Swansea 4 – 1 Villa; Another 4-1 loss!

I think that’s the third 4-1 loss we’ve suffered in the last few weeks isn’t it?
At least it wasn’t at home this time, but that’s really not much of a plus point.

For what it’s worth, I actually thought we played well at times and certainly around 15-25 minutes or so, we applied some nice pressure which resulted in a super cross on the run from Marc Albrighton (something I’ve always rated him as being very good at) and Gabby putting the ball in the net after Bony had taken the lead for Swansea.
It was certainly a deserved equaliser, but then we had a bit of a calamity from Guzan’s clearance which resulted in Jonjo Shelvey hitting an absolute peach of a volley from god knows how many yards out that left Guzan with no chance. The strike showed superb technique and for me, is up there as a contender for goal of the season.
I won’t pick on Brad there as it was just one of those wonder strikes.

We didn’t let our heads drop too much though and still battled on fairly well, although I had a sneaky feeling we wouldn’t get back into it.
Albrighton (my MOTM again) was whipping some super balls in and any decent striker would have probably had a hat-trick today (Bent anyone?) but nine times out of ten, there was nobody on the end of them.
Sod’s law says I took a toilet break for Swansea’s third goal, so I can’t comment on that.
But when I did start watching again, it seemed to me that the lads had just lost heart.

Then, when Holt came on for El Ahmadi and signalled a four up top, I basically gave up too.
Is it just me who thinks this is schoolboy tactics?

A penalty that you just knew Guzan wasn’t going to save rounded things off on a day where nothing really went right for us and left me despondent, as I thought this was one of the three games that we really ought to win. Just Hull next week left out of my three and I’ll definitely be going.
Not that I’m looking forward to it much.

While we huff and puff, we quite simply aren’t good enough. It’s as simple as that.
Please let this season end as soon as possible, with us getting enough to keep us up, so we can go again.
But please not with any of the current hierarchy. If we do go down and it’s looking very possible, even though I think we’ll scrape it, it’ll be their fault and will serve them right.


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  1. VTID
    VTID April 26, 2014 at 6:03 pm . Reply

    What a waiste of time, although the stats show 54% posiession to us we had no killer runs! and no one to finish.

    My apologies now but we are going down, and my 35 year of buying season tickets is over, had enough. I feel physically sick, watching my club ruined by an arrogant egotistic manager, and although I am not a Lerner lover, he is not to blame, for tactics, purchases, and team motivation two men and they know who they are.

    Sat will be my farewell to my second life………

    1. TED
      TED April 26, 2014 at 6:30 pm . Reply

      Lerner himself said he was to blame? Lerner is awful he has awful players. Bought on a directive to get numbers in not quality, while removing established prem players which as Lerner said was the brief he gave. We can not buy quality as we won’t pay wages. How can you say Lerner is not the cause? Lerner even disagrees with you? Lerner out. I’m amazed there are still people who fail to grasp the club is being run on the cheap whith awful players who are not good enough all the coaching and motivation in the world will make little difference. We have a league 1 championship squad

      1. ianrobo
        ianrobo April 26, 2014 at 6:37 pm . Reply

        yep Ted that is true and braying for Lambert to go now is silly, foolish and very naive.

        1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
          OohAhPaulMcGrath April 26, 2014 at 7:13 pm . Reply

          Why we can’t win with him so what difference would it make it he fucks off?

  2. COE1982
    COE1982 April 26, 2014 at 6:19 pm . Reply

    I think you’ve spoken for the majority of us there VTID! I’m falling out of love with football completely at the moment, I haven’t watch an England game for over a year, champions league just not interested and now the Villa. Sad times I’m afraid

  3. ianrobo
    ianrobo April 26, 2014 at 6:29 pm . Reply

    The problem is that everyone knows the summer will see massive changes (if we stay up) and this is reflected, where is the extra bit of motivation. Players know manager is off, manager knows he and the owner is off. Of course if we get a decent owner with loads of cash not many current players will survive, what is their motivation to stay up ?

    Yes they are professionals and should be playing 100% all the time but say you lack that 3% or so then that is a massive difference compared to other teams fully motivated.

