Aston Villa are no closer to confirming a new manager and this means that interim coach Kevin MacDonald will continue managing Aston Villa in there game against Tottenham on Monday and Manchester City the following week. Originally, the Villa board wanted to have a new manager in place for Villa’s game against Tottenham, but issues have arisen with Remi Garde’s staff being tied to other clubs. Garde remains Villa main target and the club will continue discussions between Garde and his staff to try and agree a consensus. Now, Villa’s chief executive Tom Fox wants to hire a new manager before the home game against Everton on November 21st.
I can’t decide whether or not delaying our new manager is a good thing or bad thing. Some say that delaying Garde’s (or a different managers) arrival will be good for Villa because our next two fixtures against Tottenham and City are very difficult and it’s better to have a new manager against more winnable teams (Everton and Watford). On the other hand you want the new manager to have as much time as possible with the players so they can start to learn his philosophies and style of play.
Nonetheless, the League Cup game Aston Villa looked more solid tactically and had more shots on target than Southampton. Again our goals conceded where down to individual errors with little fault of Kevin MacDonald.
MacDonald’s now saying we need to get it done quickly, according to this;
With a bit of luck, we might get Dwight Yorke in, who’s apparently being backed by SAF;
You really have to laugh, don’t you?
The only problem is, it wouldn’t surprise in the slightest if Lerner actually swallowed it.
It really is frightening if we previously listened to Ferg the lerg and are now asking Wenger’s opinion re Garde.
Opinions yes, maybe, but if it’s the main form of guidance, no.
SAF still out to sabotage every other team by recommending just about anyone who ever played for him as a potential manager.
Other than Steve Bruce, has ANY of SAF’s ex-players had any success as a manager? I look at the likes of Robson, Ince, Keane, etc., and can’t think of another one who is still in football management.
Mark Hughes is ok but that’s about it
Forgot about Hughes! [But I’ve never heard SAF praise his management career anyway…]
No way if we get him as manager just switch off the lights and go home. Fergie couldn’t even recommend a decent manager for his own club. Yorke saying we are not a big club well this traitor was actually the start of our demise in a way when he went to UTD and we were a decent team then in with a chance of winning stuff. Do not let that useless traitor back into our club he will probably have Bosnich as assistant manager ffs
Totally agree Oohah
SAF recommendation – the kiss of death!
Did a bit of maths and we need a manager with a 40% win rate to keep us up from this position and if we lose the next two it rises to 45% – sobering thought isn’t it.
That’s a worrying thought Hitch.
Jesus that is sobering!
That’s only true if we lose every match that we don’t win. If we draw 8 out of the next 28, and win 8 we would be on 38 points. Probably safe but with a 29% win rate.
Still a big improvement over our current 10% win rate!
Agreed DS but then it assumes a lower level of defeats and if you factor in the games we’re unlikely to get anything from it means we have to win a higher proportion than you suggest – particularly against the teams around us (sorry above us) in the table. The reality is we will need a win ratio somewhere between my pessimistic and your optimistic views!
Yep. Whatever the maths a tough job. Looked at another way, we only need 5 points more than 3 of Sunderland, Newcastle, Norwich and Bournemouth across the next 28 games. That seems more achievable but we need a big change in performances.
Exactly how I see it. Who knows maybe with a little luck KM might be able to pull something out of his hat on Monday – after yesterday’s game only lord knows what sort of squad KM will put out there. I’m pretty sure he has left Pochettino guessing.
Aha, it looks to me like things may be moving faster than we think;
That isn’t for no reason and I now expect him in shortly.
BT Sport saying Villa to announce Garde this evening on a 3 year deal. Hope to god they’re right
I hope you’re right too Pat.
I don’t know why, but I have niggling doubts.
Probably very unfair, as like I’ve said, I believe whoever comes in will struggle.
There’s nothing regarding to it on the BT website.
The problem with appointing a manager with no premiership experience is, its a risk and when villa take risks they always semmbto fall flat on their face…. This risk is magnified by the fact we are bottom of the league and going to be in a messy relegation fight for the rest of the season.
I’m not an optimist – but while the ‘averages’ in terms of win rates may already look pretty hopeless even now, I do believe that real life is slightly different.
Any team that can win just three or four games in [say] a six-eight week period suddenly jumps up the table; add to that there are some teams there who are not much better-off than we are [Newcastle & Sunderland], or have started to slide after a reasonable start to the season [ Norwich and Bournemouth to name just two].
