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  1. ianrobo
    ianrobo April 7, 2014 at 8:19 pm . Reply

    Whole piece is a complete waste of time as soon as you say

    “We need to forget about arguments against the chairman”

    He is the key person at Villa, he is the one who sets it all out, any manager is really only a feature of the owner.

    “Money is not always the solution”

    yes it is at the PL level. Look at the amounts spent and before I post this I can hear Everton ringing out. Well actually they are cheating, by loaning and not paying the full amount of players they could never afford normally, If you take Barry and especially Lukaku out then Everton would be where Southampton are now.

    But for fans always an example to quote against to try and make a point.

    1. MorganVilla
      MorganVilla April 7, 2014 at 10:11 pm . Reply

      But they do have Lukaku and Barry and they also are in recent seasons better than us, play better than us and have better players than us. The youth players they have put into the first team from the youth set up have been more successful than ours.

    2. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath April 7, 2014 at 11:14 pm . Reply

      But that’s an option we could of had with Barry. Lamberk dismissed it out of hand. Forget Everton look at teams like Stoke and saints they spend more than us now and show more ambition.

      1. Andrew
        Andrew April 7, 2014 at 11:30 pm . Reply

        Yeah man, totally true. There 7m over the summer truly showed incredible ambition. At least look up facts before making said claims. lol

    3. Sir Earl Barratt
      Sir Earl Barratt April 8, 2014 at 6:45 pm . Reply

      Ian, they’re not cheating in any way, shape or form. They are playing totally by the rules laid out by the premier league. They do however, have high expectations and ambition and a chairman who loves the club. I will always use the Everton argument as they are a model of what a team should be who are not one of the sky4. I can only look on enviously as their manager (who many said wasn’t good enough for our club) takes them closer to breaking into the top 4. I’m sure we could’ve been wiser with the loan market but oh no, Lamberk knows best. Remind me how many of the signings he made in the summer start regularly? One is it? Good luck to Everton and I will continue to make the comparison.

      1. saddened
        saddened April 8, 2014 at 7:42 pm . Reply

        Everton got Barry on Loan, who we dismissed because he wasn’t young and hungry…..4 months later we get the over the hill hod carrier…says it all about our clueless club, ran by a clueless CEO and an owner that doesn’t care.

  2. MorganVilla
    MorganVilla April 7, 2014 at 8:33 pm . Reply

    I think atm if we threw money at Villa it would be a waste of time. If we had someone on the board who set about having us play a certain way then we could pay for quality players.

    Prime example of this failure at Villa was signing Bent and then selling his supply line, no foward thinking and plastering over the cracks.

    We signed Hutton an attacking defender and stuck him in a defensive formation. We signed Ireland a freethinking player and put him into a rigid park the bus team. We signed CNZ and expected him to sort it all out up front with out any real plan.

    Yes i agree Lerner is not right for Villa atm but others do not, most fans do agree something is wrong with the club, all fans need tp stop putting in theories about the owner and his sidekick just for the time being. We need to get someone into the board who nis a footballing man and take it from there.

    At this point the majority of fans agree that Lambert is not right for the club so this is a good starting point to change the club long term. Its pointless throwing up the Lerner argument everytime we have a problem because his supporters will not be interested in anything anyone has to say if everytime we have a discussion or the tactics are wrong we blame Lerner

    1. ianrobo
      ianrobo April 7, 2014 at 8:41 pm . Reply

      So lerner picked a sick man, he picked Mcleish and then the fans fav and you want him to make another choice and somehow he will get it right this time ??

      that is totally naive.

      1. MorganVilla
        MorganVilla April 7, 2014 at 9:25 pm . Reply

        What i am suggesting is a total over haul of the club, from top to bottom.

        The youth system is a waste of time because we keep changing manager and the way in which we believe we are going forward. Take Bannan and Clark both scouted by Utd and now both careers once full of promise are now the complete opposite. The club needs a philosophy so that players signed fit into it and the youth players if good enough step up with more ease.

        We need a footballng man on the board setting out a plan of Villa over the next ten years, this includes youth teams, scouts coaches. Everytime we take on a manager allour eggs are thrown into one basket. We need coninuity at the club for the youth system right up.

