Shaun Maloney is linked with a move back to Aston Villa, the 30-year old may not be in Lambert’s age bracket, but he is a player with quality and hunger. Maloney spent 2 years at Villa Park and was sold back to Celtic. However, it’s unknown whether or not the midfielder is interested in completing his unfinished business at Villa Park. Maloney is currently with Championside Wigan and would accept a return to the Premier League. With Benteke wanting to leave Aston Villa, Maloney would add to Aston Villa’s attacking threat and Lambert would be able to snap up the Scotsman on the cheap.
I think that Maloney could be a quality signing for Aston Villa, yes he is 30-years old but could still make an impact for the next two seasons. If Lambert did sign Maloney he would add more of a threat on set pieces. He could also be signed for a very low fee. Maloney can play behind the forward and would become our main creative midfielder, I think he could do a job there and aid the development of Carruthers. But that’s just my opinion, he is definitely a cheap option if Villa refuse to spend big.
Ireland has been linked with a move to Middlesbrough, Tony Mowbray has been keeping quiet about a move for the out of favour midfielder. Some reports claim that Middlesbrough have already launched an inquiry about Ireland, however Mowbray admit’s that Ireland’s wage is a stumbling block.
“I don’t think there’s anything to be said on that,”
“I think you’ve got to put it in context. Stephen Ireland was at Manchester City not too long ago and he’s with a Premier League club on a Premier League salary.
“I don’t think he’s gone on Villa’s pre-season trip.
“I think with deals – whether it’s Stephen Ireland or any Premier League player – clubs go through pre-season, assess their squads and then make decisions about footballers pretty late on.” – Mowbray
I’m unsure if this is for a loan deal or a permanent deal. Hopefully we can sell Ireland because Lambert is stuck in-terms of transfers. Until Lambert sells the deadwood, there will be no further additions to squad. On a different note, I do want Ireland to leave because he deserves playing time and I hope he’d be willing to take a wage cut for regular football.
Lol… Just to lighten the mood a little.
Someone has put Benteke up for sale on ebay…its genuine. They have put a reserve price of 25 mil on him lmfao!
Go see for yourself
Lol yeah just seen il post link hilarious
Here’s the link from mom. Brilliant!! http://www.myoldmansaid.com/christian-benteke-sold-ebay-ensure-25-million-reserve/?
There is a reserve price of £25 million, so you are advised to start your bidding at that amount. ***No time wasters please from Tottenham Hotspur***
While Christian Benteke is in perfect working order, there are slight blemishes, but they only add to his charm as the perfect example of a modern day Premier League footballer.
He’s liable to lie (the opening bid amount of 99p is how much his word is worth).
He’s more interested in money than your team’s supporters.
He also has a questionable temperament, which may be exposed when he has the burden of playing with a hefty price tag on his head and is forced to play in pointless Europa League matches.
With that in mind, we’ve reduced his price from the original asking price of £40 million for a quick sale.
* Be careful when trying to remove the ‘One Season Wonder’ sticker from Benteke’s forehead.
Just posted link BWS really funny
Fair play to the My Old Man site.
Yep credit where credits due
Anyone else think something will happen re benteke by the end of today? Spurs seem to be dithering and I don’t think levy wants to spend 20-25m. I think we will know a lot tomor as to whether cb turns up for training tomor if nothing happens. Iv a feeling someone else will beat spurs to it IMO.
Think you could be right Oohah it’s looking less likely spuds will make a move and I think levy is scared to spend that money on a striker. Sick of the hole thing to be honest just want him sold and to move on ffs
Will be interesting GOTW
This is what I believe the Spuds, Kermit and Tekkers have dreamt up between them;
Tekkers don’t turn for training – Lambert fines him – he says his position at the club is untenable – Spuds come in with say, £17m?
We sell because he’s more trouble than he’s worth.
All pure speculation but I honestly think that’s how they (Spuds) intend to play it, we’ll see how it pans out.
Sounds feasable BWS let’s hope we stand our ground. Bottom line is levy has no intention whatsoever paying 25m. I just hope Lerner stays strong and dosnt accept 18m and add ons. This will also send a message out to other suitors of our players.
Absolutely Oohah let us not capitulate and cave in to his demands like Genk. No, if the asking price is not met then let the fucker rot in the reserves for 12 months miss the world cup and we’d still get £12 – 15m next season and the biggest loser in that scenario would be CB himself.
