No, he hasn’t been given notice as far as I know, but having read around the net, it would appear that reliable sources are saying that there were anti-Lambert chants at the game today, particularly at the end of the game.
It might not be news to anyone, but my view has always been that when you lose the support of those that follow the Villa around the country, you’ve basically had your lot.
I hinted that I wanted Lambert gone in my article the other day, but also said that I hadn’t seen the evidence that I was in the majority, on the Holte; hence my reticence to actually call for him to be sacked.
If it’s true that there was anti-Lambert singing at Palace, it would be logical that this will continue in a major way at the Southampton game, should we go a goal down.
Given that this is a game I’ve half promised to go to, I’m in a bit of a dilemma.
I’m not convinced that calling for the manager to go at a home game, when we’re at risk of going down is a good idea.
But then, if I do attend, I suspect I won’t be able to help myself if the singing does start.
Lambert’s “the fans need a reality check” comments have tipped me over the edge I’m afraid and I’m fuming.
The reality Mr Lambert is that we haven’t deserved the shocking football we’ve witnessed at home this season.
Football so bad that we’ve beaten our previous record for home defeats in a season with two games still to go.
And regardless of any maybe valid excuses you may have, today’s setup in not attempting to win the game means you will fully deserve the bullet.
Part of me hopes we’re cheering loud for his head next week 🙁
Ian, you should not blame the fans for wanting Lambert.
That was just a natural reaction, where anyone would/should have been better than big Feck after the shite football we played under him.
I will never forget that Spurs game as long as I live.
Yes I shoyuld blame them, they were fooled by a very limited manager who had no potential to be bigger.
I and a few others were proved right because what we needed was to have a manager who could shape a club that Lambert never did at Norwich
Ian, I don’t recall there being anyone available who hadn’t turned us down??
I believe I said at the time that he was the best of a bad bunch, but can’t remember, tbh.
I can remember what I said and I said it was a sop to the fans to take the pressure of his back …..
didn’t u turn them down as well badger lol
Really interesting take on things here;
If half of the first half of that blog is true, it just confirms even more that Lambert quite simply has to go, even though we risk bringing in another total muppet.
so Lambert should go because good signings were blocked by the board (if you believe that ?)
I will state once again that I believe Lerner will spend nothing on the club as he wants it sold and all the actions since suggest that ? would you put money in if you wanted to sell something ?
Personally, I don’t believe that.
But that’s not what I was talking about.
I’m on about everything rolled into one, where it would appear Lambert’s whole situation is falling to pieces.
you mean Lerner’s surely ? After Mcleish he appointed the ‘fans favourite’ and that has been awful, where does he go now ?
Lerner is as bombproof as he wants to be Ian.
He won’t go anywhere until he’s ready.
The Browns tells us that.
The point is something has to give and it ain’t going to be Lerner, so it has to be Lambert.
Just doing nothing is not an option, as we simply can’t go on the way we are.
Don’t get me wrong, sacking Lambert will not be the solution with no decent replacement in place, imo.
I wouldn’t trust the board to appoint a decent replacement.
And that’s why I won’t out and out call for Lambert’s head.
why would lambert be a yes man look at all previous villa managers how many are still working yes he is working on tight budget but you dont need steer keeper surely some of youth team as good helnius same story signed 3left backs none any good bowery another half million plus wages of all his signings benteke vlar bacuna good value westwood lowton sylla passable okore kozack injured wasted rest of money he is a terrible manager before yesterday he had least subs made be all right if we were winning or drawing yesterday we needed width when did he change it when we were behind
Bloody hell jvillan, you have a good point but it would be a bit easier to read with the odd comma, full stop and capital letter thrown in for a laugh!!!
if he didnt get the players he wanted walk would have stood better chance of getting another job didnt mon walk and get paid off
I can’t wait for the true MON/Lerner story to come out, which it will eventually.
I suspect some people will have their eyes opened when it comes to Lerner, myself.
some may have their eyes opened to the whole fiasco as the club wanted MON to take allt he blame and many fans happy to allow that.
the blame at any club always rests with the top guy, he signs the cheques doesn;t he ?
Yep but Lerner was knieve and MON ran rings round him. Lerner also bought into the MON myth
Naive up to a point. MON convinced him that 6th was a good return for his outlay but I believe RL started asking questions when Benitez managed better with a smaller net spend. Also the fact that there was millions of pounds worth sitting on the bench can’t have escaped him. Looking back he did screw us over but I always went into games thinking we could win.
