So it appears the media have been given the wink to say that Lambert stays ‘until the club is sold”.
Well what else did you expect ?
Notice the form of the words, ‘until the club is sold’ … that is very short term isn’t it, not even an indication he will be here for pre season.
Did you really think that Lerner would spend his money on sacking him ?
Did you really expect Lambert to walk with no compensation ?
This situation is in many ways comparable to 2006 but no chance that Lerner is stupid enough to sack Lambert now. This does not mean that the club will not be sold, in fact quite the opposite. At no point the club are saying any deal is a way off, so just chill and relax. If by the middle of June we are not taken over then agreed,
I have to mention here the forum names as TBAR. If you know of them they are just being total fools. In the form incarnation I posted ITK but always made clear it was and never to presume it would happen. Over on that forum they are saying it is all gospel and dragged a lot of sensible people into their web.
If you want a laugh go on there now ….
As much as I would love a multi billionaire to come and buy the club it may not happen. I’ve seen comments that £3 – 4 Billion net worth owners are not rich enough!!!! Lets be realistic about this. Money ain’t everything. If it was a multi billionaire Villa fan then yes he may spend obscene amounts, but the reality is there are none out there. These groups that may be interested are out to make money and in football money can be made if done correctly. Arsenal are an example of this. Man city is the dream ticket but they don’t grow on trees. Our best bet is someone like Lerner (in the beginning) but not someone like O’Neill to spend the initial investment or Lambert for that matter. Just look at the final league table and I only see two of the fifteen teams that finished above us that have sugar daddies. As much as I would like an oil rich arab with money to burn it isn’t the end of the world if we don’t get one and end up with some pauper worth a couple of billion !!!
Unfortunately you do not get the top players and top managers unless you’ve serious money to spend. If we want to challange again we need class players not dross like tonev etc
nothing will change under Lambert whoever he brings in he is tactically inept and whats the odds he will bring in Nationwide or league 1 or 2 players same old same old
problem is oohah when your under the cosh for most of the game like we are mistakes are bound to be made in defence u concede 70 per cent possession has to happen as i say to many donkeys and a muppet of a manager
True muzzvill but some of the mistakes are unforced with little pressure.
Agreed but do u not think when your under pressure for 70 or 80 mins your bound to become weary Lambert has got to go he will always buy donkeys I honestly don’t think he can handle players with a rep or a big name I would put my house on him buying shite again this season if he gets any funds.but having said that he probably won’t get any funds anyway
Reports claim around 15m he’ll get. If you go by the media like the Telegraph anyways. I’d prefer like 6 loans to him spending anymore money so he can leave after next summer if/when we stay up.
My pennies worth is villa are close to being sold and Lerner has told Lambert that he will be given an opportunity to stay on as Manager until the end of his contract at least to prove himself to the new owner.
With all the uncertainty Lambert has a great opportunity to walk now saying he did all he could. He has taken a lot of flack from villa fans recently (deserved in my opinion) so why go through that for another season when he has a get out of jail card.
Also when he was interviewed he said ‘we need to bring in good quality players with experience’. Under the current regime how can he possibly do that – Lerner won’t pay the wages – so why say we need to bring these sort of players in if we can’t.
I know he probably stands to lose a years wages if he quits but I’m sure if he did it wouldn’t look as bad on him as if we have another bad season next year.
What is in it for Lambert to stay ?
The longer the combination of Lerner & Lambert goes on I feel will hurt the club,the sooner we’re sold the better.hopefully a new chairman will bring more of an honest vision for the club & attends more games regularly.that’s not asking alot is it????
Everone keeps blaming Lambert yet it’s Lerner who introduced wage caps and only gave £20m per season to buy an entire new squad, it’s him who told Lambert to freeze out and get rid of the high rollers….Whats a man to do, in the last couple seasons he’s found a few gems (amongst alot of crap) but you else can you expect when paying peanuts??? I agree his decison making can and has been utterly terrible for a large part.
Lerners also reportedly now put a contract extension ban in place, so Albrighton will leave…..And Delph and Vlaar only have a year left.
Lerner should have sold up 2 years ago, leaving it until now could potentially see us drop next season, especially with the peanuts Lambert will get to “strengthen” !!!!
