So it appears the media have been given the wink to say that Lambert stays ‘until the club is sold”.
Well what else did you expect ?
Notice the form of the words, ‘until the club is sold’ … that is very short term isn’t it, not even an indication he will be here for pre season.
Did you really think that Lerner would spend his money on sacking him ?
Did you really expect Lambert to walk with no compensation ?
This situation is in many ways comparable to 2006 but no chance that Lerner is stupid enough to sack Lambert now. This does not mean that the club will not be sold, in fact quite the opposite. At no point the club are saying any deal is a way off, so just chill and relax. If by the middle of June we are not taken over then agreed,
I have to mention here the forum names as TBAR. If you know of them they are just being total fools. In the form incarnation I posted ITK but always made clear it was and never to presume it would happen. Over on that forum they are saying it is all gospel and dragged a lot of sensible people into their web.
If you want a laugh go on there now ….
oohah don’t talk shit mcliesh won 7 games in one whole season, that is the worst manager we had then dr venglos then i don’t giveAshit
But he still got the same/more points than lamberk. Are you seriously telling me that lamberk is better than mclown. They are about the same at best but mclown not given a fair chance like lamberk just coz he managed small Heath. Pathetic. That guy could of won us the treble and most fans would still want him out. An easy target Nath.
look am more interested in worrying about the villa than 2 argue who worse, i look on how much mcliesh had more wages for players spent more on trafers fees finished with 38 points lambert first season 41 points and this season with injuries galore he finished with 38 so if u wanna call it a draw they are both shit endoff
Btw Venglos was ahead of his time if we had him 5 yrs later he would of done ok. But English players in them days didn’t want to know.
Agree with you there Ooh Ah. I read somewhere that he changed the menu to pasta dishes and stuff like that where they were eating pie and chips beforehand. The man was just ahead of his time.
Yes he was Tekkers. Like I say 4-5 years later he would of been great for us when the prem started. Even wenger had problems with the arsenal team he inherited with Merson, Adams etc all on the pop and players still going out getting 10 pints down them the day before kick off. Once he started bringing in players like bergamp etc the English players saw what good shape foreigners were in and realised they needed to shape up to compete.
Quote from Paul Lambert from the 25th of April 2014
“Paul Faulkner has spoken to his agent a couple of weeks back. Marc’s relaxed and he will be fine, he’ll be all right. It will get done.”
Lambert added: “He has been great and is on top of his game at the moment.”
If he’s released Albrighton then surely nzogbia will feature next year ?!?
Doubt it, can only see N’Zogbia leaving as well.
Birmingham Mail has claimed N’Zogbia, Bent and Hutton could all make a return to the first team next season. Lambert claims everyone’s on a level playing field in the squad, and it’s claimed Lerner’s the one who wanted an end to the bomb squad philosophy. There were claims Lerner also disliked Lambert’s want for 15 new players. Also claims Robinson and Donacien, out of contract this summer, have been offered 2 year contracts. At least that’s good.
like the bomb squad are really going to play for that twat!!
Nor would I blame them if they didn’t.
He will be back to haunt us! Garanteed
this site states we are 190 million in debt / this is last season accounts / can someone explain even if lerner waved a wand ~ how can he expect 200 million for a club 200 million in debt, truth i feel is we are in the shit, 400mill and more needed 2 spend on a squad depleted of quality, like lambert said were in a league that you need to spend to stand still.
We have had far lower wages this season, much greater revenue, and £100m or so was converted to shares.
Therefore, there will now be very little debt, as such.
Chelsea £1bn in the red. Thereby hangs a tale, and Citeh just have a Sheikh who was happy to burn over £1bn.
The football world has gone mad ! How much will Chelsea have to charge for caviar and jellied eels at halftime to get that back lol ?!?
Haven’t found the article, but someone on facebook claims the Guardian reported Lambert’s set to bring Hutton and Bent back into the mix.
We’re also linked to Shaun Wright Phillips on a free though wages a problem. Joy.
It could be worse we could have to rebuild the whole squad like Albion or be blues.
