Grealish has to stay and too many owners spoil the broth?

Of course there’s been much debate about if we should sell Jack Grealish or not.

I’m going to stick with my stance that we definitely shouldn’t.

Look, I know we need the money and indeed, he might bring in £30 million or so.
But to be honest, if I put my neutral hat on, I’m not really convinced he’s worth it and I can see where neutrals are coming from.
Jack had a decent semi against Liverpool and then faded back into the background as a useless, lazy so and so, just the same as I’d criticised him for previously.

But it seems that kidney injury really opened his eyes and he stepped it up another couple of gears, in bulking up and working massively hard in the gym.
He’s apparently much nearer the figures Bruce wanted to see, although there’s still room for improvement.
So much so, that he’s now a much more complete player, although he still has a lot to learn.

Remember, he’s still only 22 and there’s plenty of time for him to learn the art of becoming the “playmaker”.
Which I believe he should do at the Villa.

Yes, ok, Delli Ali is crap for England.
But he’s actually quite good for Spurs.
Will Jack be able to jump in and replace him?
I’m not so sure, even if Poch encourages kids.

So will Jack actually get much playing time at Spurs?
Again, I’m not convinced.

Much better for him to stay with us, where Bruce will base the team around him.
He will play every game, as long as he’s fit (as much as Bruce supposedly doesn’t trust young players) and will learn in a tougher league than the Prem.

Hence next year is the year we should look to sell.
If we haven’t been promoted.

All that said, the over-riding biggest reason we shouldn’t sell, is because of the signal it sends to the fans.
We sell Jack Grealish, we’ve lost all ambition.
We keep him and show that the Prem clubs that we are not going to bend us over and we retain some optimism.

It’s as simple as that.

And in the meantime, I saw a report this morning saying Jack’s going nowhere.
Followed about half an hour later, by a report that said that he actually wants to leave.

You have to laugh.

The next point is that Sawaris is Executive chairman, while Edens and Xia are co-chairmen.
That’s an interesting one, as although Sawiris and Edens have put the same money in, it would seem Sawaris is the one willing to spend.

So where does it leave Xia?
I’d suggest it’s an honourable climb-down.
The media says he will be bought out gradually and that does make sense.

I don’t see any conflict here.

Xia has gambled big time and lost.
And now, he’s easing his way out as slow as he can.

Thanks for supporting us while you were here Tony.


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  1. Pat 57
    Pat 57 July 23, 2018 at 11:06 pm . Reply

    Daily Star confirming Henry as new Villa manager –

    I love Henry but I fear this might be De Matteo all over again. Fingers crossed.

    1. Holte66
      Holte66 July 23, 2018 at 11:22 pm . Reply

      I hope this is just speculation. Media often put 2 + 2 to get 5. If it turns out to be true then it would divide fans in terms of who will be our best option for next season. I agree with Pat 57 and it would be history repeating itself. He was a great player but I found him quite dull as a sky pundit. Better to get Terry in instead.

    2. steve
      steve July 23, 2018 at 11:24 pm . Reply

      at least Henry knows how to go forward and Bould was at the heart of one of the best ever defences.

  2. badger123
    badger123 July 23, 2018 at 11:36 pm . Reply

    Ah shit, I possibly should have mentioned the Henri links, but I just don’t see it happening.

    If it happens, we’re knackered in the short and lomg term.

    It’s just another short term disaster waiting to happen, trust me.
    And if that’s what our new owners want, I’ll be on their backs from the off.

    1. Sidforever
      Sidforever July 24, 2018 at 6:59 am . Reply

      Wow wow wow Badger.

      If SB is about to be dismissed I am not that bothered. My reasoning is straight forward. Twice he has failed in his objective to have our club promoted. The critical part was last year. He had resources beyond the scope of all other clubs last year and did not achieve a top two position. Further he made a big play about experienced players. That did not work. Our experienced players significantly outweighed Fulham’s, but to no avail. I have become rather jaded with our club seemingly looking to sign mid 30 year olds on big contracts, rather than giving some of our U23 players a try. How many players has he purchased and decided he does not fancy? Plus, I really dislike his cautious team set up, especially when he had the best squad in the league at his disposal. Let the opposition worry about us, not us worry about them. Finally, SB acknowledged that he would receive the boot if failing to get us promoted.