Many egotistical managers would have walked by now (like ONeill) Fair play to Lambert for sticking with it. He could quite easily walk into a top Championship or a lower Prem job but remains committed to the team.
“Many egotistical managers would have walked”, what about those with a hint of realism and self respect? If Lambert has been paid a big bonus to stay, he does so at a massive risk to his reputation, never mind health.
The only things i have against Lambert are:
Players out of position e.g weimann out wide, albrighton central midfield
Buying cheap foreigners opposed to bringing through our own, Burke , carruthers could have been given a chance.
After 2 years an appalling defence
poor / late substitutions
Long ball game
Crap football
Worst home record in our history
lost 7 of our last 9 games
and shit post match interviews. – “we go again”
give me another 10 minutes i’m sure i can think of more.
A fine post my friend.
Couldn’t have said it better,
I don’t think anyone’s banging the door down for Lamberts Services plus he ain’t going anywhere due to financial reasons so I’d ease off singing his praises. We’re his best option atm.
Its a two way thing. As things stand I don’t see any way we could attract a half decent manager if Lambert was either fired or left voluntarily. Given that he is selling, Lerner is not going to throw more money away getting rid of Lambert (particularly since he realises that it is down to his cost saving measures that we are in the predicament we are in).
Would it really be the “honourable thing” for Lambert to resign? Given the above where would that leave us? Would he get another job? Probably given previous successes.
Things will only change when Lerner sells. I don’t think it’s imminent, but I don’t know any better than anyone else.
The majority on here want Lerner to sell up. He has committed to that so why is there such discontent on here? What you are witnessing is simply proof that there are not enough willing buyers out there with the cash to do it properly. We are more likely to end up with a buyer who is looking to make money by keeping costs tight or selling somewhere down the line for a profit (or both). Wishing for a multi billionaire sugar daddy is asking to be disappointed.
What we have seen over the past three seasons is not good enough. The best I think we could have hoped for was that Lerner had restored the financial state of the club, finally chose the right management team and financed a reasonable investment in players. I would like to hope that he will sell quickly to a decent owner, but I just don’t really believe it.
DS you’re are right but the only problem with your comment of “finally chose the right management team and financed a reasonable investment in players” is even given that series of events did becoming a reality, give it one good season and the SKY 4/5 would be hovering over us like vultures and then picking off one by one any decent players you’ve unearthed.
Oh the joys of the modern game.
Dispiriting isn’t it? Southampton have that issue I guess. They have produced some top players through their academy system over the years but they all tend to leave. Lallana and Shaw probably on their way soon. Without a billionaire sponsor its hard to see the way forward for a team like Villa. To be blunt we are also rans, but we as fans can’t accept that.
That’s ultimately why I try not to be too hard on Lerner. He gave it his best and only shot but we fell short. The same could be said for Lambert. He has disappointed me as I expected more, yet at the same time I sympathise with him as he has (presumably) not been able to use our big earners. I expected him to be bolder, and some players haven’t been given a chance. I guess that’s difficult when you are under continual pressure. Even so I think we should have been more comfortable than we have been.
Absolutely agree with that, i compared us wanting the billionaire owner who throws money at it hand over fist to winning the lotto, because honestly when you look at it in pure numbers, how many billionaires with the will to do that are actually out there, the lotto odds are 1 in 13m – I’d say considering there are 7bn people on earth?
We have to be patient i am afraid … And lucky too
It’s why the demands and abuse f i Lerner and lambert doesn’t sit well with me – if they failed to get. Ills back to the top – then we are no worse Han the other 15 also rans of the prem
Yep I’m in the same camp Colonius. I understand the frustration though. It’s difficult to be philosophical about such an emotional attachment.
oh i hear ya, and there lets face it this is a purely unquantifiable love of a football club, its not meant to make sense, plus Venting is a big part of being a football fan.
