My PERSONAL stance re the club and Lambert

Ok, so today we had a pretty bad result.
Actually, I don’t think it was that bad when you weigh up our record at St James’ Park.
But it was a loss, where many of us thought we might take a point(s).
A quite important result really, as if you take the Norwich game out of the equation, we’re now in for a tough run of fixtures, which will probably see us get sucked closer to the relegation zone.

Scary times, yet again and quite frankly, bloody annoying after what we’ve witnessed over the last few years (was it really that bad under MON? I don’t think so, but many disagree, which is fair enough).

And with today’s result, so come the criticisms from those that think we should now sack Lambert and get someone else in.

Well, I’ll say straight off that I think this is totally the wrong thing to do AT THIS TIME.

Whereas a short while back I thought Lambert might have lost the dressing room, I now don’t believe he has. And that is what makes the difference for me.
I keep coming back to “what would a new manager add NOW?” and I’m not seeing the answer.

The players, to me, just aren’t good enough. Something many of us said would be the result if you try and do things on the cheap and any top manager would get rid of all but one or two, if he came in; we all know that.
Hence until the strategy from above changes, changing managers that we might currently expect to come in will achieve nothing.

Hence I think we’re stuck with what we have and Lambert stays.
Indeed, the hierarchy decreed such, when the word came out that the club is in discussions with Lambert about a new contract.
This is strange, to say the least, but no doubt stability is the main reason, which I can see some merit in.
But for me, it’s all about the progression that we’re supposed to be making.

We’re struggling again and the footy has mostly been rubbish this season, in my opinion.
We’ve reverted to pragmatic tactics and to me it’s a classic sign of failure and acceptance that we’re just not good enough. Yet who signed the players?
And where exactly is the so called progression? I’m sorry, but I just can’t see any.
It’s not as though we’re bringing the kids through either, are we?

My own stance, if we just scrape survival, or god forbid get relegated, will change, as it will prove that we have made no progress whatsoever, regardless of the PR that the club has come out with.
Then, a serious campaign, which I suspect would be backed by other Villa sites, might be on the cards.

Until then, we have to try and support the club/team, I’m afraid.
I know. It’s difficult.


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  1. Elvis Cole
    Elvis Cole February 24, 2014 at 6:52 am . Reply

    Why do you think that Norwich wont be a hard game?

  2. Villan1
    Villan1 February 24, 2014 at 7:06 am . Reply

    Indeed Norwich will be a tough game, they’ll be desperate to stick the knife in on Lambert and I think they will tbh. I think it’s highly possible we won’t win another game this season, the manager has lost the dressing room IMO.

    1. Bill Pearson.
      Bill Pearson. February 24, 2014 at 7:53 am . Reply

      Badger to me this is my Personal stance on the club, enough is enough, your view is just words, we have had this mess now for two years and even now his team is falling apart, the star player not playing anymore, the defence is dire to say the least, he not using his own youngsters, he sends players to other club’s and does not use his own, he’s sits experience wingers on their arse when all can see the need, tell fans, taking them to Portugal to get minds focused on the coming game’s , the man is a Buffoon. Now I would rather have the pain of might go down if we got rid of him and his fake coaching staff now than see it coming anyway, we talk on ever post on what’s wrong, he’s wrong for our club they even giving him a 3 year contract soon , what will that cost the club to settle his inevitable saking,? Your next questions to me is who would we get? Gordon Cowens for me a coach with pure knowledge of the game that’s who.

  3. Foxy
    Foxy February 24, 2014 at 7:48 am . Reply

    We seem to have a tough time against the teams we all think we should beat and do well against the big boys. Norwich could be a complete disaster and then Wiemann might get a hat trick against Man City.

    It doesn’t mean we’re not knee deep in it though!

  4. Terry Jones.
    Terry Jones. February 24, 2014 at 8:03 am . Reply

    Badger 123 Wrong mate Lamberk should have gone month,s ago or are you prepared to wait until we go down because this is what is going to happen as the saying goes even a blind man on a galloping horse can see it.So wil be seeing you in the championship next season.Hope to God not but the writing ,s on the wall.

