It’s looking like Roy Keane as the new assistant

It’s been pretty much confirmed that Roy Keane will not be going to the World Cup with ITV.
And if you read the following quote from an ITV spokesman, it’s also pretty obvious that he isn’t going to be a pundit at all in the near future, at least;

“Roy has been a tremendous part of our pundit team in recent years, but we fully understand his decision to concentrate wholly on his coaching,” “We wish him every success for the future.”

Hence, there’s every chance that he will be coming to the Villa.
So what do we think of this?

Well, to be honest I’m not impressed at the thought.
While I think Keane was an absolutely fantastic player (I even remember calling for the Villa to sign him before Man Utd got him), I don’t rate him at all as a good man manager, which is surely what is needed for an assistant?
He’s always given the impression that he relates to other people in the same way as he played his football; hard. But unlike as a player, without any finesse or skill.
In other words, a bit of a bully.

Which makes this seem a very strange addition to the staff, given that the previous assistants were sacked after accusations of bullying?
Unless of course, it’s so Lambert can play “good cop, bad cop?
Except I don’t really see that being the case.

And then there’s the timing of it all.
What will Keane want in wages? I don’t know, but I doubt he’ll come cheap.
So why would Randy Lerner be willing to shell out, when he could just get some lesser known (and hence cheaper) coach in? At least that would fit the pattern of what’s been going on lately.


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  1. Jay Dee
    Jay Dee June 3, 2014 at 1:44 pm . Reply

    No deal imminent for the clubs sale.AVFC still need to be competitive and need a number two.Just watched an interview with Tony Cascarino which in it he states Roy Keane is rebuilding his managerial career by being a number two with intentions of being number 1 in the future.As it stands we need a good,strong mentally minded person with a bit of grit. Keane brings passion,grit,determination,winning experience and know how to a team who needs it.I think the players can learn a lot from Roy Keane.UTV

  2. Jay Dee
    Jay Dee June 3, 2014 at 1:48 pm . Reply

    Taylz has just tweeted Roy Keane……Like It….#UTV

    #HELENIUS June 3, 2014 at 2:03 pm . Reply

    Fuck the managerial role – Sling him in the middle!!!!!

    GIDDYVILLAN June 3, 2014 at 2:05 pm . Reply

    Scrapeing the barrel seems apt.gee fucking whizz

  5. steve
    steve June 3, 2014 at 2:46 pm . Reply

    Wasn’t Culverhouse accused of bullying players !!!

    1. #HELENIUS
      #HELENIUS June 3, 2014 at 3:01 pm . Reply

      Wasn’t it the intimidating and mocking of the youth team players?

      Keane wouldn’t do that, sure he’d tell the first teamers when theyr’e shite and too right he should

  6. Kerryvillan
    Kerryvillan June 3, 2014 at 2:46 pm . Reply

    When i first heard the rumour i wasn’t keen on the idea but the more i tink about it the more it looks a good idea, our midfield needs a load of work and keane can surely be some help if we can’t sign any new players in that position, Delph isn’t too dissimilar to keanes style as a midfielder for example. However this looks bad for a takeover! I think this basically confirms nothing will be changing before the season starts otherwise why bring in any new coaching staff? The simple answer is you wouldn’t. If the club was about to be sold nobody new would be hired so now im firmly in the “we’re screwed” camp.

  7. markdrapernumber8
    markdrapernumber8 June 3, 2014 at 3:07 pm . Reply

    I really like this idea for some mad reason. Hope it goes well for him. As it stands nothing can get any worse from back to front.

  8. nath
    nath June 3, 2014 at 3:12 pm . Reply

    kerryvillian stole my thunder, if a take over was imminent, there would be no need for hiring a new assistant for only to be sacked, along with wots left of the management team. this crap is starting to annoy me. i can see no new players arriving and uncertainty about owners will plague us all this upcoming season.

    lerner reduces his asking price is a interesting story ~ wot do we think of this ???????.
    i think its bulshit i will only believe this when i see some proof, seems like lerner is all heart. but if this was the case, why only just announce it. i don’t buy hes only realized the asking price is well over the the going rate

    worried villa fan 🙁

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath June 3, 2014 at 4:59 pm . Reply

      i think keane is there to be manager with lambert going to celtic or maybe helping his bum chum at ROI

  9. marvin
    marvin June 3, 2014 at 3:17 pm . Reply

    Surprise, surprise – When I read this news last night I couldn’t believe it, but I have to agree with Jay Dee on this one. I don’t like the guy personally, but on paper he is everything we need right now to stay focused. With a club in midst of a sale it will be far to easy for the players to slack off and/or sleep walk into relegation next season. So, if the rumors are true and Lambert does appoint Keane it at least shows me Lambert doesn’t intent to let the club completely fall apart, which is great news.