I get that, I will still post in the vein that i do, ie trying to counteract the absolutism, sensationalism, vitriolic or personalised abuse etc if for no other reason than to bring a bit of balance to the scene. It is absolutely my position mind, i am not doing it for the sake of it. but considering its not the popular consensus there is even more need for it.
if i was a fruit i would be the devils avocado.
because ppl like 2 blame someone ~ lamberts the guy who faces the cameras and all he has been is a puppet of the clubs demise, lambert walks away, you wouldn’t get a stop gap manager 2 step in. all would happen is gordan cowans would take over, then how long be before oohah starts ripping into a cult hero. cowans isn’t a manager not all great players make great managers, might be a good coach or one day a manager. but villa are in a rite mess, would it be the ideal thing 2 av a novice manager, in wots gonna be a important season.
I think if Cowans would have been up to the job, he’d have taken it by now. And that’s no insult to the legend. Some are just not cut out for management, I think you need a nasty streak and Gordon seems like a lovely bloke. But this ia one shit pit we find ourselves in.
correct bum bum ur absolutely correct love him we all do, but hes been coaching the youth only involvement with any 1st team was end of last year, its a big big ask to ask him 2 steer a rudderless ship,
hate him most do but lambert is the best man 2 steer us, until the clubs sold maybe his contracts ends before were sold . who knows
I’d rather see Justin from CBeebies manage us than that fool. Penniless or not.
Fool = Lambert btw.
Or mr tumble
unfortunately i have no idea who justin is, will he work for peanuts???
funny how majority of villa fans don’t rate the job lamberts done, when clearly football pundits will tell you, how well hes done with no help from owner no funds to improve a terrible squad before he arrived.( they are paid to express their opinions and most av actually played or managed in the GAME)
the scot before lambert finished 16th hey thats improvement on were lambert finished in his 2 seasons , the scot before lambert bought n’zog for 10 million i believe this is miles more than lambert highest signing. as for wages no comparison ~ lamberts generally has signed players well less than 30k only improved deals for benteke come close to this, look at given /mutton and nzog these 3 alone not including the others all above lamberts signings,
i have no doubts when he walks away, his career will continue to improve, worst decision hes made was joining villa. anyways iam glad he kept us up last 2seasons with a talentless squad and little money to change much
also while iam on a roll, no way will a sugar daddy rescue us, chances on this is bleaker than villa winning the league again using l4 players and no foreign players
how many season tickets will it take to cover darren bent 3 million wages, reported hes earns for his last 12 months, seems like villa has been mismanaged for years dunnit
I wish lamberk would stop saying he us no quitter Ffs. Paul you are only still here because Lerner can’t afford to pay you off and no one else would come to vp at the mo. You won’t quit because you will lose a big pay out simples. If and when we get a new owner they will get rid of you simply because you are a waste of space. No one else will employ you in the prem either so shut the fuck up
ur funny as fuck oohah 🙂 can’t understand ur points of views, ur medicine needs 2b upped, as for lambert not finding another, love 2 take that bet of you cos he will do better than we will in the next 20years
MON and mcleish who are both better struggled. He will prob get a job in the championship or Newley promoted at best and I think he’s under qualified even for that tbh. Prob end up managing a little team in Saudi like dol
when i was younger the expression sleeping giants was commonly used for clubs with proud history, massive fan base, that have hit hard times and fall gracefully first down the league then divisions, that is wot aston villa are and next chapter is relegation
i mean writing on the wall, 2 years this has been going on, not months lerner reduced the wages, 70 mill tv money gone were. most teams get relegated then reduce wages, remember 200 mill he wants but if he reduces the wages enough 70 mill will reduce he price for overall sale.
Lerner will stay as long as he gets his 70 m plus sky money. I’m not convinced we are up for sale tbh it’s just lip service to keep us underlings from questioning him and to support lamberk without abusing him
F**king harsh that Oohah, mind you not too far wide of the mark but harsh.
Lol harsh but true BWS
18,000 season tickets just to pay Darren Bent, Hutton and Givens wages what cloud was Faulkner and Lerner on…. This shit has gone on far before Lambert arrived, I don’t like him but who else would take his place if we lobbed him….who would come when we have these two idiots anywhere near in charge…. Lerner is selling because his Mrs fleeced him, Oneil fleeced him, McCleish fleeced him and now he has thrown his dummy out of the pram…..
We had a consortium interested and Lerner tried to play his poker hand….. And they pulled out…. He just isn’t a great businessman….. Think we are in for a very turbulent year or two… !
