No doubt I’m a bit late picking up on this story, but that’s what you get when you do real work for a living, in a job that doesn’t involve looking at a computer, sneaking peeks at the internet for the latest Villa news.
Don’t get me wrong, I’d love a job like that. I’d be able to keep you all more up to date, faster.
But never mind; I enjoy grafting my proverbials off. I think it keeps me in the real world.
The point is I’ve come home to see that Paul Faulkner has released a statement asking for everyone involved with the club to “stick together” or something similar (the truth be told, even though I specifically went out of my way to read the article, my eyes just glazed over).
I don’t know about you, but for me there is something intrinsically wrong with Faulkner and the position he occupies at the club. It, in a way sums up what’s also wrong with football today.
He is purely a bean counter, who doesn’t give two hoots about the club.
Yes, I know I said it just the other day, but I’m sure I’m not alone in thinking it, because he’s oft complained about. And not just on this site.
Anyway, why is the title as it is?
Well, it’s quite simple to me.
It appears that someone who “matters” heard the protests from the most loyal supporters at Selhurst Park and realised that the fans might actually be starting to seriously wake up to what’s going on at the club.
Not that we didn’t wake up a good while back. We did, but I suspect the hierarchy probably genuinely thought it’s a recent thing.
That’s how out of touch they are in my opinion.
So, out comes this plea from someone who probably doesn’t realise how despised he is by the people who go and actually support the team.
What a mistake.
If it was a plea from someone we actually cared about, eg A Sid or a God or a Taylor etc, it might carry some weight.
Of course, Randy Lerner couldn’t have done the pleading. How could he, when he’s never here to support the team and “stick together”?
So they pick what they think is the next best option.
Oh dear.
The club are scared of the fans turning on the board on Saturday and this is just a feeble attempt at trying to stave off any type of uprising.
I’m tempted to say don’t fall for it and give them both barrels (in a proverbial sense).
But at the same time, if you’re going to protest, I would hate to hear major booing during the game.
This is of course mate the same statement after the Bolton game under Mcleish and it shows how scared they are of negative fans reaction. wished fans would learn that ….
What is missing is any support of Lambert – dead man walking but the most important thing, is whether Lerner is.
Good points Ian.
I now believe Lambert is a dead man walking, unless he gets a win against S’hampton, in which case he’ll get a reprieve,
As I suggested last night, Lerner is bombproof imo, until he get’s the money he wants, same as with the Browns.
except they reacted straightaway as soon as a few boos were heard, now if that was directed at Lerner instead I think he would want out and quick
Well, he did say that if he wasn’t wanted/had failed, he’d go, so who knows?
I’m not convinced that the fans overall feel the same about Lerner as they do about Lambert.
But I do think things are changing.
I remember saying a good while back that it’s only a matter of time, but I don’t think Lerner’s time is nigh just yet.
Of course we go back to the issue of managers being shields for Lerner eh ?
Look at the Browns, for a while some fans wanted him gone but he left and quick and this was when he finally pissed off a lot of them and they stopped renewing …
The good thing with blogs like ours is we can tell it how it is without repercussions. A sort of underground press. We say what people like Kendrick will not or cannot for fear of losing their jobs. I feel that faulkner and vp are starting to read these blogs and twitter etc to get a feel of what fans thoughts are. Now most fans have finally woken up and smelt the coffee they have tried to go on the charm offensive. Sorry but too little too late. The damage has been done and is terminal under this regime.
Why should he get a reprieve just because we beat saints at home ffs. He is still shit win lose or draw
Nature of the beast mate.
If we win (which is what the game is all about) how can you complain?
Yes, it’d be putting things off, but a win makes it harder, as we’d be safe,
I disagree with that wasn’t Bruce sacked from Sunderland after they beat utd at home!! We all know a win will paper over the cracks which is what iv been saying all season. We have the momentum finally to make things happen so why pull out now just coz we beat a saints team in their hols with fuck all to play for!
Don’t forget that billion dollars Ian.
Hardly a case of having taken on board the criticism and pissing off with a fat loss, like he’d have to do at the Villa.
He isn’t going anywhere yet.
Give us a clue who this someone that mattered was.
I’m guessing Fatty himself. He’s way more important to Lerner than we are.