    1. Saddened
      Saddened June 3, 2014 at 4:15 pm . Reply

      Agreed Marvin, think he will really shake things up a bit and hopefully wake a few players up…. Just because he may appoint an assistant doesn’t mean to say the club will not get sold, but its obvious nothing is imminent which is a huge shame !!

    2. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath June 3, 2014 at 4:58 pm . Reply

      how standards are falling keane was a disaster at sunderland and ipswich they couldnt wait to get shot now we will be getting him as a manager via the back door ffs. remember when he spent £10m for craig gordon worse than mon ffs

      1. marvin
        marvin June 3, 2014 at 5:08 pm . Reply

        I’m not thrilled by this news, but name one player in our current squad who wouldn’t do what he says though… Jump. How high? Who knows, maybe his presence on the training grounds might just be enough.

        Craig Gordon, is he still playing?! Well lucky for us Lambert doesn’t even have 10m for Keane to waste, or influence him to waste.

      2. Saddened
        Saddened June 3, 2014 at 6:28 pm . Reply

        I understand Oohah, but he may give em a kick up the arse they need…. Just trying to stay a little more positive as I know we are in the deep shite

        1. Andrew
          Andrew June 3, 2014 at 7:56 pm . Reply

          He’d give them a kick up the arse, but as per usual, he’d take it far too far, like he did especially at Ipswich. He’s far too big of a hard ass that’s not going to do well at Villa and the fragile nature of the squad. Yelling and screaming of that nature is going to completely fail. But then Lambert’s constant pandering to the team so they listen to him is the same way. Got to have a balance, neither of them do.

        2. OohAhPaulMcGrath
          OohAhPaulMcGrath June 3, 2014 at 9:07 pm . Reply

          Nothing to do with a kick up the arse they simply arnt good enough no matter how hard they try.

      3. Colonius81
        Colonius81 June 3, 2014 at 6:44 pm . Reply

        lets stick to the facts oohaah, sunderland couldn’t wait to get rid of him so he resigned and then chairmen pleaded with him to stay …
        nope .. 100% wrong there.

        ipswich was total mediocre, judge away on that front,

        1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
          OohAhPaulMcGrath June 3, 2014 at 9:08 pm . Reply

          He jumped before he was pushed as didn’t want sacking on cv. Clubs scared to sack him because of his name so made out they wanted him when they didn’t. And if as you say he resigned then it proves he can’t hack it

  10. Jay Dee
    Jay Dee June 3, 2014 at 4:25 pm . Reply

    Cascarino was on Sky Sports saying Roy Keane was reinventing his managerial career and wanted to start as a No2 eventually moving up to a manager again

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath June 3, 2014 at 4:53 pm . Reply

      so basically he wants to practice with us a stepping stone fuck that. dont want him complete tosser

      1. Andrew
        Andrew June 3, 2014 at 5:10 pm . Reply

        Or he’s been told he could be Villa’s future manager if a new owner feels he’s done well enough?

        1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
          OohAhPaulMcGrath June 3, 2014 at 5:31 pm . Reply

          exactly he is not giving up itv to work under the clown we already have. he is our new manager only a matter of time. Bet Fergie gave lerner a reference ffs. Fergie picking our manager yet again. bye bye villa been nice supporting you but no ,ore iv had enough club is a joke

          1. Andrew
            Andrew June 3, 2014 at 6:58 pm . Reply

            Lol… You love to irritate yourself by making up these side stories that don’t exist.

  11. Andrew
    Andrew June 3, 2014 at 4:28 pm . Reply

    Okay okay okay okay okay… Now I just read that Hull City are close to signing Bertrand for 5m. Now I don’t want him back, but did he not claim he wanted to join one of the bigger clubs to continue growing?

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath June 3, 2014 at 4:53 pm . Reply

      ha ha good fuckin riddance rather them than us complete shite

      1. Andrew
        Andrew June 3, 2014 at 7:02 pm . Reply

        No no, we’re just not ambitious, can’t afford his wages according to some people who must think he was actually good. 5m, which is less than Bennett and Luna cost together who are each as good as he is, on the same wages together Bertrand will be on at Hull. WE HAVE NO AMBITION TO SIGN HIM UNLIKE HULL CAUSE WE CAN’T “AFFORD” HIS WAGES…

        Oh man… Love this stuff.