Why not give bent another go what have we got to lose nobody will buy him. 4 million for someone of his ability what a joke.
i agree bent and hutton, need 2 sweat blood, nobody buys them after pre season, we need 2work um,if they are needed play um, fooking paying um for nothing. get some midfielders loaned in,we av a fighting chance
that means the average 20k season tickets villa sell usually, only cover 3 players. that’s dire
Nath frightening isn’t it and Faulkners strengths are his ability as an accountant you could not make it up…
We cannot just not play players because the club decided to pay them too much …. Bent and Benteke playing somehow together, most teams in the premiership would not like to play against those pair.
i fear his abacus my have loss some beads, we should have a whip round for him, if bent, hutton and nzog are fit and not sold before startof nxt season. it would be crazy not 2 play um. you can see why bent is lazy, hutton is pants and nzog i aven’t a clue why lambert refuses 2 play him, last season creatively we were clueless
erm .. is math being totally abandoned here? or just realism
Are you stating that you believe our CEO/owner are incompetent because the cost of three players they sanctioned* will be the equivalent of 20,000 season tickets?
so tell me genius executive performance analysts, how many season tickets do Man city, liverpool, totenham, chelsea, et al need to sell to cover Rooneys 300k a week? toures, 210k a week? what about suarez’ 140k+ a week? not to mention adebayors 100k + a week ? that is one player from each of those teams,
Is the massive sense of frustration and complaints on here because our owner has not spent more? yet .. he and his CEO are asked what cloud they are on?
the fact that we have one of the cheapest tickets price in the prem – is that forgotten?
ask an arsenal fan about how happy they are this season up to the point of their FA cup win about their ticket price!
em what cloud are yeo n lads?
well i hoped some1 would point this out, because some fans like oohah stated his money will not be going to lerner, no season ticket for him, well off course, i thought to myself this might push lerner over the cliff, losing his oohah custom
70 million tv money should mean cheaper season tickets but greed is a evil commodity, i asked a question as i was curious, to how many season tickets would be need just 2 cover bents overpaid wages for his last year, i simply sew the seeds, under no sentences did i state season tickets cover wages,
I am but one person so Lerner won’t give a toss however there are at least 20 of my mates who take their families, buy the merchandise, the pies, programmes etc that won’t be renewing. So possibly £20-30k lost there. They also have friend and people who work with them that have took the stance. Of course 20, 30, 40k is peanuts for learner. But at least it’s a start. The only mate I know who has renewed has only done so as st seats has been in her family for generations. So she feels obligated. But she probably won’t go to many matches as she just dosnt enjoy it anymore.
Sorry Colonius had to cut through the sarcasm to realise you must have been at the cooking brandy…. Not to realise how awful the purchasing decisions this club has taken, then compare us to top 5 teams wow… we’ve spent above our means due to a naivety shown by our Owner and CEO, I want a sensibly run club nothing else.
I really do think if our purchases would have been wiser over the last 5 years I don’t believe we would be in the scary position we are now….
ha my tatstes aren’t as sophisticated as cooking brandy Saddened, white spirits, with a bit of vanilla extract usually does me.
but no seriously i see complaints of how badly we spent in relation to our revenue stream?
Am I wrong in saying that one of the biggist cirticims of lerner is that he hasn’t spent enough? that he doesn’t have the money to propel us into the top tier again?
so to see accusations of lerner spending too much on players is a complete volte face!
somewhat inconsistent with the previous cirticism.
and tell honestly, what club does not overpay players? what club does not overpay on transfer fees? and what club doesn’t have at least one dud a season?
people talk about southampton etc as the target,
they spent close to 15m on osvaldo’s 3 goals and half a season
sorry not enough money, yes, poor football decisions yes, managerial appointments gone wrong .. all grounds for criticism …
Not spending enough and not spending wisely on the players we have signed?
nope .. someone will have provide further argument on that because thats total shite in my opinion
Yes they are amongst the cheapest tickets but the disparity apart form the London clubs and Liverpool is not that great.
Man U seasons (12/13) ranged from £532 – £950, Man C £425 – £745, Chelsea £595 – £1,250.