  4. TED
    TED April 26, 2014 at 6:34 pm . Reply

    Thank you Steve Bruce Thank you

  5. Lads…this season has been shit (again)…..but we wont be going down! Even if we dont get another point Fulham have to win both their games….Cardiff need 2 wins out of 3 starting from tomorrow and Norwich will need 4 points out of there last two games. So its extremely doubtful that any of them will overtake us. Thats not even including Sunderland!
    I never thought I would say this but I will be happy when the season finishes again…its been a shit 4 seasons and major surgery and major investment is needed otherwise next season will sea us down, I am pretty sure about that!

    1. nath
      nath April 26, 2014 at 8:23 pm . Reply

      be careful u are bordering on deluded lmao

      i agree with ur points about the teams below us and how many they need, i also can’t wait for this nitemare 2 end. if villa retain their top league status. big things are needed in summer. rite the way through our club . top to bottom lmao,

      lerner needs 2 sell and quickly before he totally ruins us and our name.

    2. Sir Earl Barratt
      Sir Earl Barratt April 27, 2014 at 7:28 am . Reply

      I don’t buy in to the ‘don’t worry all the teams below us won’t win’ argument. If it were that easy to predict, ladbrokes and hills would be bust within a month. The sad truth is that our sole plan for the season was to pray for three worse teams. We deserve to go down and for Lamberk to sign a ten year contract for putting up with this for so long. People telling me to believe in the project when it was as plain as the nose on your face. Anyone who stays after the game next week to applaud that rubbish, even if by some miracle we win, should be banned from villa park for life. None of them have come out of this with any credit. They shouldn’t bother with a player of the season this year as it would be embarrassing to report it.

  6. jvillan
    jvillan April 26, 2014 at 6:42 pm . Reply

    who are going to want that load of shite
    guzan not anybody top half
    lowton last year at least he could attack
    bennet/luna dont have to sayanything
    clarke/baker as above
    vlar to old injury prone
    westwood back to crewe where he belongs
    kea 1 division
    delph 5years here 5 goals
    gabby some effort from villa boy even scum be to good for him now
    pieman may be just a bad spell
    albrighton couldnt get on wigan side
    holt/bertrand we dont have to try to sell them
    helnius pity him if he not better than that crap
    tonev ditto
    given,hutton.bent bowerey
    benteke baccuna okore kozak not much to build on

  7. Thats Norwich beat. They wont catch us! Calm down lads. Lets look forward to August when we will be in the PL with new management and new owners………things can ONLY get better. Party time next Saturday when our PL status is confirmed and the nightmare will be over again!

    1. sasa c
      sasa c April 26, 2014 at 7:46 pm . Reply

      Calm down….did you watch the first half last week? now this…Lambert go now..oohhahh spot on. he has to go now.

      1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
        OohAhPaulMcGrath April 26, 2014 at 7:50 pm . Reply

        Agreed Sasa C. Collymore on twitter heard from reliable source that moyes would be interested in villa job. About right the biggest laughing stock in English football joins the biggest joke in English football!’

        1. sasa c
          sasa c April 26, 2014 at 7:55 pm . Reply

          Lambert is the footballing [edit]…fucking about [edit] ruining people’s lives.
          Hi Sasa had to edit that mate no comments re kids please. Thanks oohahpaulmcrath

          1. COE1982
            COE1982 April 26, 2014 at 8:00 pm . Reply

            Agree, get rid now! We surely cannot be any worse without a manager?

          2. sasa c
            sasa c April 26, 2014 at 8:07 pm . Reply

            apologies. sorry.

            1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
              OohAhPaulMcGrath April 26, 2014 at 8:11 pm . Reply

              No probs mate quite funny but can offend some people. 🙂

  8. COE1982
    COE1982 April 26, 2014 at 8:02 pm . Reply

    Lambert says we need to bounce back from this? Surely we’ve fell that far there’s no bouncing back from it.

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath April 26, 2014 at 8:03 pm . Reply

      I wish someone would bounce lamberk out the club!

      1. sasa c
        sasa c April 26, 2014 at 8:36 pm . Reply

        This manager is tactically inept..in Nathan Baker we have a CH who is shot on confidence and no longer trusted by his own team mates..YET STILL he is left to suffer, the formation is one dimensional and irrespective of injury it never changes..Coe and yourself are right in your opinions…LAMBERT.. DO ONE.

        1. belcs
          belcs April 26, 2014 at 8:39 pm . Reply

          Exactly. The players shouldn’t be in this position. Baker shouldn’t be playing PL football, neither should Jordan Bowery, Bennett, Lowton and the rest of the turds Lamberk bought. They are playing 2 divisions higher than they should be and it;s embarrassing.

