On Sunday the statement Randy put out I believe fully was supposed to dampen down speculation. In fact it has done quite the opposite. By responding to rumours he has in fact opened up a can of worms he can not put back.
Most of us now fully expect to go, the press do. We can not wait until the end of the season for that promised statement can we ?
However what happens if that statement simply says he will stay or the worse situation of all that the club is for sale. that is the worst situation because it could mean weeks of delay, delay in getting rid of players and manager and getting in new ones. Of course the key person is the manager.
I can not believe any Villa fan believes Lambert ‘deserves’ another shot at it. IMHO he has not proved anything that shows he is capable of dealing with a big club, big ego’s and big expectations. All he has done whilst here is to downplay all that through his actions and words.
But then who replaces him ?
This is where we go into fantasy football of some. Some fans seem to want a golden moulding of Pep and Fergie to deliver wonderful football with the likes of Bowery ….
Without knowing what will happen, who will be owner and manager and funds available then all speculation is just that. All Randy has done is to inflame this speculation, make it worse, get some fans too over excited and all due to Randy ‘wait until the end of the season’.
That can not come quick enough.
The statement reads that Lerner will cross his tenure when the seasons over so that could mean either way staying or going.No definate I’ve sold and leaving statement.Just a I will tell you after the season what I am doing….UTV
That’s why its silly to speculate, if we’re down no sale simple as that, as for manager’s anyone’s guess, not getting carried away in the hype that’s on the forum.
I think that Bill’s right – the value of any sale would be so much lower if we fall out of the Premier League that I can’t see Lerner selling [unless he’s desperate for cash – any amount of cash] under those circumstances; just as it’s even harder to think of who’d want to buy a club in free-fall.
The only other statement he could have made [“I’m staying whatever happens”] might have dampened the speculation on that score, but would it have made any difference to the speculation about Lambert’s future, given the suspensions, etc.?
If he’d just kept quiet then I guess there’d have been less of all this – but something about the latest rumours must have been sufficiently ‘different’ to what’s happened in the past to make him break his usual silence, and I’d love to know what that was.
i can’t believe some fans ignore the facts , can ianrobo tell us, wot was the debts before lamberts first day as aston villa manager, can he also tell us what was the wage budget on this very same day, before he spent a penny as aston villa manager.
ianrobo u seem 2 be well informed with all the finances and all this selling of aston villa i just wondered. wots the latest debts at the club losses and wage budgets apparently we are in a healthier situation 2day than when lambert started,
instead of speculating why don’t u tell us facts / thou i insist lambert hasn’t been given a fair crack. i want him out now, just 4 the peace of it .
players like tonev and kojak and bacuna all need some time to adjust learn english and adjust to the pace and power of the league. its alittle short sighted 2 judge these yet, or do we expect these players to be excellent from day 1
I’m sorry Nath but a club of Aston Villas size should of never had such players on the cheap.
i support villa ,cos i love us buying shit on the cheap. i am not on my own saying this jay. the club has been mismanaged long before lambert came to town. the reasons for such drastic measures are plain. lerner wants to get out.also he wants to recoupe a good slice of his dollars. lambert was chosen to rectify the debts,making the books more appealing prospect for potential buyers.
could anyone tell me what spurs spent this season, position they finished last year related to this season, how many players they bought and how many of those are currently in their first team ~ buying players on massive wages and large transfers is a guarantee for success innit
All I know Nath that if you buy 2nd rate and play 2nd raters occasionally they play the odd game above their station.Sometimes they get lucky and other times are what they are up against premier league quality outplayed and out skilled OUTGUNNED.We are a team of cheap 2nd raters who got lucky on poor performances from top sides.We should of gone down this season as we are a pile of shite and still might.Who ever made the plan to buy players on the cheap hoping just to survive deserves decapitating because our FC does not deserve that as we are one of the best…..Fucking disgrace fuck off Lerner.
well 2011 villa survived by 2 points with a massive wage budget and lambert was not the manager can u explain this
Spot on m8
I have always dealt with the facts and if you want to check all that go to companies house and download as I did all the annual reports.
Not sure what you want me to say, I am still trying to understand the need for the statement on a Easter Sunday when all it said was wait … what were we doing anyway ?