    GIDDYVILLAN February 24, 2014 at 8:07 am . Reply

    We’re in shit street that’s for everyone to see,norwich will be a fucking toughy they play football not’s a must win game because the rest of the month you can write it’s going to be one hell of a scrap to the end.

  6. Terry Jones.
    Terry Jones. February 24, 2014 at 8:50 am . Reply

    GIDDYVILLAN we are going going down no good saying don;t worry we won;t be relegated.This is it mate worst team and manager in our great and illustriouse history.

    GIDDYVILLAN February 24, 2014 at 9:05 am . Reply

    Tel j i never said we won’t be relegated,i personally think it’s going to be our year my villa mates also think the same.i agree with ooha in say our goal diff maybe our saving grace but im not convinced.& yes i can’t remember a worst team in all the years ive supported this once great fucking breaks my heart mate.

    1. Terry Jones.
      Terry Jones. February 24, 2014 at 12:28 pm . Reply

      Sorry mate that,s LANGFORDS line but don;t think goal difference will come into it if we can;t win games.The death watch beetle have been eating away at our club for the last two years makes we want to cry.Think now is the time for a complete clear out and i mean from the top down.

    #HELENIUS February 24, 2014 at 11:20 am . Reply

    Lots of people slating Benteke’s attitude and overall game yesterday.
    Yes, very often his touch was shite, (having to pull everything out of space while being man marked by 2 defenders is difficult tho) but had KEA, Weimann and Gabby had an ounce of creativity he could well have had an easy hatrick and instead of criticizing we’d be queuing up to pull his plonker for him.

    He will leave in the summer, to a decent team and go on to prove his quality.

    I do not think Paul Lambert is a good manager,
    He seems extremely lost and clueless. To some degree, the task he had was an extremely difficult one, but I’m not so sure he can pull it off again.

    As for singing “LAMBERT OUT” chants……. What a load of utter nonsense. As difficult as it is to win atm they really don’t need us adding to their problems. Get behind them until we are either down or safe THEN do your chanting.



    GIDDYVILLAN February 24, 2014 at 11:51 am . Reply

    I read somewhere OGS has cancelled training abroad in hotter climates as he feels the team need hard training in wales after the weekends shambles.lambert take note you don’t reward shite.

  10. cb
    cb February 24, 2014 at 12:08 pm . Reply

    As i have said many times apathy is setting in and the more Villa fans you talk too the more you can see they are losing interest in our club. If we do go down the average attendances next year against the likes of Doncaster and Bournmouth etc will be truelly awfull and god knows what finacial mess we will get into. That said the one bit of poistive news has to be that Fulham and Cardiff look even worse than us which means there is only 1 space left to get relegated so we may stay up. But then the next season starts and the same old crap begins all over again. When we look back are we embarased at the wayway we treated the likes of David o`leary and Gerard Houllier i think we probably should be. And even now when the Red bull rumour was floated you had people telling them to f*ck off teh villa is ours….well maybe we have what we deserve the Villa is ours and it is a pile of sh*t with no future

    1. villa1996
      villa1996 February 24, 2014 at 12:36 pm . Reply

      Well said cb well said cb

  11. villa1996
    villa1996 February 24, 2014 at 12:13 pm . Reply

    People saying it wont make a difference sacking lambert and getting someone else in because of the players well crystal palace seem to be doing better with tony and they had have a shit team so yeah I believe sacking lambert might save us were doomed with him anyway might as well take the risk

      GIDDYVILLAN February 24, 2014 at 12:23 pm . Reply

      Villa 1996 i couldn’t agree more,lamberts certainly now lost with idea’s & tactics.yes bring someone in who can lift the team in our hr of need,who? thats another debate but ive got no faith in him whatsoever & im sure it’s looking like that for the players.