      If it is true Thierry Henry is coming to Villa, then let’s roll with it. Badger, I would give our new owners some space. We now have the 3rd wealthiest owners in the English leagues. Hopefully over time they can counter the restrictive FFP rules and turn us into a dominant force again.

  3. Hitchens60
    Hitchens60 July 24, 2018 at 6:53 am . Reply

    Celebrity manager with no experience – I give you Zola and RDM – no thank you.

    It would also be a strange appointment given the new owners business acumen and all the statements around needing to reduce costs. Compo for SB plus, I suspect, a much larger employment package for Henry.

    Makes no sense whatsoever.

  4. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson July 24, 2018 at 7:07 am . Reply

    In my mind Idiotic move, he’s not proven manager just an icon to the name of football. Is this the American way of sitting in an office like they do in Collage soccer barking out orders, sacking them on the spot, Bruce didn’t get it right on the day but to be thrown away like that , not the English way its smacks of American ruthlessness being in charge. Wrong wrong football management.

  5. Bum Bum
    Bum Bum July 24, 2018 at 7:09 am . Reply

    Bloody hell!!!

  6. DSVilla
    DSVilla July 24, 2018 at 7:36 am . Reply

    I’m on the fence with Henry. It would be a big risk. Then again, I’m envious of Derby with Lampard. I would prefer that Henry was appointed as a coach or assistant manager, assuming Bruce stayed on to oversee a transition.

    I agree with Sid about Bruce. I will not be sad to see the back of him, for all the reasons Sid lists. I would have preferred an experienced manager with a more positive playing style. All this Championship experience stuff is overrated. Saying that, Henry is a big risk. Shame Wenger isn’t still at Arsenal as we could have loaned some of their talent.

    Hold tight it’s going to be some ride.

  7. Bum Bum
    Bum Bum July 24, 2018 at 7:40 am . Reply

    If these owners have experience in sport, they’ll be fully aware celebrity managers rarely work out, but I reckon they’d have done their homework and spoken to Roberto Martinez and Wenger to see if he’s properly ready. He may turn out to be a Zidane or Guadiola rather than a Zola or De Matteo. Henry is much more intelligent than most players, and I don’t think he’d risk his reputation lightly. He’s hands on, humble, pragmatic and not a Billy Big Bollocks like Matteo, and very clever. I’d rather Henry than Lampard any day. I sort of feel sorry for Bruce, but he’ll be paid off okay. I’m going to stick my short stumpy neck out, and say he’ll be massive for us. I just hope he doesn’t lose his accent and pick up a Brummie accent!

    1. Hitchens60
      Hitchens60 July 24, 2018 at 8:05 am . Reply

      Really good post Bum Bum – think you might have persuaded me to be more upbeat about Henry coming in.

      I’m not against replacing Bruce, although I will have a lot of sympathy for him given the personal losses he suffered last year which must have affected him in carrying out his job.

  8. Holte66
    Holte66 July 24, 2018 at 8:36 am . Reply

    It seems the Henry debate has split the posters opinions. Going back to my earlier post about if they do get rid of Bruce, wouldn’t JT be a better option than Henry considering he has had a years experience at the club?

    1. Hitchens 60
      Hitchens 60 July 24, 2018 at 10:36 am . Reply

      But has even less experience at managerial level. At least Henry has been working with Martinez and is reported to be bringing Steve Bould with him who has been assistant to Wenger for some time. I assume the owners would also have spoken to Wenger about Henry.

  9. steve
    steve July 24, 2018 at 10:49 am . Reply

    One of the most experienced managers out there is Allardyce but would you want him.

  10. Hitchens 60
    Hitchens 60 July 24, 2018 at 11:00 am . Reply

    Having said I wasn’t going to read the Brum Mail…

    Anyway, the first part of this article is Ho putting into perspective what Dr Tony has achieved for Villa. I know we all got angry with him for allowing us to get into a terrible financial state and felt frustrated that he was turning down offers for the club (according to the media) but to be fair he’s pulled a mega deal out of the hat and will probably find himself side lined within a year or so.

