POLL: Should we take Grealish?

Okay, so it’s just a quick one, basically so we can move on from the last post, where the subject has become a little out of date.

I said in the previous batch of comments that I’d take Grealish at £30-40 million, but he’d have to be willing to cut his wages to suit our wage structure. Although in fairness, you might expect that we’ll have to step the wages up to what would be commensurate for a Champion’s league club with aspirations of staying there. Still, it won’t be anything like the £250-300k a week he is supposed to be getting at Citeh.

It turns out that the rumours are that Greasy is going to Bayern anyway, so this probably won’t happen, but it’s a nice thought, because there’s no doubt that he’s a Villa fan, as much as many fans felt he’d let the club down. My stance is that quite simply, I don’t blame him for going for the money. He has his future to think about, after all. But now he’s ensured he’s banked millions, he could afford to look at more than the wages side of things, although I’m not sure I’d like to see my wages reduced, even at my lowly level unless there were big plusses to balance things.

Whatever, why would I take him?
Well, I believe he would give us options.
Many of you probably know I think fullbacks will always favour defence or attack. It’s exceptional to see someone who’s good at both, although Kyle Walker springs to mind, yet it’s his pace that helps him out.
I get where the doubters come from when they say that Pep has knocked the spontaneity out of his game. But I think that’s actually a plus, because now Jack can play to a plan, which we all know Unai very much believes in.
My thinking is that whereas we currently have Digne or Moreno marauding down to left to often good effect and producing dangerous crosses, so both in my opinion are poor defensively and it’s worse when they’re caught out of position.
Hence we could play Grealish on the left, in a forward position, which would allow us to bring in a better defensive left back who doesn’t get forward as much.
I think we’ve already got that sort of thing on the right, where we have Cash (albeit not quite good enough imo) linking up with Bailey or Diaby.
Taking Grealish would allow a similar thing and make us more balanced.
Plus then, we could get Grealish moving in from the left or just simply playing in the hole.
Options, as I said.
I won’t even mention his ability to win a free kick.

I know he has a checkered history outside the game, but I’d suggest that the press chasing him would reduce because of his lower profile and he’s likely to just grow out of his clubbing etc quite naturally anyway.

So there you go, those are my thoughts.
Feel free to tell me why I’m wrong.


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  1. Hitchens60
    Hitchens60 May 26, 2024 at 5:45 pm . Reply

    Already said not for me.

    In many ways Emery is a sort of Pep type of guy (that’s one of the reasons Duran may not fit in). He’s very much about systems and playing in a very controlled way with fast transitions. That’s not going to suit the way Grealish now plays or maybe even used to play.

    Of course Grealish is on record as saying he would like to play for Villa again but Bayern under Kompany would, I think, be a good move for him.

  2. BFR
    BFR May 26, 2024 at 7:34 pm . Reply

    No, because he’s past his best and could never complete a season. Not because he’s a ‘traitor.’ He has nothing to offer Villa as a footballer at this moment in time.

  3. Sidforever
    Sidforever May 26, 2024 at 7:37 pm . Reply

    Great question Badger.

    Not for me. I do think that Grealish is one of the best Villa players I have ever watched. But the club has evolved. I’m really looking forward to Rogers and Ramsey fighting it out. Both can carry the ball a distance, both can play between the lines and both have a good number of goals in them per season. If Grealish came back, it would impact on these two, who are the now and future.

    Then again if he came back the spot light would be on Austin McPhee, all those free kicks!

    1. Badger123
      Badger123 May 26, 2024 at 9:40 pm . Reply

      That’s interesting Sid.
      I’d venture that they’re totally different types of players and Grealish is better suited to the wide left (or right), whereas Rogers and Ramsey are more out and out driving runners, who would probably naturally favour the middle.
      Then there’s the thought that Grealish can put his foot on it and have a look around. I get that he might slow the game down at times, but we have been known to to go long with nobody to aid Watkins, who’s all on his own.
      It’s as I suggested, options when we are struggling later in the season, if not earlier.

      I should probably add that overall, I’m neutral in all this debate.

