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  1. Adam
    Adam February 9, 2014 at 5:50 pm . Reply

    Unrelated to the post cba to read it but I still cant believe Fulham managed to get holtby and Heitinga! I reckon we would be mid 30ish points now with those two and look a more more solid.

  2. Andrew
    Andrew February 9, 2014 at 5:54 pm . Reply

    Damn that lazy Bent… Getting in the box and scores off a counter in the 93rd minute. So lazy he is.

    1. nath
      nath February 9, 2014 at 5:58 pm . Reply

      that’s wot bent does lmao

      brought on H/T does nothing 45mins but head in 🙁 95min

      1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
        OohAhPaulMcGrath February 9, 2014 at 6:02 pm . Reply

        Exactly what we need

        1. Langfordvilla
          Langfordvilla February 9, 2014 at 6:18 pm . Reply

          Yeah…we really need a lazy twat on 80k a week. Then we could all stop moaning as there would not be a club to moan at. Sidwell scored for Fulham as well. A real 8 mil bargain he was!

          1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
            OohAhPaulMcGrath February 9, 2014 at 8:17 pm . Reply

            Sod well was motm and bent got a priceless goal. Yes bent is lazy no one can argue against that but he puts the fuckin ball in the net which is the hardest thing to do in football. No point having a weimann type player who runs and runs and has lots of shots but can’t hit a barn door where bent only needs one chance. For us he was ideal as we only make a couple of decent chances a game. Wonder if thought he was crap when he single handily stopped us going down

          2. Langfordvilla
            Langfordvilla February 9, 2014 at 9:42 pm . Reply

            Yeah…Bent’s that good that he is not even picked by a team at the bottom of the PL

          3. Colonius81
            Colonius81 February 10, 2014 at 4:19 pm . Reply

            where was this bent love been all season .
            that was his third goal so far.

            not a great ROI in my view for the wages he commands

      2. Andrew
        Andrew February 9, 2014 at 6:03 pm . Reply

        Eh when you’re told to sit back and not go forward… Bent’s gonna look useless. Their manager’s as defensive-minded as Villa’s. He somehow got a young team that weren’t typically Fulham’s first team players to deny United after 75+ crosses.

  3. BWS
    BWS February 9, 2014 at 6:11 pm . Reply

    New years resolution- stop moaning about Villa and I’ve no intention of breaking it.
    Players not good enough (with one or two exceptions)
    Manager not good enough.
    Owner a tight arse bastard.
    Fans – fickle.
    Not a complaint or a moan just how things are (imo).

    1. ianrobo
      ianrobo February 9, 2014 at 6:19 pm . Reply

      Fans – fickle, oh FFS grow up man with that kind of rubbish comments. Fickle is now used as a term of abuse rather than in it’s real context. There is nothing fickle than seeing the shite at home and finally booing after a game. In fact if anything Lambert has got away with far more than any other manager has and Lerner far more than Ellis.

      1. BWS
        BWS February 9, 2014 at 6:27 pm . Reply

        Grow up?? Off you you prick?? Ok, whatever.

      2. BWS
        BWS February 9, 2014 at 6:35 pm . Reply

        Mr Conspiracy theory?
        So Randy’s a lizard?
        The David Icke of AVNAV?
        Mr Wouldn’t know a fact if one bit him on the arse? Your usual bent mother into local politics (imo) is blazing me?
        I don’t think so brother.

        1. Foxy
          Foxy February 9, 2014 at 6:48 pm . Reply

          BWS – I already suggested a couple of weeks ago that Lerner and Lambert were shapeshifters but no one took any notice

          1. BWS
            BWS February 9, 2014 at 7:06 pm . Reply

            Lol foxy its the AV mate put it together – square and Compasses.(see where I’m coming from?)