  11. Villain1
    Villain1 July 24, 2018 at 11:39 am . Reply

    Very torn – I’ve wanted Bruce out and still think its right for the club he goes due to the brand of football,and ultimate failure to deliver his aim of promotion.
    However, Henry is a gamble. An exciting gamble but its a big risk to take less than 2 weeks before the start of a new season following a very unstable summer. Like Lampard at Derby there’s just no idea how this is going to turn out. Really not sure what to make of it all – if it does happen I sincerely hope some experienced coaching staff are brought in to supplement Henry

  12. steve
    steve July 24, 2018 at 12:24 pm . Reply

    Ahead of the play off final the Fulham manager said Villa were old and tired. He was right and with Bruce I am afraid it would be more of the same.

  13. Pat 57
    Pat 57 July 24, 2018 at 12:40 pm . Reply

    Having given it a little thought I’m kind of warming to the idea of Henry taking over. I also agree with Steve above that Villa did indeed look a tired team with very limited options.

    Perhaps Henry might shake them up a little and also might be more in favour of giving our younger players a chance.

    It might also mean that players will come to Villa with him in charge who might not have otherwise and, just as importantly, some players might decide to stay. It’s a hell of a gamble but perhaps a roll of the dice right now might be just what we need.


    1. Third generation villian
      Third generation villian July 24, 2018 at 4:35 pm . Reply

      I may be getting to the age where i am out of touch, but can someone explain to me how Henry can accept the job when Bruce has not been sacked up to the time of writing this.

      More media bull*** it may come to pass in the future but i am sure its made up at the moment.

      1. Hitchens60
        Hitchens60 July 24, 2018 at 4:46 pm . Reply

        It’s a good point TGV. Reading between the lines (and assuming it’s not total bulls**t) then I guess the owners may have sounded him out on the basis IF we decide to change managers would you be interested. Now that level of story is of no interest so spin it up a bit without actually telling a complete fib and voila!

        The other point that was mentioned and has been conveniently overlooked is that (allegedly) his interest is conditional on assurances over his package and the transfer budget he would have. What transfer budget? If FFP reports are to believed we have to sell – but it’s also noticeable that suddenly the media don’t see FFP as a problem anymore.

        As you say, bulls**t and we know it is but we all read it trying to get information – sad really!

  14. Holte66
    Holte66 July 24, 2018 at 6:26 pm . Reply

    I’m hoping that because it’s come from the Daily Star that it’s probably lazy journalism. An ex player going into management after his 5 minutes work experience with Belgium. What a fantastic job he did single handily winning 3rd place with a mediocre team. Let’s get real though. He has no championship experience. It doesn’t matter who is contacts are because we can’t sign anyone. Steve Bould as a possible assistant because he was a solid defender and made Arsenal’s defence watertight. Give me a laugh. Arsenal went pear shaped when Pat Rice retired. Also so far pre season preparations and friendlies have already begun and are going well. Steve Bruce knows the set up inside out. He has improved us since his appointment and only just missed out on promotion last season. If we continue to improve then we should get automatic promotion this season, and deserves one more opportunity. I agree that sometimes his tactics and approach to some games have been frustrating, and it would be great if we went gung ho every game and won easily, but we aren’t Liverpool or Man City. We have to remember how things have changed since Di Matteo left us near the foot of the championship, free falling like Sunderland have, with fans and players disconnected and morale throughout at an all time low. It was Bruce who picked the club up not Xia which has been reported. I know I’m probably in the minority on this site, but lets not be fickle this time round.

    1. Hitchens60
      Hitchens60 July 24, 2018 at 6:44 pm . Reply

      Generally, I agree with everything you say Holte but then I’ve been accused of always defending Bruce.

      1. Holte66
        Holte66 July 24, 2018 at 8:54 pm . Reply

        Hitch, did you see Collymores comments? I actually agree with him that the club has become a bit of a soap opera and in the past we just heard and cared about the team. The boardroom was hardly ever talked about. Even the managers were low profile with a few exceptions. If Henry does get the job I will back him 100% but I fear Di Matteo the sequel.

