A few weeks ago when Larry Ellison was being talked off I explored some links between him and Lerner. This was in the belief that Randy is going to sell us to some he knows.
Well following on from today’s announcement I have looked at any links to Philip Anschutz and then came across something.
You will know that we are going on tour to Texas in the Summer, I always held off from saying this was to new owners. Of course Anschutz owns one of the teams Houston Dynamo’s that we are playing. Well the other team is FC Dallas ….
The owner there is Clark Hunt.
Hunt also owns the Kansas City Chiefs NFL team so there is no doubt he and Randy in owners meetings have met many times. He has also owned previously the Columbus Crew and who did we play in Lerner’s home state of Ohio a few years ago ?
If you google Clark Hunt you will see his name linked with takeovers at Palace, Newcastle and West Ham, so he has had interest in English football.
Could it be we see a joint ownership between the two and do they know each other ?
The answer is a clear yes as THIS LINK shows and let me quote
The joint project is the result of a unique partnership between Hunt Midwest, a full-service real estate development company owned by the Lamar Hunt family, and LightEdge Solutions, which is owned by Qwest founder Phil Anschutz. The long relationship between the Hunt and Anschutz families helped foster the partnership.
Lamar Hunt (deceased) was Clark Hunt’s dad … the two are obviously very close, a joint bid from them is now by favourite.
Lambert’s off to the states to see Randy, why didn’t he just post his P45?
Even better mate couldn’t he do it online????
Or by fax? Text msg?
If Lerner had a buyer they would be in place straight away to sort things out and do things their way.There is no buyer or one even close.He has put the club up for sale and that’s it it’s a come and get me from Lerner to potential buyers.But yet again you called for him to go so he puts the club up for sale very dangerous times club is actually floating with an owner who doesn’t want the club.
Here is your next clue lads. Its about the manager NOT the owner.
‘There WILL be a Turkish connection’
Now …..sit back…stay calm and wait for Ian to catch up….3 months should be long enough!
graeme souness lol
Oohah…you are extremely warm with that guess!
Next clue…..Balotelli….thats all for now folks!!
BWS….its all about opinions!
His win record is excellent but isn’t he also known for incredibly dull style of football?
I think most Villa fans are all dull footballed out LV.
Roberto Mancini?
Id rather have Henry.
iv no idea was just joking about souness. pls dont tell me its him!!
Samet Aybaba.
Will it be a delight?
Got that wrong Langford,its Celtics manager got to be a jock. AGAIN. 🙂
Lennon? He’s an Ulsterman Bill but still no thanks, no more Scottish Football connections.
BILL….definetely NOT Scottish!
Be back with another clue soon!
Well he got a good track record with raising from the dead, Lazarus FC? Nice ring to it.
Giddy…no, I’m NOT….but I’m a very close second 🙂
Jesus saves and Benteke nets the rebound 🙂
Pontius put the cross in!
Victor Moses…I cant Adam and Eve it!
Slavan bilic?????
Ersan yanul????!
Donna kebab!!
Aint that a cream for piles?
BWS….Dont worry, I’ll get to the bottom of it 🙂
I’m trying to guess who the fuck LANGFORDS on about I’m sure there’s a manager called JESUS.
Jorge Jesus?
Benfica manager. 😉
Cheers Andrew some on here think I’ve lost the plot mate.
Randy has been looking to sell for a couple of years, and I think he has now found a few buyers willing to stump up some cash, the deal couldn’t have been done if we went down – we are in the premiership so it will go through… He has put out his statement because the deal is not done yet, but I am sure if he had no buyers and was worried about finding one, he would not have put transfer activity on hold as premiership survival is financial imperative to him…… Lets just hope the new owner/s complete the deal quickly.
I hope your right mate cuz I couldn’t stand another season like last.This uncertainty is worrying….Hoping for new owners very soon with big transfer kitty…….It could just be he(Lerner)has just put the club up for sale and there is no buyer
It could be JayDee but its unlikely, acquisitions are all cloak and dagger stuff when consultants such as BoA (Merrill Lynch) work on this type of stuff its all kept very secretive, so Randy putting out on the WWW must mean he has a number of potential buyers, I heard there were 4…. lets just cross our fingers.
With the Financial Fair play rules now in place im not really sure it matters that much who takes over we need to increase revenue. We could try doing this by putting our ticket prices up to the kind of Chelsea/Arsenal level i.e over £75 a ticket but we as fans are not so keen on financing success ourselves we always want someone else to do it so all i can see in the future is the same old same old no matter who is the owner of the club, that is modern football. Unless you are in the chamions league you are only ever going to be making up the numbers
just do what city do flout the rules and get a £50m fine then tie them up in legal paperwork for years to come simples
So the most important thing for us this season was survival. Why? Because it makes us a more attractive club to purchase or because it was part of the terms of the potential/actual buyer.
please bare with me now and remeber the above.
Randy strikes me as the very cautious type especially as of late and yesterdays statement was held of untill the end of season. This was obviously so not to distract and demotivate the squad from their job and survive the premier league.
please bare with this does mean something.
when you go to sell your house you do so realising it could take months maybe a year or two. And would imagine a football club to be the same. Unless of course you have a buyer. If Randy doesn’t have a buyer and has put the club up for sale then this is almost certain to take a long time. Which is why we know now we do have a buyer. As dragging this on into next season may jeopardise our premier league status as moral and future would he limited for squad.
this would loose Randy alot of money
agree tom if there is no buyer lined up it could take years. also this ffp dosnt help as no one can really come in and spend the money they would like to to get us into top 4. having said that there should be an argument that they can spend what they like and worry about the consequences later as if they are as rich as city owners they can tie them up in legal paper work for years which city might do. also it can be seen as unfair as it gives the existing sky an unfair competitive advantage and does not give a club who have a lot of money to spend chance to compete. it would stick in the crawl of the media if we nicked a top 4 space at the expense of their favourites like utd, liverpool etc
Tom, others have made that excellent point and clearly the club leaked to say no more negotiations on the playing staff as well. This again all leads to the conclusion of a quick sale and conclusion to this because as you say Randy can not afford to do otherwise.