I realise that this reads like clutching at straws, but IMO a new manager coming in and getting just a few decent results before Christmas and the bottom of the table could look rather different.
As I say, I’m not an optimist – we’re still talking about battling at the wrong end of the table until May next year – but with 28 games left this season it’s too early to say we’re already down, or that the stats look unbeatable!
IMO anyone is a risk, prem experience or not.
Whoever it is, is on a hiding to nothing, but he should be chosen with a view to bringing us back up, if we go down.
And I really don’t think the mugs in charge are making any allowance for this.
That’s how naive I think they are.
We’ll probably sack the newcomer upon getting relegated and “go again”.
Nigel Pearson it is then…
It’s too bad Garde wouldn’t consider Yorke as an assistant, or just a coach. I mean he does seem to really wanna coach us, so why not give him some kind of chance? Obviously not as manager, not yet.
Andrew, are you for real?
As Oohah says, he’s a bloody traitor and really doesn’t give a flying proverbial about the club, imo.
I want to coach us and will only charge £50k a year.
Do I get the job?
I reckon I’m worth it at that money.
(Run from there to there. Practice kicking the ball. Shoot at that big white netted thing. Kick the ball from this flag and aim at the big white netted thing. We kick towards that end in this half)
Piece of piss.
Honestly wouldn’t call him a traitor, but that’s just my opinion after all.
We don’t know if he cares about the club or not, the way he talks he definitely does seem too though, and I’d be willing to give him a chance at the club in some sort of capacity. I’ve never seen anyone who has any “real” footballing experience want to be at Villa that badly he comes out in the media any time there’s a vacancy wanting the job. So I say let him train under Garde while having some kind of job there.
If he’s that keen on managing – start with a few years down in League 2 and come back when he’s proven how brilliant he is.
I’m sick of decent premier players who automatically get premier manager jobs it’s because they were half decent players. How many ex prem players are successful prem managers. Answer none really. Maybe Pardew and he ain’t that good. If we want an ex player as an assistant get Laurrsen not that clown who kissed the blues badge
Ok traitor might be a bit harsh.
How about a total cock end then?
He pissed off to Man U, when he should have stayed if he gave a toss.
What was it Gregory said?
“If I’d had a gun, I’d have shot him.”
I’d rather Gregory came back and coached us, if the qualification is that you care about the club.
I’m not talking about getting him the actual job, I’m talking about a coaching job, not the manager’s position.
And yes, he pissed off to Man U, and we’re surprised by this? At all?
Behave Andrew you wanting people like Yorke in any capacity is what is seriously wrong with the club!
Agree but seriously what qualifying him to assist us in any capacity he is a national joke with his off the field behaviour. Just because Fergie says he’s good means nothing he’s stitched us up before and tried again with OGS! And yes he was a traitor he was on a beach kicking a ball about and would still be there if it wasn’t for us!
My opinion’s not based on what Fergie’s said, in fact as I’ve proven over the last 6 years on here my opinion is never based on someone else.
He would be on a beach kicking a ball around? I dunno if I’d go that far, probably wouldn’t have the career he had but he had every right to leave just like any player we buy. That’s not being a traitor, that’s called bettering yourself.
He wasn’t bettering himself though we were a team virtually on a par with Utd he decided to go there to sit on the bench. When he put that request in it was the beginning of the end of us being a big club il never forgive him for that!
He kissed the blues badge that us a death sentence in the world of villa football club!
Agree Badger only an idiot would employ Yorke as manager oh wait….
Yorke is a wide boy – always flash always brash. Beside being completely in qualified. I would think he is just looking at the payout. 6 months of disaster – 2m in payout/salary earned and that’s got him 5-10 years of punditry pay
Andrew, are you on Lerner’s payroll? This ain’t Vegas and AVFC ain’t a frikkin roulette table!
On Lerner’s payroll because I said give Yorke a role at Villa? Yes, that makes complete sense.
They’re both a joke, and only Learner would consider gambling with a clown like Yorke, but you seem to like the idea…
The Garde story was tweeted by BT Sport
Keeping fingers and toes crossed 🙂
Nice one.
I don’t think that’s the real BT Sport Twitter, it’s not verified and doesn’t have a lot of followers. I wouldn’t trust that!
Who’s coming garde or yakin????
Absolutely no idea. Perhaps both??? 🙂
lol – I would not trust that twitter account. So BT Sport has only posted two tweets ever? One saying Yakin is being touted and then an hour later saying Garde is in today. Just because it has the logo doesn’t mean it’s official.
See that – clutching at straws.