If Lambert is not a dead man walking he is making a mighty fine effort of showing it.,
i am trying to understand the finances, all i like to know is the running costs of our club. currently are we operating healthier , quotes from lerner statement
so could you tell us the debts before lambert and maybe current operating figures, wage budgets before and after
yes it will be be better for this season but we will not find that out for another year. Basically wages will be down and the new TV money kicks in, most people expect us to break even for this season.
thanxs ianrobo
i have seen a report on this i just wanted u 2 state it. don’t you agree this alone will improve our chances by, either be sold or collect ourselves and gradually improve.
my fears are lerner will take the profits i,e tv money while waiting to sell
Easter Sunday a good day to bury bad news or good news with most people on their hols lol
Lambert’s body language and expressions says he’s finished. I think he’s waiting to be sacked rather than leave – it’s a bigger pay day.
Lambert should have showed signs that Villa were heading in the right direction. Towards the end of last season we saw signs that this was happening the young team appeared to be gelling and playing better. This in turn gave the fans optimism and is the reason i am sure that we have been well supported this season. Unfortunately we have not kicked on and the quality of football this year in general has been appalling. 10 home league defeats. Players appear not to know what their roll is. Pathetic he has to go. He was the one who was selling the young and hungry route to us. Well to be honest none of them look hungry now just not interested.
We are simply not good enough to be where we should be.I know reality says we are what we are.But someone had to create the situation we find ourselves in.
If Lerner has people to jump on board and invest in Villa fair play.If he’s sold up I will be happy as RL doesn’t look like committing with the cold hard cash needed for us to challenge for at least a Europa spot which is where we should be.Im not sure Lambert is the man to take us forward but in his defence the players have been utter shite this season.Tactics is Lamberts corner can’t defend that…..
i am not defending lambert in the playing area, hes made mistakes and should be accountable. but behind the scenes his hard work reducing the wages and keeping us up.may well help us to get lerner out. almost operating on a even keel will entice a sugar daddy i hope . lerner has improved things aswell in improving training facilities. but trusting MON was his downfall. like spurs are finding out, throwing money at top 4 is no guarantee.
who is to blame then jay 🙂 where do you lay the blame
I don’t like the blame game Nath but I tell you what I’ve seen.Poor quality players that are never going to be the sort of quality player that should be at AVFC.Poor funding from the chairman & owner in recent times if you don’t spend in the premier league you eventually get relegated as teams with more ambition overtake you.You can only lay it at Lerners feet…..
lambert has pointed this out 🙂 lerner himself noted this . also the holtby loan to fulham ~ i heard lambert wanted to buy holtby in the summer. but lerners wages structure ruled over him. also lambert knows he needs more experience. but again lerner insisted on making wages manageable b4 this. one can only hope things change, i believe this is the case whether we are sold or not. or even a new manager replaces lambert.
So why didn’t Lambert resign rather than make himself look like a tit.
Unless you are Everton, in which case you sell to buy for decades and challenge for champions league
Or qpr who spent millions and got relegated
Something tells me he might be looking for partners, rather than simply selling. A bigger pool of investors could allow two things: 1) More cash injection into the club to compete at a higher level, and 2) An escape route for Lerner if he does decide his time’s up, while still leaving the club with an investors group. Ian, do you think I’m I way off on this?
You never know mate why not throw it into the mix.sounds kinda plausible
Also could explain why Lambert’s talking about spending on players, which would be in direct contrast to a takeover, unless there’s a clause in PL’s contract.
Whats all this asking Ian business? He doesn’t know whats going on any more than we do.
For the Villa to move move forward two things must happen,
1. Randy Lerner sells up,
2. Paul Lambert is sacked.
Uncle Ian is the font of all knowledge
Frankly, yes I think you are. What group or individual would want to invest money into the club and then not have the control ?
Why wouldn’t they have a percentage of control? That’s why it would be a partnership rather than an investment.
lets say they invested £200M that is the value of the club and we may need as much as that.
also it is not known for rich people to share like that. Also say you invested £100M but would never want Lambert to have it but the majority share holder (Lerner) did …
impossible situation
Good points. Unless it’s an equal share-equal vote partnership. But to your point, billionaires aren’t about sharing.
you get the odd consortium out there but I can not think of a single example of a billionnaire investing on a club not to have control, outside of Arsenal but there one person wants full control but does not quite have all the shares to do it.
If youre right and we are looking to break even this year, that means we still wouldn’t be able to spend any more per season than we already have previous….Unless of course ridiculous sponsorships were secured…..which I doubt.
It’s fine talking about breaking even next season – but that just means the business survives a little longer.
We have to remember that it’s the RELATIVE spend that basically determines football ‘success’ of ‘failure’ – and every other club in the EPL next season will also have more money than they had this season, so in terms of football expectations we won’t be better off unless the club generates more revenue itself, or finds a truly mega-rich sugar daddy willing to throw a shed-load into the mix [& ignore /find a way around the FFP rules].
