORDVILLA May 30, 2014 at 11:22 am . Reply

        Havent a clue how much he’s worth! BTW….Ambramovich is far dodgier. Most rich people are dodgy in some way or other……apart from me that is 🙂

        1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
          OohAhPaulMcGrath May 30, 2014 at 11:27 am . Reply

          How did u no Langford

    #HELENIUS May 30, 2014 at 10:14 am . Reply

    Borat The Pimp to takeover…..Brilliant

    LANGFORDVILLA May 30, 2014 at 10:24 am . Reply

    Free call girl with every season ticket!…..I am going to renew straightaway 🙂

  12. Andrew
    Andrew May 30, 2014 at 10:52 am . Reply

    IncogAFC tweeted Arif’s not going to be the new owner and “all will be clear by June 26th”. Things are getting interesting.

    1. Andrew
      Andrew May 30, 2014 at 10:52 am . Reply


    2. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath May 30, 2014 at 11:17 am . Reply

      Who’s incognito

      1. Andrew
        Andrew May 30, 2014 at 7:57 pm . Reply

        No idea, some page on facebook posted his tweet. Thought since we were putting rumours up, I’d throw his in the mix.

        1. Andrew
          Andrew May 30, 2014 at 9:16 pm . Reply

          “@RobHarris: Tevfik Arif has no interest in buying Aston Villa I’m told (following reports today)” Sports reporter for the associated press

          1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
            OohAhPaulMcGrath May 30, 2014 at 9:32 pm . Reply

            Probably a rumour to coincide with last day of season ticket sale ending

          2. Andrew
            Andrew May 30, 2014 at 10:02 pm . Reply

            Independent came up with a guy acquitted for prostitution charges for season ticket sales… A fascinating idea if there ever was one. I have no doubt there’s interest though, and wouldn’t be surprised if we get something done soon.

          3. Andrew
            Andrew May 30, 2014 at 10:25 pm . Reply

            Facebook page claiming

            “Getting lots of different people saying that we should be hearing news in the next few days. A fair few of them claiming that the deal is done. ”

            So we have a lot of rumours. We have Langford’s, this page’s, and a few reporters claiming different things, though Langford’s and that page seems similar compared to the reporters.

            1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
              OohAhPaulMcGrath May 30, 2014 at 10:50 pm . Reply

              Is the fb rumour the Turkish guy or someone else

          4. Andrew
            Andrew May 30, 2014 at 10:53 pm . Reply

            Didn’t mention.

            IncogAVFC certainly changed his tune fast.

            “Might get the Rich tea biscuits out”. Gotta personally think if that’s based on Rich’s consortium buying us if true.

    #HELENIUS May 30, 2014 at 11:23 am . Reply

    Have the club come out and said he’s buying…..???…..Thought not……NEXT RUMOUR PLEASE……………………………………

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath May 30, 2014 at 11:26 am . Reply

      They Havnt denied it either

      1. #HELENIUS
        #HELENIUS May 30, 2014 at 11:52 am . Reply

        Why would they respond to yet more bin fodder? If they did respond to every ITK’s inside info they wouldn’t have the time to negotiate deals!!!!!!!!!!

        1. Andrew
          Andrew May 30, 2014 at 10:45 pm . Reply

          Oh come off it Helenius… There’s hardly any football, Villa are for sale, what’s wrong with rumour talk?

          Plus we all know it being Lerner, he could have talked to the same guy 4,213 times, 2 hours each time which averages out around 351 days of talks over the sale, and he would not say a single word until it’s done. Absolutely done, not just almost done, not he’s selling to this guy, not we’re in talks with someone, but it’s 100% done. Off the high horse and join in on the rumour fun.

          1. #HELENIUS
            #HELENIUS June 2, 2014 at 8:49 am . Reply

            Wow, rumour “fun” …. This is the reason iv stopped following most villa pages on twitter n fb. Its the same boring dribble day in day out…..and you lot moan when Lambert’s does it after every game!!!!!

    LANGFORDVILLA May 30, 2014 at 11:35 am . Reply

    Murat Yakin…..resigned from Basel at the same time as I predicted a takeover by someone with aTurkish connection. Yakin is the son of Turkish parents. He is out of work, turned down Southampton (from what I have heard) from the same source….coincidence or what…..? You decide. Believe what you like (but I have been spot on so far)….and to reiterate I am NOT ITK…its just what I have been told. No one knows if it will happen for SURE…but it all stacks up more than anything else I have read or heard!

  15. Saddened
    Saddened May 30, 2014 at 12:35 pm . Reply

    I am getting a little excited now, a Borak pimp, who is mateys with Donald Trump….. It must have some truth as you couldn’t dream this one up !