I would love that BWS and I’d have great respect for Lerner if he did that but just can’t see Lerner doing it. The prob wev got is spuds are the only team in for him and they are just fuckin us about to lower the price. If I was bentekes agent I would tell them to do one to renegotiate with villa and go next year. This time next yr cb will be negotiating himself out of spurs but he would have met his match in levy. Hopefully Lerner is just as tough
BWS. Would love that to happen mate. But there are two problems with it!
1.. We wont have the player
2. We wont have the money to reinvest
Therefore, although I would love to see it happen, we are hurting ourselves more than Benteke, we would be getting the worst deal! He will fail at Spuds anyway (if he goes there). Mark my words, 3 or 4 games without a goal and the Spuds fans will recall that its his dream to play for Arsenal. BTW is Tottenham in Birmingham, or has my agent fucked up again 🙂
Having said that Rotterdam we could just let the contact wind down while he’s playing silly buggers. He is only on 20k per week and if he strikes we won’t even have to pay that. Pl squad is almost complete anyhow and would only prob spend a few million anyway so we can afford to wait him out. Also not only will he not get his 20k he won’t get new contract for 40k either. But bottom line is he has to be a regular for us or spurs because of wc so his strike won’t last long anyway.
It’s interesting how everybody slags off oohaah and tj, I have to in the past, but to be fair to them they don’t ask anybody to respond to there comments, well not directly anyway. Maybe they are attention seekers who will say whatever it takes to get a reaction but it’s personal choice to react, there’s no law saying you have too. It’s a site based on news and views, a site that everyone is entitled to contribute with there own opinion, if it gets to people that much then why not just ignore it and don’t react to them, they’ll get bored before you/we do.
Well well well’ so we can go can we, all I have to add is this, good luck with your one sided views Oohahpaulmcgrath and I do hope you get your money back, it almost might have been me that would have been doing it for labour of love, I will be truth full, will still look at comments made to you and you’re mates, but will go as far as saying that this site has dropped in standards, Lads all the best if Quest does start a more sensible site to fans please let me know. Regards Mr Pearson.
We will even promote guests site ourselves mate can’t say fairer than that. There’s millions of sites out there for u to go to in the meantime. All the best.
Bill P sorry to hear you are going mate but as B6 rightly says you have no need to reply or take any notice of any other comment it’s only an opinion.
To be honest BP Langford could get right on my tits with his happy joy joy, everthings always rosy in the P and P garden no matter what bullshit, too far the other way but that the way the site is and wouldn’t life be dull if we were all thought the same?
Well said BWS someone with a brain at last.
Actually mate, I thought Langford’s comments were quite balanced. I’ve heard him slag off MON for his wasteful spending and Lerner for his lack of communication. I admired him for his loyalty and fighting spirit. This should be what supporting your club is all about. Being negative gets you nowhere in life. Just go with what you’ve got and enjoy the good times when they return, and they always do…check the history books. Support the SHIRT not the success or failure of your club.
Agree about Langford to a point and he made some good points. But his positivity was so contrived it was farcical. And as for this p&p bollocks we could do without that ffs!!
Threw his doll out the pram a week or so back. I heard he’s sitting outside the Heroes & Villans office asking for loose change.
Another one that’s thrown his toys out the pram! They sound like a certain striker we all know and love lol
Miss his posts mate but some times they did get on my tits but then again so does the misses and I’ve been with her for 30 years.
Lol. Didn’t even know Langford had stopped posting tbh
Evening all…..No official bids have been made for C.Benteke…Rumour has it we have made an enquiry about Jimmy briand of Lyon….UTV
Wonder what’s going to happen tomor at bmh jd
Blues are bidding for Benteke on ebay. His agent told him that small heath is on the coast and that they will be challenging for a place in Europe soon. They have already secured pre season trips to the Isle of Man, the Isle of Wight and outer Hebrides 🙂
Dunno mate few hard tackles maybe?
Tomorrow will be interesting. I want to believe CB can evolve and show up tomorrow. Although, given his actions at Gent and over the past month I really don’t think he will show, which is a great shame. He’s just a kid and with his potential he has the opportunity to become something special. All he has to do is swallow his pride for a season and the world could still be his. I just can’t see anyone coming in for him right now. Spurs of course are interested, but I think Levy would rather walk on hot coals than pay full price for any player- let alone break the bank spending 20-25m + sell ons. So as long as Lambert and the club take a hard stance I really can’t see a deal being done. For me, the most likely outcome would be for him to stay on until at least Jan. and if he does well who knows maybe Arsenal will come knocking. This is the problem when you surrounded by yes men that promise you the world. If CB likes it or not he is still largely unproven and a huge gamble for most clubs. Sooner than later he will return to training, but I find it very unlikely he will show tomorrow.
