POLL; Has Lambert lost the plot?

Ok, so I had the hump earlier, which was why I couldn’t be bothered to write a proper opinion of the game today.

But having thought about things, I’m beginning to have serious concerns with regards to Paul Lambert.
Now I know many on here don’t like him, but he does still have his supporters who can see further than I can.

My opinion says Lambert is in over his head and the job is simply too big for him.

1) Poor substitutions. Enough said. Has anyone anywhere ever complimented any of his changes? (as it happens, I think I did once at the back end of last season, but you know what I mean).

2) Either the whole squad is poor or he just refuses to change things up when players are out of form, which suggests he has favourites.

3) The football has regressed. I was never madly convinced about our finish to last season, as we played some real dross teams, but whatever, I think we’re mostly agreed that the footy of late is dire. Nearly as dire as under you know who.

4) Whenever we do beat someone, it’s never convincing as in we easily deserved to win (this season anyway).

5) He’s quite simply the definition of “boring” when he does his interviews. That and the fact that you can hardly understand what he’s saying.

Lambert looks like a rabbit caught in headlights to me and I really don’t think he knows what the answers are (better players apart).

But that’s just my opinion.
I’d be interested to know what you think.


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  1. villa1996
    villa1996 November 2, 2013 at 10:28 pm . Reply

    Lambert out were crap no one can defend him or lerner

  2. Terry Jones
    Terry Jones November 2, 2013 at 11:51 pm . Reply

    Oh but the LEMMINGS can.

  3. Bill Pearson.
    Bill Pearson. November 3, 2013 at 8:37 am . Reply

    Badger123 , same thoughts as me no doubts about it, he is in over his head,yes lost the plot, and many will stick with him till its so obvious its to late, OK who would you have in his place ? I say call back our old staff Gordon Cowens has more brains than Lambert,I bet he would know whose who in the game that never get a chance to show. I know that there’s not many so called manager’s about in the game with quality that Villa need, but for gods sake we have had some bad ones to date.we will only stay up because of other teams that are worse than us.

  4. belcs
    belcs November 3, 2013 at 9:36 am . Reply

    Lamberk never had the plot.

    It’s a shame it has taken this long for many to see, but there is still an overwhelming amount of sheep who suck up to Lamberk FC over AVFC.

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath November 3, 2013 at 3:34 pm . Reply

      Lamberks lemmings as my friend sir Terry rightly says.

  5. Terry Jones
    Terry Jones November 3, 2013 at 9:59 am . Reply

    BELCS Iwas one that said from the start Lamberk would only ruin our club with his maniac ideas.But have you noticed nobody is coming out to defend him keeping their heads down or are still curled up in their burrows.

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath November 3, 2013 at 3:35 pm . Reply

      Even Langford has seen the light it must be bad.

  6. Bill Pearson.
    Bill Pearson. November 3, 2013 at 12:56 pm . Reply

    Done to us….

  7. markdrapernumber8
    markdrapernumber8 November 3, 2013 at 4:46 pm . Reply

    To be fair both teams were dyer yesterday, it was a scrappy game all over the filed, Downing looked the most likely to do anything on the day, the c**t.

    Once again our midfield were on the whole non-existent but Westwood had a better game in my opinion. There is still absolutely nil creativity from all of our midfiled and wing backs which is a real worry. Benteke was found in our own half a too much of the time, waiting for someone, anyone, to overlap and it never came. Kozak was invisible after he came on. Arguably we should of won the game based on clear cut chances but I can’t say we would have deserved it, as neither team did on the day.

    Defence were great. Clarke is playing the simple game so well, chuffed for the lad.

    Benteke looked a lot sharper and I’m sure we’ll see him on the socre sheet at home against Cardiff. Weimann needs a T.O. badly.

    The main worry though, Lambert. He seems to have one game plan and when it doesn’t work he looks lost with substitutions and tactical changes. West Ham were team for the taking yesterday. They look to have even more problems than us thankfully.

