Shaun Maloney is linked with a move back to Aston Villa, the 30-year old may not be in Lambert’s age bracket, but he is a player with quality and hunger. Maloney spent 2 years at Villa Park and was sold back to Celtic. However, it’s unknown whether or not the midfielder is interested in completing his unfinished business at Villa Park. Maloney is currently with Championside Wigan and would accept a return to the Premier League. With Benteke wanting to leave Aston Villa, Maloney would add to Aston Villa’s attacking threat and Lambert would be able to snap up the Scotsman on the cheap.
I think that Maloney could be a quality signing for Aston Villa, yes he is 30-years old but could still make an impact for the next two seasons. If Lambert did sign Maloney he would add more of a threat on set pieces. He could also be signed for a very low fee. Maloney can play behind the forward and would become our main creative midfielder, I think he could do a job there and aid the development of Carruthers. But that’s just my opinion, he is definitely a cheap option if Villa refuse to spend big.
Ireland has been linked with a move to Middlesbrough, Tony Mowbray has been keeping quiet about a move for the out of favour midfielder. Some reports claim that Middlesbrough have already launched an inquiry about Ireland, however Mowbray admit’s that Ireland’s wage is a stumbling block.
“I don’t think there’s anything to be said on that,”
“I think you’ve got to put it in context. Stephen Ireland was at Manchester City not too long ago and he’s with a Premier League club on a Premier League salary.
“I don’t think he’s gone on Villa’s pre-season trip.
“I think with deals – whether it’s Stephen Ireland or any Premier League player – clubs go through pre-season, assess their squads and then make decisions about footballers pretty late on.” – Mowbray
I’m unsure if this is for a loan deal or a permanent deal. Hopefully we can sell Ireland because Lambert is stuck in-terms of transfers. Until Lambert sells the deadwood, there will be no further additions to squad. On a different note, I do want Ireland to leave because he deserves playing time and I hope he’d be willing to take a wage cut for regular football.
Time for Stephen Ireland to move on and start afresh for the sake of his career – time running out! Not convinced Maloney is the way forward, but he sure can hit a free kick.
I agree, Ireland needs to move. I think he could still become a good player, but it’s just not at Aston Villa. Shame, there was so much hype about his arrival.
If we can’t sign a good player, I’d go for Maloney. Low fee, and give him a 2-year deal. Maloney wouldn’t be even earning that much so it shouldn’t be an issue. But in a sense, Villa should try to be a bit more ambitious and try to follow suit with other Premier League teams who are buying some highly-rated players.
Why does Ireland “deserve” to play somewhere else? Shouldn’t he have played here? He didn’t show shit at VP and just sucked wages for a few seasons. His play was uninspiring and lazy. For such a talent he was a waste and made the Milner trade that much more lopsided. Good riddance.
The problem is Ireland had said a few times he doesn’t actually enjoy playing football. Add to this the fact that he only came here after City agreed to give him a golden handshake and I would assume he will have no motivation to move on in purely to gain first team football. Unless someone offers him similar on a longer contract or Villa pay him off I really cant see him going anywhere. Sad really that someone with so much potential seemingly has so little desire to fulfill it.
Good Morning,Daily Mirror { Bentteke } wants to play for Villas Boas tells Spurs to get a wiggle on as he never wants to wear the Villa kit ever again.
There are a lot of people hoping they never see him wearing the Villa kit again. He’s certainly burning his bridges and putting his faith in this Spurs deal coming off, if press reports are true that he doesn’t want to come back to training.
FOXY mate his no more than a disgrace to the world of football.
Terry at last a statemen that’s agreed by most Villa Fans.. a disgrace.
Internet rumours are he will go for 23m. So much for playing hardball I think spurs have got a great bargain tbh he will score well over 20 for them. Also rumours he will be on 75k per week if that’s the case why couldn’t Lerner afford to match that. Pissed of with the whole thing tbh we should of let him rot IMO and teach him a lesson
Combine that with the money we should get for Bent and we have nearly £30m to invest in the team, two £10m players and £10m off the debt, should be like a wet dream to you OohAh.
If it happens then yes it would
That’s his problem, no player is bigger than the club.