Take into account the quality of the product there are getting compared to the dross being dished up at VP for the past 4 seasons it hardly seems worthy of a post on
Agree I think this is it now for at least a couple of years. Though thinking about how much money I’d save not going for a couple of years cheers me up a bit 🙂
This is all starting to look a bit staged.
Lerner isn’t thick he knows that with no investment the club is stuffed and he ultimaterly loses out.
Lambert by sticking around and bleating about how tough it is going to be wins the sympathy vote and districts away from how bad a manager he is. When he came in it was he who said young and angry , build for the future not Lerner. Now after 2 years these players are 2 years older and he wants to rebuild again.
The club is going to be sold soon. It has to be.
it was more a case of to meet wage budgets set by i don’t know LERNER, he said he needs more experience, isn’t backing out of his principles he simply means 2 or 3 not a squad full of 50k players he means 2 or 3 three i think, hard to do last season or season before has their were already ppl like ireland and others taking up such funds
hate 2 remind you but lamberts reduced wages almost, SO DEBTS av stopped increasing and reducing,this was under lerner restraints NOT by lamberts lack of ambition
Why is Lambert being credit for reducing the wage bill.
Who has Lambert actually got rid of. The only players that have gone are those whose contract had either expired or nearing the end. Most of the big earners who were there before him are still there now. given, hutton, bent, Nzogbia. He tried to bomb them out and failed. If they were on the payrole why not play them for there experience and put them in the shop window at the same time.
I don’t see how lambert has reduced the wage bill. He has been told the wage constraints and worked within them.
My only gripe with Lambert is i just don’t think he is very good as a football manager. This is backed up by watching us for the last season.
ireland,beye collins dunne lichie, warnock, bannan makoun holman ~ he hasn’t been credited by nobody especially by villa fans. these are just a handful, iam sure there maybe more, but hard to assemble a squad of young players and some hardcore experience when ur told to reduce more.
only time will tell if most fans are rite about lambert ~12 months or quicker if a miracle happens and some diffusional sugardaddy buys us. lambert will go and we all will see, excuses for last 2 seasons its lambert / we have been shit for 4 or 5 even 6 season so wots the reasons for these wasted fruitless years
garry thompson
dider six
sava missalotavic
Agree Steve and line I say earlier if Lerner has put us up for sale which I doubt it is just a ruse to keep the status quo without the fans hassling the regime
Where’s that old voice of sanity Juan Pablo Anus when u need him? He was a spiteful old queen!!!
Not seen him on here for months
Albrighton and Delfouneso are gone then. Is this an indication that Lerner is not prepared to renew any contracts at the moment?
I personally would have kept Albrighton, as he offers us a good wide option – something which we are otherwise lacking. If Lerner isn’t able to sell soon and we’re letting people go, this is very worrying. How likely is he to spend on new recruits? We could find ourselves with a worse squad than last season, in which case I can see us finishing bottom of the league.
totally worried , if your losing mark albrighton on free to leicester (probably ) then alarm bells are sounding. unless the players left, raise their game its nailed on relegation fight.
Come on lads, Albrighton was very average at Leicester, and he didn’t set the world on fire the last few games. Surely we’d have won some ?
I he wants £35k per week, and the Foxes will pay it, let him go.
Lambert obviously feels he can sell/play N’Zogbia or bring someone else in.
Delph going and not being replaced would be a concern, Albrighton was never quite good enough, though I wish him well.
Delph next ??????????????
Some reasoned debate.
It is interesting to read the views of those that take a realistic view and look at what was attempted in hindsight, the reasons that it failed so miserably, and those that just want change as they don’t like it.
Maybe with the funding that Lerner offered in those first heady couple or three seasons, a better manager building for the long term, or even able to build a team/squad that could last a full campaign we could have cracked the Sky four.
Little or Gregory would have been interesting managers with that sort of backing. Even Ron if he could buy below thirty year olds lol !
Would GT Mark I have been an ideal candidate for a five year plan with huge backing ?
I am fairly pessimistic about the immediate future, I don’t think that we are top of the tree of attractive available clubs, and I worry about even £200m for Lerner to cut loose, never mind £300m+ to break even as being too much for us.
The club is going to have to be self-sufficient, and pay for itself. Is that really so unreasonable ? I know it doesn’t meet the modern football fan’s model.