Ian, how about we got the other way and suggest that the statement wasn’t aimed at dampening down speculation at all?
How about it might have been designed to deliberately increase takeover speculation purely to take the heat off Lambert?
We keep seeing suggestions that Lerner is fully behind Lambert, after all and for all we know, it might be perfectly true
I don’t know, but it just strikes me as odd that Lerner came out with this, when there really was no need for him to.
He owns the club and there’s nothing we can do about anything he decides, is there?
He could easily have come out with this statement, that doesn’t really say anything and then when the season’s over just say “I’m staying” and that’s that.
First thought here is that ST sales will plummet, but would he care, with the telly money we’re due to get?
I get this picture of Randy wanting to be a typical wannabe English gent with a sense of fair play, willing to give the manager every chance, because he knows that deep down, it’s all his fault that Lambert is struggling.
A sort of “We stick with the manager, regardless of what the fans and media think, because we know he’s the right man for the long term”.
A philosophy that sets a club apart from the mainstream, just the sort of philosophy Man Utd have.
Except that went tits up on Tuesday morning.
I’m not saying this is true. More that it’s just a thought which wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest.
If Lerner stays and sticks with Lambert, well, that will just about cap it all.
Yes valid Badger except it totally failed as most expect Lambert to go as well and Lambert really has not said anything otherwise. We will soon know in a couple of weeks.
All Lerner has done is to increase the speculation on both of them.
Lerner has raised to many peoples hopes the vast majority of fans are expecting him to sell and lambert to go. If he back tracks then the fans will really turn against both men IMO. Hope so anyway.
Lerner might stay with Lambert have investors in and Villa spend on quality?Become European contenders again and play good football…..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz oh the alarm I just woke up lol
Pretty sure we should just go for Moyes and hope for the third time lucky rule when it comes to jocks in charge of our club
or maybe because for a club to rebuild he is clearly the best candidate ?
Did well enough at Everton
Martinez has done better. Moyes win fuck all there and never once won away v the sky four. Even lamberk and mclown have achieved that.
If Lerner stays then yep moyes would be good as he is good with shoestring budgets etc. But if we get a takeover with big money to spend then definitely not. Utd didn’t trust him to spend their money this summer why should we?
Wev already had 3 jocks don’t forget McNeil ffs.
As soon as a Nose told me Moyes had been sacked, my reply was “he’ll be down the Villa next”.
I can see how people might think Moyes is too similar to Lambert, but there’s a difference;
Moyes has actually had Everton competing for the CL on not mega-money.
And given that many seem to accept that we should be around an eighth place team I’m confident he’d actually achieve that position for us.
Not quite the CL many of us are dreaming of, but surely better than the purgatory we currently have, imo.
Indeed, if I was an owner with ambition I would get Moyes give him £100M and ask for 6th – 8th within two seasons, then I would provide another £100M to see if top 6 is possible in year three.
Do people really think there are better managers around than Moyes for this ?
Easily there are better. Moyes isn’t bad but he again, like O’Neill, continuously failed to take Everton any further then 5th-6th. Would you trust him with big money? I know I wouldn’t. Most of his big money signings at Everton were poor signings. If we had someone with ambition, we’d go for someone better, which there are quite a few.
how on earth could Moyes in reality get higher than 5th or 6th ??
and I remeber when I said about Martinez and Villa fans said they don;t want a relegated manager etc …
they don;t say that now …
Tactically being better? Not bringing on the likes of Distin when you need a goal, not playing the likes of Neville over a fully fit Barkley. Learn to for once sign a good striker? He wasted plenty of money on crap ones. His big money signings tended to be incredibly poor.
Agree Andrew moyes would be a disaster. Also Everton were a solid but boring as fuck team to watch his brand of football is dire. I’m sick of us employing dull up charismatic, grey suited managers with no flair. He took utd to 7th which is his level at Everton. He would be another MON I don’t want him.
No to moyes badger but it’s just typical of us to get him. Another MON no thanks. Still can’t win against sky four teams even at utd a team that won the league last year. Yes it was always going to be tough this year but even the most pessimistic utd fans I knew thought they would get CL.
Indeed, most I knew said 3rd was good, 4th okay and even 5th at the absolute worst, but they’ve been pathetic. United were known for quick, attacking football, not slow, defensive football. Moyes is good for taking a team to 5th-6th-7th, but then we’d wanna get rid of him because his football sucks, he’d promote very few youth, he can’t spend big money worth a shit and he’d take us no further after 10 years.