We’re in serious doo doo I feel it in my water.
I hope your right and there is a buyer as AVFC needs massive fresh input in a lot of areas
Ian why would you invite lambert half way across the world to sack him. Considering Randy has been so impressed and a lot of respect for lambert surley he doesn’t land this bomb after 12 hours flying? IM convinced we are sold but not convinced lambert is gone just yet.
I did not read it that Lambert was invited, rather than he decided to go to NY on his own initiative, but either way there is a reason other than staying in the job. Compensation. Having survived in the EPL Lambert has probably fulfilled his contract obligation for this season and is therefore entitled to loss of office compensation. New owners might very well make it a condition of purchase that the sale goes through with the chair vacant, all compensation to be settled by the seller.
i think lamberk will stay until new owners are found.
he will that is obvious as someone is needed at the club because Lerner has cleared out.
Nath I could be wrong mate sell to buy?? As for funds made available carnt see it happening. Contract talks again carnt see it until a new manager is installed if that’s the outcome??
Ps as for the contract talks concerning gabby I’m not particularly bothered as his days have come & gone.
Matt Kendrick damming report on lamberk. Amazing how he’s grown a pair too little too late matt. Article should have been written a year ago at least http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/aston-villa-end-season-report-7116263?
i honestly believe lerner is more calculated than this, i believe he had decided to sell aston villa before he hired lambert. paul lambert came with a reputation for working under restraints and getting results, i believe he was hired to make aston villa more attractive to potential buyers, reducing debts and running cost while keeping villa in the top flight,
so all this said, i believe the sale of villa will not happen anytime soon,the statement lerner released buys him time with fans,but lambert will again be set impossible task of running the ship without any major money if any.
ppl seems 2 b guessing and dreaming of loads of money new owner if i were to bet i would say villa will be owned by lerner and managed by lambert 4 the coming season. were will the new tv money go i like to ask ????
What’s he got to lose?? Chairman, CEO & a manager on there way out MATE the leash is now removed.
exactly which proves he bottled it before and he was dictated to by the club. he should of grown a pair and write what he wants anyway. who gives a fuck if it gets him banned from bmh its not like he can print the truth anyway. He would probably find out more off social media sites
Lerner probably thinks the decent thing would be to sack him face to face. On the flip side if his job is safe why make him travel to america to tell him.
Finally i think Dalglish was made to go to america to be sacked from liverpool
I don’t know if Billys Boots is inside the offices in B6, but the normal accountants’ activity in a take-over case is that an accountancy firm, other than the Villa auditors, goes through the books on behalf of the buyer (due diligence) and just before or just after the seller’s (Villa) auditors go through the same exercise, so as to have the same picture. I think BB posted he has seen the Auditors already, that I guess being Villa’s auditors. That would be unlikely with no buyer lined up.
Except that we’re approaching Villa’s ordinary financial year-end; not sure how they do it now, but back in the ‘old days’ [ – & when I had friends in the profession who worked for the then-auditors] you’d go in and start an interim audit before the year-end, and go back and finish it a couple of months after.
So I’d really like to know just which ‘Auditors’ were the ones that Billy saw/heard had arrived last week!
The Kraft Group
180 mill
Apparently Cadbury’s have put in a bid for Villa but it’s only a Wispa!!
hope your wrong there jaydee would be bad news
I can see it now, getting on the bus at Bournville to Villa Park with a bar of chocolate.Jay Dee Kraft’s was tacken to task over cadbury take over, cannot see them having Villa,
knowing our luck we will probably get taken over by Willy Wonka and his oompa lumpas…Oh wait!!
Lambert also to lose his job
Ellison also his name keeps popping up a lot at the minute
The Kraft Group is nothing to do with Kraft Foods who own Cadbury.
Is that right Jim? I never knew that, sorry mate ?
The Kraft Group would not be my first choice.
Nor mine mate just putting up a bit of info on em as I read they’ve put a bid in.
I know the league is forever changed with the FFP rules, but there is just something about The Kraft Group that makes me think of Liverpool’s situation with Hicks – Gillett. They have the money, but I’m not convinced they would be buying the club for the right reasons. At least reasons up supporters care about.
Whoever comes in I hope we get a new logo though. I’d like to see a lion with claws.
Just had a gander at Kraft New England patriots & New England revolution are a couple of theirs & either ain’t no bottom of the league fodder ie the browns.
Well the Patriots are one of the all time top NFL teams but I really do believe no one knows who will take us over apart from a very tight small circle around Randy.
Are they ?
In recent times they’ve had success with Brady, but they didn’t win a Superbowl until the 21st Century.
I actually agree with you on your latter statement so I don’t know why people are making wild stabs in the dark.
I honestly don’t think that there is a definite buyer or that any talks are at particularly advanced stages. The one thing that we can’t really accuse Lerner of is dishonesty, so why his statement of ‘I can’t offer Villa fans what they want, I will look to find someone who can for them’ is taken as ‘I have someone buying the club’ I do not know.
Vaze – As often, a very sensible point you’ve made about Lerner’s statement.
A lot of this speculation is getting too intense and people are adding 2+2 and getting 101.
We’ll find out soon enough if there really have been any serious approaches, although my gut feeling is still that this is going to drag on for weeks, if not months…
Lol…so what is this post (your post) all about?
You really are a screwed up young man!