    I voted ‘other’ I’m prepared to give Lambert till Christmas (at this time) although I’m far from a happy Villan. If we can point at one positive it’s the defence, he’s (Lambert) obviously had something to do with the improvement there wether directly or indirectly by bringin in the new coaches in the summer so we have to give him that much at the least. UTV

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath November 3, 2013 at 7:08 pm . Reply

      True defence has improved not because we defend better but lambert is doing a mcleish and parking the bus and packing the midfield. This hampers us going forward. Though I agree Clarke has definitely improved and so has vlaar. Benteke has been found out a bit and he is marked a lot tighter as opposition can afford to double up on him knowing the rest of our forwards are useless. The squad is piss poor there is no quality. Benteke will be off as soon as he can and other than Guzan we will have no quality, no goal scorer. Lamberk out us what I’d normally say but we can’t trust Lerner to get anyone better. So stuck with both if them

  8. Langfordvilla
    Langfordvilla November 3, 2013 at 7:29 pm . Reply

    Lerner has lost the plot …. We will never know whether Lambert is up to the job until he is given SUBSTANTIAL funding from the tightfisted, ignorant twat that is Randolph!
    Fuck off Lerner, the Villa is OURS…. Simple Randolph…open your mouth and then open your fucking cheque book!

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath November 3, 2013 at 7:55 pm . Reply

      True but I don’t think lambert wants big name players he want young players he can manipulate who won’t challenge his authority. In the unlikely event Lerner starts spending big again then I wouldn’t want lambert to be the one to spend it. Lambert is a shoestring budget manager like mon. Mon fucked up big time with our one and only chance of too four.

      1. Langfordvilla
        Langfordvilla November 3, 2013 at 8:11 pm . Reply

        The only problem I have with Lambert is that he is ‘just another’ yes man employed by Lerner ro keep us at least 4 from bottom whilst spending fuck all. No manager with any self respect at a club this size would stand for this…its fucking pisstaking abuse that we dont deserve. The shit will hit the fan if we lose to Cardiff……Lerner, you are a tightfisted,ignorant twat….and you Lambert are a fool to put up with it! Lambert should walk, because there are NO magic wands to turn this mess around. Someone asked why we bought Kozak…simple answer, to replace Benteke…..Lerner will pocket the Benteke money plus the extra sky money and give Lambert a miserly 20 million to spend….anyone see a pattern developing?

        1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
          OohAhPaulMcGrath November 3, 2013 at 8:34 pm . Reply

          Agreed if kozac is tge replacement then we are truly fucked. I think if we lose to Cardiff the knives will be out but I do think we will win tbh so lambert will get a stay of execution

          1. Andrew
            Andrew November 3, 2013 at 9:16 pm . Reply

            You’re worrying for nothing… Kozak won’t be Benteke’s direct replacement.

            1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
              OohAhPaulMcGrath November 3, 2013 at 9:16 pm . Reply

              Hope not he is shite. I suppose you are going to say give him time he will be the new messi!!

          2. Andrew
            Andrew November 3, 2013 at 9:18 pm . Reply

            Clearly a guy taller than Benteke’s gonna be the new Messi. But no, I don’t think he’s shite, but he’s not going to replace Benteke.

  9. LOMI
    LOMI November 3, 2013 at 7:55 pm . Reply

    Malky Makays claret and blue army.

    1. Andrew
      Andrew November 3, 2013 at 9:17 pm . Reply

      Sounds terrible.

      1. LOMI
        LOMI November 4, 2013 at 4:39 am . Reply

        Didn’t realise posts had to sound good I thought it was a forum not a sound test.

        1. Andrew
          Andrew November 4, 2013 at 5:14 am . Reply

          Haha. Saying it out loud, that doesn’t sound good. 😉

          1. LOMI
            LOMI November 4, 2013 at 2:11 pm . Reply

            Neither does paul Lamberts claret and blue army but shit happens eh.

          2. Andrew
            Andrew November 4, 2013 at 2:55 pm . Reply

            That, that I agree with.

  10. Dan
    Dan November 3, 2013 at 9:21 pm . Reply

    Right, let’s look at the bigger picture here!
    Before lambert took over Aston Villa as a club were looking very bleak on and off the pitch! We were playing poor football with uninterested overpaid nonces! Lambert has come in and had to completely change everything to not only try and keep us in the league but to also change the squad and cut costs!
    So, a year on and what have we got, a young vibrant team which at the end of last season started to play some attractive football to get us off our seats! And not only that but kept us in the league and cut costs!
    Finally this season we have played 10 games and 6of those games were arguably against the top 6 in the country and we are midtable ish!
    Considering the turn around in players and the pressure on the young team to stay up and do well I think we aren’t doing to bad Atall!

    I think a lot of people are asking for all too much at once! After 12 months people are wanting, attractive football, new players, more wins, less conceded, more money cut! Fuck me give Vila some credit here! I can understand if we were in this position in 2 years time but I think that this year is the year where players settle in playing a certain lambert style whilst being competitive still and keep building! These things take time

    1. Andrew
      Andrew November 3, 2013 at 9:29 pm . Reply

      If Lambert kept last season’s style of play, your last part would have some truth in it, but he didn’t. It’s back to the McLeish/MON days, and further and further from the Houllier style, real footballing style.