Spot on Andrew. At the moment 5-7 th would be good for us. Trouble is like MON that is his comfort zone. And even worse is most villa fans will be ecstatic with 6th. IMO if we can’t finish top 4 then it matters not where we finish as long as it’s not in bottom 3.
Since being sacked as Manchester United manager this morning, David Moyes has wasted no time and got a job with Sky,
He installs his first dish next Monday
Following the sacking of Moyes, the police have been called to quell the protests outside Old Trafford.
The Liverpool, Man City, and Chelsea fans have been all told to go home.
300 school kids dead and u joke about it Ooahh. That’s some sense of humour you’ve got there…
Yes agreed BUM BUM…that is a really sick comment by oohah…I wont call it a joke as there is nothing funny about it whatsover…please delete the comment!
Sorry to offend that wasn’t my intention. Iv deleted comment.
lmao yeah moyes may be down on his luck, just kicked out of the biggest club in england. iam sure he would love another impossible job, to bring back glory days we had on a few occasions domestically in 1981 and before this 1957 or European glory 82.just the unrealistic fans demands to deal with,oh also no money yes iam sure he will love to come,
wots dr venglos doing or mcleish thats more villa standards
Whether Lerner is selling us or not i feel the statement was not needed. Also its fairly obvious that any plans for the summer will have to be put on hold until our safety is guaranteed.
The pressure was mounting on Lambert and Lerner deflected it and took everyones eye off the ball.
Lambert is a terrible manager
Lerner is an incompetent owner at best
I just hope we have someone who comes in with an idea of sustainability, or we are going to be having three good seasons followed by four bad ones until the end of time
“Moyes is good for taking a team to 5th-6th-7th”
My point is that is the best we can expect and that’s why we should get him!
Andrew/Oohaah, face facts.
We ain’t going to get a moneybags owner to compete with the top 4 and we ain’t going to get a top notch manager.
Things like that just don’t happen down the Villa and a Lerner/MON combo was about as good as it gets.
I well remember saying a while after MON left, when people came out seriously slating him, “We’ll find we’ve never had it so good” or similar.
I’m not going to go into why I thought MON did a brilliant job, as we’ve been there and it’s gone, but I stand by what I said.
That was as good as it gets for the Villa in the modern game, unless things change massively in the game, imo.
Plus Lerner is out of his depth talking to a British manager, let alone a foreign one, lol
Perhaps I’m wrong, but if we accept that Lerner doesn’t know much about the English game, what hope has he with continental managers?
He’ll go British again and I’d expect Moyes to be a target.
Plus think of the clubs where Moyes would fit.
We’re talking traditional second level clubs and I’d say it’s either Newcastle or us.
I might have forgotten a couple (Sunderland??? and they’re probably going down), but most third level clubs would be below him, I’d say.
I’m not necessarily saying I want him, just that I think he fits.
Then again, it wouldn’t surprise me if we really do stick with Lambert. Sigh.
Anyone that thinks David Moyes should come to us see this video first about his excuses. Worse than lamberk and complete laughing stock on the internet. http://youtu.be/kKEek4j4c34
Ive just looked at the league table for the first time since all these rumours about takeover came out and it has really scared the shit out of me. The more I think about it the more I think this has been done to avert attention from our precarious position. We are doomed if we dont get another 4 points. If we dont win at the weekend I really fear we will go down and then we will be playing at a level that suits our teams ability !!!
Interesting piece in the Telegraph about Culverhouse and Karsa. #Gansters says it all !!!
Moyes could not take a job like Villa, next. It would be an admission of utter failure on his part. He thinks that he was good enough for the United job, just had too many old guard players who were not going to allow him to change any aspect of their roles. My guess is he will go abroad, maybe take a national manager’s role.
Also the club is fed up to the back teeth with Jocks in the hot seat. Actually it is four now Docherty McNeill McLeish Lambert. No more Hoarse Whisperers, thank you. Anyone with red hair above or below the kilt need not apply.
Gosh I forgot about the doc. Yep Scottish managers are a jinx no more please. We need a continental manager a young houllier would be ideal. Moyes was a mug going to utd no manager worth their salt was going to take that job after fergie with him and ex players looking over your shoulder. Shows how knieve moyes was.
Young, continental manager, no way, imo.
Not as long as the current hierarchy are still in power.
Who’s going to advise the board on who it should be?
