The document is not on Companies House yet but I have got from another source a very significant share allocation document.
Remember I posted a couple of weeks ago RAL (Reform Acquisitions Limited) who owns Villa had lifted the restrictions on the number of shares to be held.
Well an Allotment of Shares document was posted on the 18/12/13 showing that £90million of shares had been allotted. This took the total shares at Villa to £223 million and thus above the original £200M that we did have.
You ask – so what ??
Well previously when shares had been allotted this was in effect money put into the club usually by randy in swapping debt for shares at usually £5M a go. This is £90 MILLION we are talking about and if this is the same as before would wipe out a large chunk of the debt in one go.
Or it could be investment into the club ….
As I suggested when we saw the share lift that was more than just tidying up the books, it allowed for this move ……
Either way this is good news –
If wiping off a large % of the debt then wages can be increased
If it is an investor then it means more money
this is good, lamberts been given a war chest 🙂
Either way this is good news. You could look at it as a war chest for PL, for a sale or just keeping our books well under our lines.
With whatever we receive from the large could we see even more of this debt wiped off? 12th is supposedly a minimum this season. How much of that tele deal would RL get. Id guess in an excess of £100m easy IF the champions are receiving a rumoured £300m plus
not quite that much Dave, it is said to be between £70-80M but last year was £42M so a significant rise and of course a lot of difference between 10th and 17th
Nice to see you on hear Beasty let’s hope it’s some much needed investment & Lambo gets a piece….UTV
I’d ship Lambert out before allowing a spending spree. 90% of his buys have been toss.
haha premature to say that just yet Bob!
but it certainly looks like an increased financial flex no matter what way you look at it
or the money has paid off the debt to the trust/Randy and left about £50M of it …
Either way it is good news but we have no way of telling yet where the money has gone to.
Haha Ian I have missed your posts and it’s great to see you back again. I just hope I dont read Tomorrow morning Aston villa launch £90 million bid to land Nahki Wells from Bradford and also thrown in Benteke as a sweetener.
“Aston villa launch £90 million bid to land Nahki Wells from Bradford and also thrown in Benteke as a sweetener.”
we all read it here first!
First off this is great news but I would suggest its more likely in line with ensuring were well within the realms of Financial Fair Play Rules that said though none of us will ever know as were not on the board or apart of RAL.
indeed no nonsense BUT you can not even do this by FFP not that even applies to us anyone as we have to be in Europe !
FFP will only effect us if qualifying for Europe so in essence say PL has been given a warchest FFP would dictate spending what you earn so if were officially debt free this would allow the club to buy within that £90m figure and actually be sound if in the event we qualified in the next season….Sounds more complicated than it is but truth be told we will never no.
If it’s Randy turning debt into equity it does not make more cash available. It strengthens the balance sheet that’s all. You could argue that interest charges on the debt would reduce but since RL controls that he could reduce that or waive it all together (as he has done previously). If it’s outside investment the issue of share certificates would be to a new party and recorded as such. That would be a big surprise.
Maybe it will silence the posters who think somehow Lerner is getting rich on this. I am still waiting to hear how that works.
Or if you strengthen the balance sheet it makes the club easier to sell …
who knows DS but the no one can deny that this is significant.
Again makes no difference. Say the club owes RL £10 and he sells it for £20 he makes £10. If he writes off the £10 (swapping that debt for new shares) and then sells it for £20 he makes £10. If someone else buys new shares that would bring cash into the business. Doesn’t seem like Lerner’s style but would be much more interesting. My guess is it’s just a demonstration of his commitment. Lots of fans have criticised him by comparison with Abramovich for not writing off the debt. Anyway, we will know soon enough. If it signals more spending can’t come soon enough!
Randy should talk to us!!
Hope you’re not holding your breath Michael!
Good post Ian very interesting & exiting news for AVFC.Lets hope the club has allocated proper fundings for player buying.We desperately need a boost of ability & experience on the grass.This is also exiting news for our clubs stability it shows the good ship Aston Villa is a float nicely me hearties arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr………lol…UTV
So lerner’s putting some transfer funds together?tbh im lost whatever this shares millarky’s all about.i don’t think the blokes going to make the same mistake he did whilst mon was at the helm.