  9. belcs
    belcs April 26, 2014 at 8:37 pm . Reply

    Best comment of all from Lamberk saying that next week is a cup final.
    Why wasn’t today a cup final, Southampton a cup final, Fulham a cup final, Palace a cup final, etc
    The guy is so patronising and dour and without doubt the most dislikeable twat to ever manage a football club. Honestly, hate everything about him.

    1. saddened
      saddened April 26, 2014 at 8:44 pm . Reply

      ha ha love the cup final comment, as he said the cup was a distraction a few months ago….. you couldn’t make this shit up

    2. sasa c
      sasa c April 26, 2014 at 8:46 pm . Reply

      Belcs…you have summed it up and articulated it brilliantly. Lamberk is just O’Neil without the talent and without the charisma.

    3. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath April 26, 2014 at 9:25 pm . Reply

      Why can’t we have a proper cup final like anyone else

      1. saddened
        saddened April 26, 2014 at 9:32 pm . Reply

        you just want those shitty plastic flags…. go on oohah admit it

  10. nath
    nath April 26, 2014 at 8:42 pm . Reply

    well i must say badger summed up this game far better than i did. albrighton was by far the standout man. shame his good work only led to 1 assist. i like 2 say i feel sick with worry and as oohah says u av 2 feel for the fans that bought season tickets. but as lambert says dust ourselves and its all or nothing nxt week.

    teams below really do need 2 win 2 games and thats unlikely. but if we beat hull we are safe. back the villa for one more game. then we push 4 changes big time 🙂 we need first 2 do a number on tigers

    hate mail senders send 2 my pobox

  11. Benno
    Benno April 26, 2014 at 8:43 pm . Reply

    Lambery is a useless wanker!

    It is embarassing that we will not get any near the 40 point, and if we do stay up it will be purely down the teams below being so poor. We may get 1 point or even possibly 3 against Hull, but I wouldnt bet on it. In fact, I would put Hull as favourites going into the game. We just better pray that we dont need to pick up points in our last two games

    Lambert should really walk, then at least the fans would be behind the team next Saturday.

  12. DSVilla
    DSVilla April 26, 2014 at 8:58 pm . Reply

    Whilst accepting we are shit and Lambert should be fired I can’t stand the feeding frenzy that always accompanies these situations. Lambert presumably agreed with Lerner’s requirements over salaries and transfer fees. It clearly is unsuccessful and a continuation into next season (if either or both are still here ) is asking for trouble.

    However, neither of them is the antichrist. Lerner has been severely burnt. Anyone accusing him of making money at Villa’s expense needs to learn basic maths. He would walk away from the club (IMO) if he could get his money back.

    As for Lambert, he maybe would have made a better fist of it with a bit more backing to get some extra quality in. My criticism would be that he has lost his nerve in terms of playing style and positivity.

    However, the level of vitriol is unnecessary. Hands up who rejoiced when Lerner took over and bankrolled O’Neill? How many celebrated when McLeish got fired and Lambert was hired? Like I say, both have made mistakes. Both will probably move on. The question is…when they do, and a new owner and manager arrive, how long have they got and what do we expect before the inevitable fallout begins?

    I don’t know what Villa’s ambitions should be. What’s the point of 5th or 6th? What would it take to get yo top 4? I just can’t see that even if Lerner leaves and Lambert follows. It’s a depressing scenario, but to blame Lerner for not being rich enough, and Lambert for not being able to make a silk purse out of a cow’s ear is maybe losing perspective.

    Does that make me a Lamberk or a sheep? The lot of you that need an owner with billions and the desire to blow it on our club are just delusioned fantasists.

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath April 26, 2014 at 9:30 pm . Reply

      My point exactly too many MON apologists happy finishing 6 th 3 seasons running after spending more and any other villa manager even dol who got 6th as well. MON bottled it when we got close to top four blaming tiredness ffs. Everton are in a similar situation they can almost taste the CL but when it really mattered they bottled it too. No doubt arsenal will benefit as always.

    2. Colonius81
      Colonius81 April 27, 2014 at 7:46 pm . Reply

      Well i don’t need to post anything on this today, Thanks DS you mirror my opinion on the whole sorry story exactly.

      But I will anyway 😛

      There is absolute fantasism at the core of this forum, and Villa fan base for me. Anything less than immediate sign of progress, anything other than a billionaire sheik/oligarch outspending city and chelsea to put us on top of the league for a few Billion pounds expenditure over a few seasons is accepting mediocrity and deserves ridicule.

