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  1. Conman
    Conman January 5, 2014 at 7:09 pm . Reply

    We couldn’t beat Bradford, we couldn’t beat Millwall, we couldn’t beat Sheff utd. There’s more chance of us doing a Wolves than a Newcastle with the shower of shit players Lambert has signed

  2. jvillan
    jvillan January 5, 2014 at 7:16 pm . Reply

    we cant beat lower sides in cup matches it must be worst squad in pl history we have two or three good players the rest where do you start delph for england he was at fault for winning goals against palace and yesterday because he doesnt know how to play him westwood clarke gabby already suspended and cards mounting up for 2 suspension we need a new man ASAP 2defenders 2midfielders and a winger albrighton getting reviews that would make some players blush how many goals or asists in 6or7 easy games

  3. Terry Jones
    Terry Jones January 5, 2014 at 7:16 pm . Reply

    Darn good post but this is not the nineteen seventies you are not at todays prices going to get thirty thousand plus at VP to watch championship football like we did in the third division.
    We are in a new era them days have long gone and as for coming back stronger does anyone think we will be able to attract the players for us to bounce back.Sorry to say no you only have to look at Wolves & Coventry to see what happens at best you will only attract the same type of dross players Lamberk as filled the club with already.Only one way Lamberk out and take his loony ideas with him.

  4. Sir Earl Barratt
    Sir Earl Barratt January 5, 2014 at 7:31 pm . Reply

    Would be the end for me, don’t think we’d bounce straight back for a second under Lerner and Lamberk. We’d have nothing to fear about our players being cherry picked though, they’re shite for the most part. I asked a question on twitter earlier, how many of our players look like they’d get into the forest team that played today? Free flowing, attacking football on a fraction of what we’ve spent.

  5. VTID
    VTID January 5, 2014 at 7:36 pm . Reply

    I think a couple of experience players regardless of salary or whether loan deals, and a manager change with some motivational skills and we could see the improvements pretty quickly…………sorry was I dreaming then !!!

  6. Benno
    Benno January 5, 2014 at 7:49 pm . Reply

    Its not that simple. Going down would be a disaster. I think we had the right idea in appointing a young manager, shipping out the high earners, etc and trying to rebuild, i just think we picked the wrong manager to do it.

    I wonder where we would be now if Martinez had taken the job a couple of years back instead of Mcleish. That was the right move for the club.

    I think we need to find the right manager before we end up going down!

    1. Colonius81
      Colonius81 January 7, 2014 at 6:40 pm . Reply

      i understand the criticism of Lambert i do. i think he deserves it in fact and he has to improve.

      but i don’t understand fans logic of firing him now after one and a half seasons.

      It seems most comments on this article call for a strip the club out lose the high earners .. rebuild effort.

      but you all expect it to be done or much further on after just a season and a half ???

      you have to admit that going the route we have gone is a long term one?
      yet here we are again
      manager out after a season coz the football is rubbish, the results are mediocre and we are midtable.
      Who else has gone this route and of them which of them were sailing after one and a half seasons?

      I think we are in a wobble and a rut ..
      our football sucks.
      our better performers from last season are so off the boil its ridiculous
      This manager may not work but then you run the same gamble with any new manager. ..but we are still 11th and have every chance to improve over the next 17ish games or so.

      too early to reset again and push back a chance to see the results of continuity over a couple of seasons.

      1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
        OohAhPaulMcGrath January 7, 2014 at 7:37 pm . Reply

        We fired mclown for less

  7. Bill Pearson.
    Bill Pearson. January 5, 2014 at 8:02 pm . Reply

    No Terry rubbish post, you do not give in, OK we are rubbish you fight, Badger cannot believe you saying that, all though its apathetically a question, in my world you hit back, fuck it the pocket is the way, please don’t come with that idiotisms Badger that’s annoyed me.