Here’s an article to give everyone a chuckle Lamberk saying that fans will still buy STs and merchandise in their droves even though he sells MA because he can’t incorporate him into his tactics. This guy is a complete buffoon and obviously thinks supporters are stupid enough to put up with any old shit.
Another thing that pisses me off. While I have no doubt fans will buy season tickets and merchandise, to back the players, certainly not him, but the players, as it’s not their fault Lambert’s still here, it’s not their fault Villa won’t spend money and it’s not their fault we haven’t been sold yet. But he almost talks like Villa fans are only fans if they buy and cheer for him. He’s never said it, but every single interview before games he claims Villa fans need to be loud, and need to be cheering, and supportive, which is all Villa fans have really been. Obviously ticket sales won’t be near what Villa probably were when Lambert first came, because I’d say a majority want him gone, but I do see fans buying them. Doesn’t make the fans stupid though.
I think most fans have a certain threshold of pain that once crossed they just give up and stop going. Obviously each fan has a different level. Friends that i had been going to the the games with for many a year have gradually stopped over the last 3 seasons. There are only 2 of us left now and we both have decided that we would like to something positive happen with the club this summer before renewing.
I renewed last year because it looked like Lambert might be onto something as the team team seemed to gel towards the end of that season. However this season has just been dreadful.
I’m sure i’m not alone on matchdays lately not really looking forward to the game (its an effort to go) and then coming home thinking there must be more to life than this.
My friends who stopped going all tell me they don’t miss going and to some they prefer watching a lot of the games in the pub with a beer. Less time out of the day and a lot cheaper.
I have been going to the villa since 1976 and as it stands i have finally reached my threshold. So Mr Lambert as it stands my friend and I won’t be part of the droves you are expecting to renew.
Same here. Lambert is bloody deluded. If it keeps up like this for another half a dozen years the place will struggle to get 10k in.
Does Lambert really think because that fool Lerner has finally made public what we all knew, we’ll just follow blindly until the club is sold, which let’s face it, could take years and years.
Good post Steve I think more and more fans are thinking that way. Iv been going to VP since div 3 days but never have I felt so pissed of as I do now. My threshold is reached iv had enough. Last season I didn’t even look forward to going to vp it was becoming a chore rather than an enjoying day out. When that starts happening its time to stop going. Also like you say more and more pubs by me are showing most villa home and away games it’s so much easier just walk down their have a coffee (teetototal) watch the game and walk home. At least if we play shit I havnt had to pay a small fortune to see it, no parking, no petrol, no jams to get away from ground, no rip of food and programmes saves me a fortune. And now a lot of my mates who arnt renewing will be coming with me next season so that will still be a good laugh and atmosphere. Having said that since February I can’t even be bothered to walk down to pub to watch our games home and away which says it all.
Steve that sums me up to a tee, our choice now, let others carry the burden and get robbed, Nath before you come back on that remark of mine, remember, been there and done it hundred of times if you can carry on with Villa as it is , good on ya, I’ve had enough.
the players are to blame as well andrew for playing like a bunch of tossers with no direction. Sometimes the players have to think for themselves its not all the managers fault though he hasnt helped granted. As for the fans that buy sts more fool them as they are still supporting this regime. their money their choice at least i wont be wasting my hard earned this year
I agree ooha the players must be held responsible for SHITE performances ie gabby to me stands out aswell as weimann.they know the job they’ve got to do,its not the manager telling them to perform SHITE.
Spot on giddy. When I played admittedly a long time ago and a lower level the manager picked the team but when things didn’t go our way we had to think for ourselves. Ie I’d go onto the left if no joy on the right etc. None us needed the manager to tell us we knew most of the time what we were doing wrong and worked as a team to rectify it. We had leaders in the team as well that helped everyone along. Sadly we havnt got any leaders in our team they are just a bunch of wimps who collapse as soon as things go against us. That is not necessarily the managers fault.