      Perfectly fine points of view of course, as valid an opinion as the next but the point stands, that no matter who gets appointed or who buys the club, short of i would say 500m spent on transfers alone in the next 2 seasons will see us achieve 7th if we are lucky.
      Yet i guarantee you the next owners/managers will be crucified in about 12 or 18 months time or less if we are anything other top 6

      Bearing in mind the kind of investment needed to get back to the top nowadays .. and the rarity of people on this planet with the means and will to do it.
      Watching and reading some of the over the top vitriol and fantasism at where we should be right now … is akin to watching some people playing the lotto.
      which has similar odds of success(1 in 13 million or roughly the same likelihood that you get hit by lightning twice)
      Its watching them play and then not winning year after year so some of us show up at our local newsagent with banners demanding to see better style of lotto game and more winnings ..
      lol whats more some of us are that irate at abject mediocrity because of our history! ..
      we have already won the lotto before and we deserve to win again!
      to hell with these “new” winners ( lets say chelsea and man city)
      Maybe some of us aren’t that entitled but they still want some runner up prizes of matching 5 numbers maybe a holiday maybe a car .. but for exactly the same reasons

      It perplexes but delights me at the same time. Fans are the lifeblood of football.
      and as crazy as it seems if we didn’t have have this rampant delusion, fantasism and entitlement there wouldn’t be fans showing up and there would be no premier league or champions league just as much as there would be no Lotto as if people realised and rejected the 1/13m odds or the losses that they accumulate over time playing it then they wouldn’t buy tickets either.

      In light of the almost futility of the jackpot billionaire owner option. I have always wanted to see us try a different route, the young and hungry approach and some continuity and stability of having a manager for a second season was a different approach but its failed.
      lack of investment, poor tactics, injuries, bad management, whatever the reasons are
      we have to start again.

      I hope we win the jackpot this summer guys i really do but you won’t see me making extreme hyperbolic comparisons to the football abyss or spewing fire on the latest Villa personnel if we don’t. I will still be VTID though.

      1. BWS
        BWS April 27, 2014 at 8:13 pm . Reply

        I can’t even be bothered to read your self indulgent long winded same old every things rosy in the villa garden bullshit.
        Your I want Randy’s love child, Randy’d the second coming and Saint Faulkner of Aston walks on water and Mother Lambert’s doing good work for the needy bollox is wearing just a little thin, you deserve a slap.

        1. Colonius81
          Colonius81 April 27, 2014 at 8:52 pm . Reply

          lol .. complete fantasism, followed by some ridicule ..
          i rest my case..

          1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
            OohAhPaulMcGrath April 27, 2014 at 8:57 pm . Reply

            Must be apr 1st

  13. saddened
    saddened April 26, 2014 at 9:21 pm . Reply

    Good point DS, I would just like some communication with the fans, then we could set our expectations…..

    1. DSVilla
      DSVilla April 26, 2014 at 9:36 pm . Reply

      I agree totally saddened. At the same time I respect Lerner for not being Deadly or Dave Whelan. Something in the middle would have been nice. I just have this horrible feeling that the alternative may be worse. Just assuming it will be the filthy rich benefactor indulging all our fantasies is a bit optimistic.

      1. saddened
        saddened April 26, 2014 at 9:50 pm . Reply

        Just can’t see anything happening just think its the clubs normal PR crap and we will be in the same situation at the start of next season!

      2. Wishiwasguzan
        Wishiwasguzan April 26, 2014 at 9:54 pm . Reply

        For me Lamberts a gona . Whether Randy stays or goes he has to employ Laudrup and Martin Laursen give them at least 40mill to spend . If we don’t go down this season with Lambert we will next . On a positive note Gabby scored World Cup beckons lol . He’s done his bit now till next season – waster !!!!!!

        1. COE1982
          COE1982 April 26, 2014 at 10:16 pm . Reply

          Funny! Agbonlahor needs to be fucked off soon…. I know his one of us but that don’t make him a good player, for too many seasons now he has just done Fuck all.

        2. BWS
          BWS April 26, 2014 at 10:18 pm . Reply

          What’s with this laudrup thing? The bloke inherits a half decent team and couldn’t do fuckall with thembso what’s he going to do with the bags of shit we have down at vp? No not the man for the job at hand.