      3. Colonius81
        Colonius81 February 10, 2014 at 4:29 pm . Reply

        i wouldn’t get to irate about labeled fickle .. the opposite of the so called “fickle” fans are the lemmings

        they both mean nothing really usually substitutes for valid reasoning or plain old fan frustration

    GIDDYVILLAN February 9, 2014 at 7:09 pm . Reply

    I haven’t been to see the villa for a good while now,i don’t feel im less a fan just someone who’s not prepared to pay good money for somethings thats not entertaining whatsover.i’d rather go down my local park & watch a good punch up on a sunday morning which is free & a damn site more enjoyable.ps love the banter lads.

  5. DSVilla
    DSVilla February 9, 2014 at 7:29 pm . Reply

    We are all suffering as Villa fans but what pisses some of us off (me included) is the ones on here that seem to relish our shortcomings and come on to tell us how right they are when we play crap, and disappear when we put in the odd decent performance.

    TBH I don’t really give a shit whether you are right or wrong. I want to believe in the possibility that we might break the trend of he who spends the most wins everything that sees a small number of Prem clubs dominating in all domestic competitions. Every team (pretty much) seems to unearth talented players from overseas, lower divisions and even their youth systems. I like to imagine that we will be able to build a competitive team made up mostly from that mix. Lambert may not be the man to deliver this (though I am prepared to give him some more time) but I will salute him for trying. If we can maintain our position in the top division and steadily add quality we could still build a sustainable team that is competitive to the point that Everton for example have reached after a number of years.

    1. BWS
      BWS February 9, 2014 at 7:39 pm . Reply

      And Amen to that

    2. Langfordvilla
      Langfordvilla February 9, 2014 at 8:24 pm . Reply

      DS….well said mate. We can only judge Lambert when he is given ‘reasonable funding’. Its been so tough because of Lerner cutting back so harshly instead of taking his time and giving managers a ‘sporting chance’. A more gradual approach would have been a far better option IMO. As it is, its Randolph who is playing russian roulette with the club…….so Lerner, fuck off sharpish, the Villa is ours!

    3. ianrobo
      ianrobo February 9, 2014 at 8:27 pm . Reply

      DS –

      I want to believe in the possibility that we might break the trend of he who spends the most wins everything that sees a small number of Prem clubs dominating in all domestic competitions.

      no chance at all and if you believe the tosh about being a Dortmund then that misses out on so many points. The major point being German football was bankrupt and no one even Bayern had that much money. English football is a totally different situation.

      1. Guest
        Guest February 10, 2014 at 9:44 am . Reply

        I think you have just backed DS’s argument instead of your own.

        The team that spanked Real Madrid 4-0 and reached the CL final was put together for around 40 million Euros, in fact, Lewandowski and Kagawa were bought for a combined 5.1 million Euros.

        The Dortmund model can work, if the manager can buy the right players.

        Wether German football was bankrupt or not is neither here nor there but if you are going to use it as a an argument then it will only back up DS’s viewpoint.

        I’d stick to trying to make sense of that Annual Report if i were you.

        1. saddened
          saddened February 10, 2014 at 11:40 am . Reply

          The problem is Dortmund are full of footballing brains at board level and we have the Chuckle brothers of Lerner and Faulkner, both from similar banking backgrounds, which is why O’Neil was allowed to spend spend spend, as they didn’t have a clue what was going on…Now they have gone to the other end of the spectrum and tried to save save save…. They need to get a director of football and then find a philosophy, let the fans know and stick with it…..

          1. Guest
            Guest February 10, 2014 at 5:28 pm . Reply

            The point is, success can be had if you spend the money wisely, unfortunately Lambert is pretty rubbish in the transfer market.

