So my previous post, asking if we needed another striker, got diverted somewhat.
That’s how things work and I don’t have a problem with it.
But it doesn’t help me draw any conclusions as to how us Villa fans think.
C’est la vie.
So I’m going to assume that it doesn’t really matter if we get another striker in or not.
Which leads me onto if we think the midfield are up to it.
This is a minefield for me, as I believe it’s our biggest single problem.
Our record for years, shows that the midfield’s contribution to goal-scoring has been abysmal.
Let’s start on the left. What do you call Jordan Amavi? A defender, who attacks or a wide left midfield player? Yes, he has a decent cross, but doesn’t do enough for my liking and is a defensive liability, so he can happily go, with my blessing.
That’s somewhat unfair, as I’ve never believed defenders are a good attacking choice without a very strong central midfield, but’s that how it is.
My opinion says we can’t afford him as anything other than a luxury player.
Yes, he should get games, but he’s another that doesn’t work hard enough in the Championship and is much better suited to the Premier league. Another sell, even if he proves to be another Cahill (and yes, I believe MON was right in letting Cahill go, even though it bit us on the arse).
Gil’s a goner, as are Tshibola and Vertout.
Which leaves us with Henri Lansbury (utter crap up to now, but let’s see).
Bacuna, who works hard and has won some fans over. He’s a total utilitarian type player though, which sums up the problems at the Villa. A grafter and that’s it.
The big enigma, who given the way we play, is a totally wrong signing and the main reason why I worry about the way we’ve recruited players.
Andre Green?
I love this kid. He’s bloody good.
But we don’t play the game that suits him.
Bjarnasson? I don’t understand this signing at all, but there you go.
So let’s move to the centre. Jedinak is great.
Lansbury, not so.
But it’s the right where I’m quite simply stunned.
We have Bree, who was injured (I don’t know his current status), De laet and Alan Hutton, who isn’t a midfielder, but currently our best crosser (jeez).
We have Adomah, who I quite like, but what if he’s not available?
It’s Bacuna or one of the kids. Which is crap.
We have Gary Gardner too, but my opinion says he won’t make the grade, as much as we might want him too.
i thought this Terry transfer wouldn’t happen,that it was alll paper talk.. but each day it builds up more. langsford says it will 🙂 i think he will be great for villa. not just as player. maybe he will sort the dressing room out. be the managers general with jedinak carrying the instructions on the field. seems last season the players on field lost their way and tactics
Nath, i think if we do get him its the experience he can offer, i know his legs have gone and might only do half the season but players will look up to him. thanks for the greeting Nath , not done much only cut grass had eye test and drank a few whiskies. Up the Villa.