Well, ok maybe “chomping at the bit” is a bit of an exaggeration, but the Mirror seem to think that he’s definitely interested in taking charge of the club.
I’d seen something similar earlier, while glancing at the news yesterday evening, but this article goes further in suggesting that the Villa are the only club he’d contemplate going into the Championship for.
Which is a pretty strong suggestion, if you consider that Newcastle and Sunderland might well be coming down with us.
Some might suggest that they’re at a similar level to us, after all.
So what’s changed between when we apparently sounded him out a while back and now?
Well, Moyes openly said all along that he was committed to the Sociedad job while he was wanted, which is admirable and fair play to him.
But I wonder if he said privately, that he’d love the job, if he was in the right position at the right time?
And if he could have the shout, with no transfer committee undermining him?
I wouldn’t go as far as to suggest that there was some sort of verbal agreement done, but I do wonder if there might have been some sort of understanding declared, as in if it suits both parties, it’s game on?
While I often doubt the Mirror as a source, we have to remember the Evening Mail is a sister paper, so you just never know if there might be something in this.
That said, Garde was apparently gone yesterday and it hasn’t happened, so all papers talk proverbial.
Moyes has consistently been amongst the candidates as Villa manager over the last few years though and to me, it’s understandable. He just seems a very good fit, for some reason.
While he was on a hiding to nothing at Utd, he did a very good job at Everton, another club who were until recently seen as at about our level.
But I do wonder if he still has that “spark”; that something that sets top managers apart?
I’ve advocated Moyes in days gone by as a good choice, but now, I’m not so sure.
As a manager to take over a struggling Premiership club, I think he’d be fine, as he’s pretty solid and knows what’s wanted.
But as the man to get us promoted again, I have serious doubts.
Basically, I wouldn’t know what to think if we were to appoint him; hence I’m asking your opinions.
And why do I have a sneaky feeling this story has been touted to see what the fans think?
Whatever, I’m happy to oblige and a poll might help;
That’s one crappy poll panel display, but I’m sure you get the gist.
Really not sure what to think of Moyes and have voted the same.
Moyes stock has fallen dramatically since he left Everton which is why he’s happy to drop down a division with us. Would he get us promoted? Probably over 2-3 seasons as he’s had experience in lower divisions and his teams are well organised. Would we want him in the prem if we came up? I’d say no he would at best be one step up from Lamberk he would be a safe pair of hands and we’d be a mid table team at best. I never rated him that much at Everton tbh but he’s become a bit of joke since he left them a bit like us I suppose…Oh well maybe he is right for us after all!! I’d prefer Pearson or Rogers if I’m honest though.
Our stock has also fallen dramatically over a longer period of time so to keep on believing we are going to attract the Mourinho’s, Ancelloti’s and Guardiola’s of the world are nothing more than foolish.
Would any of the above mentioned get us promoted at the first attempt?Probably not UNLESS the Daddy of all clear-outs happened, in which case I’d back Moyes everyday of the week to get us back up.
Moyes stock may of fallen but so has every manager appointed by AVFC under Lerner and to be fair to Moyes he was never going to succeed straight away at Man Utd following Fergie’s departure. Any manager that took over that club would of struggled due to the players they lost around the same time as Fergie retired. Like we need to do they are/have completely had to rebuild the footballing side of the club. (We are having to rebuild the while club)!
I’d be happy with Moyes PROVIDING he, unlike nobody else who has managed us under our current owner, is given COMPLETE control of football matters. Regardless of what football knowledge is available at boardroom level a “manager” needs to have total control of football matters.
Moyes would, for me, get us promoted with the right backing as well as building a solid, Premier League team. When that is achieved maybe we can start thinking about the worlds best but for now…….Moyes is exactly what this club needs (with backing).
I voted No, but you’ve just changed my mind!
Oscar Borg?? Wet Spam cast offs? Who’s sanctioned this???
He’s a bloody good tennis player though 🙂
its not about the manager to why villa have failed or fallen in recent years. but the clueless owner and his appointed board of idiots, they =never had one decent plan or stuck with it long enough for it to bare fruit.
last two managers have been hamstrung, one didn’t even bring in a cold. couldn’t even bring his right hand man. the board tried to appoint his assistant for him. sherwood i believe didn’t fair any better. i think he had little say over the summer recruits, therefor can’t really be blamed
with a new boardroom and being knowledgeable of what is needed to run a football club. next manager will stand a greater chance of succeeding, but he will must be allowed to manage the footballing side of the club.
in my opinion most of the current squad is appalling and responsible for garde disastrous short rein. how can any of them seriously look into the mirror, say they given anything like what was needed.