Yes mate your right but I really believe the whole thing is strategy to get the price down and we can’t fall into that trap and be backed into a corner. If that means we have to be without the player than so be it but no deals on the cheap, Spuds want him they pay the price or no deal.
http://m.walfoot.be/fra/news/lis/2013-07-17/aston-villa-veut-soffrir-bafetimbi-gomis Anyone up for translation UTV
Looks like its a done deal according to this article at 23m after initial payment and completed by Sunday. Cb to get 85k per week. Hope that’s not true as there will only be 18m up front. What are your thoughts? http://spursdreamer.blogspot.co.uk/2013/07/benteke-updateits-still-done.html?m=1
The French striker could allow a departure from Benteke.
After Cardiff and Swansea, Aston Villa could be the third Premier League club to try his luck for Bafetimbi Gomis . To believe the Sun, the Birmingham team should quickly make an offer of € 8 million to Olympique Lyonnais striker. An amount sufficient to Jean-Michel Aulas wants to separate from his striker.
He looks good; big, powerful, great hair. Plus, it is random enough for me to think he’s a possibile replacement if Benteke leaves. Although who knows with Lambert.
Yeah he looks good but I’d still rather have benteke though who knows he could be a one season wonder
More bollocks. The article states that the deal was being put in place before christmas. Benteke with the exception of the odd few games (liverpool away) started to catch everybodies eye from February onward.
Wouldn’t surprise me if true sounds feesable. Though bentekes stock had risen after Liverpool game before Xmas.
He’s not the same bloke who said we had definitely signed Belhanda is he ?
That looks complete and utter tosh, as Steve states, Benteke only really came good later into the year.
By all accounts Benteke enjoyed his season with villa, his team mates and had a great relationship with Paul Lambert. Tomorrow will be interesting if he does turn up for training as it will be the first time since the end of the season (he enjoyed) that he will be back amongst all his team mates and manager. For the last 2 months his agent has been turning his head. Tomorrow MAY be the start of him having it turned back again. His agent WILL NOT want him at Villa Park tomorrow that is for sure.
Yep would love to be a fly on the wall at bmh. Iv a feeling hrs will make an offer by today or certainly by weekend but what do I know
ironically SPURS first look at Benteke was at Spurs away when he missed a header. Thet evening a lot of fans were on this site screaming for Bent to be back in the team. Short memories
Being a bit thick here. Can any body tell me how to reply to somebody I keep ending up at the bottom of the page.
There Shoukd be a little black mark next to each comment if you click that it should solve it.
It’s actually a black circle with a white hand in it to the right of each comment
thanks for responding. I’m not computer literate but definately no black mark.
No probs to the right of each comment you Shoukd see a dark/black circle with a white hand symbol. If you click on that u can reply.
oohah just clicked hand and this is wher i ended up.
What comment did u click on. Whatever comment you click on a box will open just below that particular comment and will show just below that comment.hope that makes sense?
oohhah. I’ll try again just clicked on the hand next to your 6.35 comment. Lets see where this end up. Others have been at the bottom.
Ok mate but remember that comment of mine is at the bottom so u will be at the bottom just below my one. If you click on someone’s comment higher up then you will be higher up to. Hope that makes sense
Oohah this is replying to your 3.32 comment. 6.35 was half way up. Comment box does open up in the right place. When I post comment it has been going to the bottom.
Could it have anything to do with the fact that i keep having to retypr my email and name. Before the changes i didn’t.
I don’t think you should have to keep re typing once uv entered details you should stay logged in. Are you saying you have to login every time you put in comment?
I don’t think you should have to keep re typing once uv entered details you should stay logged in. Are you saying you have to login every time you put in comment?
yes. I have to fill in my details each time i comment.
Not sure why tbh. Il ask guest assuming he’s still talking to me 🙂
Iv sent an email to guest il let u know if he gets back to me. Cheers
many thanks
Hi Steve just a suggestion have you got you cookies switched off by any chance that might be why your struggling with site. Just a thought but worth a try. Cheers