        Take Utd under Fergie how many of the sold players have done well elsewhere? But at Utd the likes of Butt, O’Shea and Brown won medals galore its because under Fergie everyone was singing from the same song sheet. I know Fergie was a one off and some people dont like him etc but my point is our youth players have either fitted in or not fitted in with the manager who we have just taken on.

        I dont fully know how this will be done but i do know even if we change thhe manager in the summer we will probably come back to this point whether Lerner gives them money or not.

        The lerner discussion should not be ignored but merely put to one side until the club builds a foundation that can weather the storm of a poor management choice. Football is changing and just relying on one man/coach to make sweeping changes is costly does not work long term.

        It is imo the only way the club has a long term future

        Its not naive to see since even before Lerner arrived we have been coming back to square one over and over again and it will continue until the club develops a philosophy that a manager fits into

        1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
          OohAhPaulMcGrath April 7, 2014 at 11:23 pm . Reply

          Ronaldo hasn’t done badly since leaving utd. Which proves a proper world class player can play in any team. Tevez did ok to. The problem with our youth system is we produce quantity not quality. Look at saints they are producing youngsters much better than ours. The only decent player we ever bought through was Cahill and that useless twonk MON sold him as he preferred Zat Knight!! You couldn’t make it up. Where are the walcotts, rooneys, barkleys, shaw etc. The academy is a complete smokescreen IMO.

          1. Andrew
            Andrew April 7, 2014 at 11:35 pm . Reply

            Disagree. Problem with our academy is we produce quality that doesn’t fit a system. That’s the entire problem with Villa, look at City now, they have from their Senior team to like their under 10’s playing the exact same way. Everton’s youth system played the same way Moyes did, as does Arsenal’s youth like Wenger’s does. We don’t have that kind of system. We played one way under O’Neill who didn’t like youth, another way under Houllier, who would’ve used youth/had too due to injuries, McLeish another style, Lambert another style and then to a McLeish type style. Only way to make good of our academy, is exactly how Morgan claimed, bringing in some kind of football director that revamps the Villa system. We honestly have a great academy, no we’re not producing the Rooney’s, Shaw’s or Barkley’s, but a good enough system with 1 or 2 quality players and a few for good cover/possible late bloomers, but they have nowhere to fit in, nor would I trust Lambert to find a spot for them. It’s much like our transfers and who most Villa fans claim we need, we need a system before signing players, because some players won’t fit the way Lambert plays that fans keep harping we need.

            1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
              OohAhPaulMcGrath April 8, 2014 at 2:03 am . Reply

              Disagree Andrew no team gives youngsters a chance as much as us. They are quickly disagreed because they are not good enough. And if they are they would fuvk if anyway so what’s the point ala Cowley to arsen

          2. Andrew
            Andrew April 8, 2014 at 2:10 am . Reply

            You’re right, but look at the amount of kids we could still be using, Stieber, Robinson, Johnson to name a few, can think of a couple young wingers we should be using. We’re not using it consistently to our advantage.

            Of course we’re gonna lose a few kids, they’re gonna go off to bigger and better things. When Crowley starts playing for Arsenal’s first team, proves he’s one of the best talents England’s produced, he’ll move on to something better.

            These academy products are constantly moving, all the time. Big clubs are losing youth products due to not playing them, small clubs losing youth products due to bigger clubs wanting them. It’s unfortunate, but of course a few are always going to leave.

            1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
              OohAhPaulMcGrath April 8, 2014 at 1:16 pm . Reply

              But what’s the point if producing good players for sky 4 teams

          3. Andrew
            Andrew April 8, 2014 at 4:15 pm . Reply

            Then what’s the point in buying players to prove they’re good enough for sky 4 teams, what’s the point in producing players? What’s the point in even being a football team anymore? Maybe they should turn Villa Park into a Ballet studio.