Just look at who Fergie recommended for us, as an example.
The most disastrous manager in recent times, imo.
And I include Venglos and McNeil in that, if you’re talking about how the fan’s respect for the owner plummeted.
As for manager’s excuses, they all talk a load of shit at times.
It’s just that Lambert is one of the best, which is why he’ll probably stay on.
OLL, the fans may be sick of Jocks, but I doubt the board is.
They’re two seperate entities these days.
And I doubt Moyes will go abroad either.
He suits the traditional British game, which is exactly why I think he’ll be in the frame.
Perhaps not in the summer, but more likely when he’s had the break he’ll need to sort out his compo and nicely timed for when Lambert gets the bullet in the late autumn/early winter.
I saw it all in the tea leaves, so don’t forget you heard it here first 🙂
If we start the season with lambert there will be a riot Badger. I don’t know anyone that’s renewing STs while that clown is in charge and majority of my mates don’t want moyes either. The guy is a national joke I remember how we all reacted when we were linked with the “wally with the brolly” Even ST holders I know that have had STs that have been in their families for generations arnt renewing. If they don’t renew the club really is in trouble.
I agree with people’s views on Lambert, but not sure about Moyes.
I do know many neutrals and some Man U fans that I’ve spoken to have been dismayed that he’s been sacked so soon (myself included).
I do agree it’s more about him spending ~ £150 mill though.
Exactly if he is not worthy to spend a £150m with them then why should we take a risk. Now if Lerner stays and we have the usual shilling and sixpence to spend then fair enough moyes would be good for us. But if we have a takeover and we have say £100m to spend then forget moyes is out of his depth. If he was that good he would still be at utd. They made a huge mistake taking him on and he partly got the job as he was happy to be the patsy to follow fergie, run the club down then make it attractive for the new manager.
“There was also an alleged confrontation between Culverhouse and Lambert in the dressing room before and after the game against Crystal Palace earlier this month which left the Villa manager shaken.”
That’s a new one on me.
As tekkers alluded to above, Gangsters??? what’s that about?
So lets say we get taken over, and we get that continental manager seemingly most fans on here wants, and we get that 80-100m, who do we buy?
I think the only thing obvious is we’re going to make signings. Under Lerner and Lambert, under a new owner and Lambert, under a new owner and a new manager.
its not about individual players first you must get a system of playing then buy/train players to that system throughout the club, it can be done on a shoestring with the right management, just whos big enough for that task is now beyond me
You’re absolutely right, but clearly a lot of fans on here want a continental manager that plays the right kind of football. So lets say we get the young Houllier Oohah mentioned, which I mentioned, which I completely agree would be a great manager for us, who should we get?
how about a pochetino? I must admit there is no one that springs to mind but there must be a manager out there that has a bit of flair, a bit of charisma etc. Im sick of these dull grey blokes we get in charge. we need someone with personality and a bit of oomph. Surely a manager in his late 30s early 40s but with a DOF like a houllier to guide them would be great. I dont like DOF roles usually but as long as its clear the manager has the final say but has someone to help him at certain times and give advice when needed would be ideal.
You say you’re fed up with dull managers then want Pochettino – He needs a translator ffs and they don’t get any more dull than him
but he plays sexy football has sides that keep possesion. So what if he cant speak english neither can Lamberk ffs!!
Yep under Lerner and lambert will be another 10 x 1m players
We need a NON-British manager, whether we go down the young or experienced manager route, the key for me is that the next manager is continental.
British manager methods are poor and outdated. The only one who isn’t like this is Rodgers because he has studied the game across Europe, particularly in Spain.
There are lots of good non-British managers we could get and that are available pending a takeover.
Moyes would be a nightmare. Granted he’s better than Lamberk, but as Lamberk is the worst manager in our history then that’s not saying much. No more hoofball or dour boring scotsmen. Non-British or forget it.
Spot on Belcs well summed up
I’ve heard a few people mention Murat Yakin from Basel, seems to have done well domestically and most certainly punched above there weight in the Europa League and seems to also bring a lot of youngsters through at Basel too. Weather that is the kind of route we go down I don’t know but I do believe the next man should NOT be British!
He’d be perfect. He’s out played Chelsea and United in recent seasons, he plays good football, has an eye for talent, brings youth through, maybe he’ll finally give Siegrist a chance in cups (should’ve already happened), he plays the quick, attacking football we want/need/should have and that would do wonders for Villa. Plus I’d easily trust him to buy any former player he wants if he came, unlike a few managers being touted.