John Terry in the bag? A good source says it’s so. Good signing? POLL

So here is the first story I actually believe, in this window.
And it suggests the John Terry signing is pretty much done and dusted.

Yes, I know similar has been reported in the papers, but I never believe them, as some of you will well know.

“Langford”‘s actual words are

My man tells me (don’t forget he got every transfer correct in the last transfer window)….John Terry deal done and dusted but no medical booked Yet!

I feel it’s only fair to say that “Langford” and myself had a slight contretemps a while back, so you never know, he might to be trying to slip me a crippler.
But I very much doubt it, as I know he loves the Villa as much as any of us.
So you can pretty much guarantee this one is correct, unless it suddenly goes boobs up (read more money offered).

If and when he does sign, I suspect it’ll be a great subject for another post, as while he’s been a great player, so he’s also been controversial.

In the meantime, there’s a quick poll, asking what you think.


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  1. giddyvillan
    giddyvillan June 22, 2017 at 7:33 pm . Reply

    Possibly a good asset to the dressing room??? You can’t say this guy has a losing mentality. How much dough he could be on is a bit worrying has he still got the legs on him??? Expensive physio table warmer. It’s not yet a done deal so let’s see what happens do I like the guy?? Not particularly but if he does it on the field I’ll be happy

  2. nath
    nath June 22, 2017 at 7:35 pm . Reply

    this story has been doing the rounds for weeks. but i didn’t give it a thought, why would he come to villa. when he could earn double in china or us. but if their is truth in this story. makes me feel better about the upcoming season.

    iam sure their will be many slating him, but he is a class act. he is a real fans player, leader on and off field. we can rest assure that while Terry wears the villa shirt, the team will not quit and lay down their arms.

    🙂 great signing

  3. nath
    nath June 22, 2017 at 7:41 pm . Reply

    was going to watch england under 21 but no grealish again. so i will watch the rugby instead

    1. Bill Pearson
      Bill Pearson June 22, 2017 at 9:39 pm . Reply

      England 21 won 3-0 in semi finals,

  4. johnnyuk
    johnnyuk June 22, 2017 at 7:44 pm . Reply

    If we’ve got him on a year long contact, with an extension subject to promotion I’m all for it, but if we’ve got some fool who does what we did with Given, Lescott et al and give him a 3+ year contract, then we might as well find another team now.

  5. Sideforever
    Sideforever June 22, 2017 at 8:51 pm . Reply

    I would welcome John Terry’s arrival at Villa. He is a born winner and a leader on the field. I remember watching him all match when we beat Chelsea at Villa Park (just before the special left first time). He spent all match in the refs ear, putting the official under a lot of pressure. It would be good for us to use some dark arts, far too often in recent times we have lacked the leadership to impose ourselves on the officials and other teams.

    I appreciate my post seems to support poor sportsmanship but this is the reality of the modern game. May be the attraction of JT to Villa Park could act as a magnet to attract other players who are perceived to be too big for us?

    1. badger123
      badger123 June 22, 2017 at 10:09 pm . Reply

      Totally agreed, Sid.
      I remember that game and was really glad to have got one over him, as he epitimises everything I don’t like in footy.
      But as you suggest, it’s also why I like him as a player.
      If we’re to get up again, we have to match any dirty tricks, if we’re to compete.

  6. nath
    nath June 22, 2017 at 8:55 pm . Reply

    well my rugby team is losing i might watch the second half of england, lets see if grealish gets on as sub

  7. nath
    nath June 22, 2017 at 9:13 pm . Reply

    england 2 nil up still no grealish

  8. Bum Bum
    Bum Bum June 22, 2017 at 10:29 pm . Reply

    Despise the bloke. Heard many nasty things about his behaviour and ‘opinions’ from mate who was connected to old school Chelsea ‘fans’ of old. Please no! Another Joey Barton with more medals. Allegedly etc…etc…

    1. badger123
      badger123 June 22, 2017 at 11:21 pm . Reply

      That’s another concern I have, in that he has a bit of baggage. But I’m trying to look at things purely from a footy view, Bum bum.

      1. Bum Bum
        Bum Bum June 23, 2017 at 7:51 am . Reply

        I’ve always believed in the art not the artist, but I really don’t like Terry. He’s a winner undoubtedly and I hope it works out. This sort of thing often backfires on us. Remember Pires disastrous stay?