            1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
              OohAhPaulMcGrath April 8, 2014 at 5:19 pm . Reply

              exactly whats the point. either we are a serious club with ambition or we are are just another club that treads water. If its the latter then supporting the club is pointless. There will never be any progress at vp whist we are a virtual feeding club for sky 4. Its about time we look to build our own club back up rather than helping the sky four achieve their targets

      2. OohAhPaulMcGrath
        OohAhPaulMcGrath April 7, 2014 at 11:18 pm . Reply

        Houllier wasn’t a bad appointment tbf he did finish 9th and the team was playing good football far better than your mate MON. It’s actually not Lerner’s fault he got took ill Lerner and houllier must have consulted a Dr first. The only thing that let Houllier down was his continual wank fest over Liverpool this alienated the fans against him.

    2. BWS
      BWS April 7, 2014 at 8:45 pm . Reply

      But Morgan is there any other argument to be had? We are sinking fast and Randy’s our Edward Smith.

      1. Bum Bum
        Bum Bum April 7, 2014 at 9:59 pm . Reply

        It wasn’t Edward Smiths fault he hit an iceberg. It was his Randy Lerner demanding the impossible.

        1. BWS
          BWS April 8, 2014 at 7:23 pm . Reply

          Fair point, he’s our J.P. Morgan then?

          1. saddened
            saddened April 8, 2014 at 7:50 pm . Reply

            If Randy is our JP Morgan, whats Fatty Faulkner…. you just couldn’t make it up clueless manager who is out of his depth, a CEO who thinks the Villa play hockey or le cross and these are the ears on the ground to an owner who doesn’t even turn up to games…… Oh and Lambert wants a bigger squad of more div 1 shite….

            The only way I think we can survive in the long term is employing a director of football, but that would show Lambert & Faulkner for the useless waste of spaces they are, so it aint going to happen.

  3. Tony
    Tony April 7, 2014 at 8:36 pm . Reply

    Here here I totally agree
    Something has to change sooner that later or we will end up like Leeds,forest etc no way back

  4. Bencey83
    Bencey83 April 7, 2014 at 9:55 pm . Reply

    We desperately need a takeover at VP!

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath April 7, 2014 at 11:24 pm . Reply


  5. billys boots
    billys boots April 7, 2014 at 10:09 pm . Reply

    your basically right Morgan, if you look at all the great sides its not just about having the best and most expensive players, they have a system or style of play that is prevalent throughout the club, with all the coaches knowing what is required from each position and anyone from the junior ranks can fill in at times of injury/suspensions etc. if we hound out Lerner now it would put us in a period of uncertainty that could prove fatal

  6. belcs
    belcs April 7, 2014 at 10:23 pm . Reply

    Lerner was on the rights lines with Houllier, who I think given better health and a chance to build would have produced a good side.
    British managers by and large are over rated and poor and limited tactically. People talked about wanting a young and hungry manager but now I think we need someone of experience to guide us back out of this seeming never ending mess.
    Unfortunately, experienced managers cost money and demand money. Therefore, I do not believe Lerner will get rid of Lamberk bar relegation.
    However, remember when the club sacked Mcleish for falling below standards and not breaking through the 40 point barrier. Well it seems almost certain Lamberk will fail to do that as well, so there should be no excuse for sacking him…… but just wait and see Faulkner weasel his way out of doing so.

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath April 7, 2014 at 11:25 pm . Reply

      Agree re houllier a young healthy version of houllier is what we need right now. No more Scottish or British managers they are all wank!!

  7. Villan1
    Villan1 April 7, 2014 at 10:31 pm . Reply

    At least Vincent Tan and Assam at Hull for all their flaws turn up to see their team. Lerner couldn’t care less about the fans or the club
    But that does not in any way shape or form excuse the diabolical management of Lambert, the 2 are as bad as each other and it’s not the case of one or the other going, both must go.

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath April 7, 2014 at 11:27 pm . Reply

      I wouldn’t want Tan or Assam in a million years either. Bit like you say at least they give a shit!

  8. OriginalLondonLion
    OriginalLondonLion April 8, 2014 at 1:32 am . Reply

    Morganvilla puts up a reasonable case, but there are holes in it.

    Getting the whole club, all the sides from youth to EPL, playing the same way sounds a good idea. Then he mentions Moyes at Everton. Holed precisely. Moyes has gone to Utd and Martinez has a completely different system, demonstrated to perfection in the humiliation of Arsenal. So if the youngsters were playing the Moyes way they now have a completely new style to master. How about the Stoke youngsters coming along under Pulis?