      1. Texas Villan
        Texas Villan May 27, 2024 at 12:38 am . Reply

        I’ve followed along this debate and have to say, you make some interesting points, Badger. I voted no, not because I was angry at him leaving; I was sad, not angry. He was probably my favourite Villa player up to that point, but I think the team we’ve built since then has definitely evolved. The interesting thing about the last 6-8 games of the season is I actually think JG would have been a perfect plan B. Earlier in the season when we had bags of energy, our counter attacking style of play was spot on – which I actually think JG would have struggled with – but those last 6-8 games were played at a much slower tempo than normal and showed that we have no plan B. Walk in JG – I think he’d have loved that alternative pace and it in very well at drawing out the defence alongside a MUCH improved Ollie since they last played together and could have formed a really interesting partnership. I’m kind leaning towards wondering what he’d bring to the current team now.

  4. Holte
    Holte May 26, 2024 at 8:01 pm . Reply

    I don’t want him back for the same reasons Sid says. We had the best years out of him and sold him for a hefty fee. We also sold him when he was struggling with injuries and that issue hasn’t gone away. I think the numerous kicks he’s had over the years have taken their toll. Another reason is he slows the game down when our forward play under Emery is fast breaking.
    Thanks for the memories and congratulations on your silverware which you slightly contributed to at Citeh. It’s a shame you didn’t stay and become a Villa legend like McGinn has but we have moved on!

  5. Gerry
    Gerry May 27, 2024 at 8:44 am . Reply

    I tend to agree with most of you that Grealish is no longer our type of player. But if the deal was right and short then why not.
    I like the signing of Ross Barkley. He seems to be the player he was before he came to us last time. Maybe we should think about that when we reconsider Grealish. But it will be good to have a midfield player who likes to shoot from 25 yards plus. At the beginning of the season we had McGinn and Luis hitting goals for fun from outside the box and when that dried up our results took a dive as well.

  6. BFR
    BFR May 27, 2024 at 9:42 am . Reply

    Having second thoughts. Jack now has three league titles to his name and has seen what it takes to achieve that. Unai has explicitly stated he wants to win the league with Villa; as a squad player, how much could Jack bring in terms of that experience? Likewise, his CL experience could be invaluable.

    I do, however, have concerns about off the pitch issues; he was quite candid in his interview on the pitch after winning the league last week; he admitted Pep had helped him a lot personally and he’d been in his office a fair few times. So would all that mean Unai’s time is spent putting out personal fires rather that plotting how to keep Villa moving forward? Next season will be a massive challenge; unforeseen distractions will happen, but does Emery need to add one that we know will be likely? Then there’s his age; I think the policy of the past 5 years is not bearing fruit, so sticking to players under 25 is a better bet, in my opinion.

    Having said all that, I think if he was to come, he’d have to be an impact sub, due to his injury record. As for the price, personally, I don’t think he’s worth any more than 25 million now, and that’s a big chunk of change for what would be a risk.

    50-50 on this one. But if pushed, I’d still say ‘no’.


  7. Bum Bum
    Bum Bum May 27, 2024 at 11:44 am . Reply

    No. Loved him when he was here and he didn’t have to sign that contract extension. In doing so he swelled our bank balance. Great guy and great player but it’s now all about balance. On top of that, partying is one thing but being so pissed yesterday and nearly falling off the top deck twice was not funny. It was reckless. A broken leg at his age he’d have been finished and that would be a shame. He’d do well at Bayern as he’s obviously not wanted by Pep anymore.

  8. Tom
    Tom May 27, 2024 at 1:45 pm . Reply

    Hmm, this is tricky, if almost be more inclined to take him had we not had the history with him.
    It really depends on what sort of Grealish walks back in.
    He shouldn’t and couldn’t walk back in and expect the arm band.
    His injury does seem questionable.
    I’m not sure he fits emerys brand of football, that said, I do think Emery for all his greatness does need another trick up his sleeve when it comes to seeing games out or finding a goal of the bench. Grealish is unique in this use case for city as they can afford to have somebody on his salary, to come of the bench and hold the ball up in that left corner as he does so well and even pinch a goal or assist as he does it. I’m not sure Villa can pay for that specific skill set for that specific moment we might need it a handful of times during a season.
    I have so much more to say about it and just thinking as I type, I think it’s a bad idea. He’s not the best age now , he’s not the best professional but he loves the Villa , he plays in a position we could do with some cover in.
    Surely you see a player and just think, yeah, I want him in the squad or we NEED that sort of player and he ticks all the boxes…. I just don’t feel that with Jack, sorry lad!

