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    JD VILLA July 18, 2013 at 5:02 pm . Reply

    Been seeing photos of him and Sylla about today.App outside BMH he has been telling fans he is staying.Lets hope he realises what the right thing is to do for him and his career and to honour at least 2 seasons of his contract.UTV

  2. BillyWalkerShirt
    BillyWalkerShirt July 18, 2013 at 5:08 pm . Reply

    Trust me, if the big man stays all will be forgiven when he starts banging them in.

  3. streetlyvillan
    streetlyvillan July 18, 2013 at 5:35 pm . Reply

    Staying! STAYING??? Benteke is surely being badly advised, worse case of PR since Gerrard quit pool for Chelski and then changed his mind. Mind you, fair play to the poo fans, they forgave him. I’m sure we would forgive him too. Hope he stays, but probably he will go.

    1. BillyWalkerShirt
      BillyWalkerShirt July 18, 2013 at 5:55 pm . Reply

      Read a story about Stevie G – When he was young apprentice he got himself into a bit of trouble, his Dad allegedly got a rather unsavory character he knew to sort it out but this came at a price and come the day before his nearly transfer to Chelski his old man had a knock on the door by this fella (the one had sorted out his little problem) and was told tell your boy he’s going nowhere and the rest as they say is history.

  4. billys boots
    billys boots July 18, 2013 at 6:00 pm . Reply

    with the temperature in the thirty’s i am really jealous of spurs always in arsenals shadow. great news if he stays was this on the way in or out when he spoke to fans

  5. Benno
    Benno July 18, 2013 at 6:33 pm . Reply

    For me, if Benteke does end up staying, he needs to do something to win the fans back- either signing a new contract or firing his agent.

  6. Naughtius Maximus
    Naughtius Maximus July 18, 2013 at 6:33 pm . Reply

    lol billys
    like BWS said all will be forgiven if he carries on scoring. if he has a few bad games he’ll be mince meat though. if he stays he and his agent are going to look like right twats but as long as he can get on with it and be professional at least like Barry was then it’ll be ok as long as he keeps scoring.
    spurs are mad if they turn this down though because any fool can see benteke is ideal for their requirements, almost made to measure so if they’re going to let it pass em by then that shows a serious lack of ambition for so called top four or even title contenders. personally I reckon they will stump up and tekkers will be gone and maybe just as well but if he stays all he’s gotta do is score.

    1. BillyWalkerShirt
      BillyWalkerShirt July 18, 2013 at 6:42 pm . Reply

      NM you had a look at this Bafetimbi Gomis fella? He looks the real deal to me a fox in the box type player, have a look on youtube and see how adapt he is at getting across the front of the defender, hope we get him.

      1. Naughtius Maximus
        Naughtius Maximus July 19, 2013 at 7:55 am . Reply

        thanks BWS, had a look and you’re right, hope the fact that Newcastle is now a part of France won’t sway him in that direction though.

  7. Naughtius Maximus
    Naughtius Maximus July 18, 2013 at 6:37 pm . Reply

    I can hear the chants now if he stays,

    ‘score benteke, score!
    once you get one you’ll get more,
    he might be a twat,
    we’ll forgive him all that,
    just score benteke score!’


    1. BillyWalkerShirt
      BillyWalkerShirt July 18, 2013 at 6:51 pm . Reply

      Breaking News!
      Wayne Rooney is set to join Chelsea on Thursday after his wife Collen agreed personal terms with John Terry last night and again this morning.

  8. The1stSuperClubAVFC
    The1stSuperClubAVFC July 18, 2013 at 7:20 pm . Reply

    If Tekkers stays with us we won’t really hate him all that much

  9. anon3
    anon3 July 18, 2013 at 7:28 pm . Reply

    Test post via Google browser (desktop site).

  10. JD VILLA
    JD VILLA July 18, 2013 at 8:11 pm . Reply
    1. MarkDraperNumber8
      MarkDraperNumber8 July 18, 2013 at 8:22 pm . Reply

      Looks interesting JD. Seems to be a bit picky, don’t know if thats a good thing or a bad thing but if he does choose to come to us, if wemake a bid, then you could say considering all his comments in the article that he chose us for good reason and would actually want to play for us with some pride.