    What he means by the idea – is that a successful first team manager like Wenger or Ferguson can run a successful side with a continuity of style if he has a conveyor-belt of talent coached in the roles he lays down. Yes I agree, but it starts with a successful first team manager. Villa have not had one for a while. Some would argue MON was one, he certainly picked a good pair of Scandinavian centre-backs but the forwards he had played as many different ways as there were players. Before that it was Turnip.

    Fergie was ruthless with players who came into the side but peaked some way below the standard he wanted, they got flogged off and had reasonable careers in the lower half teams or the championship. When you consider how many talented youngsters United must train up, have you noticed that since the “class of 92” there has not been another “class of NN” in 22 years, just players coming through in ones or twos. That shows how difficult it is to make it. The young players in our first team back four are not going to make it, Fergie would have shipped them out by now and had a look at the next group.

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath April 8, 2014 at 2:00 am . Reply

      So we should keep lamberk for 10 years so our youngsters learn to play the lambert way?

    2. MorganVilla
      MorganVilla April 8, 2014 at 8:16 am . Reply

      Like i said i dont know how it will be done. We appointed Houllier to the wrong job he should have and still be a technical director. Its almost as if we get it and then we make the wrong decision at the last moment.

      Always holes in every idea, i think we need to change the culture of the club, if we bring in a great manager then chances are he will leave us for a greater club. We need tohave something in place so the manager fits us, so if the manager is not great or they leave us the whole team is not having to go through drastis changes. Our problem is because we keep on changing managers then we have to keep on having rebuilding jobs and so players become surplus to requirements.

      So many players cannot be that bad. Ireland, Cnz, Bent, Makoun Hutton given, dunne, Davies.

      One of the biggest pains as a fan is seeing Cahill do so well elsewhere because of poor management.

      Lambert gets sacked we then bring in another manager and the rebuilding starts again. They then fail because the youth coming through dont play the same style. He gets sacked back to square one.

      Lambert needs to go but so does how our club is ran

  9. Benno
    Benno April 8, 2014 at 4:33 am . Reply

    What does Paul Lambert have to do to get fired?? WIll he actually have to take us down?

    The bloke has broke pretty much every unwanted record at the club and yet still continues to have the backing of the board. It is ludicrous that he is still in charge. In all honesty, the 8-0 defeat at Chelsea last year was the beginning of the end…and yet here we are 15 months later.

    1. belcs
      belcs April 8, 2014 at 7:12 am . Reply

      Spot on. Off the top of my head I can recall:
      12 home defeats in league and cup by early April
      8-0 v Chelsea,4-0 at home to Spurs,0-3 to Wigan all in the space of 1 week
      The Bradford debacle
      Sheff Utd and Millwall losses in cup
      1-4 at home to Stoke
      1-4 at Southampton
      0 points against West Ham, Stoke, Fulham and Palace at home
      2-0 at Fulham
      More batterings off Utd and City

      And the list goes on and on…….. Lerner is a fucking disgrace for doing nothing

    2. MorganVilla
      MorganVilla April 8, 2014 at 8:21 am . Reply

      He should in reality resign he has failed this season. He should not have signed Kozac last summer but signed a powerhouse midfielder for the whole of Lamberts tenure we have been dominated in midfield.

      I worry if we lose at Palace then we are amongst it and if we win then we are all fickle and should back the manager. Its a joke

      1. villa4me
        villa4me April 8, 2014 at 9:30 am . Reply

        Morganvilla, but how do you no he has failed? we are still in the premier league, the wage bill will reduce again this summer for sure? I mean, how do we know what his objectives were at the start of the season?