  9. Bum Bum
    Bum Bum May 27, 2024 at 5:23 pm . Reply

    Here too, Badger!


    Christmas has come early!!!!

  10. Sidforever
    Sidforever May 27, 2024 at 6:16 pm . Reply

    5 years for Emery. Dare I say it, but I predict we will come either 1st or 2nd in the Premier with him at the helm.

  11. Hitchens60
    Hitchens60 May 27, 2024 at 6:44 pm . Reply

    Our owners are not messing around – that’s the very clear message.

    First, they totally trust Emery; second, any other club with designs on our manager can go look elsewhere.

    But what is the immediate implication – I believe it shows there are no real FFP / PSR concerns which means Emery has room to improve the squad. Yes, players will leave, that’s the nature of football, but there will be no forced or fire sale deals.

    For us older fans that have followed Villa through the desperate yes and had started to despair that we would ever see our beloved club back at the top of the football tree it’s the best news ever.


  12. Ardent Villain
    Ardent Villain May 27, 2024 at 7:02 pm . Reply

    Grealish again.
    Sorry, but for me his career and abilties peaked a year or two back, and he seems to be on a very steep downward trajectory. It may be the injuries, but we don’t need those either.

  13. Sidforever
    Sidforever May 27, 2024 at 7:53 pm . Reply

    Badger and friends

    I am just mulling over next season. Pep’s last season at City. Arteta’s arrogance, Liverpool a new manager,United negative undertones, Chelsea shooting themselves in the foot at every opportunity and Spurs being Spurs- could next season have us in the mix fighting for the title until the end? Seams outlandish but with Unai Miracle worker at the helm it could just be possible?

    Or have I lost the plot?

    1. BFR
      BFR May 27, 2024 at 8:24 pm . Reply

      If the club get the summer signings right, maybe. But, the Champions League will drain the squad. If we’re in touching distance in the league in January after being knocked out of Europe before Christmas, I can live with that if it means what Sid is suggesting.

    2. The Ron Saunders Stand
      The Ron Saunders Stand May 28, 2024 at 3:56 pm . Reply

      I can see where your heads at Sid, a lot of teams in flux next season so no plots lost but
      maybe just a touch of wishful thinking? But then again, you just never know.🤞

  14. Hitchens60
    Hitchens60 May 27, 2024 at 10:03 pm . Reply

    Pipe dreams and fantasyland.

    That’s what it feels like.

    I think next season will be more about consolidation rather than a headlong rush to objectives that are not yet within our grasp.

    If we can secure a top 4 finish again next year, I would be a very happy Villa fan.

    1. The Ron Saunders Stand
      The Ron Saunders Stand May 27, 2024 at 10:20 pm . Reply

      Unai’s signed a new deal keeping at Villa Park 2029 😁

  15. Tom
    Tom May 28, 2024 at 9:01 am . Reply

    If Villa make top 4 again and get out the group stages into final 16. I’d be absolutely over the bloody moon!!

    1. BFR
      BFR May 29, 2024 at 8:21 pm . Reply

      Me too but it’s time we won a cup…

  16. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson May 28, 2024 at 1:19 pm . Reply

    I’ve voted no, he’s a footballer not an athlete and clubs don’t play football. I’ll go as far to say Pep lost because he played a wrong player and it showed because he changed and played a footballer second half. Grealish has talent but we have moved on and having him back will disrupt our way and have his tantrums drinking himself silly . Let’s leave it too Emery he’s our saviour and great news we have him till 2029 . Wow

  17. Bum Bum
    Bum Bum May 28, 2024 at 5:39 pm . Reply

    Fancy a laugh guys? Inios own both ManU and Nice. Both are in the Europa League which looks like ManU will be relegated to the ECL…Conflict of interest raises it’s head again!!!