Agreed mate but when it comes to tactics there’s no getting away from the fact he’s totally inept & possibly is not bringing the best out of them. I’ve worked for SHITE bosses & this only causes an unhappy workforce.
wot a crock of shit ~ its all lamberks fault be told
We’re saying the players are also responsible so what’s SHITE about that????
i know wot ur saying i was just being argumentative, like oohah 2 fish for reations
Wright Phillips will go to west ham
There’s a rumour going round that the Rumour are about to reform.
So basically to round up lots of news pouring out of the paper over the last week. We remain static as a club, or even worse it can be argued that we’re going backwards a little bit.
PL still here. PF unimaginably still here. Lerner still here. No buyers.
The bomb squad to be brought back into the mix (this particular piece of news is extremely embarassing and a little insulting to the fans)
albrighton and delfounso gone (no drama to be honest, but let’s not boo Albrighton next season)
Helenius probably gone without really getting a chance (I’m personally incredibly frustrated at this as I think the lad has bags and bags of ability)
Looking to bring in Sean wright-phillips, again slightly insulting.
Links to Lukaku, Lescott and Barry (silly season never fails to waver)
An admission from our manager that we’re in trouble and now need experience, which if done at the beginning of his tenure would have amounted to roughly the same cost as all of the dross we have now. 3 players ffs, the spine of the team, that’s all that was needed.
an arrogant Benteke speaking on comparisons between himself and Lukaku to Messi, ronaldo, Inbra, Falcou etc. Arrongant much? Calm down son
And Kiyotake, named in the Bundesliga worst XI squad of the season
Please inform me if I forgot anything else to smile about.
Fucking nightmare! vtid
Plus Benteke would of been of if he wasn’t injured but Shoukd go in jan. Also the villa pr machine will be in overdrive hailing Hutton and bent as 2 new signings to the team. The club obviously do think we are mugs.
Oh mate wait until July until Bent and Hutton are back, “you just couldn’t fault their commitment” from Lambert and Villa’s PR Machine “Bent and Hutton are raring to go” I am putting in my diary
So sad but true saddened. There will some bs spin on it
I know it was a rarity but I thought Hutton played well against England.
Hutton isn’t a bad player to be fair but because he was signed by mclown most fans, including myself, at VP had made their minds up before a ball was kicked. If mclown had signed Messi we still would of moaned yet when lambert signs joe fuckin bennet he’s a messiah!!
seriously supporting the villa is bad for your health, nothing seems 2b happening, that’s suggests next year will be no different, squad is totally not premier class, serious money is needed, for the life of me, i don’t see anybody buying the club, lambert won’t be recruit any players. sorry maybe loans, i can’t see many free signings as they command more higher wages, unless they are pants which we av already a dressing room full
us fans are fuming and with good reasons, so i am gonna give myself a break from annoying myself, looking forwards 2 watching england succeed to fail, then its our turn,
bien dia aimgos
Gracias gue tenga un gue Nath 🙂
nomas entied inglis billy el pescado 🙂
What Nath Billy the Fish ? Gracias aimgo. Its OK Giddy. I’m a fish now. 🙂
interesting reading / if like i think nobody buys this club and we do get relegated next year, their will be no manager, hardly any players. could be a 2 division drop, it gets worse this more you investigate deeper
Nursey is a joke writing that article lamberk stayed as he wouldn’t get pay of and no one else wants him
what ever you decide to read,its all the same doom and gloom, mat kendrick is respected he says same shit this on the bomb squad shuttle right to see his remarks on players
just been reading newcastle fans posts much more sensible, lmao no this was about villa ‘s claims of keeping the bomb squad players, like bent a reported pardrew target, they say a bullet well dodged and another was who wants a 65k bench warmer. seems like we are a joke for most rival fans, final insult they might start collection for us
That’s because he played for Sunderland exactly our reaction if he had come from the scum
The club really is in dire straits right now. First the ban on contracts and now the bomb squad being brought back into the first team after publicly stating their futures where not with the club. I have to agree with Nursery though we are lucky to have some sort of stability in the form of Lambert right now. Anyone else coming in right now would be a nightmare. Luckily it is a World Cup year so our dirty laundry can be hung to dry in private, but still I do fear for next season because clearly Lambert has nothing spend this summer.