Maloney is a decent player and the wage shouldn’t be an issue but I get the feeling mr Whelan will be putting unreasonable price tags on his players.
the more im hearing on the benteke saga the more of a c**t the guy seems although to be fair I’ve yet to hear or read an actual quote from benteke himself on the matter, ive heard loads from his fecking agent and now eden hazard has stuck his beak in, ‘Christian deserves a move to a big club’ twat!
I could be wrong but if anyone has an actual genuine quote from CB please post it, I cant find any.
sick of this page filling by the media and sick of spurs being cheap, either put up or shut up!
as for Ireland the player is a disgrace to himself.
which is why I, the rest of us fans and almost certainly lambert and learner don’t want any player exchanges for CB, having a player in your squad who doesn’t want to be there is pointless, expensive, embarrassing and a ball ache for all concerned.
I think this Benteke thing about him not wanting to play for Villa again is bollocks, not one article has an official quote from him that i’ve read. Stories are getting made up left right and centre. It’s a shame he’s going but he wants to further his career and lets be honest at this moment in time spurs are a step up and will get more media and sky attention than we would. Plus he will more than treble his wages. Im sure Villa would have paid him that had he said “i’d love to keep playing for the Villa” but sadly his agent has turned his head, before he even got to us imo. State of football is on the decline but all we can do as a club is stand up to it and believe in what we are doing and try to make the most of it. Players like Benteke are no longer welcome at our club, the managerial team know this and thats why they want rid and cash only. Our time will come again i have no doubt. Lambert will use the money wisely and im positive we will have a much better team come the 1st game of the season.
i don’t think his agent turned his head i think levy approached the agent before Christmas,when you look at the various statements by club and agent the fact they already have agreed a wage smacks of tapping up, also we keep hearing villas valuation of 25mil is this paper talk or is Lamberts”if anybody wants him they will have to make a ridiculously high offer”even more
According to the Mail the Spuds are to come in with a £20m offer next week, so just what is the Spuds don’t understand about the price being £25m? And what is it with Benteke being hell bent on going to the Spuds when Chelsea are a knocking? Play for the second best team in North London that have won what exactly or go to the team that must be favorites for the title this season.
Don’t get it myself and if I were him I know which one of the two I’d be off to.
I think they will get him for around 18-20m and then there will be add ons to take it up to 25m. I’m pretty sure spurs can’t afford 25m
You are probably right Oohah and it will be a £20m + add ons but wouldn’t it be breath of fresh air if Lerner was to say -bollox Mr Kemit your player is contracted to us to the next 3 years come back and see me in 2015.
Would love to see Lerner tell benteke that he has to stay with us. We hold all the cards and I think we should not accept less than 25m straight cash. Fuck the add ons if we accept add on ons then the price is 30m. I’d have huge respect for Lerner if he said benteke can’t go like WBA did with odemwhinger but looks like levy will get his way as Lerner will accept 20 plus add ons even though we hold all the aces go figure.
The other problem with add ons is if benteke fails and hypothetically has to play 50 times for us to get extra money then spurs just won’t play him. If that’s the case they won’t sell him for as much and will try and negotiate out of our selling on fee. Really pissed if not looking fwd to new season now and really think we will do well to finish where we did last season
Looking around other Villa sites I think that view is gathering pace this Benteke thing has knocked the wind out of the sails – even Lambert must be thinking well what’s the point? I unearth a gem – look to build a side around him and it’s exit stage left within 12 months. Will it be the same next year should any of the new lads have the same impact?
Exactly BWS iv been reading other sites and twitter and fans have had enough. Iv around 25 mates who are st holders at vp for past 25yrs or so and they’ve had enough. Only 6 have bothered to renew and the others have fallen out of love with villa and football per se. They will still go out pick and choose. This is the problem for lambert he could unearth 5 gems this summer but he knows they will be off to a sky four team next yr. This is where the plan of youth falls down I’m not saying go bk to signing the warnocks and beye but unless these young players think we can pay high wages and be in the CL we will be off and technically will always be in a transitional period. Lambert must be well fucked of and we will lose him if Lerner dosnt give him money to spend
Get rid of Ireland asapp. Bad example, bad influence,, and a money sucking fucker if ever there was one. And Benteke is proving to be a total wanker, he might not be saying much, but you can bet he and his agent have discussed tactics. He’s guilty as charged . I can understand him leaving though, who wouldnt for an extra £2 or 3m. but I wish he would now just fuck off. Disillusioned with modern footballl!!