  6. nath
    nath February 9, 2014 at 7:51 pm . Reply

    praise the lord,we have a believer ~ i agree with most comments, for and against ~ also most important iam open minded.
    i most definitely believe we can survive this season ~ then wot happens is anybody guess. but Lerner can’t continue asset stripping,

    everton just survived one year, by the skin of their teeth, not sure if that was moyles first year. but they never changed a squad and paid less wages. they simply stopped investing in transfers.but hats 2 them they got the rite man in and on shoestring budgets they av constantly over achieved

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath February 9, 2014 at 8:11 pm . Reply

      Times have changed since then. Bottom line is they won fuck all when even teams like Swansea, Portsmouth and small Heath won a trophy ffs

    2. Colonius81
      Colonius81 February 10, 2014 at 4:41 pm . Reply

      on the whole asset stripping thing.

      Lerner has spent money on infrastructure and commercial deals that add to our balance sheet in terms of assest.

      whereas a young promising footballer in his prime is an asset its one with an expiration date.
      as well as tat, it has to be realised. Ie sold at high profit.

      I count young, milner and dowining that would fall under that category.

      compare us to other clubs compare the spending on infrastructure( training grounds, stadium/facilities commercial exansion investment etc and their relative sales of their top players ..

      it doens’t really come near the financial process of “asset stripping” for me

      I think that term is being bandied about but its not accurate.

  7. BWS
    BWS February 9, 2014 at 8:23 pm . Reply

    So be it nath, get it? No? Thought not.

  8. nath
    nath February 9, 2014 at 8:36 pm . Reply

    could u expand on wot i don’t get

  9. Nagutius Maximus
    Nagutius Maximus February 9, 2014 at 8:40 pm . Reply

    the fickle thing is a tough one especially in todays game with todays fans, hering arsenal fans yesterday for example(not all arsenal fans btw)saying get rid of wenger(again!)is just embarrassing.
    but fans, especially our long suffering home fans have every right to complain, what we are seeing season in and out for the last few seasons is really, really poor and unacceptable.
    unacceptable but understandable considering we are playing in the premiership with a championship squad and money(and by that I mean a mid table championship squad).
    but shouting lambert out and learner out every time we loose is equally ridiculous, we know what it is we are trying to do and its a long game not a quick fix and seriously who the hell do we think we’d get in to get our squad to play better than they are now?
    west brom sacking clark doesn’t seem to be doing them any favours at the moment does it? and our so called competiors that some so often allude to the fact of how they are streets ahead of us, Southampton, spent and wasted a fortune this season, their 20mil marquee signing Osvaldo is out on loan altready. swans have been utter shite, mediocre at best, sacked manager and everton, playing well but 3 of their most important 1st team players are loans and probably on big wages considering they play for barca, man city and Chelsea. spurs spent 120mil+ and were tipped for the title in the summer, currently struggling to stay in touch with the top four and sacked the manager. I could go on but you get the picture.
    I do think we are a couple of players away from a decent squad and ethic but I fear more of the same in the summer(if we stay up)more of everything on the cheap although learner will have to do something as season ticket sales will be well down, very few are going to invest in one unless something major happens closed season.

  10. Bencey83
    Bencey83 February 9, 2014 at 9:01 pm . Reply

    Bent was just another quality player destroyed by poor managers at Villa. This list is endless.

  11. JD
    JD February 9, 2014 at 9:13 pm . Reply

    Unfortunately Terry Lambert stays and so does Lerner.UTV

  12. Nagutius Maximus
    Nagutius Maximus February 9, 2014 at 9:14 pm . Reply

    I never agreed with the treatment of bent but it has to be said he has failed to shine at Fulham, in fact he has failed to get in to the starting 11 almost every game which says a lot.

  13. Morgan Villa
    Morgan Villa February 9, 2014 at 9:49 pm . Reply

    I wanted lambert gone before the window opened and then shut, i felt we could get in a manager who would brinfg in a few players and give the place a lift. This did not happen, i now see no point in sacking a manager a nd then replacing him with someone who does not know the players and has not or cannot sign anyone. I am not Lamberts biggest fan but i think replacing him at this stage in the season would do more harm than good.

    I think i read a stat on twitter from an unreliable source that we have not won a single game when Vlaar has been injured, i am too lazy to google can anyone verify this stat?