Which is somewhat my whole point.
There’s no doubt about it the club is rattled now and its only time before the axe falls, its showing in sales’ attendance, and the fans have turned, all this was seen since Lambert came to Villa Park, its took up till now for 80% to realise the man whether hands tied or not was a shit manager, he’s put me through hell with him being at the ground and all them bad results we have had to suffer, and what did he do about it ? Mumble mumble mumble his way out of doing the right thing by admitting he was wrong. As for that twat Faulkner he is adespicable excuse of a CEO, should never get a job again in the name of football.
Agree Bill I was calling for his head after that humiliating Xmas period last year and then after Bradford. I got shouted down by brainwashed fans who were happy to have anyone but mcleish. Well I tell you what lamberk is no better than mcleish and IMO slightly worse. Kendricks recent head to head in mail proves it as well.
No, you got shouted down by fans that don’t want to change the manager every 5 mins Oohah.
There’s a difference mate,
I never want to change the manager every 5 mins that’s rubbish mate. I was fully supportive of houllier and didn’t want him sacked. Mcleish everyone wanted him out before the season had begun. So effectively lambert is the only one you can accuse me of and I hate to say it but I told u all so
Just a quick note to everyone; lerner spent what sky pay him a season for this club. 60odd million is nothing in football, and to a man with billions its a drop in the ocean.
Why does lerner always manage to exclude blame? because he is never there to blame. You cant blame someone if there not there right?
Villa faithful need to learn that NO manger can do a decent job down the villa with what they are provided. Its not fair on lambert to blame him for all of villas problems and the sooner the fans learn this the better!
I’ve made the point about the price Lerner got the Villa for many times.
Dirt cheap, when you consider the shit cost way more, with no assets, worse fan base etc.
Hope this isn’t true. Makes it look like wev 63m to spend yep right more pr bullshit to sell STs. Looks like lamberk is staying after all
we can blame him for schoolboy tactics though, or zilch man management skills
Cheer the team on but also sing towards Lerner,Lambert but cheer the boys on utv
You kae sing against Lerner lamberk. Why should we spend our hard earned when the actual owner can’t be arsed to unite and join us. Fuck him I say and fuck the team. We have all more than done our best supporting this team, lambert has been cut more slack than any other manager by the fans and should of been sacked last year. Getting behind the team dosnt make any difference other than putting more money in Lerner’s deep pockets. Thus has been proven week in week out and the team cannot perform to save their lives. Luckily for us saints are on the beach and Norwich will get mullered by Liverpool on Sunday.
Lamberk should have gone after the Bradford nightmare, fookin never forgive him or the team for that fookin embarrased by a team of league two rejects.
Is there a bigger coward than Randy Lerner?
Err no. Complete waste of space who is shirt scared to come to VP coz he knows what he will get. Let’s just hope he sacks lamberk and sells in the summer the sooner he goes the better
Things start to go wrong against Southampton..which they more than likely will, i think the crowd will turn. There has been a build up of tension over the last two years and I think it is at boiling point. You could see the fans at Palace had had enough.
Lambert has no idea how to manage this club.
It’s Lerner’s job to manage the club, and Lambert’s to manage the team, neither are doing a good enough job, they both need to go.
Unfortunately, at best, we’ll see Lambert leave, Lerner will still be here in 2 years time at the very least.
Loads if rumours kicking if in fb about MA fucking if after row with staff. And that new owners want things sorted by thu and are after same manager as spurs. Klop I think. Obviously no idea if true
I’m going to try to translate what i think you just said, please correct me if wrong haha.
Did you mean, rumours kicking off on Facebook that Mark Albrighton stormed off after a row?
And we want Jurgen Klopp?
Lol correct. Though only rumours unlikely to be true
This coukd be it guest faulkner to meet lamberk today at bmh
Sounds like Lambert has completely lost the dressing room.
Klop, ha, no chance.
Klopp has rejected far better clubs. No chance at all.
True Andrew and lamberk is staying by the looks of things. We are stuck with him for at least another year
Guess we will have to see if any of the rumours are true. See that as more we aren’t getting rid of you at the moment.