Yep but dosnt stop the pr machine spouting out bs that lescott is coming. They treat us like muppets ffs
If there is a ban on contracts why has gardener signed a two year deal ? Don’t believe everything you read on here or twitter.
Just read that he will probably be cheap but another overhyped youth player. This youth bollox is a myth
Sure Vaze posted somewhere on here that Allbrighton wanted £35k a week and if there is any truth to that then adios amigo was the right decision.
It was fair enough to ask for a rise when he was on £15k.
Was supposedly offered a new contract, but he wanted 35k, which he’s simply not worth in all fairness.
I keep telling myself surely we must be sold this summer, otherwise Lerner would be making more funds available. There must be something, surely…
Not necessarily Lerner will feel that we have just enough to stay up and if we are struggling may sign a player in jan.
He’s waiting for the sky money next season then he’ll fuck off now that’s cutting your losses.
Agree he won’t fuck off for at least a year we are stuck with these clowns for ages
You never know mate Sid cowans maybe asked to put his boots back on we do seem to be dragging them out the woodwork now.
No two ways about it now, Lerner is taking the piss out of the Villa fans, capped wages ,capped contracts, is this the way the Browns went? I see eruption at the first few games if the result goes against the Villa.
That’s if anyone is stupid enough to turn up!
No he’s not if it was your money and you were selling the club what would you do ? We don’t actually know what he’s going to do with regard any of it .We can only speculate. Have you spoke to him?
Gardner signed a new 2 year contract. Find it interesting it wasn’t just a one year to see how he does without an injury plagued season.
yes Andrew, 2 year contract with his previous injuries seems weird…..But don’t forget Faulkner would have done the negotiating so nothing surprises me !
I’m okay with it though, which I know doesn’t matter much. Was hoping he’d sign it. Now for Donacien and Robinson to sign theirs and we’d be good on contracts for a summer for current players.
Lamberk in the press again this statement means we will definitely start with these 2. “Even if we were to get off to a flyer to the new season, I don’t think it would change Randy Lerner’s mind about selling. The chairman has been great and honest but I don’t think it’ll change his mind.
I agree we’ll probably start with these 2.
So depressing Andrew
Ps also means there is no sale IMO if we start of well nothing will be said if we struggle as expected the club will say we are up for sale and going our best. They’ve got us over a barrel with this and you have to say its genius
Really… That’s what you got from that? He clearly meant he expects Lerner to sell. He said so himself. You’re reading something and claiming the exact opposite…
Also if you actually continued reading he said something along the lines of “The new owners will get to see me with their own eyes”… Meaning that he does in fact believe it could happen and obviously within the season, possibly before January as his contract ends then.
What about his bs I have protected the club bollox
He protected the club by not telling anyone else about Lerner wanting to sell. However you could tell he knew by his comments. His constant “You don’t know what I’m going through, what I have to deal with”, the usual “We need more money, I can do so much better” bollox. Clear pleas to a new owner.
protecting the club what bollox. he was just keeping a secret from his boss like hes paid to do. how the fuck is that stressful ffs
Uncertainty about his job. Knew he had no choice but to keep them up. Etc etc.
How ironic would it be to slip Bent and Hutton back in, Benteke and Okare get back and all the pieces fit into place…and we had the players all along….It won’t though LOL!
Here’s my take. Had a buyer in place, fell through after the awful finish following Chelsea. Other parties interested, but reluctant to get into this mess, so Lerner and Lambert have to shore up the squad with a better experienced squad before a sale goes through.
But here’s the irony of that notion. Lambert’s tactics get masked by players with talent. And he stays on through another year with a new owner.
tbf i think every managers tactics etc are masked by quality players. Lets be honest would mourinho have done much better with that hand? possibly but not a great deal better, likewise Lambert would prob have still achieved top 4 with the Chelsea players
Very true. Everyone looks like a genius replacing Superstar A with Superstar B. And the pundits clamor on… brilliant move!