  8. Terry Jones
    Terry Jones January 5, 2014 at 8:25 pm . Reply

    Bill it can only get more depressing just look to the fixture list Gunners Nil points.
    Pool Nil points.
    Baggies Nil points.
    Toffees Nil points.
    Hammers Nil points.
    Cardiff Nil points.
    Newcastle Nil points.
    Total Lost 21.

    1. Bill Pearson.
      Bill Pearson. January 5, 2014 at 8:37 pm . Reply

      Terry yes but you don’t capitulate ffs, you yourself said in post do something, don’t buy, don’t go, let your feet do the job. But to say get relegated no mate, you fight. Your way is not the answer . Terry I’m mad at the Villa I don’t just talk about it I do things, this site should and must post themselves to Aston Villa, It has that right if it carries the name, don’t just talk do it.

  9. TED
    TED January 5, 2014 at 8:38 pm . Reply

    What’s really annoying is all the Lerner supporters who continue to back Lerner yet criticise Lambert. I agree Lambert needs to go. But you Lerner fans calling for the sack how can you defend Lerner if he continues to employe Lambert. Wake up Lerner uses managers to deflect away from his lack of interest and investment. If Lerners not to blame how come he employed McLeish against fans wishes and now keeps a low profile not speaking out giving us an insight into his future plans? Lerner appears happy with prem survive . Lerner continues to make money Lerner out

    1. Bill Pearson.
      Bill Pearson. January 5, 2014 at 8:54 pm . Reply

      Ted that’s a good point, I think that our club has found a businesslike yank to make money out of silly English industry albeit sport. Never trust a Yank. We know them deal every day with the idiots.

  10. John sneade
    John sneade January 5, 2014 at 9:03 pm . Reply

    Spot on Ted totally agree my biggest worry as always been the chairman isn’t that bothered what division were in , when and if he sells he’s onto a winner as he got villa in the sale of the century !! After the mill wall game last year we were flying down and in that window when we needed him most we got sylla and Dawkins !! That told me everything

  11. Jay Dee
    Jay Dee January 5, 2014 at 9:20 pm . Reply

    We are 11th,struggling a little ATMIT but it won’t last.We will strengthen this window.We do not need to go down and have never gone down from the Premier League.We will be ok.What I will say is RL needs to pull his pants up..UTV

    1. Bill Pearson.
      Bill Pearson. January 5, 2014 at 9:35 pm . Reply

      Jay Dee give you that, but come on mate, its the lower clubs and cup match humiliation , we don’t need that do we, we are only in our position because we was lucky, he’s fooling you all,sorry to say.

      1. Jay Dee
        Jay Dee January 5, 2014 at 9:41 pm . Reply

        Bill no ones fooling me pal I can see what’s on offer I was at the Swansea game.I think Lambert has to improve what he’s doing on the pitch.But ATM he’s playing damage limitation football.The wheels have come off & it doesn’t look like the young kids can maintain a really good standard.Hence we are looking at experience to shore up the squad….I’m still behind the Villa….I think this is funny take a look UTVhttp://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AeOJC4XPDbU&feature=youtu.be&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DAeOJC4XPDbU%26feature%3Dyoutu.be

        1. Jay Dee
          Jay Dee January 5, 2014 at 9:44 pm . Reply

          I’ve reported the link again it’s awaiting moderation lol utv

          1. Jay Dee
            Jay Dee January 5, 2014 at 9:45 pm . Reply


            1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
              OohAhPaulMcGrath January 5, 2014 at 10:16 pm . Reply

              Hearing rumours on fb and twitter we are after Bradford’s Nahki Wells a 5ft 7inch striker. Supposed to be a few clubs after him and they have had a bid turned down but don’t know if it’s us or not. Just rumours so dint shot me if it’s wrong.