This forum can be fairly amusing, think my favourite post this week was the one asking where Lerner had put all the Sky money and gate receipts of the last few years. With a wage bill topping £86m+ per season, you’d hope that lad doesn’t do the housekeeping lol !
When you look at those sorts of figures, ‘giving Lerner my season ticket money’ or not doesn’t make much odds, so I may as well get down VP and see in person how it all pans out. Old habits and all that lol !!!
My greatest concern is that we get one of these horrendous Chairman that we’ve seen at Leeds, Hull, Cardiff, Blose, etc.
I honestly think that Randy genuinely wanted to do well for us, he just wasn’t up to the grade. It’s why I find it difficult to ‘hate’ the bloke. Feel quite sorry for him really.
He wanted to do well initially but put he faith in the wrong man in MON. But that is Lerner’s fault for not doing his due dilligence and not surrounding himself with football people. Once city and spurs got their act together that was the beginning of the end for us. Mon had one big chance of a lifetime to crack the top 4 and he blew it big time. £120m 5-6 years ago was more than enough to get us there. Lerner saw the light too late and believed to much in MON the myth. He couldn’t even improve Sunderland ffs when Bruce went.
Have suspected for a long time that Lerner, like many who inherit a lot of wealth, isn’t exactly a brilliant businessman, and certainly not an ‘entrepreneur’ , as some of the media like to describe him.
He may have had good intentions when he took over, but was completely naïve about what it would take to make any big impact in ‘soccer’ – even when the richest competitor was ‘only’ Abramovitch, i.e. before the oil money went to Mancs. The financial activity [or waste] at the club in the first 3 or 4 years doesn’t say a lot for his financial advisors, either.
We have a ‘nice-but-dim’ owner, who’s personal or family wealth get’s a big hit in the banking crash, not to mention divorce, and so on. Then he realised that he couldn’t compete, and has spent the last three years desperately trying to cut costs – and has finally decided that he really can’t afford to blow any more money on a hobby that doesn’t produce anything but demands for more and more ‘investment’ each season just to stand still…
So there’s certainly no reason to ‘hate’ the guy – yet : from my POV that will only happen if he now disposes of the club to some half-baked fraud like Carson Yeung, or some other nutter /asset stripper with no appreciation of what a football club means to its fans [Cardiff/Hull spring to mind].
Have a listen to this on the 3rd minute does lambert let the cat out the bag do you think?
Inaudible mumbling twat hard to get the jist.
He says “the new people understand the situation”
I swear he said no one understands the situation. Gosh I wish he didn’t mumble.
Cheers B6 that’s obviously part of the conversation where it was an intense mumble.
How the fuck can he motivate players mumbling shit like that ??
People knew? New? No? F**k knows. I’m with Giddy, can’t understand a f**king word.
I’m glad it’s not just me mate.
All I got was he wants better players, he wouldn’t really answer if he’d get them or not, just that we need em, and there’s nothing imminent. I think… I’ll wait for an English version to come out.
i tell you lambert is concerned, you can hear it in his voice, i hate 2b a doom~monger but i think we are in the shit,
Of course he’s concerned. It’s his job to manage the team and he could very well be in the shit after this coming season if he’s here/we don’t sell.
i didn’t get that andrew, i got hes worried the state the clubs in, hes gonna have to beg borrow and maybe steal to hire new players , even groundstaff may get a game
Got that part too. But I do think he realizes if what you said doesn’t happen, what I said will happen.
Who cares worse thing that can happen is we go down…so what. People are starving in 3rd world countries and we are worried about a team of overpaid dross with a mumbling manager not doing well next season. Who gives a fuck? Not me anymore!!
I will believe you oohaah if i don’t see another irate post with targeted abuse of villa staff!
I don’t do your fucking homework before making a huge commitment.
this is last seasons, u can see wages are massive even thou we av no team and this was least season accounts this season must be miles healthier yet more cuts
according to this we have the 3rd worse debts, 190 million lmao someone has been totally having a laugh on our accounts literally, did they leave the lights on, thats gotta be wrong lerner will have no chance selling for 200million leaving debts of same figures and a squad needing another 200million ~ we are in for a rough time ahead