Submissions have been coming thick and fast of late and while we know some of you don’t like us to do too many articles in quick succession, we do like to publish as many as we can.
Witton Ryan asks what for me is an interesting, but bloody scary question;
I have been looking at what has been going on at the Villa like every one who cares for this club and asking myself a question.
Is there a way out of this down turn?
Do we need to drop out of the Premiership and start over?
If we did go down, yes we would lose some TV cash, but we would get parachute payments to help us, then we would be in a league where we could compete (I hope) and should have more wins and more joy.
Yes we would have a few people ie the Noses and the Baggies pointing at us but that would soon go.
I am not saying that I want this to happen but I look at other clubs that have been in our situation (Newcastle jumps to mind, a bad owner ripping the club apart) and I believe they came back stronger for going down.
A club of our size should be in the Premiership but we are in trouble and we are a joke. Something must change.
God im so depressed just the thought of the gunners in a weeks time,there in full stride whilst we are stuck in reverse.i honestly can see us getting thumped soz bill p yes doom & gloom.not an ounce of faith whatsoever.
Yes, they hammered us last time.
Yes i forgot that vaze we beat them at their place & since we’ve moved on leaps & bounds where as arsenals form has deteriated.silly me
True enough, but too many on here sound just like the deranged Gooners who were screaming for Wengers head, literally baying for him to be sacked (those that stayed to the end).
Things aren’t great at the Villa, but speak to West Ham fans who have just signed Roger Johnson to keep them up after losing 5-0 to lower league opposition.
This time we had picked up one point in four games and had conceded seventeen goals. That was relegation form, not four points from four with four conceded.
Vaze i carn’t recall the last time arsenal were in a relegation battle so wrong comparison mate.
Most arsenal fans didn’t moan just a minority. All the gunners fans I know live Wengar because he finishes in top 4 in a shoe string and produces good attacking football. Completely the opposite to lamberk
GIDDY mate it will get worse just look at the fixture list for the rest of season then tell me where the hell we are going to pick points up from.As VAZ pointed out there are nine teams below us but two of those will go down and IMO if there is no drastic change at VP we are going to be the third.Got more faith in the Bottle of Rum i am drinking.
Not sure the fixture list for the second half of the season is worse than the first half Terry.
Well DSVILLA take a look mate not any worse but our tactics and the way we are playing as and can see at the moment unless things do change so is our situation can only get worse and those nine teams below us have more chance of improving than us.
Just an observation TJ. It’s not the fixtures that our the problem. It’s the way we are playing
Good suggestion telj rum.
TJ….dont be so fucking defeatist. Now is the time to rally. We all know its shit football being played but we will be here long after Randy, Faulkner and Lambert are gone. No use moaning because things are NOT going to change any time soon. For now, we have to pull together and drag us over that relegation line (again)!
We will NOT be relegated……….and
Fuck off Lerner, the Villa is ours!
Langford thats probably directed at me aswell mate,i don’t mind domestics sorry i do not share your faith this time unfortunately theres fuck all there. 🙁
Giddy mate, we are with you all the way, yes we have a bad apple in our club, a man that thought he could change the face of football, he’s on borrowed time, I bet he gets pissed up twice as much as us 🙂 4 weeks that’s all he as, after that he’s gone , the club is on a tumble down, he has to do things now that should have been done months ago, Giddy good job we have clubs twice the problems we have, even clubs going broke, :4 weeks that’s all will make or break Villa.
Bill lambert drinks twice as much as me well i take my hat off to him mate.he must be a fucking alcoholic on the brink of death.i know where your coming from though love you too xx.
LANGFORD always the optimist but we all feel the same The Villa Is Ours but don;t you have a niggling feeling that this time the Three Stooges have now done their job by killing the club off.I for one would like to see the club owned by the fans we would never have let this situation arise in the first place something would have been done by now to curb Lamberk,and put a stop to his foolishness.
I dont have much faith either. But this is the wrong time to give up IMO. Lets get safe and then everyone refuse to renew STs unless a certain level (significant amount) is invested. I am rallying because I will be really fucking gutted if we go down.
No domestic…. i love you too much 🙂
I love you langford xx,maybe when he brings in some suitable signings to bolster the team then maybe the faith will return.but not as it stands atm mate.