    2. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath November 3, 2013 at 9:31 pm . Reply

      Not another give em time merchant. Wev been saying that since mon left Ffs

      1. Andrew
        Andrew November 3, 2013 at 9:37 pm . Reply

        Clearly gotta give them at least a full season though, no? However if Lambert was continuing on how he started, attacking football, good football, then he’d have very few people on his back as he’s at least trying to implement change, but the fact he denies Villa are just a counter attacking team, which he’s completely wrong this season, it makes sense people want him out.

    3. Kerryvillan
      Kerryvillan November 3, 2013 at 9:50 pm . Reply

      Well said Dan, fans are as fickle and impatient as could be especially ooh ah and terry, they change their mind every 5 mins, last year they kept complaining about no clean sheets and how we will never be a decent side if we can’t get 0-0s and 1-0s, this year we are gettin clean sheets and gettin points but now they want attractive attacking football scoring loads of goals not caring how many we concede! Its like i said THEY WILL NEVER BE HAPPY! The only thing that makes these people happy is bein able to moan and complain and moan moan moan its never ending!

      Fact of the matter is we are playing worse than last year, we were Shite yesterday utter Shite, without Delph we don’t have a midfield period! Every single Lambert signing for midfield is a below average midfielder, one of these would be fine but we start 2 or 3 every game and have maybe 5 in the squad.

      I very rarely write off a player so early but kozak does not even look close to prem quality, i don’t have a clue why we bought him maybe just a panic buy cause we couldn’t get da creative midfielder we wanted i don’t know but he is the biggest waste of 7mill ever, helenius should be ahead of him but im sure Lambert plays kozak just cause he cost 7mill and helenius only cost like 1mill, these are not reasons to play or not play a player.

      So i think Lambert is losing the plot, benteke is great in the air but he is brilliant with his feet too and there is no point in benteke being great in the air if none of our players ever pick up his knock ons, the whole rest of our team are better at playing the ball to feet, the last 3 months of last season have proved that so what’s with all this long ball hoofing bullshit i have no idea, i just hope Lambert finds the plot again and gets us playing the way we know we can!

      We are gettin results though that’s why calling for Lamberts head is ridiculous, the next few games will be crucial because if we play hoof ball bullshit against carrdiff when that’s a game we should be dominating and a game we would have dominated 6 months ago then even rational fans will start to wonder how far can Lambert actually take us…UTV

  11. JD
    JD November 3, 2013 at 9:42 pm . Reply

    If we finish mid table this season we will have improved on last.Im only interested in a long term project at AVFC with premier league improvement.I am hoping Lerner will spend a bit more next season maybe 30-40 million.If not I will have to concede but until the end of the season then I will make my judgement.Finish 10th or above improvement,12th just ok but below this I will concede that there is no improvement at all……..End of the season…UTV

    1. Andrew
      Andrew November 3, 2013 at 9:45 pm . Reply

      But don’t you wanna see some kind of improvement on the pitch? We’re going backwards. We went from O’Neill’s kick and run style, to Houllier’s trying to play football style to McLeish’s kick and run style to Lambert’s attempt at playing football to Lambert playing a worse kick and run style than McLeish did. You can fully understand why Villa are shit, that’s a change every single season in just the style of play alone.

      1. JD
        JD November 4, 2013 at 7:41 am . Reply

        As I said improvement all round

    2. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath November 3, 2013 at 10:19 pm . Reply

      JD you are so deluded if you think Lerner will spend 30-40m it ain’t gonna happen. Also getting excited over a midtable finish shows how far Wev fallen even Cardiff are ahead if us now Ffs

      1. JD
        JD November 4, 2013 at 7:44 am . Reply

        I don’t know what Lerner is going to do as I am not Lerner.Also what’s with the deluded shit all the time just because I’m not over animated and keep my feet on the floor.We just drew away and now have Cardiff coming up.Now if he loses at home to Cardiff I won’t be to pleased but I also won’t be sitting at home chewing on it UTV

  12. Kerryvillan
    Kerryvillan November 3, 2013 at 9:52 pm . Reply

    Well said Dan, fans are as fickle and impatient as could be especially ooh ah and terry, they change their mind every 5 mins, last year they kept complaining about no clean sheets and how we will never be a decent side if we can’t get 0-0s and 1-0s, this year we are gettin clean sheets and gettin points but now they want attractive attacking football scoring loads of goals not caring how many we concede! Its like i said THEY WILL NEVER BE HAPPY! The only thing that makes these people happy is bein able to moan and complain and moan moan moan its never ending!

