It hasn’t been officially confirmed yet, but it seems certain that Roberto Di Matteo is our next manager, with Steve Clarke coming in as his number 2.
While RDM wouldn’t have been my first choice, I do think my reticence has been tempered by the appointment of Clarke and I’m hoping that they’ll make a good “good cop, bad cop” pairing, with Clarke kicking the backsides of some of the players; just as we all want.
Also interesting is the appointment of Massimiliano Marchesi as our new fitness trainer. Click on his name, if you want to see his CV as a PDF.
I can’t say I know anything about him, but he’s very highly rated, which is excellent because our fitness has been shocking for a while. I’d actually suggest that his appointment will be possibly the most important of the lot, as we all know how tough the Championship is and players really do have to be at their peak.
At the same time, we don’t want someone who will flog the players to death either, but I’m sure he’ll know what he’s doing.
It’s certainly a combination I can get behind, but sadly I can’t make any promises about going to many games, as my work commitments just won’t allow it.
Which all means it’s much more important how you fans who actually turn up to the games actually think and hence we have to have a vote for this one, don’t we?
I suspect I already know what sort of result we’ll get, but I’m intrigued anyway.
Now we’ve got this part of the jigsaw in place, I’d hope that things start to move pretty quickly and Dr Xia soon gets the nod for his takeover.
I’d like to see some player movement too, both in and out, but we have to consider that most players are contracted until the end of June, so the manager will have at least a month to play with. Hence you’d hope RDM will have been tracking players and will have been given detailed reports on some of our mob.
I can’t wait to see who leaves, (the odd few who are worth a place in the Prem, apart) and trust we’ll see at least a few of the troublemakers moved out.
This feels ok to me.
Let’s hope it’s onwards and upwards, eh?
Blimey, Jack Woodward a victim of the redundancies?
I didn’t expect that one.
Very surprised at that – he was very highly rated by all accounts
Wonder whether Chelsea own RDM’s ‘image rights’ to 2025 as well?
Interesting question Ardent, but I suspect not.
He’s not quite on a par with Maureen, is he?
Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t RDM the ONLY Chelski manager to have lifted the CL trophy??
Correct. But it was an unconvincing and shite win if you ask me!
Who’s Jack Woodward?
BB – It may have been; but my point was that it was their ONLY one, so I’d imagine they might have done something about the fabled ‘image rights’ – after all Jose’s never won the damn thing for them, and they tied him up for 10 years!
BB, he’s the bloke who did the live commentaries and similar for the OS;
Although I’m loathe to link to the Brum mail lately , as it seizes my (modern) computer up, with the garbage scripts it runs on it’s site.
Couldn’t agree more Badger – Brum Mail web site is a nightmare to run – crammed with rubbish
I believe that to be correct Ardent
Lol….yes, given that they have only won it ONCE! 🙂
Really encouraged with Steve Clarke as number 2 where I think he’s at his best – not as a manager. Hope it’s going to be a winning combination.
Gabby welcomes Massimiliano Marchesi 🙂 🙂
“Who’s Jack Woodward?”…doesn’t he do the commentaries on the Villa site.
Yes mate, he was mainly on AVTV…..wouldnt mind betting I know you from the good old ‘3rd Division’ days as I went to almost every away game…happy days when we outnumbered most of the home fans 🙂
Di Matteo and Clarke………the new Clough and Taylor? Relieved he’s bringing a good number 2 with him – Clark won’t take any crap.
We had a very early naysayer in the poll.
I wonder who that was lol 🙂
Come on Oohah, explain.
I agree that Clarke definitely allays some of the fears about RDM, hopefully he’ll be the strong man we need to sort out our problem players. It would seem RDM has known he’s going to be the boss for a while now so hopefully he can hit the ground running and get the players we need in and out before too long.
I guess the next month will be very illuminating in seeing what our new owner is going to be like. For me, I’m very cautiously very optimistic, if that’s possible 😉
Sounds like a good combination to me! Feeling positive about this season.
Reports now saying Kevin Bond also part of DM’s team. It may be that part of the delay in making the announcement is that Dr. X wants the whole new team announced at one time. We shall see.
Kevin Bond – is this a further strengthening if DM’s team – certainly has an impressive CV.
I’m not so sure Clarke is coming & bond may well be the assistant manager why aren’t the OS not mentioning Clarke????
B’ham Mail still insisting that Clarkr will be Nr2 and Bond expected to join coaching team.
I really hope he is but still no official mention????it seems everyone else knows except the club
James Bond!!
Sky just announced it.
The OS has now confirmed the appointment of RDM no mention of his assistant though,I’ll be chuffed once our chairman is rubber stamped I’m one impatient fucker.
Ok, lets make RDM feel at home, first home game bring your cow bells, reliable watches, chocolate, Swiss army knives, ahh, maybe not them, uhmm…, cuckoo clocks. Ok I’m struggling now….a little help.
