
  • Funniest Football Chant

    Morgan Villa has submitted the following and I agree, it’d be nice to take our minds off the window for a while; Its been getting…

  • Red bull takeover rumour rebuffed by Houllier

    I’m only putting this up as it seems a few of you were seemingly clinging onto this as our last hope. It was always a…

  • Shennanigans re Hoolahan

    The Mirror have reported that Norwich City have formally written to the club complaining about the way Paul Lambert has been courting Wes Hoolahan. In…

  • Villa 12th most popular club in China

    http://www.avfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10265~3631400,00.html It’s not very often that I read anything on the official site, as everything on there is usually a load of contrived hype that…

  • Liverpool 2 – 2 Villa; What a cracking point!

    Liverpool 2 – 2 Villa; What a cracking point!

    Well that was a turn up for the books wasn’t it? After me being convinced that we were going to be thrashed today (I predicted…