Giddy …. Lol mate. Is that the whiskey talking! 🙂
Yes mate i love everyone my neighbours battened the hatches. 🙂
Giddy I must be pissed I even love Terry, xx
No mate you must be in a coma. 🙂
Thanks for posting my article Badger….was good to see, feed back was just what I wanted to see we are up for the fight…we just need some investment BIG TIME. and the team to show as much fight as the fans.
It’s sad when journalists are feeling sorry for Villa. One journalist has even expressed his surprise and I guess amazement at how apathy appears to run through the fans. How certain individuals refuse to acknowledge what Lerner is doing and refusing to criticise.. Wake up Lerner is destroying the club. Again remember HE employs Lambert HE continues to believe in Lambert. So all you Lerner supporters calling for Lambets head stop being hypocritical. If you support Lerner the surely you accept his choice of manager? Lerner out
None of us on here can predict the future but unless we forget about Wes hoolawank & go for someone with real ability or someone’s plural with ability I can forsee a struggle.This January transfer window is pivotal to our ending league position.If we buy some quality CM,AM & a winger we will be well ok UTV
shame on u ~ hoolawank is a better player 4 aston villa than a tonev at present. while I understand ur need 4 a world class playmaker. I don’t believe we are able 2 attract one, so better we av hoolahan than rely on the clueless midfield we own now ~ only albrighton is able 2 produce a goal scoring chance. plus sumat u all are over looking is benteke and co need 2 finish um unlike the 2 glaring misses against super sheff utd
Hoolahan looks to be a definite signing, i have only seen him play once at VP last season and he was a handful for our defenders. One appearance is not enough for a scout report.
Even if he is a great signing we need a left back and a left winger as the options on that left side are what can only be described as a joke
Sorry mate but Hoolawank can’t even make DU Eyerash international side he’s had his day and is a make do for Lerner skinflint fuckwit.Im Now Defour & Holtby & I will have to admit we are looking forward.Carlton Cole another crap wanker god I could ring Lerners wheezel neck…UTV
Sign Defour & Holtby on a permanent & we are on the up
Rumours are we are looking at Carlton Cole surely Lambert is not that stupid.
At least hoolahan’s got experience something we are abundantly lacking.
Can confirm we’ve had a bid accepted for Aiden Mcgeady. Will be in the country on Wednesday for medical and to discuss personal terms.
We get linked with him every jan. Just like Robbie keane
TED get your facts right LAMBERK was not Lerner,s choice he was the choice of a certain section of fans Lerner only took him on to appease them he gave them their choice backed him with£40 odd million over two transfer windows.Now it;s got to be his fault yes it is for listening to the fans.The blame for our demise is Lerner for taking notice of them and Lamberk for thinking he is a footballing god.He is just a total waste of space and should be removed.The fans refrain from chanting a certain managers name and let Lerner make his own choice as to who the manager should be.He was unlucky with Houllier because of his on going health issues.So now it;s time for Lamberk to go and Lerner to employ the man of his choice.
Terry please tell me your post is a joke? Either that or you are confused. You forgot to mention Lerners other choice McLeish. You also forget Lerner is business man ask the Cleveland Browns. If you think the decisions being made are not Lerners your are naive. As for the funds given to Lambert do you not read papers or listen to interviews? Lambert has already said the figures are inflated. Posts on here also make reference to this, Lerner is the owner he makes the decisions based on a business mind intent to make money. You are suggesting he has bought a club for millions and then decided not to run it. Lerner should be the focus fans frustrations. Your pal Lerner has not attended a game for ages and refuses to engage with fans I suppose that’s Lamberts and the supporters fault? Lerner out
Villa won’t go down this season.
While I agree we have been lucky against the likes of Arsenal and Man City, it’s probably fair to say we won’t lose to teams like Fulham the second time around. The bottom half of the table is still close, no doubt about it, but it is hard to argue there isn’t 3 team worse off than us right now. Plus, Villa always finish the season strong.
Sure the cup loss was terrible, but Lambert, Lerner, Faulkner are going no where – so perhaps it might be better to save the doom and gloom until we actually see who the club can bring in this month. Defour, Holtby, Hoolahan – some a bit far fetched for me, but all three would drastically impact the way we play. If we sign no one – well then there is only one person to blame and it isn’t Lambert.