  9. Hitchens 60
    Hitchens 60 June 22, 2017 at 10:48 pm . Reply

    Off topic (sort of) – see Downing has been told he can go – any bets on who the next link to Villa will be!

    1. badger123
      badger123 June 22, 2017 at 11:23 pm . Reply

      Hasn’t there already been talk?
      Yes, he’s bound to be linked, exactly the same as Young was.

  10. Keith Reilly
    Keith Reilly June 23, 2017 at 12:10 am . Reply

    Hope it would be an old fashioned signing like Macay with Cloughie…….

    Also Blues linked with Terry and we JUST HAVE to have him now.

  11. VillaAwayInDiv3
    VillaAwayInDiv3 June 23, 2017 at 12:11 am . Reply

    Sorry….computer went wrong and had to log in again….put MY name instead of username….lol

    1. Bum Bum
      Bum Bum June 23, 2017 at 7:47 am . Reply

      You have revealed your secret identity!!!

  12. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson June 23, 2017 at 7:37 am . Reply

    Don’t worry Keith I’m at an age that I for get things, it’s taking its time to be announced I wonder why, Downing in the field now could be why our young players got the boot to make way for older wage player’s

    1. Hitchens 60
      Hitchens 60 June 23, 2017 at 8:17 am . Reply

      Hi Bill – this has all the makings of Deja vu and Groundhog Day rolled into one – buying old players, paying them too much and then wondering why they don’t perform.

      1. Bum Bum
        Bum Bum June 23, 2017 at 9:28 am . Reply

        That’s my fear. The money being spent in the Prem this year has become even more immoral. How much have the usually prudent Toffees spent so far????!!!!!
        And to pay for it, my BT email address now costs me £5.50 a month up from £1.60, just for a simple email address!

      2. Bill Pearson
        Bill Pearson June 23, 2017 at 11:52 am . Reply

        Spot on Hitch, i know what you mean mate I keep playing my Vera Lynn records because the Villa getting old players. Memories Hitch memories.

      3. bws
        bws June 23, 2017 at 12:47 pm . Reply

        Paying too much for TJ??
        Would you pay £3m for him under the condition he then played for us nothing?
        That’s what 60k per week equates to – £3120000.

        1. badger123
          badger123 June 23, 2017 at 3:14 pm . Reply

          Yes, but you’re assuming a one year contract BWS.
          What if it turns out to be 3 years?

          1. bws
            bws June 23, 2017 at 4:26 pm . Reply

            I was going to reply something along the lines of – Who in their right mind would hand a 36 year old a 3 year £9m contract?
            But on reflection this is AVFC we’re talking about, a twilight zone where natural law doesn’t apply.

        2. Bill Pearson
          Bill Pearson June 23, 2017 at 3:41 pm . Reply

          I’d doubt that Badger, he would need as much to pay the tax he’s having to pay over a year. It’s as you saying we don’t know because we are the people that pays his wage.

          1. Hitchens 60
            Hitchens 60 June 23, 2017 at 5:00 pm . Reply

            If it was just Terry, I could live with that but we’re also being linked with Whelan, Downing, Samba (!!!!) and Ledley all deemed surplus to requirements by their current clubs – shouldn’t that be telling us something? I suppose if money’s that tight we will just have to accept everyone else’s rejects and then pay them too much but hey ho we got them for free!

          2. giddyvillan
            giddyvillan June 23, 2017 at 5:05 pm . Reply

            From young & hungry to now fucking fossils, baffling to say the least.

          3. Andrew
            Andrew June 24, 2017 at 3:21 pm . Reply

            Does this not remind people of someone? I’m gonna go with… Lambert… From Tonev, Bacuna, Benteke, Westwood, Bowery, Lowton, Bennett, Okore, Luna, Helenius to Holt, Cole, Senderos, Richardson, Cissokho. When a manager struggles, he stops the young and hungry approach, gets scared because he needs to “prove himself” and goes for the older “safe” hands who are all worse than the youngsters he was buying and developing.

            Every one of our manager’s has done it, bar Houllier, because they think that’s what is going to get them results, and it fails every time.