    Fact of the matter is we are playing worse than last year, we were Shite yesterday utter Shite, without Delph we don’t have a midfield period! Every single Lambert signing for midfield is a below average midfielder, one of these would be fine but we start 2 or 3 every game and have maybe 5 in the squad.

    I very rarely write off a player so early but kozak does not even look close to prem quality, i don’t have a clue why we bought him maybe just a panic buy cause we couldn’t get da creative midfielder we wanted i don’t know but he is the biggest waste of 7mill ever, helenius should be ahead of him but im sure Lambert plays kozak just cause he cost 7mill and helenius only cost like 1mill, these are not reasons to play or not play a player.

    So i think Lambert is losing the plot, benteke is great in the air but he is brilliant with his feet too and there is no point in benteke being great in the air if none of our players ever pick up his knock ons, the whole rest of our team are better at playing the ball to feet, the last 3 months of last season have proved that so what’s with all this long ball hoofing bullshit i have no idea, i just hope Lambert finds the plot again and gets us playing the way we know we can!

    We are gettin results though that’s why calling for Lamberts head is ridiculous, the next few games will be crucial because if we play hoof ball bullshit against carrdiff when that’s a game we should be dominating and a game we would have dominated 6 months ago then even rational fans will start to wonder how far can Lambert actually take us…UTV

  13. Dan
    Dan November 3, 2013 at 10:13 pm . Reply

    Yes ok, maybe this season we haven’t been playing as much attacking football and that style we had! But I think lambert is being a bit more cautious this year to try and tighten up the defence and it’s working! Yes admittedly it has hindered are attack but he is trying to find a balance of attack and defence and it hasn’t been easy losing okore and benteke for a few weeks

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath November 3, 2013 at 10:24 pm . Reply

      Fair enough and defence has improved but my point is we all slagged of mcleish for playing anti football so why does lambert get away with it?

    2. Andrew
      Andrew November 3, 2013 at 10:24 pm . Reply

      But that balance starts in midfield, which he’s at fault for. 3 of the main 4 are his buys, and while I still like KEA and Sylla, the balance is a huge fail. There really isn’t a DM in there, though Sylla naturally was, there isn’t an AM in there, there’s no dominating midfield in there, no creative, ball moving/playing midfielder in there other than maybe Westwood who was so much better in the “playing football” style as he actually can play it. The players he bought are suited to his style last season, but Villa aren’t playing that because what, he’s afraid? So he lacks character and doesn’t wanna take a risk, even though the players he bought come from footballing Countries that actually like to play and attack. I mean what you’re claiming makes sense and it shows, but then why go for the players he has, when he could go for MON and McLeish type players who were suited for that garbage football?

      1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
        OohAhPaulMcGrath November 3, 2013 at 10:25 pm . Reply

        Wanyama at saints would if been a great buy for us

        1. Andrew
          Andrew November 3, 2013 at 10:34 pm . Reply

          McLeish fucked that up… 1m.. 1m is all Celtic paid for him and he played out of his mind for them. Schneiderlin would be brilliant too, but either of them would cost upwards of what, 20-25m now? Nor would they probably make the move unless Arsenal or the likes came for them.

  14. Lou Reed and Iggy Pop
    Lou Reed and Iggy Pop November 4, 2013 at 9:06 pm . Reply

    I think we are shit.
    We have a shit owner.
    We have a shit manager.
    We have one great player.
    We have half a dozen half decent players.
    The rest should go back to Division One.
    Until the game changes it’s all fucked.
    We are pointless.
    We are out of date.
    We are history.
    The clock has stopped for us.
    In fact it is going backwards.
    MON made us relevant.
    MON spent a lot.
    All mangers do if they can.
    An unhealthy Houllier was a mistake.
    McLeish was even worse.
    Lambert had one decent season in Germany.
    He is overrated as a Manager.
    Why waste time blogging?
    Why waste money on tickets?
    Or train fares.
    Or pies at half time.
    Why make a very rich man even richer.
    Football has fashioned its own wheelchair.

    Blogging a dead horse.

    The End.

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath November 4, 2013 at 9:51 pm . Reply

      So it’s not all bad then!!

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