    2. baa baa bleat bleat
      baa baa bleat bleat February 24, 2014 at 12:31 pm . Reply

      oh tony pulis have i just woke up ~ or did he become palace manager before christmas, so point is he has had a chance to bring a few and a few more of his players in, also he has had more than say 11 games to assess the squad .
      bringing in a new manager to work with same squad of players only works if the players aren’t giving the best to present manager which you will find they are all giving their best ~ were the problem is WE AREN’T GOOD ENOUGH

  12. baa baa bleat bleat
    baa baa bleat bleat February 24, 2014 at 12:23 pm . Reply

    games remaining of interest
    H Norwich
    H Stoke
    H Fulham
    A Palace
    H Soton
    A Swansea
    H Hull

    most of our games are at home which is alarming. newcastle game was hard to take, cos the way we lost it. why fan never give credit to the opposition. newcastle were back to full strength, second half they had a right go. they moved the wide midfield men inside. but still we had chances truth is we took the chances we would have won.

    Norwich is a different game. they will be more relaxed, they will use our fans against our players. now its up to the players to show they can handle this occasion. easy is sumat it wont be. before they scored against spurs, they were nervy and hiding from the ball. first goal will be important .

    most believe lambert is at fault, some say its the 2 muppets above him. but time now to support villa and show your feelings at the end.

    1. Terry Jones.
      Terry Jones. February 24, 2014 at 12:33 pm . Reply

      Good one five home games that we need to win at least four but is very doubtfull with our home form.

      1. baa baa bleat bleat
        baa baa bleat bleat February 24, 2014 at 12:40 pm . Reply

        its also noticeable apart from soton, all the home games are against rivals for the trap door

        1. villa1996
          villa1996 February 24, 2014 at 12:49 pm . Reply

          And we will lose or draw all of them cause of lambert shit management

  13. Guest
    Guest February 24, 2014 at 12:57 pm . Reply

    The club is an absolute shambles at the moment, either one of Lamber or Lerner needs to go, because Lambert has proved he can’t find the right players on a budget, so if Lerner is not prepared to fund an overhaul of the team, then he needs to find a manager that is either tactically better or savvier in the transfer market.

    O’Neil style funding is the only thing that would help Lambert.

    1. Terry Jones.
      Terry Jones. February 24, 2014 at 1:02 pm . Reply

      GUEST way thing are developing at the moment the club will only survive if they both went and it needs to be done sooner rather than later no good waiting until the slide down the divisions sets in.

  14. baa baa bleat bleat
    baa baa bleat bleat February 24, 2014 at 1:01 pm . Reply

    your a little on the obsessive side on piling blame on a manager. either every manager we have had since ron saunders or tony barton are shit or just the money men like ellis and lerner who set wage budgets, decide which managers should run the club

  15. Morgan Villa
    Morgan Villa February 24, 2014 at 2:12 pm . Reply

    I am not sure i will be renewing next season, i cant keep on watching that shower of shit week in week out. I would hate Saturdays without Villa but the board, the players and the management seem so dis interested why should the fans not feel the same way.

    Vlaar is not too blame for yesterday he is like a one man show for our team, he has to be everywhere on that pitch

    Delph is the three game wonder, terrible useless pile of wank get rid and bring in a midfielder who can actually play football and understands what the word positioning means.

    Wiemann is shit, bacuna is shit, bennett is shit, KEA good at one thing, Westwood would be good with a Dembele style player next to him. Benteke shocking player, Lowton not bad, Luna fucking useless, Tonev fucking useless, Sylla what is the point in a player who cannot pass, shoot, tackle, play positional. etc etc etc
    I dont care if Lambert is sacked now or at the end of the season he is worst than Mc Ginger who was shocking.

    Please fuck off Randy sick of this bullshit. Whatever you think of randy he turned up and promised CL football within five years and even made a statement that if he failed he would sell up. Well you you have failed so please fuck off and take Faulkner with you, not interested in loans, not loans or how much has been invested a badly ran company is a badly company and Villa are badly ran

  16. Bill Pearson.
    Bill Pearson. February 24, 2014 at 2:37 pm . Reply

    Morgan Villa I’d pin a medal on you at last common sense, I’ve said for months and months but what we get people frightened to say or do. He’s the worst manger up till yet.