Nath, true mate, its the bloody owner we should be going at, he’s stitched up both managers and brought in incompetence directors, all for thinking I can do it cheaper.Moyes I honestly don’t know, he’s failed twice with Everton, Man Utd, we don’t have his type of owner to feel safe in being at Villa. Pearson yes only because he would stand no nonsense.
Tbf Moyes was stupid going to Utd straight after Fergie no other manager worth his salt would have took that job then. He was happy to be a patsy for them. He was crap in Spain too. Was never that keen on him at Everton tbh he won nothing and never beat a sky 4 team away from home. He had a decent squad there too and underachieved
He had a weaker squad than Martinez and yet managed to finish 4th once and 5th more often that not, hardly a bad manager.
True but I disagree he did have some decent players over the years. Look what the likes of Ranieri, Quichy, Koeman and pochetino have achieved with ltd resources.
thanks bill 🙂
oohahpaulmcgrath was warning us about the bleak future we are now living. long before many of us, he was actually correct with his very bleak fortune prediction. papering over the cracks was a very accurate statement. now were need major surgery.
so oohah could be right again. hell we should be good at picking managers by now, we have a new one every other month lol
Thanks Nath all that abuse I got as well. I could see it a mile of but hoped I was wrong. I wasnr trying to be negative just realistic too many fans burying their heads thinking it will be ok I knew this wasn’t the case. As for picking a manager I could t do a worse job than Fox 🙂
Moyes has something to prove. – to himself and English football in general. If that isn’t a motivator then nothing is.
The club have established a football board and I would be surprised (and dismayed) if the new manager is not directly involved with it and its decision making. If Moyes turned us down (ignoring the Sociedad commitment for a mo) as reported because the three wise monkeys wouldn’t give him control over footballing decisions then surely the new model should allay those fears.
Other than Rodgers, to my mind Moyes is the least risky appointment at this stage and would be a real coup for the club.
Having said all that the club will probably announce that Garde is staying after all!
Prefer Rogers if u look at Liverpool they’ve barely improved under Klopp and they gave decent players. Even though they didn’t win league Liverpool played some fantastic attacking football at times even better than their great 70s and 80s teams. Yes he had good players but Hodgson never made them play like that they just blew teams away especially at home
The thing I remember about Moyes’ Everton teams were that they were solid, consistent but still played some decent football and all done with very little money. They played for each other and had a good spirit about them.
I’d settle for that right now
They won nothing though on all those years he should of got at least a league cup imo
go get him.
I for one think, who would be better.
Like others have said he gets teams organised.
The Man U thing was not his fault, who ever went in was going to fail at that point.
No one else springs to mind unless a Brian Little with Martin Laursen combo…,
On an even sadder note than the Villa…
The great Johann Cruyff has died.
Saw him do the famous turn at VP, late 70s I think it was. He turned our full back inside out that night. Loved Barca ever since.
RIP Johann
I was there that night too he was brilliant at least we managed a 2.2. Also there a few years later when barca kicked us of the pitch in super cup we won 3.0 though.
Yes I remember that 3-0 victory.
Seems like a lifetime ago when you compare that team to the rubbish we’ve got now.
Suppose it was a lifetime ago really 🙁
I stewarded that match ,a great lift for us fans, a brilliant chuckle at the end with big Ken sparing and wasn’t they a bad sporting side in the game.Chico Hamilton, oh the memories. Take me back please.
It was a lifetime ago but people actually forget we an the super cup beating barca over 2 legs who were uefa cup champions. It confirmed our status as being the best team in Eurooe that year
Pat – Cruyff was simply the best player I’ve ever seen on a football pitch.
Absolute genius, and by all accounts a very decent bloke as well.
He’s not fit to lace Gabbys boots though 🙂
Rest In Peace. Also a good reminder not to smoke 40 fags a day…A legend.
I’d be happy to have one of Moyes/Pearson/Rogers to be honest.
What we need is a tough manager that can organise a defence, Rogers probably isn’t as good as Pearson or Moyes in that respect but he’s still a good manager.