        1. MorganVilla
          MorganVilla April 8, 2014 at 9:33 am . Reply

          The football is crap and does not work, the players are also not up to scratch. Also the fans are not happy. I also believe the target to keep his job would be to get a top half finish and not get anything below 40 points. Lambert even last week said we will be challenging for a top half finish so i think to make that anouncement and then lose so miserably to the club rooted to the bottom of the table and to break a record of the worst amount of wins in our 140 year hstory means its only a matter of when he is sacked not if

          1. villa4me
            villa4me April 8, 2014 at 9:45 am . Reply

            im not sure morgan, I mean not getting 40 points and staying in the league isn’t that bad is it surely? he will mention that he will have been without benteke for about 11 premier league games, Okore for over 3/4 of the season, Kozac for 1/2 season.

            For me going out the cup last year over 2 legs to a league 1 side is worse, losing to Sheffield utd this season is worse, losing 8-0 to Chelsea is worse.

          2. MorganVilla
            MorganVilla April 8, 2014 at 9:59 am . Reply

            Do the injuries not worry you in the slightest. AM was sacked because of his failure at the start of the season we were aiming for europe and failed miserably.

            I believe because we got to 41 points last year this seasons target was probably 50. Also the injury to Okores happened before the winter window and so he failed to get in a replacement or wrongfully believed Clark and Baker were up to the job. Either way that in itself is another proof of failure. If you manage something then you always need to be prepared for any outcome. We don’t have a plan b and are not in the least bit prepared for anything if anything i feel your defence further cements the general consensus that Lambert is simply not up to managing Aston Villa FC. I will not be renewing unless he is gone, i cannot justify the expenditure from my budget for crap.

          3. villa4me
            villa4me April 8, 2014 at 10:15 am . Reply

            Im not sure what you mean in the first sentence mate?

            For me the okore incident was unlucky, we had baker, clark, vlaar, donicien (who he rates obviously) aswell as Okore and Lowton who plays cb if needed. so I think that position was covered ok, lowtons off field antics has seen him disappear and has effected cover in the area and obviously okore has been out all season.

            You can only spend the money once, hence we only saw holt come in durin the winter break, I don’t believe the (after the window) remarks that we tried signing a 8m player.. we tried siging Hoolahan period!! think back to last January when only Sylla arrived and see a pattern???

            Im not defending lambert of lerner at all, I was pro lambert and now im anti lerner, simply because of team selection and lack of tactical change… my opinion will change again im sure if and when we start playing a better game.

    3. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath April 8, 2014 at 1:17 pm . Reply

      Your right he should of gone after we got humiliated in the Xmas period by world class teams such as Wigan. He has to go no more excuses

    GIDDYVILLAN April 8, 2014 at 7:35 am . Reply


    1. Guest
      Guest April 9, 2014 at 3:44 pm . Reply


      In one word you’ve still managed to talk more sense than Ooh Ahh has this whole article.

  11. DSVilla
    DSVilla April 8, 2014 at 8:43 am . Reply

    It’s pointless saying Lerner must sell. He can do what he wants so he will sell if he wants. Without wishing to absolve him of his mistakes, he is stuck between a rock and a hard place. Failure to reach the champs league and the entry of far richer owners left us in the mire. The cutbacks were necessary, and AM and PL are the ones who agreed to do it.

    The problem Lerner faces now is that to sack Lambert will cost more wasted money, and he will need to find another manager. What then? The same philosophy or bankrolling an overhaul of the squad? If I was him I would probably stick with Lambert and allow/force him to buy two or three quality players in the £5m-£10m bracket. That might actually transform the team. Whether he feels he can trust Lambert to do that who knows?

    I can’t wait for the season to end and I’m pretty sick of feeling that way.

  12. villa4me
    villa4me April 8, 2014 at 9:40 am . Reply

    how many people on here still regularly attend games? and at the final whistle come home onto these sites and air their frustrations about how crap the team is? how lambert and lerner can do 1? etc……

    the fact is… villa is n the blood, its part of you, yes Saturday evenings and sundays are depressing when they loose but by Wednesday your itching for the next match day.

    its time to make a decision, by going your supportin lerners and lamberts ways, but by not going you cant watch your boys playing each week,

    Its time to decide which path has villas best interests at heart, go to villa and watch the boys, lambert and lerner are happy, stay away, they will soon realise summit needs doing!! but! you miss out on your beloved villa

    But if you do go, I don’t see the point in comin home and lambasting your depressed opinions and anger on here as most feel the same.

