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  1. Benno
    Benno April 26, 2014 at 4:48 am . Reply

    Yup, i think you have the prediction about right…we line up 4-3-3 or 5-3-2, have very little possession and fail to score. The only real question is whether Vlaar and co. can keep out Mr. Bony! Given that they need to win this game, im gonna say not. Oh well, we can always pick ourselves up and go again..!

    GIDDYVILLAN April 26, 2014 at 7:24 am . Reply

    I’m going 1-1 it’s got draw written all over it, but then again it’s VILLA so you never know.

  3. JD
    JD April 26, 2014 at 9:27 am . Reply

    Nothing less than a loss today we are shit

  4. Jay Dee
    Jay Dee April 26, 2014 at 9:29 am . Reply

    Also Holt is a bag off like the rest of em everybody out all of em Squad,management,coaches,boardroom all on em fuck off the lot off you

  5. saddened
    saddened April 26, 2014 at 9:31 am . Reply

    agreed JD, villa-1 swansea-2 (or 3) sad to say but can see this really putting us in the brown stuff

  6. ianrobo
    ianrobo April 26, 2014 at 9:42 am . Reply

    ” but I think if Lambert wanted a mixture of pace and strength clearly Helenius is your guy”

    Really Adam ?

    1. Bum Bum
      Bum Bum April 26, 2014 at 1:10 pm . Reply

      Ian, stop being so bloody patronising. What’s happened to you??? 😉

  7. villa4me
    villa4me April 26, 2014 at 11:33 am . Reply

    Its going to be a really hard game today, very nervous about the whole thing really.. Adam I love the way you say 1 more win will do it.. we have 2 chances that’s it for me.. im hoping 36 points will be enough as I don’t think we will win again.

    I totally hope im wrong,

  8. Jimbo
    Jimbo April 26, 2014 at 12:52 pm . Reply

    Can feel 3 points today, 2 teams playing shit, villa to nick it 1-0. May as well give helenius and Robinson a run out today. Weimenn is just playing crap and disappears in games, holt playing achieved nothing. Helenius up top with gabby and Robinson either side. Swansea will know little about both players and may give a surprise edge to the game

  9. nath
    nath April 26, 2014 at 12:58 pm . Reply

    i have no doubts the players will give the honest bests, the trouble is, which most fans fail to see, is thats well short of premier league standards. the best manager in the game would struggle 2 play a tune out of this squad on a regular basis. but i still think they will just av enough points. todays and the hull tigers game are important we must find another point or 3 will make us relax. then we can all talk fantasy football earlier than expected.

    swans 0 villa 0

  10. Andrew
    Andrew April 26, 2014 at 2:08 pm . Reply

    Yeah, most fans fail to see that the players are clearly short of Premier league standard… lol

    1. nath
      nath April 26, 2014 at 2:30 pm . Reply

      mission impossible andrew yes without sarcasm players got moyes the sack and players at villa are just not good enough, not tactics not team selection. lack of funds meaning manager has shit to work with = poor performances =lack of sexy passing footy= up and down result, purely blaming a manager for the standards is shortsightedness bigger picture is funds and with miles less budgets. this manager is just as bad as all managers b4 him, minus MON who wasted lerners dollars on some shocking players and a 1 or 2 goods ones

      1. Andrew
        Andrew April 26, 2014 at 2:50 pm . Reply

        That’s the thing though, it’s all of the above. Tactics, Formations, Team Selection. Funds can be a problem, but few clubs other than the top 7-8 spend more than us and we still continue to struggle. No one’s blamed the whole thing on the manager, however he’s largely at fault as these are still his signings. How can other clubs do it, but he can’t?

        1. nath
          nath April 26, 2014 at 2:56 pm . Reply

          i don’t care anymore ~ if u av substandard equipment you are only gonna get shoddy work. no matter how good a craftsman u hire if he hasn’t the rite tools ur bang in trouble

          1. Andrew
            Andrew April 26, 2014 at 3:47 pm . Reply

            If you don’t know how to use the tools you buy which he’s proven for near 2 yearsyou will fail. Even cheap tools can wwork if you are intelligent. He isnt.

          2. nath
            nath April 26, 2014 at 3:48 pm . Reply

            i will talk to the wall

          3. nath
            nath April 26, 2014 at 4:02 pm . Reply

            when he was at norwich his cheap TOOLS kicked villa expensive arse enough to suggest most villa fans shouting his name. his team played us off the park TWICE u seem 2 be suffering from wots known as selective memories

            1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
              OohAhPaulMcGrath April 26, 2014 at 4:13 pm . Reply

              ffs fulham 1.0 up

              1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
                OohAhPaulMcGrath April 26, 2014 at 4:17 pm .

                2.0 fulham we are going down

    #HELENIUS April 26, 2014 at 2:40 pm . Reply

    Weimann and Gabby start again……ughhh, no goals for the first half at least.

    1. nath
      nath April 26, 2014 at 2:43 pm . Reply

      same lineup helenius as last weekend

      1. #HELENIUS
        #HELENIUS April 26, 2014 at 2:58 pm . Reply

        Yep, they were both shit then and I can’t see that changing

  12. Riddog
    Riddog April 26, 2014 at 2:59 pm . Reply

    Has anyone seen the comments from Lambert saying he has drawn up a list of players that won’t come cheap? Any links/sources?

    1. Riddog
      Riddog April 26, 2014 at 3:11 pm . Reply

      1-0 to Swansea shocking defending! Also WBA have just scored

  13. COE1982
    COE1982 April 26, 2014 at 3:10 pm . Reply

    Relegation here we come!

    #HELENIUS April 26, 2014 at 3:22 pm . Reply

    Get in

  15. Bencey83
    Bencey83 April 26, 2014 at 3:22 pm . Reply

    I’ve lost interest. To change the topic…has anyone else ever seen a player sweat as much as Petrov? Just saw a pic of him on Facebook, his shirt saturated with sweat, and it reminded me how I always used to marvel at how sweaty he looked, even being only 10 minutes into a match! Can anyone recall ever seeing a sweatier player? We certainly don’t see that with our current players, do we?!

  16. Bum Bum
    Bum Bum April 26, 2014 at 3:22 pm . Reply


  17. DSVilla
    DSVilla April 26, 2014 at 3:23 pm . Reply

    In some ways going a goal down may not be so bad. We need to have a go now rather than look to not concede as we would probably do at 0-0. You do wonder where a goal will come from with our fit strikers.

    Just as I’m typing we have scored!

  18. Bencey83
    Bencey83 April 26, 2014 at 3:24 pm . Reply

    Get in Gabby! Although I’d love to follow a more successful team, it’s impossible to stop supporting the team you’ve followed all your life, isn’t it?!

    1. Bum Bum
      Bum Bum April 26, 2014 at 3:26 pm . Reply

      You choose one club as a kid. Then it’s them and no other. I suppose it’s like how the Catholic Church see marriage.

  19. Bencey83
    Bencey83 April 26, 2014 at 3:27 pm . Reply

    Got to play for 3 points!

  20. Bum Bum
    Bum Bum April 26, 2014 at 3:27 pm . Reply

    Shelvey. Bollocks.

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