    We really should have signed a CB and at leat 5 new centre midfielders, our midfield is shocking, I fell for the Delph illusion and lapped up the bullshit but now on closer inspection he is in fact a terrible player who runs down blind alleys, gives the ball away and beats the same player 4 times before losing the ball. i have also noticed our players are very slow at switching flanks and that not one of our players can make a run in the box to meet a FORWARD pass.

    Has Benteke turned up yet the bloke needs to stay on his feet and we need to stop hoofing it to him so he has his back to goal, the hoof ball happens more when Vlaar is not playing as nobody has confidence in Baker or Clark to pass the ball

  14. nath
    nath February 9, 2014 at 10:11 pm . Reply

    agreed delph is the best we av , admittedly he was dwelling against hammers but thats life.last time we won without vlaar was pool last season 1,3 i believe just b4 we got hammered 3 games chelsea spuds and wigan

  15. ianrobo
    ianrobo February 9, 2014 at 10:37 pm . Reply

    In my view this window we needed one big signing (hate loans but Betrand OK) to show future intent, whether a CB, a CM or whatever a signing for proper cash and proper wages. A signing to lift the club.

    Instead we got Holt, Betrand on loan and tried all window for Hoolahan and failed

    The signal was clear enough then

  16. Foxy
    Foxy February 9, 2014 at 11:15 pm . Reply

    The only decision is do you go to Villa Park or not. Neither going nor staying away is wrong, but ultimately the only thing that will have any impact on Lerner’s decision making is if the attendance levels drop. With McLeish we were in the high 20ks, with Lambert there are still 35k turning up.

  17. Nagutius Maximus
    Nagutius Maximus February 9, 2014 at 11:42 pm . Reply

    agreed guys.
    the good attendences this season are solely down to pre season season tickets sales which were bought on the wave of optimism following the run in and keeping hold of tekkers, with out this id say by now we’d be seeing more like the mid/low 20k’s.
    no improvement and/or spending in the summer will see sales drop significantly so I feel we will see some spending if for that reason only, either that or lambert being fired.
    personally if it was the end of the season now and I had the ability to get to home games regularly I would not be buying a season ticket and I don’t think anyone would blame me?
    living in the north west I could’ve gone to the recent games at everton and Liverpool, I chose not to, the same with trip to brum to see home games, I haven’t been since everton and I doubt I will make another this season.
    an away trip even relatively locally for me and home games always cost me in excess of £100 with ticket price, travel and spends, this is a significant portion of my disposable income. when I see learner is not parting with anything near a significant portion of his disposable income to support the club he owns and supposedly cares for I feel why the fuck should I?
    if he honestly thought he was going to make money from owning a PL club he must have rocks in his head.
    I understand and support the philosophy but we are too extreme, we should have invested more significantly in the summer and in jan, the excuses from the top at villa are just getting boring and insulting.
    TJ said in the article we’ve spent 40mil on 10/11 players(I think its more than 10/11)if that is anywhere near correct that puts our spending as an average of less than 4mil per player in the English premier league!.
    I think that says it all

    1. Foxy
      Foxy February 10, 2014 at 10:07 am . Reply

      I agree with you there NM. I’m also around £100 to £150 away for each home game and with the odds heavily stacked towards a loss from negative or clueless tactics and no possession, I can’t afford to take off a whole day and spend that much money. Away matches are a different matter, I’m off to see a couple more this season. And at least Lerner doesn’t get the extra attendance figure.

    2. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath February 10, 2014 at 1:47 pm . Reply

      Agree NM as u rightly say when STs are up for renewal we will start being linked with good players wev fuck all hope of getting. Then when they his 20,000 STs bought by 20,000 gullible muppets the truth starts coming out as we get one shite million pound signing after another with £10m tops spent. Benteke will be gone next season as well and lamberk will see only a fraction of that money if he’s lucky

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