MarkDraperNumber8 has submitted the following;
My conspiracy theory brain is kicking in…bear with me here.
Perhaps Benteke isn’t injured at all? Perhaps Lambert wants to keep him quiet this season or at least until January goes away to stop any suiters coming in with a bid?
Perhaps the same with the evidently non-existent Helenius?
Perhaps Okore isn’t even injured?
Perhaps the loss of form of Lowton, Westwood, Benteke and Weimann is designed?
Perhaps KEA is the next Iniesta? (okay, that ones not serious)
Perhaps he’s playing hoofball to stop any interest in any of our players so he can build his squad without any losses in personnel? It strikes me as strange the sudden change in our style of play. Last season when we beat Swansea for example we played them at their own passing game and did it well…
…Perhaps he’s purposely playing shite football?
Perhaps his constant and incoherant post and pre-match mumblings are a mask, hiding the reality that we have a genius at the helm of our team, who will one day present himself…?
Perhaps after January we’ll have a fully fit squad, play passing football again and finish top 7?
Perhaps this has been part of the plan all along and we’re quietly trudging along under the radar slowly building a strong and solid squad, ready to show our full potential when Lambert (the genius) sees fit?
It’s a thought isn’t it?
It’s been a loong christmas, perhaps I need to sleep…
Is this serious?
I’m with you son on this one. Somebody drank too much absinth last night or done some LSD
Badger please talk to frank 🙂
Maybe Bosko Balaban was sent from heaven and he wasn’t shit he just tied to play football the way Jesus wanted us to play it?
Lambert has no tactical ability, no personality, cannot deal with adult football players, makes the club a laughing stock with his moronic mumblings, is ignorant, arrogant & should bugger off.
Perhaps……………He is just shit ?
Hear hear.
Mark dn8 that post is better than your link on the other post, couldn’t stop laughing., 🙂
lol BP glad you saw it how it is mate
Perhaps im richard the 3rd.get a good nites sleep MD8.
Or perhaps he is a useless, clueless, dour, mumbling oaf with no tactical ability and a thirst for shit signings. Actually, that’s exactly what he is.
Hear hear
Mark 8 are you being serious LAMBERK a genius bloody hell that must make Sir Ooah look like Einstein and me Professor Steven Hawkin for gods sake.
I suspect the post was meant slightly tongue in cheek and Bill Pearson’s took it the right way.
As for his latest rambling;
“It’s a challenge to go and find players but with top end ones the salaries are a bit high. I had one today and I nearly fell off my chair – I put the phone down on that one! That’s what you are working with, that’s the nature of the game, it’s too much.”
Yes, I suppose the thought of paying a Prem player £25k a week might make you fall off your chair.
That’s what we’re working with and it just isn’t competitive with anyone save maybe the lowest paying handful of Prem clubs.
Lambert says he is looking to bring in experience to add to the squad Sky Sports
But also says it has to be with the right wages which says to me there is still a cap
sorry no Cap Jay Dee, they just need to be crap
Ladies/Gents the focus really should be LERNER.
Yes I agree Lambert has little tactical ability and refuses to acknowledge the poor players he has bought, the awful football played. He makes himself look rather silly with post match comments which are so far exaggerated and inaccurate its laughable.
LERNER remains the puppet master. He and he alone appoints the managers. He agrees the purchases.
Consider previous Lerner appointments, surely all tactical and manipulative. A business man who uses his managers to deflect from himself.
Throughout Lerner continues to make money.
His absence at Villa park shows his contempt for the supporters and team.
One question, where has the General gone? May be he was a man of principle who like most of us feel let down and mislead by LERNERS FALSE PROMISES AND OBVIOUS INTENT TO MAKRE MONEY AT THE CLUBS EXPENSE.
Lerner will destroy our club.
Ted you hit the nail on the head mate, we are being looked at as if Villa fans are stupid, we have in our mist two prats,one a Yank, the other a Jock, they will kill the club if they carry on. Both have to go, now.
dont want to get too deep into the lambert insults .. and i believe he has brought this criticism on himself with the poor displays and backward steps of late.
The thing I don’t get is the focus on his post match interviews or public statements.
I understand they are annoying but is anyone actually taking them seriously?
Personally i find every managers ones annoying except for when Ian holloway was about. they were entertaining at least.
so really, show me a manager that speaks plainly and clearly after losses or poor form or anything else.