I’m with Badger in this having Steve Clarke makes a big difference. Clarke is regarded as being a brilliant defensive coach which we desperately need. RDM on his own would of been a disaster imo as everyone knows Terry waste one running the team when he east here and shouting orders from the touch line.
Can’t be the real OohAh…!
Yes it’s me trying to be positive lol
Amavi to Liverpool 11 million. Bloody hell they must like him.
To be fair their left back is pretty shocking (defensively)
Apparently what we’ve priced him at. They don’t really have a say in the price. Then again that’s what we paid for him and we don’t have an owner so it’s a relatively easy number to make up.
So Di Matteo is our new manager. Another we will be paying off in 11 months time, if not sooner.
The dislike wasn’t from a bluenose this time.
Just hoping that with a new owner, a new management team and hopefully a new team that the fans start showing some optimism and support the team fully.
I know its hard because we’ve been so used to having our hopes dashed but I think a buoyant attitude from the fans will help whoever represents us on the field this upcoming season. They’ll need all the help they can get.
@ Pat57
Unlike some on here, yourself included, I tend not to pay any attention to the likes or dislikes so whether it was used by a Blues fan, Albion fan or a non football fan I can assure you it won’t be affecting my sleep pattern. After all the site is called Villa news and VIEWS. That basically means peoples VIEWS. The beauty of the site is not every-bodies VIEWS are the same.
However if you feel your life is in a better place by paying attention to the like/dislike button, which it clearly is given the amount of times you have mentioned the dislikes you or others have received, then all the best with it. I hope it brings you many years of happiness. 🙂
Oooooh touchy, pat made a tiny comment & you write a large post on it.I’m sure it was said in jest
Yes it was a bit tongue in cheek but hard to make sure that comes over in text.
However very serious about us not hindering the progress of the team by being negative. I know it’s bloody hard after the years in the wilderness we’ve had but it is time to start believing again.
If we’re positive we can only hope this transmits to the team.
Pat I’m positive mate I’ve been depressed far too long now, it’s coming back onwards and upwards Utv VTID SOTC etc etc happy days to come 😀
Ironic mate – self criticism!
Well, at least they haven’t gone mad and offered him a 4 or 5-year deal to start with!
Knowing our luck he will prob do ok then bugger off typical villa
Sooner he buggers off the better. 🙂
Are you terry Jones in disguise????
I’ve been moderated lol obviously TJ is a swear word thats not allowed
1 pound into swear jar giddy. between you and i, we will fill that jar
Lol we could open our bank with the proceeds.
*our OWN
Does anyone have any idea how RDM has done in the transfer market at previous clubs with the focus on acquisitions?
Would assume he didn’t have say at Chelsea, and Schalke work with a sporting director so probably not there either.
Season 10/11
Gabriel Sebastian Tamas undisclosed
Pablo Ibañez Free
Boaz Myhill £1,500,000
Nicky Shorey £1,500,000
Peter Osaze Odemwingie £500,000
Somen Tchoyi £2,500,000
Marc-Antoine Fortune £2,500,000
Paul Scherner Free
Craig Dawson £1,000,000
James Hurst Free
Sam Mantom £20,000
Season 09/10
Simon Cox £1,500,000
Youssuf Mulumbu £175,000
Reuben Reid Signed
Joe Mattock £1,200,000
Gonzalo Jara £1,400,000
Andwele Slory Free
Pablo Ibanez Free
Steven Reid Free
Jerome Thomas Free
His WBA signings in the two seasons he was there.
Ask John Terry I think he told him who to sign!
@ Oohaah
Really wish you’d drop the Chelsea ‘Terry did everything’ bit.
Even if partly true RDM at least had the sense to do the things that brought success and, in this circumstance, not do the things that might jeopardise that success.
If he did rely on advice from a senior player, who knew the current club set up a lot better than him and who was also very influential in the dressing room, might this not show really good judgment and an acknowledgement of the reality of the situation he found himself in?
The one fact you can’t get around was that he WAS manager when they won the CL and FA cups. That’s an achievement and a half!
Hmmm I think any manager would of won it as long as they let the squad run itself. Just like Barton did with us. Problem that can only be sustained short term. Have to agree to differ.
welcome RDM :))))))))))))
in our position, i think he was the correct appointment. clarke as the assistant boosts the management qualities. between them they should be able to produce a solid defense unit, something that’s been a swear word at villa park. teams are built on being able to be solid at the back. only after this is addressed, can they work on the shot shy front line.
now the management is starting to take place i will be able to stop worrying. last season squad was really poor. so theirs plenty work for the new manager to sort out. but in the youth squad their are diamonds Rushian Hepburn-Murphy is one that iam convinced will be a hit next year.
Reporters on TalkSport keep saying Villa’s new Italian manager, he’s bloody Swiss, starting to get irritated by it now!
he represented Italy for internationals, perhaps its too much work to say swiss born italian represented manager.
Wikipedia says he was born in Switzerland tbh he could of been born in timbuktu as long as he does the job.UTV