          1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
            OohAhPaulMcGrath April 26, 2014 at 10:25 pm . Reply

            Agree but he plays decent football. Pochetino would be the one for me

          2. Wishiwasguzan
            Wishiwasguzan April 26, 2014 at 10:35 pm . Reply

            Laudrup or Lambert ? No brainier . With leggggend Laursen and a few quid who knows . But if Lamberts here nx season we r gona go down . Mind Gabby scored we’ll b okay lol

          3. COE1982
            COE1982 April 26, 2014 at 10:51 pm . Reply

            Murat Yakin of basel for me, track record of bring through youth, won things domestically, and punched above their weight in European competitions (beating Chelsea for one). I would also be happy if he brought a few of his players with him.

        3. OohAhPaulMcGrath
          OohAhPaulMcGrath April 26, 2014 at 10:22 pm . Reply

          Would like pochetino saints play some great stuff tbf

      3. BWS
        BWS April 26, 2014 at 10:02 pm . Reply

        .DS sorry but the pure mathematics of our plight is to simplistic a view it’s a lot more emotive than that. If football was simply about the bottom line would there be an EPL club in existence? I think not.
        A football club is a rich man’s play thing. a status symbol, owning one then moaning about the cost is like buying a ferrari and then moaning the insurance is a bit steep and it guzzles the juice.

        1. DSVilla
          DSVilla April 26, 2014 at 10:19 pm . Reply

          Agree. Lerner had a stab at it and the goal posts moved and Martin O’Neill blew our big chance. Lerner can’t afford to go again. I don’t blame him for that. So what now? Where is the sugar daddy? How long has Ianrobo and others been banging on about a takeover? Arabs, Chinese, Americans, Russians. Oh yeah and Red Bull. The fantasy is that we will replace Lerner with someone(s) with the wealth and will to bankroll the club to the Champions League. To me it’s just a fantasy. It would be nice to be proved wrong but I don’t think I will be.

          It’s pretty depressing but that’s life. There clearly is the opportunity to do a hell of a lot better, but that will not be enough.

  14. Robbbo
    Robbbo April 26, 2014 at 10:32 pm . Reply

    Time to change this negative mood and give Lambert some praise. Quite how he has managed to amass 35 points from this shower of shit is beyond me. have we really won some matches this season or do we always lose 4-1?
    The good news is that even though we Will lose another 3 games we will still not go down.
    Cardiff will finish bottom. Then 4 teams on 35 and amazingly we will have the best gd record to survive.
    Classy !

  15. BWS
    BWS April 26, 2014 at 10:41 pm . Reply

    Mate i agree totally some goals are unachievable but the fella has to put enough in to make us competitive to protect his investment if nothing else.

  16. Morgan Villa
    Morgan Villa April 26, 2014 at 10:44 pm . Reply

    We deserve to be relegated and lucky if we are not. This is what happens when you run a football club on a spreadsheet. Randy Lerner has destroyed Villa with the help of which ever puppet he uses that week.

    Disgraceful and useless from top to bottom not one of them (bar Sid) is fit to be associated with our club. From boardroom to the coaching staff right the way through to the playing staff.

    Anyone know what this Vlaar incident is?

    1. Ardent Villain
      Ardent Villain April 26, 2014 at 11:01 pm . Reply

      Morgan – you’re absolutely right.
      The club has become a laughing stock in the last few years and now I fear we’re actually about to taste the 2nd Division again.
      I think those dreaming about billionaires coming to the rescue ‘next season’ and taking us to the CL in a couple of years need to wake up and smell the coffee: we’re going to be playing the likes of Forest, Bolton and Middlesborough next term, and if nothing else changes then we could easily do a Wolves…

      1. Morgan Villa
        Morgan Villa April 27, 2014 at 12:27 am . Reply

        Lerner holding out not giving Lambert a pay off could cost him a minimum of £90m, the tight fisted tosser deserves it.

        1. Ardent Villain
          Ardent Villain April 27, 2014 at 12:42 am . Reply

          Lambert was just another mistake in a long series…

          Lerner’s declining interest in the club has been evident for several years – now it is too late and probably going to cost him dear.

          I really don’t think there’s anything anyone can do between now and the end of this season that will actually change the outcome -if other games go against us we’re dead and buried, with or without Lambert.