Show me the team that responded well to public criticism from their manager and improved!
its all smoke and mirrors .. its like Arsene and his uncanny ability to miss a foul/dive perpetrated by his own players or Ferguson .. lol just not bothering to show up to talk about it
its total horse shit PR .. no manager is going to reveal their inner most honest assessments of their teams or their players.
“We were shit today and we have been for 10 games in a row .. we don’t deserve the points or the wins we have had recently and i regret signing some of these players … ”
said no manager ever
At the same time it’s important a manager doesn’t make a fool of himself. Making statements which sho him to be misleading and apparently failing to understand the predicament. Ultimatmily a manager must lead and like all leaders. Show confidence and an ability to adapt change to achieve success. Lambert has shown no sight of adapting or delivering. That said Lerner is the puppet master and the cause if our decline. Lerner out.
We might as well loan some players if we can’t buy them so we can actually stay in the prem this season! Rodwell and Zaha are two players that would help our midfield for starters.
lol, yes badger definitely toungue in cheek here, I thunk it for a second there though..
I’ve been catching up on this mornings and last nights news and all these comments from Lambert are very strange and a little surprising if you ask m! I don’t remember a time he’s spoken so openly to the media?!
Mayebe a little stunt to get Lerner to pull out the check book??? Seems that way to me..
Bet you the phone call was to Barry’s agent haha, we’re probably looking at hoolahahan ffs
Nzogbia might be a new player if he ever gets achance again. Get vlaar back in and tekkers and suddenly the team sheet would look a lot better.
Thiking Zogz could be massive for us mate when he comes back
What squad number is he? 35 or something like the other exiles. He’s been booted out to the bomb squad
I can’t see him being interested when he comes back IF he gets a chance mate
Paul Lambert and his inept employers, Lerner and Faulkner are indeed genius’ so they answer is a definite yes. They have successfully lowered the expectations of the fans to the point where people on twitter were claiming that it was unrealistic to expect to beat the mighty Swansea City. They have sections of the support fooled into thinking that survival should be our aim. Furthermore, they launch a propaganda war every transfer window to let the Lemmings have a few tit bits of false hope. Lamberk comes out and says we need experience and twitter is full of praise for this bold move where most of us have said that since day one. I just hope that the fans also read the article further down where he says it will have to fit in with Lerner’s wage structure.
Genius, yes but not in a way I’d want them to be.
Heitinga from Everton might not be a bad shout, world cup year, needs first team footy, cant be worse than what we have now
Heitinga is someone I thought about too very experienced head in defence and with Vlaar a fellow countrymen may work very well.
Right that’s me off for the day (and night) lads, very happy new year to you all and yours! To 2014!!! UTV
Someone on another blog is saying a Winger and a CM are lined up.. depending on the quality i would be happy with that..
Along with a fully fit Benteke Vlaar and N Zog.. things can look healthier..
Lionheart isn’t it strange that this time last year we’re missing sure when he’s playing we seem to have abit of stability which atm we’re totally lacking.we need his presence i feel.
Giddy.. Vlaar has improved so much this season.. need him back ASAP..
Rodwell, Morrison (WBA -Yes the dark side but a decent experienced player) Zaha loans. Tom Ince only has 6 months left on his contract so unless he signs an extension soon they will have to get rid and take what they can get, we must surely be able to do some kind of swap deal + a few quid!!
I’d even take a Chadli or Capoue on loan if that was possible!!!
I see the wish lists are starting appear now why bother?
Why not?
So when you didn’t get what you want for xmas you got well fucked off get it?
Na, I always knew a pony was too much to ask for 😉
Lol mate im still waiting for my lamborghini. 🙂
News is Steven Defour
He’s not getting 1st team footy at porto dreams of playing in the pl but the bundesliga would suit him.ffs he carn’t even get in the team.
His agent has spoken to AVFC
From the message I’ve seen it was apparently weeks ago I can’t say that’s a Defo that it happened but it seems from a good source
Jd im not over excited it sounds like a player trying to get in the spotlight over here.when clearly things aren’t working out at porto.another risk by lambert?mate.
Bill i wish you & all your family mate a happy & proserous new year hic hic.
Laursen was looking to escape Milan and look what happened there UTV