never mind play in the reserves why subject him on them, i would prefer 3 years gardening leave all we lose is 7mill, plus he cant score a netfull of goals against us
Spot on BWS like I said would love to see it but money talks and Lerner will stuff his pockets with 20m and may give lambert about 5-10m if we are lucky. We will never get a striker as good as benteke again for a long long long time and even if we did we would sell him again. Wish Lerner would fuck off tbh this club is run into the ground and an embarrassment now not just because if cb scenario but the fact we can’t even match or slightly better cb 75k at spurs even thou we have got rid if all the high earners. Lerner IMO just wants to make money and keep the club 4th from bottom I’m amazed how many of our posters are happy with this and see it as positive.
We haven’t got rid of all the high earners yet, Bent and Ireland are still very much Villa players.
Stop blaming Lerner you sound like a broken record, there could be positives to come from all of this, until the window shuts i’ll reserve judgement.
Being rational 20M plus a 20% sell on fee isn’t a bad deal.. or 23M fplus add ons..
Oohahh stop moaning like a woman that we didn’t hold out.. if you look at it rationally after an albeit very good 6 months a fee in excess of 20M plus add ons isn’t to be sniffed at..
ASLONG as we have a striker and a creative midfielder lined up………………………………….
PL earmarked Benteke..Boni and Pierre Emerick as strikers to get.. all three smashed it last season.. Emerick has just joined Dortmund.. so i think PL will find another good striker IMO..
It’s not a good deal as wev said 25m cash but now wev backed down and will take add ons pathetic when we hold all the aces. My mate who’s a st holder at spurs think they have got a bargain for a striker of his quality for 25m even though he has 3 years on contract and can’t believe we are stupid enough to let him go when we don’t need to. People like u are the reason Lerner is running this club into the ground no matter what happens you will still think he’s the messiah. If we go down into div 1 you will go on about how great it is we unearth all these gems that can improve the sky four even more. You are a disgrace and the reason Lerner gets away with it
He’s hardly a disgrace, and he’s hardly the reason “Lerner gets away with it”.
For what it’s worth, i’d not sell him for anything less than £35m, or he can go into the reserves, simple, the one thing you are right about is that we hold the cards yet seem to be bullied into selling when a player wants to move on, but you have to see that surely they must be thinking it’s better to get rid of any unhappy player who has pretty much alienated the fans now, make a very very healthy profit, and replace him with one or two players whilst recouping some losses, it makes perfect business sense to me.
Although out of sheer spite i’d not sell for less than £35m.
I’m with you guest I think 35m is a bit silly but 30m definitely. That’s my point we are being bullied by him levy and his agent to sell when we hold all the aces. We are financially secure and he would have to play well for us or he won’t get in Belgium team. Like everything else if we say no and benteke is forced to say if he starts scoring again all will be forgotten and fans will love him again like Barry
You are contradicting yourself time and again, you should think about what you are saying, on one hand, you say we hold all the aces and you’d let him rot in the reserves, so how is £35m silly?
If we were to put a huge fee on his head, then nobody could come out and say we blocked his dream move, nobody would be willing to pay it and he’d end up having to play for us next year, no rotting in the reserves and no loss on our best striker, if not and somebody is willing to pay it, then we are quids in with money to spend and improve team with a couple of marquee signings, to me it seems like the most logical thing to do.
I don’t think we would get 35m but like you say we could start at that to scare people of and on that basis I’m all for it. I think if city or chelski come in we would get 30m and I also think if Liverpool sell Suarez they would offer 30 as well. Spurs have engineered this IMO and worst if all haven’t got 25m to spend which means if we accept 20 plus add ons we are even helping them buy him when we don’t need to. Levy obviously thought Lerner would take one of their rejects but is fucked now we won’t
But you wont get £35m well not without a bidding war and that aint going to happen because Benteke’s pretty much set his stall he’s going to the Spuds. So the in the reserves you go CB -bite your nose to spite your face – or take £20m + add ons option is the only one available.
This (imo) is the biggest piece of taping up since they fitted the shit houses at the new Wembley stadium.