    In this day and age there are many ways to watch the villa without actually attending the game..

    its your decision

    1. MorganVilla
      MorganVilla April 8, 2014 at 10:40 am . Reply

      Think i was trying to say two things. Firstly the injuries occurring in training do they not worry anyone our two first choice target men have been injured seriously.

      The second part of the sentence i was trying to say McLeish was saying we will be getting into europe which by the end of the season changed to the Villa Fans expecting too much. He was sacked in the summer. Compare him to Lambert who has stated upto the Fulham game we are aiming for mid – top half finish.

      Thise injuries in training as much as i would like to blame Lerner are not his fault, they are however the head coaches fault.

      We can list all of Lerners faults on a different article but the fact is Lerner does not train the players, set the tactics and team up, decide on youth policy. Scout players all of this is down Lambert. We have to put the right blame at the right door.

      Lambert knew what he was taking on and agreed to what Lerner and Faulkner wanted to achieve under the financial restraints they have imposed, so if Lambert was not up to the job he should not have taken it on. He cant now complain we need more money if he initially agreed to what the board set out. He is basically telling the whole world with that article he is not up to the job.

      If it now turns out that nobody wants the job because of how the club is being ran then that is another debate altogether.

      I dont like Lerner but we are not getting rid of him until all of the fans see him for what he really is, so at this moment the debate surrounds our manager who has promised he can deliver and failed

      1. BWS
        BWS April 8, 2014 at 4:21 pm . Reply

        Talking of injuries to players this was a discussed on 5 live yesterday evening with regards to injuries relative to the amount of ball possession a team has. How teams with low ball possession are constantly chasing, harrying and doing extra chasing of the ball and putts extra stress on their bodies causing them to suffer a higher percentage of injuries.
        Now I don’t know if the stats stack up on that but it seems logical.

        1. BWS
          BWS April 8, 2014 at 4:22 pm . Reply

          *was discussed*

        2. OohAhPaulMcGrath
          OohAhPaulMcGrath April 8, 2014 at 5:25 pm . Reply

          as we all know football is a lot easier when youve got the ball than when you havnt. I remember when i played and sometimes teams had more posession and its hard work trying to get the ball back esp when we lose it quicl again. though dont remember anyone in our team suffering more from injuries for it. basically if the team accept that they will always have less posession than the other team then they should be training for that annd their fitness must be at a peak level. If the fitness is not there thats the fault of the coaches and the player imo

  13. MorganVilla
    MorganVilla April 8, 2014 at 10:13 am . Reply

    Sorry misread your post, the whole two seasons have been a disaster, the Bradford loss the 8-0, the breaking of negative records amount to the samething. Paul Lambert is incompetent as the manager of AVFC

    1. villa1996
      villa1996 April 8, 2014 at 3:52 pm . Reply

      Paul lambert is the worst manager in villa history next to him is eck 2nd worse all under Lerner watch need I say more

      1. MorganVilla
        MorganVilla April 8, 2014 at 5:27 pm . Reply

        This really winds me up when discussing Villa. I DONT LIKE LERNER many of my posts on here back that up. But not all fans feel the same way about him, they do about more or less feel that way about Lambert.

        Even if Lerner sells us, we buy players take on a manager hope to hit the big time with a few gem finds. Not going to work and it will bring us back to square one. So we need to get rid of Lambert as a STARTING point.

        Also not all Villa fans feel the same about Lerner its a mixed bag of opinion. However the majority of fans have turned on Lambert and feel he is not up to the job. This is an opportunity to change the club for the better, we need to stop getting every argument about Villa into one discussion. Prime example if someone was to post why did Lambert bring on Bowery someone on here will somehow blame Lerner. Its makes the discussion look irrational

        This discussion is about Lambert and how we need to change the structure of the club, in a previous post i mention or hint at taking on some kind of Director of football to over see it all and set up something that the club can follow regardless of manager or even owner.