Ps deal will only go thru as long as we stay if we go down then no deal
Not once in that whole article does it say definitely they are going to spend a penny and as you say Oohah it’s all smoke and mirrors. complete PR bullshit with fatty Falkner and Lerner shitting a brick fearing the bottom will drop out the season ticket sales.
True billy but some people will see the 63m and put 2 and 2 together to make 5!!
Yes, they are scared of the reaction on Saturday but win, draw or as is most likely, lose against Soton, Lambert and Lerner should get both barrels. We cannot let Faulkner and the other twats on the board get away with it.
Lambert has had a tendency of getting a win just when fan pressure is rising, but we cannot paper over the cracks any more. He simply has to be removed.
That’s why I want us to stay up on the bare minimum, I don’t want to be lied to again about progress. There’s no amount of spin the board can use if we fail to break the 40 point barrier, which looks highly probable at this moment.
My thoughts exactly that I posted to badger. It round be typical if lambert to fluke a win on sat. Even if he does we fans have yo make our feelings known whatever the result
If you attend a theatre to watch your favorite play & the castings shit I’m sure you would let your feelings heard so in my book watching the VILLA ain’t no different. Express yourself fuck it.
Too right. Villa Park is a Comedy Of Errors at present…
The worst thing that could happen is for Lambert to fluke another couple of wins. Then there would be more spin about how we are progressing, which is complete arse.
I can’t see it happening, I think his luck as finally run out and rumours are to be believed (set tos between Sid & Culverhouse, rows in the tunnel etc.) the whole appears descending into anarchy down at VP.
So as much as we need 3 points to secure our PM status I can’t see where they are coming from,Lambert and his cronies have gone beyond the point of return with the only honourable option open to them is to resign.
Culverhouse comes across as a right dick. Lambert’s minder.
Just read on another site (and I quote) “the players hate the management and bullying is rife” and that the reason Gabby and Delph were dropped against Fulham was they backed Sid and belittled Culverhouse, saying Sid is AVFC and you know nothing about the club, hence they were dropped and fined (allegedly).
So Lambert will risk our PM survival to satisfy is ego? What a top man.
just been hearing the same stories plus baccuna questioned tactics pre palace game same source would only reveal as may 3rd massive announcement at villapark
Just like mon
Its the family day Saturday so no noise will be coming from VP at all as the place will be full of kids. It may have a bigger crowd but at a quid an entry for the JV life members it will be another failed spreadsheet.
Our CEO’s life pattern appears to be EAT SLEEP BULLSHIT REPEAT
They won’t resign they will wait to be sacked as they will get more money. Unless Lerner pays them to resign
Spot on bum bum. As badger said last night a win would earn him a reprieve. There are to many fans that are still behind the current regime whatever happens. Some sort if misguided loyalty.
Off Topic but Spare a thought for the 96 who lost their life in the Hillsborough disaster 25 years ago today, lets hope the families of those who died will finally get justice at the new inquests.
Fully agreed JUSTICE FOR THE 96.
Agreed but it’s a disgrace how the sky 4 media never mention what happened at Bradford with the fire that was just as bad IMO.
The Bradford fire was worse for me than Hillsborough, does anybody remember seeing it and the guy that wondered across the pitch literally on fire before collapsing and dying?
Will always be one of the most horrible things i’ve ever seen.
And that is no disrespect to the families or victims of Hillsborough either before anybody jumps on my back.
for once i agree guest with guest. I mentioned earlier that Bradford fire has not had a fraction of the publicity hillsborough have just like when liverpool fans killed a load of juventus fans. I found them more upsetting than hillsborough. Like you say no disrepect to hillsborough families it was an awful thing but to have it thrust down our throats all the time is getting monotonous tbh. Lets not forget also that thousands of liverpool fans outside the stadium harrasing the police didnt help matters ad led to police panicking and making a negligent decision to let them into the ground without thinking of the dire consequences,
I got absolutely murdered once for saying that the police weren’t entirely to blame for the whole affair and that Hillsborough officials, the boisterous fans, traffic and bad planning were also factors in the tragic events of that day.
But back to the Bradford disaster, you know, the fire service show that video when doing Fire Safety training in most offices, as an example of just how quickly fire can spread.
That poor man walking across the pitch covered in flames then just collapsing motionless on the floor is one of the most harrowing things i’ve ever seen.