Exactly my point, nobody will pay it, Benteke doesn’t want to lose his world cup place, he doesn’t have to go into the reserves, he can do a Barry and give us another seasons service.
Why does it have to be one way or the other, if we hold the cards, then why can’t we engineer it to work in our favour?
Spot on guest we agree at last 🙂
20 m with add ins is helping spurs buy him why the guck should we help them. First they allegedly engineer this move, then they try to fob us off Witt their rejects plus cash, then we find out they can’t even afford 25m even thou they are supposed to be a big club, then they tell us (not ask us) that we have to take 20m with add ons because we have to work around them even though we hold every fuckin ace under the sun. It’s a joke if Lerner agrees to this and will show him up to be even more knieve and weaker than we all thought
Well clearly we don’t agree OohAh because i’ve put it into Layman’s terms and yet it still seems to be a really difficult concept for anybody to get their heads around, because as you keep saying “we are never going to get £35m for him” … that’s the f*cking point.
Well I assume we won’t but that’s not to say we wouldn’t. We certainly won’t get that of spurs but if chekski and city come in for him then yes maybe he might go for around that
And you’d rather keep Benteke than pocket £35m?
Yes I would because we need his goals to keep us up and can’t see lambert getting 35m or even 20m to replace him.
The whole thing has been manufactured between the Spuds- Kermit & Tekkers and it sets a poor precedent – we will never hold on to any decent player if -(I was going to write big club but the Spuds aint even a big club) so if ANY club comes knocking.
Either way I don’t think we’ll ever see him in a Villa shirt again.
Nicklas Helenius smashes in 20 goals next season then he’s off to pastures new to the highest bidder? And then Old Midas touch Lambert goes out and finds another one? I don’t think so.
Exactly mate it’s a vicious circle
Oohaah.. when the fcuk did i say Lerner was the messiah.. you don’t half talk some bollox..
You jump from one statement from to another..
You have said a MILLION times whats the point if we get someone and he fcuks of to sky 4.. well if there is no point why the hell do u keep posting day in day out like a parrot!!??
Why don’t you practice what u preach and shut the hell up and be done with Villa.. because as you say whats the point..
Your obviously happy with us being a sky four feeder club and struggling every season that is pathetic if you think this is good for our great club
Who said i am happy!!??
Another cliche ridden statement rather then facts…
We have just had THREE seasons of relegation battles.. a player who is a mercenary wants out and the fee is close to 25M.. wow.. we are being robbed aren’t we.. we ARE a feeder club to top four right now.. get used to it.. whether we like it or not.. Just like Genk Crewe and co are our feeder clubs…
What have we won in the last 30 years to make up a GREAT club by the way and make us think the big four are our equals!?
We can’t even fill a 40K stadium week in week out mate or pay players 80K each unless a multi billionairre comes around…
Wake up and smell the coffee buddy…
P.S you still didn’t address my question that everyday you say whats the point if we are a feeder club blah blah and yet you are on every day commenting 🙂
And that’s just how we’ll stay if we continually sell our best players and so I can assume you are happy with midtable mediocrity that could well turn into terminal decline?
BWS. Not at all.. And I am very surprised you missed the point too…
When u build it happens steadily.. Benteke doesn’t want to stay he’s got previous. So maybe if we INVEST the money made on him on a quality playmaker and another striker we might finish mid table..
We might need to sell again.. Soda law.. But if we invest in quality again we might get a European place the season after.
It’s called PROGRESS….!! Doesn’t happen with clichés about us being a big club blah blah..
Spurs are a team fighting for 4th.. They’ve sold Carrick Berba Modric Keane VdV to name a few but have invested wisely and they have had LUCK.. Bale turning out to be a superstar when at one stage he was heading down the motorway to join Forest on loan..
Capeche 😉
It’s not called progress its called STANDING STILL!! Ok let’s assume CB goes for 25m do you seriously think a) lambert will get all that money and b) find another striker just as good for 8m. Gems like that are rare and remember he scored 40% of our goals and we still struggled to stay up. The defence dosnt look like its been improved enough to keep goals out thou I do think that Okore will be a good player in time. We will have to agree to differ on this and only time will tell who is correct
I’m entitled to comment whatever as are you.
So now ur mixing the way to move forward with will Lerner provides the funds and if the defence is good Enuf which is an entirely separate issue of if we are buying the right players or not..