        We seem to end up arguing about everything when the reality of life is you can only solve problems when the opportunity arises. The opportunity is here for fans and the club to probably look beyond the owner and the the current manager and say that is how the club will move forward

        1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
          OohAhPaulMcGrath April 8, 2014 at 5:40 pm . Reply

          But its lerner that picked mcleish it was lerner that picked lamberk, it was lerner that is happy to give his managers fuck all to spend just to keep us treading water while he rakes in the money. It is lerner reign that has overseen the most unwanted records in the history of the club. Though he did give us all some nice little flags to wave v bradford last year so i can understand why hes adored by some fans !!!

          1. villa1996
            villa1996 April 8, 2014 at 6:11 pm . Reply

            Too true oh ah remember who hired these managers Lerner the buck stops with him it’s cause and effect if Lerner hadn’t hired lambert we wouldn’t have bowery so morgon villa it’s Lerner that should fuck off

            1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
              OohAhPaulMcGrath April 8, 2014 at 6:54 pm . Reply

              Hopefully they will both fuck of the sooner the better. Pochetino is second favourite for spurs job ffs sack lamberk now and get him before it’s to late.

          2. MorganVilla
            MorganVilla April 8, 2014 at 9:01 pm . Reply

            I agree Lerner should leave, show me a post where i have stated otherwise. The problem with our fans is everyone has there point and then tunnel vision kicks in. We all start squabblng amongst ourselves and then another season of shit goes by.

            At this moment though MOST fans ME not included like Lerner. Do i need to repeat that sentence anymore ffs.

            However rhe majority of fans have lost faith in the manager, so although we cant change everything we can try to change the little that we can.

            Just so we are clear i do not like or want Lerner as our chairman.

  14. Jay Dee
    Jay Dee April 8, 2014 at 6:11 pm . Reply

    Substandard players,substandard management & substandard ownership.

  15. Jay Dee
    Jay Dee April 8, 2014 at 6:31 pm . Reply

    For what it’s worth I really hope Lambert can turn things around.I also hope we get proper funding in the summer but if we don’t I won’t be going down to VP until some serious players of ability & quality are bought in.I will not be spending another penny on tickets or merchandise as long as we are what we are.We will be lucky to stay up.Bentekes injury by all accounts is rumoured to be real bad.

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath April 8, 2014 at 6:56 pm . Reply

      Bet Benteke and his greedy shite stirring agent are gutted the move to spurs didn’t happen as agent would of had a nice pay off and Benteke would of got at £30k per week more. Couldn’t happen to two nicer people!!

  16. nath
    nath April 8, 2014 at 6:58 pm . Reply

    i can’t believe the shit on here. the hatred for lambert is blinding, the real culprit’s lerner and his sidekick run the show. all you clever clogs know this, but lets attack the fall guy and hope the owner and his mucker pick another fall guy we can slaughter in 12months time.

    nothing will change, until these puppet masters are shown the door, finally before i head for my bridge,no manager with any ambition would ever take the villa job, until their ambitions are matched upstairs


    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath April 8, 2014 at 7:19 pm . Reply

      They both need to go Nath

      1. Bill Pearson.
        Bill Pearson. April 8, 2014 at 8:44 pm . Reply

        Oohah had you noticed Nath back,

    2. Bill Pearson.
      Bill Pearson. April 8, 2014 at 8:38 pm . Reply

      Welcome back Nath, hey you have to admit great site and great opinions keep them coming.

  17. markdrapernumber8
    markdrapernumber8 April 8, 2014 at 7:00 pm . Reply

    Enjoyed the read, good post.

    Have to agree though as someone said the buck stops with Lerner.

    Lembert is Lerners personal thunderbird and if not Lambert ut will be another who is employed to agree to his (Lerners) “plan”. A young insipirational and (I hope one day) continetnal manager is light years away becuase they will have ambition and will need/want money to put into the players on the field.

    Having said all that, a new manager would be nice because even though only a short term solution to the larger problem, anybody can do better than Lambert.