        1. Hitchens60
          Hitchens60 July 25, 2018 at 8:04 am . Reply

          Yes, I did read his comments Holte and do get what he is saying and he’s right, the club’s loudest voice should be on the pitch

  15. nath
    nath July 24, 2018 at 6:57 pm . Reply

    new owners and new investment was needed.can’t blame them for wanting to bring some of their own input into the club or just adding some panache. Henry will bring something different to the club. good or bad i guess we will find out soon. if the stories are true. i cant see it working unless he sells most of the players and brings in his own set players. hes missed the pre season and hardly any window left to do his buiness. so he would have to deal with bruces troops. who are limited in the beautiful game.

    i cant help to feel sorry for bruce, who not only missed his goal by the skin of his teeth,a poor1st half performance by us.bad refereeing also hindered him in the most important game of our history. =he also suffered personal problems leading up to this massive match. seems the gods were against us and him and maybe its time to part. i think he would have got promotion this season if he had grealish. but he has also got his excuses if we didn’t the ffp and whats happened to us in recent weeks.

    we needed a new manager to start the new era, these guys with the money, its only fair they get their man to lead us. we should all back them. loads of posters on here didnt like bruce and they finally get their wishes, so i hope to see more positive posts all the way through the season. win or lose.

    1. Sidforever
      Sidforever July 25, 2018 at 12:24 am . Reply

      The following will be taken the wrong way by many. But here I go.

      A number of people on this site and others refer to SB sufferering personal problems last year. During this very difficult period for him he carried himself with absolute professionalism and I respect him for that. And then this is the point, SB is paid to be professional. If we have paid employment there is an expectation. If I am cynical, the more someone is paid the greater the expectation.

      If SB is given the boot I will remember him as being professional, having high integrity and being honourable. Unfortunately in our £ is king football pressure cooker these high individual values are no longer valued.

      The king is dead long live the king!

  16. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson July 25, 2018 at 8:00 am . Reply

    I’m wondering if all this about Henry being manager might not happen, this is my thinking, why have the new owners set up a meeting for today with Bruce and not saked him .could it be that Bruce might move upstairs and oversee Henry in the job, or could Henry be joining Villa as chief coach, I cannot believe them yanks would be that Calais to put Bruce through mental torture letting him stew about his just seems a rotten way to put him through not knowing. looking around websites most want Bruce to stay, its just that I don’t like the way all this came about for Bruce.

    1. Hitchens60
      Hitchens60 July 25, 2018 at 8:14 am . Reply

      Good points Bill.

      There was an article I read where (allegedly) Bruce has admitted that the tragic loss of his two parents so close together distracted him from preparing the team for the final run in. Personally, i don’t know how he coped with the grief and being in the media spotlight but somehow he did.

      I have been pulled two ways over the Henry story but have ultimately decided that I want Bruce to stay as manager. To bring in someone now with virtually no experience just two weeks ahead of the season’s start is utter madness and would give me no confidence in the owners supposed football knowledge.

      I couldn’t See Bruce accepting a Director of Football type roll – not his thing.

      Someone posted elsewhere – ‘funniest thing would be Bruce resigning and Henry refusing the job’ – except it would be disastrous not funny.

  17. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson July 25, 2018 at 8:40 am . Reply

    It’s just that its a bad way to treat a person Hitch, My lad was in business with a 23 held American company two years ago and had to chase a order off them, he couldn’t believe how the work force was treated. If they didn’t do overtime your sacked, if you didn’t work on or work Sunday you was sacked. Glad to say he broke away and now has control of his companies. Hitch they are ruthless to the workforce and seeing this to Bruce made me angry. I do hope good news comes out of this for Bruce after his bad year, I’ll always support who ever takes on the job, its the Villa.

    1. Hitchens60
      Hitchens60 July 25, 2018 at 1:36 pm . Reply

      Agree Bill – my brother had bad experiences working for American company. Arrogant and they don’t care about the employees.

  18. Bum Bum
    Bum Bum July 25, 2018 at 9:00 am . Reply

    Whatever happens, Bruce, and Terry in his own way, have both made us look like a proper football club again. If he does leave, we need to thank him at the first home game of the season.

  19. Hitchens60
    Hitchens60 July 25, 2018 at 1:38 pm . Reply

    Sawiris and Edens have said they want to engage with the fans and have written to the major fan groups. If they’re serious about that I suggest they take note of the various polls being run. With an average sample of over 4,000 they all show over two thirds of fans want Bruce to stay. I say sack him at your peril.

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