          1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
            OohAhPaulMcGrath April 27, 2014 at 1:14 am . Reply

            Has anyone heard about fan who complained about lambert because lambert told some fans to shut up when they criticised him. Result a season ticket holder who has spent thousands after 48 yrs support and 20 yrs st holder has been banned by lambert because of this. The club have hushed this up due to adverse publicity. All over facebook

          2. Andrew
            Andrew April 27, 2014 at 1:44 am . Reply

            Surely not, Ol’ Lambert said he can take criticism, he’d never have someone banned from anything if they choose to do such a thing. 😉

            1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
              OohAhPaulMcGrath April 27, 2014 at 11:56 am . Reply

              Iv read it a few times over the net Andrew. Guest has heard it too. Hopefully it’s all bollox but it wouldn’t surprise me if it was true.

          3. Guest
            Guest April 27, 2014 at 10:06 am . Reply

            I heard about that too OohAh, if true, Lambert should be ashamed of himself, and so should the club, outrageous behaviour.

            Every fan paying money into the club by attending games has a right to voice their opinion.

            1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
              OohAhPaulMcGrath April 27, 2014 at 11:51 am . Reply

              Agree Guest absolutely appalling behaviour by lambert and the club. Just shows how much the club cares about its fans. This is totalitarianism at its worse! This fan was as loyal as they come too if he’s got any sense he should stick 2 fingers up and never pay another penny into the club again.

          4. Bill Pearson.
            Bill Pearson. April 27, 2014 at 10:16 am . Reply

            That’s the same tacktic they used in the 60s and 70s if you speak out about the club you was banned. The Birmingham mail fell victim and had a writer stopped from the press box.

  17. DSVilla
    DSVilla April 26, 2014 at 10:51 pm . Reply

    That’s probably his biggest mistake. He might still pay for it.

  18. Jay Dee
    Jay Dee April 26, 2014 at 10:51 pm . Reply

    Sick and tired of the whole nonsense of AVFC.Think until Lerners gone I might just turn my back very tempted.Im trying to support a team I have supported since I can remember.1978 was my first game with my dad.I will not spend another penny,will not go down and support this piss take and watch the owner break my heart.Fuck off Lerner.

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath April 26, 2014 at 11:42 pm . Reply

      Don’t blame you jay dee lots of people I know arnt renewing either. Just seen shelvey goal great goal tbf but vlaars clearance to him was pathetic. Iv noticed he’s started playing nearer the midfield again which is why he was so shit last year. He’s gone backwards last 10 games but was doing ok up till then

      1. saddened
        saddened April 26, 2014 at 11:53 pm . Reply

        oohah they have all gone backwards, less point than last year speaks for itself….

        1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
          OohAhPaulMcGrath April 27, 2014 at 12:07 am . Reply

          Lol so true saddened. The only bright spot in recent games is Albrighton seems to have improved a lot and great cross for gabbys goal. One point in 6 games and that clueless twat is still in a job. Though the Lerner tactic of putting Sid next to him as a shield hasn’t protected him. Fans calling for his head today plus fans waved vlaar and MA away when they went to applaud fans!! I can understand vlaar but not MA he was our best player. Win lose or draw next week the crowd have to make their feelings known.

  19. Jay Dee
    Jay Dee April 26, 2014 at 11:14 pm . Reply

    We will go down this season and will not get another point from our remaining games and to be honest I couldn’t give a fuck if we do while Lerner runs AVFC I’m out.

  20. OriginalLondonLion
    OriginalLondonLion April 26, 2014 at 11:19 pm . Reply

    I started with the 57 cup final. Stuck with them going at least to London games or (East Midlands while at Loughboro.) Bought my first season ticket in 1973 and last one in 2001. I have difficulty remembering a manager who looked so out of his depth for so long as Lambert. Most did towards the end of course. What is different now is at least ‘Deadly and Bendall’ were there in the directors box to cop the flak – Lerner isn’t. I just don’t see the point of buying a sports club on another continent and then ignoring it. Morganvilla sums it up for me. Lambert would be gone if we had any other EPL chairman who was on duty at home games, because they would not tolerate the abuse.

    Even his treatment of Robinson is daft. You put a kid on at the beginning 0-0 and take him off when he tires, or seems to bottle it. You don’t send him on when you are losing by 2 goals and expect a miracle.

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath April 27, 2014 at 12:11 am . Reply

      I started in old third division OLL and this has honestly been the worst team iv ever seen at VP. Even in the old div 3 we had hope and optimism. I just hope the crowd call for lamberts head on sat. Hopefully he will be sacked by then

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