Milan Mandaric’s bid turned down. Is this why?

The Birmingham Mail are saying that Milan Mandaric has had a bid for the club turned down, even though it met Xia’s financial demands and I’m again wondering why?

And then it turns out that Wyness isn’t suing for “wrongful dismissal”, but is accusing Xia of “tortious interference” instead;

No, I didn’t know what it was either, but put simply, it’s where an owner prevents an officer from complying with his legal obligations.

The article states that “the implication would be that he was prevented from seeking insolvency advice and / or investment for AVFC by Xia, despite his fiduciary responsibilities to do so.”

Which is pretty much what we thought.

The interesting or probably worrying part though, is the following;

“The further implication of this is twofold; that Xia cannot let the club go into administration nor can he sell the club.”

Now, I don’t quite understand this, as it seems to me that if Xia sells, there would probably be some sort of agreement to sort out the debts.
But it’s always possible that I’m missing something, in which case perhaps you can enlighten me?
Is it the fact that Xia is being sued that makes it impossible for him to sell?
I don’t know, but whoever is leaking this stuff seems to know what they’re talking about and it certainly fits with Xia’s statement that the club isn’t up for sale.

I’m not sure if I fancy Mandaric coming in. From memory it seems fans loathed him, but there’s no doubt he leaves clubs on a much better footing and if that’s what’s required, maybe he might be good for the club, if not us supporters.

Whatever, if this story is true, it’s all very worrying, as we might very well be stuck in total limbo.


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  1. Steve
    Steve July 18, 2018 at 6:21 am . Reply

    Like most i don’t want grealish to stay.
    But we are preparing for a new season without him so why the hell is he playing. We should be playing the players who WILL BE IN OUR SQUAD not somebody elses.

    1. steve
      steve July 18, 2018 at 8:17 am . Reply

      Sorry mistake. Like most I don’t want Grealish to Go.

  2. nath
    nath July 18, 2018 at 6:58 am . Reply

    i agree with steve. i think we fans have a right to be stubborn and in denial. but bruce must know the chances of playing the season out with grealish is zero %. we changed the system and the main man in this system was grealish again. we are preparing for a season without grealish but with grealish in the team.

    its a observation but kodjia is liked to a old school friend of mine. nobody would give him the ball at the end. because he was so greedy, we refused to pass it to him. also we couldnt work out his movement, kodjia is same. not even grealish can work out when kodija wants the ball. or where he wants the ball.
    he on his heels all the time, he comes deep to try get on the ball,but he rarely involves himself in teamwork, with or without the ball. last night formation and the ability to get the wing backs in good crossing positions would suit hogan. hes better than kodjia for me more team player makes better runs and can be found easier

  3. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson July 18, 2018 at 8:29 am . Reply

    Watching Grealish yesterday he ran that midfield, I don’t know of any other player at Villa that can do what he does.the word is he will be gone before the weekend, and at less than half of what we’ve asked for, Bjarnason is another out the door.And not a word back to the fans that have bought and wanting to buy what’s going on. I’ve sent Badger a copy of a person stating he’s made inquiries with a solicitor friend on the question of the http://ftp.he reconds we could fight that in court, and two other clubs did and was the English FA that changed the rule from Fifa rule, its apparently putting clubs in financial difficulties.

  4. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson July 18, 2018 at 8:32 am . Reply

    ffp, silly Billy.

  5. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson July 18, 2018 at 6:26 pm . Reply

    I said this Chinese Xia will ruin us , he’s already sold the car parks, the way he’s being stubborn we will lose the club like Coventry.
    Here’s a verdict of one of concerned me ads,
    The verdict

    This is beginning to get very worrying.

    There is no way that Villa can expect to keep dodging disaster each time it rears its head each month. A long-term solution is needed and Tony Xia needs to leave.

    His stubbornness looks like it could drive Villa into the ground and the selling off of club land in order to stay afloat is far from a sustainable solution.

    I’m now a worried man over the fact that our club has lost its way in being robbed by a Chinese git.