  17. Morgan Villa
    Morgan Villa February 24, 2014 at 2:38 pm . Reply

    Looking around on other forums, some of which are very patient with the management and the board I would say the stadium is going to be empty next season if Lambert remains and if the board do not back a manager in the transfer market

  18. Bill Pearson.
    Bill Pearson. February 24, 2014 at 4:06 pm . Reply

    I can well believe it.

  19. Langfordvilla
    Langfordvilla February 24, 2014 at 5:30 pm . Reply

    *********** message for the site moderators ************
    Cany you please delete the first comment on the previous post by ‘Terry Jones’. The comment is way out of order given the tragic circumstances. TERRY JONES……your comment is at the very least insensitive. You should be ashamed of yourself mate. I find the comment to be despiceable and well out of order. Lets hope the poor girls family have not read it.

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath February 24, 2014 at 5:50 pm . Reply

      Hi Langford just looked thru Terry’s comments and can’t find anything untoward. Unless it’s already been deleted of course. Let me know if u come across it. Cheers

      1. Langfordvilla
        Langfordvilla February 24, 2014 at 6:03 pm . Reply

        Oohah..hes taking the piss, couldnt be seen as anything else…offering 1p, knowing full well that he should be using the link to the auction site. I find it offensive and in bad taste. What do you think the poor girls family will think when they see a ‘piss take’ offer of 1p. TJ knows it too!

        1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
          OohAhPaulMcGrath February 24, 2014 at 7:20 pm . Reply

          Will sort it now I missed it

        GIDDYVILLAN February 24, 2014 at 6:04 pm . Reply

        Ooha you really can’t see it,1p for a worthwhile cause sorry you’ve lost ashamed

        1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
          OohAhPaulMcGrath February 24, 2014 at 7:20 pm . Reply

          Oh I see what you mean now. Sorry didn’t see it il delete.

          1. GIDDYVILLAN
            GIDDYVILLAN February 24, 2014 at 7:22 pm . Reply

            Thanks mate it was fucking insensitive imo.

            1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
              OohAhPaulMcGrath February 24, 2014 at 7:23 pm . Reply

              No probs just looked and looks like Terry’s deleted it anyway. If you still see it let me know cheers

  20. baa baa black mutton
    baa baa black mutton February 24, 2014 at 5:35 pm . Reply

    i av had the piss ripped out of me all day 🙁 also been 2 bookmakers can’t believe the price they quoted on villa 2 go down. maybe i av misjudged us and if i av so have alot more on ere
    Cardiff 2/7
    Fulham 1/3
    Palace 13/8
    Sunderland 7/4
    wba 3
    stoke 8
    US 10

    if we all think we are doomed we can make a killing on this

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath February 24, 2014 at 5:46 pm . Reply

      I think it’s because a lot of the teams below us have to play each other and our goal difference is worth an extra point so unlikely we will go down. Also we still have 28 points in the bag and effectively only need 10-12 more so we will easily draw our way to safety

      1. baa baa black mutton
        baa baa black mutton February 24, 2014 at 5:55 pm . Reply

        well ur the last person, i would put as optimistic, i am worried simply because of the strikers benteke is looking like he doesn’t give a shit ( because i want out and iam going 2 world cup ) weimann looks lacking of confidence and gabby is doing loads of leg work his and bentekes graft

    2. Naughtius Maximus
      Naughtius Maximus February 24, 2014 at 6:05 pm . Reply

      10-1! Christ ill have some of that, clearly the bookies haven’t been watching us play.

      1. baa baa black mutton
        baa baa black mutton February 24, 2014 at 6:15 pm . Reply

        my mates reckon its worth putting the house on lol 10,1 is very generous

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