        1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
          OohAhPaulMcGrath June 3, 2014 at 9:09 pm . Reply

          Fuck me if Bertrand means ambition then I’m glad we don’t have any

          1. Andrew
            Andrew June 4, 2014 at 4:04 am . Reply

            Good to see my sarcasm didn’t work.

            But I fully agree. A dozen or so LB’s we could sign better than him.

            In fact, let me name some.

            Davies, Pieters, Tabanou, Willems, Gabriel Silva (I’d recommend him to anyone personally), Taylor, Murru, Gunter, Telles, Creswell, Planas, Caldirola… And yes I named them simply because I had/have a feeling I’d be asked too. 😉

  12. steve
    steve June 3, 2014 at 4:35 pm . Reply

    Bertrand flattered to deceive. Not interested especially for that money

  13. Andrew
    Andrew June 3, 2014 at 4:39 pm . Reply

    Fully agree, just flabbergasted by his comment and then he’s set to join fucking Hull.

    GIDDYVILLAN June 3, 2014 at 5:08 pm . Reply

    LERNER slashing the price by 50mil??????? Transfer funds zero ?????? The sign of a man desperate to get out.

  15. Jay Dee
    Jay Dee June 3, 2014 at 5:09 pm . Reply

    Who says Lambert has no money

    GIDDYVILLAN June 3, 2014 at 5:13 pm . Reply

    Who says he does?????

    1. Jay Dee
      Jay Dee June 3, 2014 at 5:17 pm . Reply

      Exactly we don’t know do we

        GIDDYVILLAN June 3, 2014 at 5:24 pm . Reply

        So Lerner is going to be even more out of pocket????? That’s my question

        1. nath
          nath June 3, 2014 at 5:40 pm . Reply

          no giddy your right. lerner isn’t gonna spend another penny,not even to safe guard our immediate future and safe guard his investment, kills me 2 see little hull tigers invest in players, for the best interest for this great club. things need to happen yesterday. lerner has short changed us over the last two years only to stop imputing completely,this maybe damning with fatal repercussions

          1. GIDDYVILLAN
            GIDDYVILLAN June 3, 2014 at 5:55 pm . Reply

            LERNER is now disinterested in the club so why now spend money???

  17. Tom
    Tom June 3, 2014 at 5:32 pm . Reply

    Shame on Hull for lazy scouting and using no imagination and effort for signing Bertrand. They took him from Chelsea and it simply glorifies his name, sorry but Bertrand really wasn’t anything special and I see this as positive for villa. So that’s that out the way.

    For me Roy Keane is an absolute no way! Aragont, big headed, rude and I only anticipate disaster, unrest, confrontation and then the inevitable loss of the dressing room. No no no and no. More over I couldn’t think of anyone worse to lift and nurture a young squad. I actually think someone like Owen Doyle as a number 2.

    And last we all know when we put a house or car or whatever up for sale we make it a little higher than what we want for it. If this rumour is true I can only imagine it to but a rehearsal from Lerner and his gang. I do believe there is interest from 2 or 3 parties and I’m confident a take over will be complete in time for the start of new season.

  18. Jay Dee
    Jay Dee June 3, 2014 at 6:11 pm . Reply

    Villa have to be kept competitive,attractive and in the premier league to be a good purchase that’s why Lerner will spend

  19. Andrew
    Andrew June 3, 2014 at 7:00 pm . Reply

    We dun can’t compete with da major powers dat be Hull who offer 40-50k to da Bertrand who so good for Villa and dey clearly ambitious and we not cause like we can’t afford dat cause 5m + higher wages was what he was worth…Bertrand = amazing and we can’t handle such talent.

    Did I do that right?

    1. Jay Dee
      Jay Dee June 3, 2014 at 7:03 pm . Reply

      Do what right Andrew?

      1. Andrew
        Andrew June 3, 2014 at 7:13 pm . Reply

        Try to act negative… I was trying, it was quite difficult to type like that but I thought I nailed it perfectly.

        1. Jay Dee
          Jay Dee June 3, 2014 at 7:33 pm . Reply

          You fit right in lol

          1. Andrew
            Andrew June 3, 2014 at 7:45 pm . Reply

            Nice! All I ask for.

    2. Bill Pearson.
      Bill Pearson. June 3, 2014 at 7:04 pm . Reply

      Yes perfect Asian language.

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