Garde has been yet another awful appointment, i’ve yet to see him show any passion on the touch line or try and give any kind of instruction to the players during the game, we’d have been better off keeping Sherwood till the end of the season as Garde never had the dressing room, and that could not have been more apparent than at the Liverpool game when the players clearly sent out a message by not only not turning up, but blatantly putting in 10% effort (and that is being generous).
We have made bad decision after bad decision at boardroom level and this is where it has got us, we should have gone for Billic when we had the chance, we should have bought Defoe, we should have gone for Allardyce instead of Garde, there are endless examples of decisions we could have made that i believe would have put us in a better position than what we are in now, too many of them to list, but you get the jist.
I for one am now looking forward to relegation, i never thought i’d ever hear myself say that but i cannot bear another season like we’ve had over the past 5/6 years, i feel like a terminally ill patient wanting to go to Switzerland but cannot afford the plane ticket.
The end is nigh.
I have excepted the fact that we are relegated. As for a new manager I just don’t know, Moyes he is as good as anybody. We have a new board and hopefully things will change for the better . My problem and every Villa fans problem is Lerner will he but the money in to get us back up.
Dave, there was an excellent article recently posted which argued with facts that it hasn’t been a lack of investment by Lerner but poor judgement and management of that investment which has led to our current predicament – and that includes the MON years. He has converted £170m of his loans to the club (debt) into equity which he can only retrieve on a sale and has waived interest payments on the outstanding £30m debt.
I’m not excusing his failure to exercise proper management of the club nor am I seeking to exonerate him for his part in our demise. There is clear culpability on both counts, but it does seem to me that claims he has lined his own pocket at our expense are wide of the mark.
Too late, he may have realised this and the appointment of Hollis may finally prove to be a sensible move – only time will tell.
Explain how villa lost 27 m Leicester made roughly the same if Lerner not lining his pocket ,over 50 m swing,villas debt reduced ,debt to who
JVillan – if you want to know the answer to your question suggest you read the above
Still no explanation how small Leicester can make over 50 m more in a year when we got to cup final,everything stinks under Lerner since Mon walked
Have you actually read the article?
I noticed that “Player amortisation” was one and a half times greater than gate receipts in both of the past two seasons.
So if you have gone home from another VP calamity, thinking ‘I paid £40 to watch that rubbish’, you can console yourself, if that is the word, that the team actually lost £60 worth of value – just for you. Next game try to spot the £60 sneaking out.
You read the line where Lerner really pushed the boat put spending last summer all off about 10 m on team that was in bottom 5 for 5 seasons
Plus the year the accounts were for we bought Cole sendross Richardson Sanchez sissko and gil in Jan agreed deal for Sinclair for about or under 10 m after only spending 17 m previous 3 seasons
Total crap our accounts Lerner taking his money out bit by bit plus club worth of what he spent change sterling to dollars not be much different
H60 – Agree entirley.
I don’t believe that Lerner’s ‘lined his own pockets’ in any way at all; he’s just blown money because of poor judgement, poor management and even worse advice. They’ve spent money on the wrong players, on paying-off manager after manager [& assistants each time] – and just at the time when he could have pushed-on, Lerner got cold feet, lost interest and decided to look for a way out.
Why is it that a club which was attracting crowds of 40,000 for each home game in MON’s last season, and was on TV as often as almost anyone else at the time, never seemed to manage to land a big corporate sponsorship deal with any hosehold name, and ended-up with the likes of “FXPro” or “Genting” ? – Of course we’ve been on the slippery slope downwards for the last 6 years so it’s become even harder to do those sort of deals since 2010… just a vicious circle of decline.
If the wankers( guzan Hutton richards lescott wastewood bacuna and Gabby) are not moved out it doesn’t matter who manager is
As for trophies not won by Moyes McLeish won league cup
I agree there needs to be clear out , our problem is who s going to take them. Someone posted on this site not so long ago. I hope their agents have clubs lined up for them.
It’s just going to be like
Did well Rio coker
Ireland bent
Zog Cole sendross
All over again villa going have to take another financial battering
of all the managers being mentioned i would take any over the kermit, but the comment”if he has full control” is not going to happen when they are putting together a football committee who will have their finger in the pie before we start
Moyes: Never understood why Villa fans seemed to be waiting for him every time we had a managerial vacancy.
He was ‘OK’ at Everton, but even allowing for the very particular circumstances at ManUre when he went there, his career since then has hardly been brilliant.
Still, when we’re in the “Championship” next season, IF he’s got any hunger left to rebuild his reputation, he might just be the right fit [now].