    1. Hitchens60
      Hitchens60 July 18, 2018 at 6:39 pm . Reply

      Yep Bill – you’re right. Mortgaging land is fine except that a mortgage can be called at any time ….

      Xia’s pride and fear of being humiliated in China is driving a series of desperate and very risky decisions which fail to deliver a sustainable long term solution.

      How often have we seen this in business where ultimately that type of strategy fails. Either he sells or I fear that we will end up in administration or worse.

      I just hope that Badgers indomitable optimism proves to be right.

    2. Holte66
      Holte66 July 18, 2018 at 6:48 pm . Reply

      I have to echo your comments Bill. Xia came in just like Lerner did with the big promises. All of it was bull**** in the end, and now we are firefighting each month. It seems he is that stubborn (stupid) to sell off every asset we have to cling to full control that we will end up with a threadbare squad with the vultures circling. On a different note, is it a bit odd that the players we will end up losing have been playing in friendlies! What if Grealish, Kodja or Chester got an injury, preventing the sales needed to keep the club afloat! Surely Bruce needs to plan for next season without these. He has already said they are almost certain to be sold on Sky interview.

  6. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson July 18, 2018 at 6:59 pm . Reply

    It’s getting to me now, we have to find 9 million at the end of this month alone, thats to pay clubs we owe, wages, and staff, this is not going away. He’s banking on sale of players to help him out , the next will be Grealish will go just to help him on a month’s wages. when will it all end.

  7. marvin
    marvin July 18, 2018 at 8:55 pm . Reply

    The whole situation defies logic and the press is all over the place, although there is a consensus that something will happen before the weekend; Grealish sold, new investors, etc.

    I want to assume new investors is more important, but who knows anymore. If Grealish is sold first, maybe – just maybe – Xia would be more open to selling up altogether? Probably wishful thinking though.

    1. Sidforever
      Sidforever July 18, 2018 at 9:17 pm . Reply

      Enough is enough. Dr Xia is asset stripping us to meet the debts he created. He has demonstrated a complete lack of financial prudence, only incompetence. He has taken the mantle over from Learner and brought our once great club to its knees.

      Why are the local press not hostile and creating pressure on Dr Xia to sell our club? We protested when Mcleash was made manager. Surely we now have a united cause to rally behind, to adapt a common word if the moment “Xit” Dr Xia. He should pack his bag and sell to someone who understands football and has our club’s best long term interests.

    2. Hitchens60
      Hitchens60 July 18, 2018 at 9:19 pm . Reply

      If I was prepared to invest in the club – let’s say as a minority shareholder for £30m my terms would be – the whole of the £30m is invested into the club for operational purposes ( not into Xia’s pocket) and none of the clubs main assets should be sold at this point in time and I would want evidence that Xia can contribute proportionately to any future capitalisation or, if not, would have to significantly dilute his holding in the club. I wouldn’t be concerned about satisfying FFP but ensuring the club was soundly based financially and remained competitive. My reasoning – FFP is a side show to sorting out the clubs finances and selling assets cheap is a short term poorly thought through knee jerk reaction that solves nothing.

      Ultimately I accept that ir’s likely that some transfers would have to take place but as part of a sound plan for rebasing the club on a sustainable financial model not in a panic fire sale. We should be looking to build the future around Grealish not selling the most valuable bit of family silver cheaply

      Or maybe I’m just being niaive.

  8. nath
    nath July 19, 2018 at 7:01 am . Reply

    trust me they are going to sell grealish chester and kodjia if they receive the bids they desire. now i understand we need to reduce wages. i therefore would sell any player that we received good bids on, but only players with wages over 25k also if they are like chester, where they are reaching ages that means their value will decrease steadily lower than currently.

    grealish doesn’t meat these, so i wouldn’t sell him. you couldnt replace him with 50 million and we don’t av any money at all. all the players can be replaced except grealish. would take us years to promote another youth and developed him and their are no guarantees he would fill grealishs boots.

    fans need to make a stand on this dr and local news radio start kicking off putting pressures on the club show them they cant asset strip and we will just accept it.