Don’t forget spurs wage bill was about 30 mill lower than ours and they had a better team at the time
Sounds like 6 of one half dozen of the other tbh
I’d say 6/8 myself…
Until Lerner goes all are doomed to failure
Seriously….??? Are you dumb??
since mon left lerner has spentabout 90 million if you include ireland,paid big wages to ireland bent makoun given nzog hutton jenas,how many matches have they played alltogether,paid off mon houiller mcleish .paid off scum for mc leish .when mon left our squad was fairly big,sold milner young downingfor about 60 million if we sold everyone else since would we get the same for them we needed to spend massive when mon was there just to get up to 6 place from deadly time,what mon done wrong was signing heskey and not a poacherto push on.
Both managers have been given completely different jobs, one to challenge for Europe, the others to stay in the league. Both accomplishing their roles atm. Would Rodgers have taken on this penny pinching role that Lambert has…??… Not in a million years, just like Martinez.
But the difference is Rodgers has overachieved big time this season by winning the league (well as good as just a formality). Lamberks target to stay in the league has been met last year but also year on year improvement. Instead we have gone backwards and under achieved and there is a still a small possibility we will go down.
The anti-Lambert singing/ opinion has come far too late, it was obvious over a year ago that he wasn’t the right man as evidenced by the shambolic Xmas/ New Year period 2012-2013 culminating in us adopting a 5-0-5 formation in desperation against Bradford City, a league 2 side at the time.
I’ll be most interested to hear how Paul Faulkner will spin the “we’re making progress” line at the end of the season, after our 4th consecutive relegation battle.
Heard some Villa fans were singing through the minutes silence for hillsborough disgraceful if true.
According to Grixxly at VV, it was a small handful of pissed up idiots who were fighting shortly after. Must have been a right bunch of girls if they can’t hold thier beer. It was quite embarrassing for everyone around them apparently.
Not as bad as the bin dippers bricking a man city supporters coach!! Typical no one mentions that
Appalling behaviour has no measure all concerned in both incidents should be banned from every stadium in the country.
2 facts say it all, 10 home defeats at home do far(brings any fans motivation, enthusiasm, patience, support and enjoyment through the floor), 2nd fact is we play on average 71 long balls a game( 71, who wants to watch that s##t, who can get motivated, enthused, excited about that), this is the highest in the league. Where has the back end of last season gone, the passing, the excitement, why, why!!! The long ball idea is management and coaching staffs idea , wrong on all levels and breeds negativity.
seems like the debate on whether lambert stays or goes , he’s shit or has had hands tied. goes on, lmao ~ seriously relegation looms closer means nothing, lets all pull in every direction but the rite way, behind the team. regardless how bad they are.
it looks like we are relying on others now. a win would help,but without benteke we are struggling, he gives our players a boost,game gone like fulham and palace i feel a point should have been the aim. norwich may fluke a win but collecting 2 results from their last four will be very tough.
means fuck all 2 me if we go down 🙁 probably cheaper 🙂 but if you are wanting us play in the premier, sacrifice a chicken, say a pray and definitely back ur team. they need everything and anything. just one point will do .
whether we survive or slip out, u can protest all summer. you can vote with your feet and your wallets
Nath I still think we will stay up and honestly can’t see Norwich finishing above us. Can u honestly see them beating champions elect Liverpool on sun!! They will get mullered at least 4.0. The other thing in our favour is gd which effectively gives us another point. Either way lamberk Lerner etc must go end of
i think your right plus all the more, i hope your right. if we can just get another point this weekend i will feel miles better. i have set low bars oohahpaulmcgrath just because they are running low to empty on confidence coupled with lack of pace upfront and skill
my fingers and crossed tightly
I cant see us not getting another couple of points tbh but Norwich have got the run in from hell they will get stuffed on sat and will struggle to get anything of the other teams
The fans will be behind the team against Saints, if they all put in a shift, and even if they fall behind. The mood has changed though to not accepting another display of rank bad football for example Weimann snatching at chances, Delph trying to beat one too many or the back four being caught up-field and lacking pace to recover.
Above all, another display of utter indifference from Agbonlahor must surely remove the scales from the eyes of the Holte End half-wits. Agbonlahor played 90 mins at Palace for a Times Newspaper ranking of 3/10. How bad is that? I cannot recall another player getting as low a mark for a full game. To put it in context Chico Flores was sent off after 16 minutes for 2 Yellows, a premier league record. His team in relegation trouble lost 1-0. Flores scored 4/10 – that is how bad Gabby was.
Lambert kept him on for 90 mins, it demoralises the others playing 10 against 12, if he had taken Gabby off without replacing him it would have been 10 against 11 FFS.
Faulkner you are an embarrassment typical Villa PR want more from the fans yet no mention of Lerner. Faulkner Villa Park is rotten to he core how dare you patronise fans how dare you refuse to acknowledge Lerner and you are the cause of what’s occurring at Villa. Faulkner if you want what’s best for Villa then resign and take Lerner with you. You have no right to represent. Villa or ask anything from fans. Lerner out
Ridiculous statement by a ridiculous CEO.