    1. Jay Dee
      Jay Dee January 5, 2014 at 10:33 pm . Reply

      This is a spoof of Paul Lambert after the other nights defeat lol

      1. Naughtius Maximus
        Naughtius Maximus January 5, 2014 at 11:15 pm . Reply

        pmsl jay dee 😀

  12. nath
    nath January 5, 2014 at 9:56 pm . Reply

    the country is kicking lumps out of our club ~ witch hunt and 4 nothing ~ all premier teams av disrespected the fa cup ~ but they aren’t getting the same bad press we are

    lambert answered a question which most managers would av answered the same if they were honest ~ yet lambert made only 2 changes compared to most that’s nothing hammers change the whole team bar 3 ( 3 with vlaar but hes injured)

    I understand we are bad and that’s ur topic but I love aston villa and we aven’t done shit the written press are aving a field day with us, we should back our team to the hilt

  13. nath
    nath January 5, 2014 at 10:07 pm . Reply

    as 4 this subject

    if you think being relegated would help us your crazy, I cried my eyes out last game in division 1 hammers 4 nil if I remember rite , but our team was bad then but had more experience than the current one but taylor dismantled the squad and we bounced back up with a similar tactic 2 lambert buying cheap as chips players and unknown ones

    we are a few players experience ones in midfield short only and time (back us )

  14. Morgan Villa
    Morgan Villa January 5, 2014 at 10:44 pm . Reply

    No to relegation, i understand your logic but i do not agree with it, we have a really young squad and for them to progress they need to keep fighting in this division. Relegation will have a very bad impact on our squad.

    I am confused as to why we only have the choice of Lerner or a shiekh and relegation to survive.

    For me its simple Lerner has lost interest but not enough for us to be relegated, he still has enough interest to keep us surviving in the Premier league until a suitor is found, that suits him and his needs. Lerner no longer attends games and i believe he has family priorities which is fair enough, he wont come out and say he has other priorities because it would immediately de value AVFC.

    We have a manager in charge who for the whole of last season had us playing well in one half of every game from the Newcastle game onwards, this season with additions we are worse, the league position is of no significance at this stage. The significance is the points to the points the clubs around us have, we are very near relegation to believe other wise is over optimisitc to say the least.

    Now i understand the arguments for keeping him because i would like to see the club ran in a way where the youth team progresses to the first team via one season loans to lower division clubs etc. Adding to that some experience and a coaching system at the club that is based on something cohesive. I think some of us started to believe lambert was the man who was going to do this, however it has become apparent that Lambert is bringing the complete opposite and his project is actually a fucking nightmare.

    This seasons displays have been awful, the tactics are wrong and the players look out of there depth. I think Lambert is the wrong man if he stays we will be relegated, we did not have a single shot on target yesterday until the one hour mark of the game, this is against a team who the week before were beaten by Walsall and languish in the lower reaches of third tier football. I have ignored the result because the FA Cup is what it is but that one stat tells me everything about Aston Villa FC and where it currently stands as a football club.

  15. bob
    bob January 5, 2014 at 11:04 pm . Reply

    Relegation is not the answer, Aston Villa 4 life, the bashing has to stop everyman and his dog are giving villa a kick and us as Villa fans have to defend and support the club.


  16. Naughtius Maximus
    Naughtius Maximus January 5, 2014 at 11:18 pm . Reply

    pretty much agree with most of whats been said, for every Newcastle story there’s a Coventry, blues n wolves story.

  17. Naughtius Maximus
    Naughtius Maximus January 5, 2014 at 11:29 pm . Reply

    besides didn’t we start again 2 seasons ago, and 2 season before that?
    we need investment, I think lambert is very poor at the moment along with the squad as a whole but if you put mourinho in tomorrow with our current squad I cant see how he’d do any better.
    both learner and lambert are to blame, learner for the investment or lack of it and lambert for his, well for what we are seeing week in week out on the pitch which is just not good enough, I do understand the constraints he’s working under as do most of us and for the most part villa fans have to a man been very supportive, my god we have tried and tried to remain positive and supportive but patience is quite understandably wearing very thin with what we are seeing on the pitch, none of us know what really goes on behind the scenes but we do know about what we are seeing when we watch and what we are seeing is just piss poor in my opinion.

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