Agree Guest yes the police have to accept some responsibility but so do the fans and the idiots that thought it was a good idea to put them in the smaller end and also for putting fences up in the first place. I appreciate hooliganism was a problem then but how many violent pitch invasions were there in all honesty. The only one i can think of was the luton millwall game. Great idea from fire service to get message across imo
BWS, if I’m remembering well on that day we was Playing Everton at Villa park, the news came over my ground radio and I Broke the news to the front row by our dugout. Yes remember the 96 it was a man made disaster by civil service people. As for the Bradford disaster another crime by a football club locking doors with chains and if you could have seen pictures that I have seen and public didn’t you would have nightmares.
Thanks BILLYWALKERSHIRT im from liverpool and my friend IAN died at that game so its nice that other people around the country are thinking of the victims at this sad time .
Your right ooha Bradford very rarely gets a mention which is sad cos that as you say was just as bad.
Culverhouse & Karsa both suspended by the club so it would seem that something is happening.
The lastest statement from the club is culverhouse and Karse have been suspened and Given and Sid promoted to coaches the plot thickens but this is becoming a farse
After ‘fatty’ Faulkner’s ‘we all need to stick together’ statement yesterday, the club are a complete laughing stock.
Lamberk is now expected to work with Shay Given, someone who he has totally frozen out of first team affairs.
Lamberk’s position at the club is totally un-tenable.
Dead-man walking? You better believe it!
hope so sounds like he just stopped short of sacking lamberk. Now he needs to go the whole way and not half the way just to appease fans
If Culverhouse & Gary Karsa have been suspended, and Given & Sid apparently promoted, it is a real watershed for Lambert.
He’ll either bail or have to change his stance.
I’m just thankful that Norwich have the run in that they do.
Spurs could be a huge game for us.
axe falls on lambert’s head doesn’t help villa one bit ~ i can’t see how any manager could play a tune out of these players, more than lambert has got. its way to late in the day for that. but again we are back and forth, getting nowhere fast. cowans maybe but then i don’t like the thought of panicking, we need 2 back the club until the end is nigh
VTID or until we are relegated then iam off
Well Nath I understand where your coming from ,but Nath its not been right at Villa park for,well since Lambert came, anyone in their right mind would wish things to get better, but read between the lines Nath, been a punch up, Lambert again sacrifice the team to show face ,and at the cost of pissing the team about, I don’t want discord in the Villa, Said Cowens is Villa through and through Culverhouse must have been wrong to get suspended, all I want is 3 more points and Lambert to go.
my post both i made was b4 i just heard on radio now given and cowans promoted and assistant manager and adviser av been suspended, well iam all for this cowans is a villa man and a world class passer and midfielder he will add to the first team, correct me if iam wrong but fergi always changed his assistants and other backroom staff, i hope this works and maybe a stepping stone for cowans long term
these guys that have been sacked are fall guys because the club cannot afford to sack lamberk. If lamberk does go and hopefully he will then cowans is only a short answer. Like Dalglish for liverpool will always be remembered with pride amongst villa fans but long term manager on the cheap no thanks
when the club start acting like a big club. only then will a manager of martinez and rodgors class want to come. no manager wants 2 struggle on peanuts.have expecting fans demanding miracles, both could afford to wait at their clubs. swansea and wigan and wait for better offers. pool will always have first pick but everton stealing second pick was indication how lerner and his helpers were selling the club to top managers.
now what has changed since then, club stripped the squad of quality and high earners speaks volumes to prospect new managers. iam afraid bigger heads need 2 roll before we see the light.
I don’t think its a question of the owner not being able to afford to sack the manager. The suspension of the back room staff is the club looking to sack them but being seen to react to the “bullying” allegations and carry out a proper investigation. That’s trying to head off any unfair dismissal claim. It could be that the club want to dismiss them without compensation. It is likely that Lambert will follow them out the door but I’m curious about the reported comments of Lambert about Given and Cowans, as well as the comments a few days ago hinting at the problems.
On the positive side at least changes are happening at VP. It may give the players a bit of a boost if they were united against the back room staff. Hard to see Lambert not being included in that of course.
even if we beat saints 25.o i want lambert gone