  13. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson June 23, 2017 at 1:50 pm . Reply

    Shiite BWS, that’s 25 years of my pension, no wonder I’m skint.

    1. bws
      bws June 23, 2017 at 4:29 pm . Reply

      There goes your triple lock Bill.

  14. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson June 23, 2017 at 5:10 pm . Reply

    Any player who says I will give my answer next week will not say yes, Terry weighing up his opinions what mug will pay more, that will be Harry. It’s got to a situation now where he thinks they want me and give me what I want. Piss him off I say. He’ll go to Harry cause he’s a shit golfer.

    1. Andrew
      Andrew June 24, 2017 at 3:12 pm . Reply

      Of course Harry would want his club to pay up, if it was up to him he’d give him like 10m a season to join Birmingham. Problem is, the club he’s at, can’t offer a lot.

  15. nath
    nath June 23, 2017 at 7:18 pm . Reply

    i guess if they got terry on 12months contract. i do not know the figures you guys seem to saying. but lets say its 5mill and he helps to get villa into premiership. i think 5 mill spent on terry would have been worth it.

    we have a talented squad, but their is something lacking in certain games. they get bogged down to easy or knock out of their game plans especially away from home. guessing here but he might be used in a player / defensive coach maybe.

    i think also he could increase the other players output, some players demand more from their fellow professionals. we could easily lose 5mill on a balaban , tarore probably was on same wages and he was raw novice hardly used

  16. Geoff
    Geoff June 23, 2017 at 7:44 pm . Reply

    Ok so they say we’re going to pay him 60k per week….so what….to sign a defender of his stature, whether you like him or not would probably cost 5 million plus 40 to 50k per week. If the deal is done well done to Steve Bruce and long may Terry wear the claret and blue!!!!!!

  17. Adam
    Adam June 23, 2017 at 10:47 pm . Reply

    Get Terry in asap! One thing we havent had for years a natural born leader. Jedi is ok but not a scratch on Terry. He could be the piece in the puzzle that makes us a proper team again.

  18. Andrew
    Andrew June 24, 2017 at 5:35 am . Reply

    While’s he older, well past his best and whatnot, I don’t think my problem with him is on the pitch so much.

    We’re signing an aging guy too how much? 4m? 5m? Arguably for a season. No doubt he’ll want to be captain, so that’s stripping it from Chester. And he takes up a spot for 1 season from a player we were either trying to make better in Baker or sign, then again if you believe the rumours Samba will be signed if Terry isn’t so yeah. I don’t think we need a leader at the back, I think Chester does that just fine. We need someone good, who can actually play with the ball at the back, Terry is not, has not and never will be.

    This would be similar to signing Crouch, or re-signing Heskey. Not in terms of talent obviously, but almost a waste just to get a “respected” English head. But if you believe the rumours of having no money (though we’re spending a lot on wages, and likely a sign on fee), we could do better than Terry overall.

    Then again, he might be able to control the midfield a bit, as he is that well respected man and we don’t have a leader in midfield, including Jedinak. Not that a midfield always needs a leader, but someone sitting back that can control it, so Terry will at least know where to tell them to go.

    I will say, I’d take him well ahead of bringing back Downing. He was incredibly mediocre his first run, though I can’t blame him 100% seeing he was thrown into midfield to “replace Milner” which he didn’t have the talent to do.

  19. nath
    nath June 24, 2017 at 11:57 am . Reply

    we have money, but have to restrict paying transfer fee out, because they are 1million away from breaking the rules, then could be punished in lose of points and fines etc. hence they need to recoup transfer fees to then spend. or they can sign free transfer players.

    we have a few players we could sell and then replenish our squad with cash signings. but the buying clubs know we need to do business like this and might play hardball. veretout, amavi and gil we should be able to move on, how much transfer fee they receive from these is debatable. i reckon 15mill but without us being desperate, we could have got 25mill for them

    villa need to shop savvy this window, i think our squad is good enough now. just needs a bit of snagging. maybe terry is the type of player we need to finish us off. i do understand the concerns. but its not our personal money. 4 5 million is life changing to me. but to these super humans its loose change.

    i doubt we could put a package to interest a player like terry. he does have one season at lower level left in him. so he will demand more than we can offer. i suspect

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