  9. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson July 19, 2018 at 12:34 pm . Reply

    Ive just bee reading Birminghamlive, just been put on the web10 minutes ago,
    It’s explaining how Villa hit hard times also saying how Xia lost Faith in China, in fact lots of reasons why he should sell. He’s stubborn and preparing to sell off our assets.

  10. Texas Johnny
    Texas Johnny July 19, 2018 at 1:56 pm . Reply

    To be clear, we’ve got till the end of the season to comply with FFP, right? So, we could wait until the summer to balance the books, or at the very least, January? So what we’re really worried about it seems is cash flow, and if we get that additional investment, that sorts that – and we keep our best players for half a season to bump us up the table? And everyone knows if you sell midway through the season, that you inflate the prices.

  11. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson July 19, 2018 at 2:08 pm . Reply

    Is this a lifeline?

    Aston Villa’s worst fears may be delayed after it was revealed that the AVFC board have entered discussions with a sole bidder. The bidder is still unknown, but The Birmingham Mail have revealed that it is a ‘Middle-Eastern’ group.

    It really is crunch time for Villa’s owner, Tony Xia, who has papered over the cracks at the club by securing a number of bank loans. Will the club be able to pay it’s latest tax bill and payroll? It remains unknown and it is clear that there is no room for Tony Xia to stall.

    The Mail report that ‘various degrees’ of ownership have been discussed and if the bid for Villa is accepted, we could still see a situation where Tony Xia is in charge of the club. In some ways, this may be a ‘best-case scenario’ and in others, it’s still bad news. Xia’s regime at Villa has been nothing but a failure and promotion to the Premier League would have only secured a few more seasons of massive financial mismanagement. Xia could have bought himself a second chance, or he could be booted from control. That remains to be seen.

    On a personal note, I’ve heard from around eight separate people in the past week who have told me that Villa will be ‘taken over’ on Thursday (today) or Friday (tomorrow), and this latest news falls in line with that. We’ll see.

    With the bid potentially stemming from a variety of places that could include Israel, Jordan, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, there is potential for this to be slightly problematic, and those of you who were upset that we jokingly asked Elon Musk for investment will no doubt stay silent on this occasion if Villa were to say, accept money from people employing the use of slave labour to build football stadiums. All-in-all, beggars cannot be choosers and our football club is now beholden to the highest bidder, no matter their background.

    Again, all we can do is wait and see – but this could be some good news for Villa fans.

    1. DSVilla
      DSVilla July 19, 2018 at 3:09 pm . Reply

      This news seems to be building fast Bill. I hope this is at least the beginning of the answer to our problems. If it’s concluded quickly it may mean holding onto our best players.


  12. marvin
    marvin July 19, 2018 at 3:45 pm . Reply

    Credit to Prince William’s Middle East tour if it happens.

  13. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson July 19, 2018 at 3:46 pm . Reply

    Marvin my finger are crossed.

  14. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson July 19, 2018 at 4:39 pm . Reply

    An offer has been made
    Aston Villa’s cash crisis could soon be resolved as it can be revealed that a Middle East group have lodged a bid for control of the club.

    Owner Tony Xia has been discussing possible solutions with a number of interested parties and now has a preferred group on board.

    BirminghamLive understands that a group have come forward and are currently in talks with the embattled owner.

  15. Texas Johnny
    Texas Johnny July 19, 2018 at 6:32 pm . Reply

    Let’s hope it ends in them taking full control – can’t be much worse than right now.

  16. Hitchens60
    Hitchens60 July 19, 2018 at 7:34 pm . Reply

    Whilst some sources are reporting that Xia is close to a deal which will lift the financial pressure on the club – I hope that means someone tells Levy to ‘do one’; the Birmingham Mail, by and large, continue to revel in Villa’s financial misfortunes.

    Blue nose click bait rag.

    Rant over!

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