Wish they’d hurry up
I’m with you there – crazy to think it has only been 4-5 days.
Just my thoughts but if Garde is still the man for the job, I would assume the club would announce something over the weekend – after Génésio and Baticle have had a chance to say good bye to the Lyon supporters. They have both been in and around Lyon for a long time so I can only imagine they would not want to leave in the middle of the night.
Good news Poyet officially off to AEK Athens. Now if all the Pearson, Yorke talk die out that would be great.
Yorke is just grandstanding – in fact I’m with Badger on this one. Look at it from a different perspective and by saying he wants the job (and being taken seriously by some!) in reality they are all taking the piss out of our club by insinuating no experienced decent manager will come near us.
If Yorke is appointed I’m finished with the club.
If he comes back and cleans out the changing rooms I’d be finished with the club!
The fact Sone people like Andy Gray and some media even think he could help proves what a complete joke of a club we are.
I’m with you hitch if we employ that PRICK I’m finished I hope he FUCKs off back to darkest Trinidad the weather’s supposed to be nice at this time of year.
It’s nice in Barbados Giddy – I can vouch for that and the rum us brilliant and cheap!
Hitc I’m sure your a bit of a Alan whicker if I’m correct,you certainly like your hols MATE. 😀
Sure do Giddy – saved hard from work so I could enjoy a few in my old age!
Fairplay MATE
Great forward planning by Lerner and his crew ,sacked Sherwood with no clue who to appoint. Next panic stations I think .get rid of clue less dope
Want to just chnage the subject slightly here: If Yorke wants to manage let him start at Man Ure not Villa, if he turns out to be any good we can think about him next……
I decided to go to the Saints last night, last minute ticket purchase was one of the last 4, anyway I was kind of courious to see what McDonald had been observing over the past few months. When I seen the team sheet my thoughts were oh my god weve gone from bad to worse…….
We started quite brightly moving the ball around and getting Gestede and Gabby on the ball, however crap their finishing was. What did strike me was the partnership between Clarke and Crespo they both complimented each other very well and read the game as a partnership.
The game only changed when Grelish was put on the pitch (and IMO that was because the fans were singing his name).
Not giving a running analysis the second goal was due to Grelish not tracking back and supporting the defending of the left side like it was with Richardson and Amavi. I really think apart from Gabby being too slow there was a fair team in the making on the pitch, to add to this when Sinclare arrived the game pace increased for Villa, I believe from this we have the possiblity of actually getting out of the sh*t, if we get Gerde as our new manager / coach we could yet survive.
I am now feeling a little optimistic unlike the last few weeks.
Sorry if I’ve bored the pants off some of you but I need to vent my observation
Good post but Utd arnt stupid enough to let Yorke on their coaching team they leave it to the likes of us idiots to do that.
Oohah, exactly that’s why we need to tell him politely where to go…..
A post from someone who was at the game can never be boring mate.
See, this is the sort of thing that gets me;
“Tony Parks has been kept on as goalkeeper coach while Ben Petty and Stuart Taylor were both promoted from the development set-up.
“I’ve moved two of the younger coaches up who have opinions but in the end it’s down to me,” he added.
“Parkesy helped me (pick the team on Tuesday) also.”
That’s a quote from Kevin MacDonald, in the Birmingham Mail;
What does a goalkeeping coach know about picking the team and tactics?
If he was an expert in that field, surely he wouldn’t be a goalkeeping coach would he?
The whole setup just seems so unprofessional and you’d never hear this sort of thing from the top clubs.
Actually I’d hardly expect to hear it from a proper manager, either.
Just shows that Kevin Mac isn’t ever going to be one…
Basically he admitted to not wanting to be one in claiming he hopes Villa find a new manager asap so he can go back to doing what he was doing.
Agree but in the land of the blind the one eyed man is King!
Fwiw, I’d probably have had Parks as top of the list of those who should get the sack.
Guzan has gone backwards, it seems and I don’t see what his coach has contributed at all.
I have a lot of sympathy for KMac – dealt a crappy hand for the second time of which neither have been his fault. He got blasted for his team selection on Wednesday (me included) but in fact the team looked more balanced and were not outplayed by Southampton.
I don’t think he claims to be a manager but will give it his best shot and why shouldn’t he seek advice and input from whatever coaches he still has left at the club – that sounds like a sensible approach (without commenting on the quality – it’s all he’s been left with!)
IF Garde comes in then I think you’ll see your wish regarding Parkes but expect a GK and striker to be top priority in January