  18. TED
    TED April 8, 2014 at 7:38 pm . Reply

    This post is ridiculous firstly surely not most but ALL think Villa are awful. Secondly what money? Lerner stopped years ago investing, your comment re throwing money is confusing at best. Thirdly the only change that will make any difference is the removal of Lerner. The removal of Lambert will only be replaced by another yes man willing to buy into Lerner’s low wages low transfer fees and substandard players. Lerner will not employe anyone who disagrees with his vision which surely is clear now? Finish bottom four, relegation battles no investment and disdain towards fans with clear arrogance. The club Appears lost supporters who continue to focus on a fall guy while deliberately refusing to acknowledge the organ grinder will be as guilty as Lerner. Again I ask two questions, if you Lerner supporters are correct and the only change required is the removal of Lambert, why is it Lerner disagrees with you and why does Lerner intend to keep him as manager? Wake up. As I write this response I’m attempting to rationalise this post is it a PR stunt from Villa Park. I can’t believe a true supporter would be so blinkered. Lerner out

    1. saddened
      saddened April 8, 2014 at 7:59 pm . Reply

      your completely right Ted, cheap owner, cheap CEO, cheap Manager, cheap players…… It goes a lot deeper than just Lambert….

    2. MorganVilla
      MorganVilla April 8, 2014 at 9:16 pm . Reply

      Can you actually read. I did not say he has been throwing money at it. I said throwing money at it would not solve a thing and we will end up back to square one eventually.

      Until a clear plan is in place which has been done by someone not Currently involved with Villa then i believe we will go around in the circles we have done for years. You have a habit of twisting what somebody has typed to suit your agenda.

      The thing is coming on here and typing Lerner Out without any idea of who is going to replace him or what move the club can make next is going to achieve what?

      I agree with a lot of your sentiments about Lerner but not once have you ever posted anything sensible about what happens next. Maybe my idea is all wrong and nobody agrees to it.

      So i ask the question

      What next?

      1. TED
        TED April 8, 2014 at 9:29 pm . Reply

        Morgan again you are wrong I have said a number of times what I believe should could happen. As recent as the last two weeks I gave to solutions. I imagine you missed or ignored the list because it criticised Lerner and attempted to rationalise the bigger picture. I like most now realise the removal of Lambert will only mean a like for like replacement, why do you find that so hard to understand.? One solution Lerner out if gnat means relegation and time away from the top table I’m prepared. I would rather see a spirited team playing for the shirt and fans in the lower leagues than a chairman ripping of supporters and slowly destroying all of the club.

        1. MorganVilla
          MorganVilla April 8, 2014 at 9:53 pm . Reply

          Have you actually read any of my posts. Where have i said any of the jibber you have posted. I have said we need a DOF that can make the club sing from the same song sheet and that somehow makes me a man who backs Lerner, and wants Lambert replaced by someone like for like. What hallucinogens are you taking?

          I have stated Lambert needs to go unbelievable

          1. saddened
            saddened April 8, 2014 at 10:29 pm . Reply

            We do need a DOF asap, but i have a feeling we won’t get one as any decent DOF would show Faulkner and Lambert for what they really are, which is incompetent. On top of that what DOF worth his salt would work for Lerner ?? Sad time ahead me thinks

  19. TED
    TED April 8, 2014 at 9:08 pm . Reply

    Morgan what are you on about? From where I’m sitting most real fans have woken up and can now clearly see Lerner for what he is and therefore MOST fans apart from a minority which by the way is getting smaller and smaller know what Lerner has done know Lerner is the reason we are where we are and want Lerner out. There is no confusion most real fans want Lerner out. To even consider this not to be the case is surprising.

    1. MorganVilla
      MorganVilla April 8, 2014 at 9:17 pm . Reply

      When i look on forums i tend to feel there is still a big divide about Lerner, but not such a big one on Lambert

      1. TED
        TED April 8, 2014 at 9:32 pm . Reply

        Have you read this blog? It should give you an idea of views towards Lerner. Lerner out.

        1. MorganVilla
          MorganVilla April 8, 2014 at 9:41 pm . Reply

          I look on other blogs as well, you seem very irrational to me. Please highlight where i have said i like lerner as our owner and i back him.

      2. OohAhPaulMcGrath
        OohAhPaulMcGrath April 8, 2014 at 10:56 pm . Reply

        Forums can be misleading. Out of 30 odd villa season ticket holders I know at least 25 want him out with the rest waivering but only because they are worried we could get a Carson yeung or a tan which is a fair point of course.

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