    1. The Ron Saunders Stand
      The Ron Saunders Stand May 28, 2024 at 7:39 pm . Reply

      This is on the Birmingham Live site…
      “Major Villa Park changes underway as Chris Heck outlines vision to help Aston Villa FFP position.
      As a result of these upgrades, I am very sorry to inform you that the seat you currently occupy is one of those 900 seats that will not be available for renewal next season.”
      Just how gutted would you be if that was your season ticket?

      1. The Ron Saunders Stand
        The Ron Saunders Stand May 28, 2024 at 7:48 pm . Reply

        The more I read the worse this it gets…
        “A lot of season ticket holders are going to be very unhappy. About 900 of the best seats which are held by season ticket holders are being moved to “update the Villa experience”. Some have held great seats for years. These seats are being taken arbitrarily but in a bad way without providing alternatives.

        “Those season ticket holders whose tickets will not be renewed will have to wait until all the other season ticket holders have taken up their options. Only then will tickets be reallocated to those people whose seats have been taken off them.

        “The consequence of this is that from having great seats, the situation is that we’ll be offered the dregs. Clearly, the seats taken off season ticket holders are in the best central locations.

        This Stinks!

        1. BFR
          BFR May 29, 2024 at 5:54 am . Reply

          I can see why people would be troubled by this, especially those affected. However, wasn’t the North Stand going to be pulled down this summer? It could have been gone already, had Heck not changed the plans. Had that happened, everyone who sits in that stand would now be in total limbo, not temporary. I’m sure they will be allocated good seats and will be settled by the autumn. If this plan increases capacity, albeit slightly, without putting a hole in the stadium for our Champions League bow, then that’s the lesser of two evils, and so be it. Sometimes, we have to look at the bigger picture.

          On a personal note, if Alfie sits in the North, he may well find he’s been upgraded if he lands a seat in the Trinity or Doug Ellis.


        2. The Ron Saunders Stand
          The Ron Saunders Stand May 29, 2024 at 2:34 pm . Reply

          This here “Update Of The Villa Experience”
          What Villa Experience might this be?
          “Many thanks for your years of loyal support through the good times and not so good but now we’ve achieved a modicum of success, please get your hat, coat and scarf and kindly f**k off?”
          Simply wrong.

          1. BFR
            BFR May 29, 2024 at 8:18 pm . Reply

            I agree, RSS. But we wanted the whole stand gone and were pissed when Heck pulled the plug. If anything, he’s ensured a lot less fans won’t be out in the cols come the new season. I’m not sure that to say it’s ‘wrong’ is entirely correct.

            1. BFR
              BFR May 29, 2024 at 8:23 pm . Reply


  18. Badger123
    Badger123 May 28, 2024 at 9:57 pm . Reply

    You’re a bit slow on this one mate.
    Alfie mentioned this a couple of weeks ago, as he (and his brother and mom and dad) is affected by this in the North stand and said so on here.
    Those affected are currently in limbo and you might say that waiting until all the regulars have been assigned their seats is wrong.
    That said, I believe we have around 10,000 seats that are not counted for STs and are for general sale.
    Hopefully, the club will be handing the best of those out to the 900 as compensation. although 4 seats together must surely limit the options?
    It’s yet another symptom of clubs chasing the money, I’m afraid and it will only get worse.
    Villa isn’t yet a tourist club, but if we remain sucessful, no doubt it will be 🙁

    1. Hitchens60
      Hitchens60 May 29, 2024 at 6:53 am . Reply

      Unfortunately there are downsides to success in the footballing world we know inhabit.

      We all want Villa to be at the top of the football tree and, as Badger says, that means driving revenue upwards to give Emery the room he needs to continually strengthen the squad. That’s Heck’s remit – like it or not.

      I feel for those supporters who are affected and hope (trust) Villa will treat them fairly and considerately.

      I don’t trust newspapers to report anything accurately – they thrive on ‘sensationalism’ – so perhaps Alfie can keep us informed as to how he and his family are treated by our club.

    2. The Ron Saunders Stand
      The Ron Saunders Stand May 29, 2024 at 2:12 pm . Reply

      Cheers Badger, I must have missed that (obviously) and picked up it up on News Now yesterday.

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