    LANGFORDVILLA May 30, 2014 at 12:46 pm . Reply

    Saddened…why are you so excited mate?…..have you had a sneak preview of the girls on offer?
    Its now a case of…..’young, female and crutch’ 🙂

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath May 30, 2014 at 12:58 pm . Reply

      I think it more likely he would head a consortium he won’t risk his own cask

    2. Saddened
      Saddened May 30, 2014 at 1:55 pm . Reply

      Langford they were £10k each for the night, waaaayyyy haaaayyy… They aren’t going to be any Joey Barton UKIPs for that money

        LANGFORDVILLA May 30, 2014 at 2:28 pm . Reply

        I’ve heard that you often pay more than that! 🙂

        1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
          OohAhPaulMcGrath May 30, 2014 at 4:14 pm . Reply

          Press release from doyen releasing £200m

        2. OohAhPaulMcGrath
          OohAhPaulMcGrath May 30, 2014 at 4:19 pm . Reply

          Looks like a £100m for players and £200m for club. Happy days

          1. Takeover not close
            Takeover not close May 30, 2014 at 4:59 pm . Reply

            OohAh, that article is from April 8th!

            1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
              OohAhPaulMcGrath May 30, 2014 at 5:08 pm . Reply

              Really not noticed. Fair enough

          2. LANGFORDVILLA
            LANGFORDVILLA May 30, 2014 at 5:44 pm . Reply

            Why should the date be relevant? They are either investing or their not!

    LANGFORDVILLA May 30, 2014 at 1:11 pm . Reply

    Think you are right oohah….have you renewed ST yet?….free pie and blowjob with every ST. Make a change to score at VP 🙂

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath May 30, 2014 at 1:20 pm . Reply

      Lol free blow job worth st money alone. No still not renewing until it’s confirmed and intentions are laid down. It still may not happen and even if it does there might not be a great deal of money to spend. Plus lamberk has to go

      1. Saddened
        Saddened May 30, 2014 at 1:57 pm . Reply

        “Intentions laid down”…… you randy old bugger Oohah

  18. Jay Dee
    Jay Dee May 30, 2014 at 10:38 pm . Reply

    Big talk floating about that Lerner has sold

  19. Andrew
    Andrew May 30, 2014 at 10:42 pm . Reply

    Yep, could be announced in a couple of days going off twitter/facebook reports. Could be any number of those “6-8” interested parties.

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath May 30, 2014 at 10:52 pm . Reply

      Twitter and fb are the biggest load of shite for rumours. 2 weeks ago lambert and faulkner had been sacked and an announcement was due on the MON. Total bollox

      1. Andrew
        Andrew May 30, 2014 at 10:56 pm . Reply

        Very true… But then again, what if, at this very moment, they could be true? Why not believe it for a couple of days? Don’t have to get your hopes fully up for it, but it could very well happen.

        1. Andrew
          Andrew May 30, 2014 at 11:00 pm . Reply

          Some are going as far as claiming the newspapers should be reporting it tomorrow. Who knows? I guess we’ll see.

  20. Colonius81
    Colonius81 May 31, 2014 at 12:27 am . Reply

    I am just ready for news to be honest! any sort of news!
    I was thinking we couldn’t really get a more dodgy sounding potential buyer when i read about the kazakhstani guy.
    But then, as someone else pointed out. which multibillionaire on this earth is a nice straight up guy or girl that worked hard and honestly all their lives without crime or corruption or coercion?
    I think Bill gates is the closest i can come up with and even he or his company have probably bent the rules whenever possible.

    No when i come to think of it, if there was such a billionaire, then owning a football club is probably the last thing they would do! its a glamorous play thing.
    its the ultimate trophy asset.

    So if we want a sugar daddy, then the likes of Tevfik Arif is exactly what we can expect

    1. DSVilla
      DSVilla May 31, 2014 at 9:24 am . Reply

      Microsoft have ripped off loads of companies ideas and then just bought them when they got sued. Gates probably hasn’t had anyone killed but he is certainly not squeaky clean! As you say Colonius, people with serious wealth often have to be ruthless and tread on a few toes on the way. Typically though, most fans are happy to laugh at Blues and their crook of an owner, but are quick to say “so what?” when it comes to Villa.

      IMHO we will never get a better owner than Lerner (that might cause a few ripples!). Not because of his football knowledge, or the managerial choices he has made, but because of his approach to the whole ownership of the club. Respect for its history, investment in its infrastructure and so on. It has also never been about him, and he is happy to be in the background (OK too much so for some) Yes he has made serious mistakes, but I still will see his ownership of the club in a positive light overall.

      As for any new owner….who knows?

      1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
        OohAhPaulMcGrath May 31, 2014 at 4:57 pm . Reply

        So true but I’d rather have a shady character and win the league than have a nicey nice owner that wins fuck all.

        1. DSVilla
          DSVilla May 31, 2014 at 8:45 pm . Reply

          I guess winning trophies would probably change my opinion, but it’s all a bit devalued if its just based on spend. I guess that’s the way it is these days.

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