Mate don’t jump from one point to another just to get something across..
The ONLY way we will progress is if we try and build slowly.. Benteke is a mercenary.. So why are u using him as a yard stick for ur debate..
It’s pointless debating with u.. You have the one tunnel visioned view and it won’t change!!
Plus if the team is shite then why would benteke want to stay anyway.. Nullifying ur whole arguement!
And the reason why we havnt win anything or an fill a 40k stadium is because….we keep selling our fucking best players and show no ambition. Going back in time we sold Gray hodge, platt, Gibson gidman, Yorke, Barry Milner, young downing and now Benteke. Like it or not if we had a man city style takeover and signed Messi and Ronaldo then we would sell 40,000 plus season tickets overnight and there would be a waiting list of at least another 40,000. That’s the way it is same as utd they wouldn’t get 80k if they wernt ambitious over a period of time in the 80s they couldn’t fill their 60k stadium and regularly got crowds in the late 30 to early 40 k even thou their ticket prices were among the cheapest
On one hand you berate Lerner and claim at least Ellis had some ambition and then you throw a bunch of names sold by the latter, you are a massive contradiction and there is no point in debating with you as you are never happy, you must be a right laugh a children’s party.
Never said Ellis has more ambition than Lerner but at least we won a few cups with him and finished runners up twice
What, you mean when the only competition we had was Man Utd?
You are aware the Premier League has changed somewhat since then?
Is that Lerner’s fault?
It is his fault for not moving with the times
Ps it’s also Lerners fault for not tripling his wages when he can easily afford to, it’s Lerners fault that he is helping spurs by taking just 20m and accepting add ons, it’s Lerners fault for letting a player go so easily when he holds all the aces he should take a leaf out WBA book when they would not be bullied into selling odemwhinger, it’s Lerners fault we signed mclown and houllier, therefore it’s Lerners fault Wev struggled for years so yes the buck stops with Lerner he should sell up and fuck off. When we lost 8.0 to Chelsea we were all happy to call for his head them now he is the new fucking messiah all of a sudden!!
I give up.
Mate Villa are fucked by owner & a manager that could not run a piss up in a brewery.
Correct sir Tel
Mate can you find out why i can;t access certain parts os this site as you are a co,owner thanks mate.
What do u mean UL have to more specific mate
Mate when i click on about the authers or submit an articale page comes up not found and blanked out in black.
Lol Fair comment Lion heart. I think the heats getting and I know the Benteke saga is but cheers mate you’ve just restored the faith.
BWS.. No worries mate.. We all want the best for Villa.. Hopefully we can get a few more quality players in..
And yes it’s boiling outside!!
As for your mate as Spuds.. well obv being ur mate he’s a one off.. virtually all the boards you read the Spuds are saying they shouldn’t pay 25M for a guy who has had one good season and is a bit of a mercenary…
They would say that it’s because they are buying him if levy was selling him he would be worth 35m
EXACTLY.. lol.. you just answered your answer question 😉
were all here listening to speculation from London based media but the silence from the club is deafening i really hope they don’t sell on the cheap,no figure has been released from the club i hope spurs cant afford the price we charge, big club my arse!
That’s another problem zilch communication fom the club as always and has been sice Lerner arrived but that’s an arguement for a other day
anyway all this heat is making everybody crabby was at an air show the weekend and you could see people so short tempered, down at one of the bars a woman belted a bloke, he’s hit her back, then the police charged in. the guy has took the truncheon of the copper and hit him with it!. then a crocodile has appeared at ate all the sausages
Oh dear someone else told me that joke the oldies are goodies
Hang on lads just fell off the chair laughing, keep it up it making my day,
benteke will go but I suspect that it wont be till 2 sept. we don’t need to sell and it may take till the final few minutes of the window for someone to dig deep and pay the asking price whatever that is.
Saturday will be interesting- would you include him in the squad- I would.
Cheer or boo? I don’t normally boo any player even Hodge or Ireland but I may make an exception here- he seems to have no regard whatsoever for what the club has done for him.
he may need to shave his wage demands so that buyer can max transfer price.
I’d include him on Saturday if he’s staying, as he’ll need the game time. If not, Helenius all the way. Only four days to go gentlemen.