I’m still undecided – suspect he’s now too old to start-over in the lower divisions.
Agree Ardent. Moyes also interested in managing Celtic which says it all about his ambition. You and me could manage then to win league in a one horse race
Apparently that’s why he’s interested in us as he’s not interested in the Celtic job.
Apparently he is according to some rags
Where does it say that Moyes has expressed an interest in managing Celtic? Seems the opposite in that he has said that Villa is the only club he would consider managing in the Championship. Given that Newcastle and / or Sunderland will get relegated that’s a pretty serious endorsement of our status. OK I know it’s paper talk but ………..
If true that’s good enough for me.
He’s only 52. Has a few years left in him I’d suspect. Not saying I want him but he’d probably join us and have years to rebuild. Although I fear for our better players (you know, the foreign ones our fans seem to hate but are much better than the British ones we have) as they’ll no doubt be sold. Can’t wait to see which Everton players we’d be linked too. Wouldn’t be surprised to see players like Pienaar, Gibson, Hibbert, Osman, maybe even Kone.
It’s at a stage now that its not going to happen, all this speculation from media, forums, think about it? We’re down, why pay off staff , they’re going to leave it till closed season and see what damage been done.Garde would have gone by now if they wanted.hes got till the season has ended.then to bring us back with making that move change of manager, Have to say thats now my thinking.
Disagree Bill. Garde and Villa just haggling over his exit – he will be gone before the Chelsea game.
IMHO it would be a mistake not to appoint a new manager now rather than leave it to the summer.
Sun now talking about Gary Monk being in the frame
He’s young and possibly a good prospect but I still think that Moyes is the better bet. Looking back he did okay at Man Ure with a 52.9% win ratio (better than Van Gaal did anyway).
What’s our win ratio at the moment? Man Ure was always going to fall apart after Fergie left anyway, he kept it going that last season by will power alone I think.
Moyes didn’t do well in Spain but who knows he might be like Guinness and not always export that well.
It might still be no more than paper talk but it seems like we’re getting a better standard of candidate for the job that I would have believed possible after the shambles of the last few years.
Has rock bottom finally been reached?
Hitch, he’ll go no two ways about that, but not till completed all this seasons games, thats my feelings over this unbelievable turn of avents, my thinking is Villa are washing dirty linen inside the club, the playing side is still to be dealt with in their time, i.e. closed season, think about it Hitch, its the boardroom that’s made a complete mess, that first team management, next team, then we might get major information about Villa, its strange that they have not up till yet told the fans anything about what’s happening or happened. Hitch my feels over what’s gone on.
Bill, you’re right about the laundry and that there will be a lot more blood letting before this is over. New Head of Operations (football) to come in and they still have to say something about Riley and his future role – as Head of Recruitment, how can he stay? In essence we only have differing views over the timing of Garde’s exit………unless the club u turn and are trying to persuade him to stay!
The sun are claiming we’re interested in bringing Gary monk in, I hope that paper is true to form & full of bollox.no thankyou
We need a Priest and a Rabbi a Monk won’t be enough 🙂
I’m hoping for blood and thunder Pearson utv
Agreed but some on here don’t.
hmmmm interesting posts since i last logged on, nobody has pointed out, that pearson backroom staff are all still at leicester. if he got the villa post, would this mean, he would need new backroom staff or would they leave the champions to join up with him in the championship. also was it the backroom staff and not pearson who made leicester the force they are.
its a massive job whoever is next maanger, its a total rebuild not just a new paint job. this is why i think rogers. but its just a gut feeling, he will get the new team playing more offensive. plus he always trusts the players on the ball and encourages this, plus promotes the youth
Good point Nath regarding Pearson’s backroom staff. It’s not that I would be unhappy with his appointment it’s just his reputation is built on a couple of seasons with Leicester – undoubted success but Moyes and Rodgers have more sustained ‘success’. Also concerned over Pearson’s volatility – something we defiantly don’t need at the moment.
A new paint job at Villa? The next manager is more likely to get a blow job from Lerner than a full makeover.
Happy Easter Villa kids!!!!!
Has anyone considered the salaries involved regarding moyes & Rodgers these guys wouldn’t come cheap.
It’s ok Giddy they have Fox’s salary available 🙂
good point giddy. i also wonder how much we have spent on sacking managers over the very recent years. also cant they insert a clause no comp if they don’t manager a 99% win record lol