From my calculations,although I may be wrong, Villa have won just 10 Premier League games at home out of a possible 36 under Lambert or, to put it another way, 37 points out of 108 available before the last two Villa Park fixtures this season.That statistic alone is inexcusable.No wonder away teams and fans refer to our stadium as being like a supermarket loyalty card in that each time they visit they are guaranteed points.
Home points keep you in the league and away points get you up the league.Stoke City are case in point.Only two away wins all season,the largest against us,and because of their home record they are 9 points ahead of us.
The fact that Lambert does not know why the record at home is so abysmal and,more importantly, he does not know how to change it, only serves to prove that he is quite obviously tactically inept and must go.I cannot beleive that Randy Lerner is content to have ownership of something that is under performing season in season out.No money is being made and he certainly isn’t in it for the glory.He is typical of the modern Premier League owner.No actual knowledge or interest in football, or soccer as he would call it.Much as I would not like someone like Vincent Tan in charge,now is the time for Lerner to at least make some sort of statement as to his plans for the direction of the club.Instead he gets his highly paid muppet Paul Faulkener to patronise the fans.
Problem is we are being linked with another USA owner albeit with more money. Would hate another yank in charge they just don’t get it
Mark you are wrong Lerner is making money
So you want unity Faulkner.
I look forward to you and Lerner standing side by side at the ground this Saturday.
My team for what it is worth.
Lowton Vlaar Baker Bertram
Westwood Delph
Albrighton Weimann Agbonlahor
PS if Gabby decides he wants to turn up.
Steve do you watch Villa? AGBONLAHOR is awful lazy no skill can’t go past people. Very lazy does deserve to be the prem never mind play for Villa. When will this ridiculous fantasy re AGBONLAHOR stop? Lerner out
Ted. Totally agree. Hence the 2nd line. Gabby turns up once in a blue moon, If it wasn’t such a pressure game i would have preferred to give Robinson a go.
Personally i can’t stand gabby and wish he would just clear off.
In fact you can probably here me on match days as i’m the one with the big gob telling him to move his lazy arse.
Steve I did that once the twat scored an hat trick, the crowd around me said keep it up.
Bill you should be in the dugout mate. 😉
Hollier saw gabby in a different light maybe other managers should also do the same bollocks to this local lad villa through & through go by already mentioned he’s become lazy,exocet up the Harris wouldn’t go a miss. 😀
gabby has become exactly like vassell. He needed a change and he went stale with us. It would benefit gabby to go elsewhere he would thrive at a club like newcastle who are a couple of levels above us. You get also bet your motgage he would score against us.
I cannot believe that anyone at the club has let that statement go out as it was. There are some of the most patronising lines in there I’ve ever read, with the classic ‘we’re all hurting’ being the best. The only loyal people at any club are the fans. Players and managers come and go so Fatty Faulkner is way off the mark. However, the fact that he felt compelled to trot out this tripe leads me to believe that the tide is turning and we must continue the discontent. Lerner must sell as he promised to do if he were not able to make it work. His final act must be to sack Lamberk and employ a new man that the new owner can work with, just as Ellis did before him. We can’t have another season of relegation fighting for the fifth year running.
gabby is the key to us surviving if we can get one performance from him we will survive 🙂 i can’t understand why hes so placid lately when hes as much villian as us
When gabby played in the first game v arsenal it was arguably the best iv ever seen him play. He played central and run from deep with pace at the arsenal defence and they couldn’t handle him. Next match v Chelsea he played well yet again and I thought this it he is actually starting to be the player we all hoped. Then for some reason he just went backwards and got worse and worse as the season has gone on. Why? No idea but surely he should be playing more central especially away from home.
would you risk playing him, as the main striker oohahpaulgcgrath??? i think he will offer more than holt, its not a smear on holt , villa don’t play to holts strengths, were we do like to hit the ball into channels and in behind, we need 2 threaten teams behind their defenses otherwise they press up like soton will surely do
Houllier was spot on about Gabby, lazy and completely lacking in technical ability.
He is crap and it still amazes me that a large majority of our fanbase suck up to him simply because he’s a Villa fan. Why should that matter, same happens with Albrighton,so cringeworthy that such as perennial loser is referred to as Super Mark.
As for Faulkner;s comments, he doesn’t understand the club, hence anything he says should be and is irrelevant to the fans, unfortunately he feeds utter nonsense back to no show Randy.
100% agree with everything you said there belcs! I thought I was the only one who thought that about Albrighton.
To get a temporary sense of unity sack Lambert.
This statement is making the board look terrible, and is helping turning more fans against them.
Put Sid in temporary charge with K Mac sell the club and bring in an all new set up with a long term vision for the club is my ideal scenario