He won’t have to if he does simple things like retain a wage-cap this time.
I forgot that villanon makes sense mate.
I think he is just transferring his debt into shares, to make it more transparent and easier to manage…. Lets not hold our breath for any large investment, Lambert is still shopping in Poundland !!
but if that is the case it lifts the major reason to restrict the wages,.
Your right Ian, in addition his BoA stock is increasing too, but if he doesn’t turn up to games I just cannot see him having the interest to invest heavily in players…. I would love to be proved wrong though!
Time will tell, but like everyone says it is positive.
there’s no bad way to look at this, at worst he (randy) is putting villa on a sound footing, but i think he’s looked at the balance sheets for the year seen the increase in revenue and realised he can increase the wage budget, transfer funds and the running costs of the club and is putting cash into the club because the villa is making more money.
i was always under the impression the transfer funds were not a problem, its the over inflated wages that are
but that is modern football and the average PL player can expect to earn £40K a week. Therefore if your cap is just £20K a week then you are struggling to compete as we have seen.
It is not like we have been that frugal since MON left, Ireland, Bent, Nzog, Given and we gave the likes of Westwood and Lowton large pay increases for not a lot …
the problem is when we have spent big on wages it has failed and Lerner got scared, part of it was bad picks in managers and part bad luck.
The question is if you are about to lift the wage cap is Lambert the right manager to do it ?
That’s a good question and the answer is no. Big players need a big manager. Lamberk struggled to handle the likes of bent so if we got players of that calibre or better he would be out his league. Plus big players like to play for big name managers. We’d have a better chance attracting good players if we had a mourinho type manager. Look at Moyes he is struggling big time with bigger players and even utd are struggling to get the big names like they used to
one word ……..NO
I don’t think he can handle big personalities and they way he treated players who have helped us avoid relegation in the past is unprofessional and disgusting, too stubborn for words and way too arrogant.
there needs 2b a blend, u can’t say we won’t pay the players the going rate, but u can av more cheaper younger fresher players and av the experienced types aswell . they must av a plan just left us supporters in the dark ~ time 4 lerner 2 explain the direction hes going, we av been very patient with him. we don’t mind dumping the big earners and replacing them with better quality and similar experience
Der Hammer. Respect.
REally interesting post Ian. Good news for AVFC.
Wether this is really for a transfer kitty I would say no. Looks like it could be Lerner setting the club up to look more attractive to potential buysers to me.
God i hope its for some investment in the team….one question why do it now and not last summer….so we could bring in some players then and not the crap we did.
Wittonryan maybe finally the alarm bells are ringing in lerners ears mate.
There should be a “Where’s Randy?” campaign among supporters. I find it insulting that he can’t show up for months at a time. Invested economically isn’t enough, imo.
Maybe we should offer a prize to any fan that spots him. Bit like spot Sam in the papers years ago lol
Im sure ellis said to lerner ‘im only on the other end of the line if you need any advice’i wouldn’t read alot into it.the bloke could do without the hassle now.
I don’t see the need for him to show up.
Doug ellis was only ever in it for himself but was there for every game ..
gillet and hicks were idiots they came whenever they could.
The glazers are not too popular but still show up.
i don’t think it is the best sign of commitment.
Maybe he just doesn’t want dogs abuse from 30 thousand fans on a Saturday.
in the mean time. he continues to fund it to whatever degree he is funding it and making decisions for the club.
they might be wrong decisions or it might not be enough funding – thats up for debate but its worthy of debate to me as they are the things that count.
We are not a bunch of peasants from the middle ages surely that need to see our beloved monarch to reassure ourselves that our shit lives are really worth it when we get to see the opulence of our secluded leader?
What if he spent a 100m every window for the next 10 years but still never showed up?
would we question his commitment then?
I see your point. And I didn’t mean it as a morale boost or a caesar-like patronage on ST holders. It’s just the long stretches of time that makes me wonder where his commitment is, the bottom line or the pitch.
I heard from a reliable source connected to the club hinted that Ellis still has a big say in what goes on more than people think and we will never prosper why this happens.
not true