      1. JD VILLA
        JD VILLA July 18, 2013 at 8:34 pm . Reply

        The story goes its us and Newcastle their president(Lyons) openly states we are in talks this is no leaked story its all over French media app…So he could choose elsewhere but would love to see him up top with Benteke Fuck me what a pair they would be….UTV

        1. MarkDraperNumber8
          MarkDraperNumber8 July 18, 2013 at 8:40 pm . Reply

          Mate if that combination up front actually does materialize we could potentially, on paper, outscore any team in the league. Imagine the likes of Weimann, Gabby, Helenius, Bacuna and Tonev all providing for them two. Jesus it would be formidable.

          Until then, I’m not entertaining the idea than this comment. UTV

          1. JD VILLA
            JD VILLA July 18, 2013 at 8:45 pm . Reply

            Fuck me it be like Christmas every Villa game them two would shaft any defence licking my lips pal lol UTV

            1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
              OohAhPaulMcGrath July 18, 2013 at 10:39 pm . Reply

              Looks like we will get him as we are nearer to London than Swansea and Newcastle 🙂

        2. MarkDraperNumber8
          MarkDraperNumber8 July 18, 2013 at 8:45 pm . Reply

          Newcastle have the whole French connection thing going on up there so that could sway it. Bloody hell will they ever stop buying bloody French players!!

  11. marvin
    marvin July 18, 2013 at 8:46 pm . Reply

    Say JD, a little off topic but is there any news on Hiroshi Kiyotake? Is he still an option or have the club scrapped the deal due to this Benteke situation?

    1. JD VILLA
      JD VILLA July 18, 2013 at 9:37 pm . Reply

      Someone put something on twitter saying we had put a bid in but anything is rumour Untill it is proven false or true so I don’t know UTV

  12. anon3
    anon3 July 18, 2013 at 9:21 pm . Reply

    Test post via Opera browser (mobile site).

  13. Bencey83
    Bencey83 July 18, 2013 at 9:25 pm . Reply

    This Gomis guy looks the business. Would love it if we snapped him up. What’s he valued at? Looks like the kind of player Lambert would love.

    1. Andrew
      Andrew July 19, 2013 at 5:04 am . Reply

      Around 7m it seems as he’s in the last year of his contract and Lyon wanna sell him to pay off his debts and to increase Grenier’s wages so he doesn’t leave.

  14. Lionheart
    Lionheart July 19, 2013 at 12:10 am . Reply

    Calm down lads.. This Gomis thing snacks to me of the Belhanda saga.. We may well have enquired about availability and fee and there chairman to get Interest up has said we are in for him..

    I can’t see any other striker coming in if Benteke ends up staying..

  15. MarkDraperNumber8
    MarkDraperNumber8 July 19, 2013 at 8:08 am . Reply

    Spurs have an imrpoved bid for Soldado! Wonder what that means re Benteke mmm

    1. MarkDraperNumber8
      MarkDraperNumber8 July 19, 2013 at 8:15 am . Reply

      Oh and this is doing the rounds today as well.


    2. Andrew
      Andrew July 19, 2013 at 8:16 am . Reply

      Which will probably be rejected as they’re trying to low-ball Valencia as well. He actually does have a 30m buyout clause and they’re offering 20m.

  16. Naughtius Maximus
    Naughtius Maximus July 19, 2013 at 8:52 am . Reply

    you’re right there Andrew spurs are playing cheap, they need a quality striker but they’re trying to do it on the cheap, what they seem to forget is they aren’t even CL and outside title contenders at best, plus the rumors are starting again re bale going, if they don’t stop fucking about and show some serious intent they’re going to mess up big time.
    Bentekke is a risk, man utd took a risk on weather RVP would be able to reproduce his form for arsenal but they stumped up the cash and made an offer arsenal found acceptable and bingo! if spurs are prepared to offer 20mil then they should be able to step up to 25mil, we don’t need to sell anybody, if they want they need to man up and pay the piper.
    ‘we sell when we want, we sell when we want, we are the Villa! we sell when we want!’ 😉

  17. Adam
    Adam July 19, 2013 at 9:19 am . Reply

    Fairplay to CB – saying he’s going to give his all for Villa still. He has obviously matured since Genk. Whether he goes or not he’s still been class his whole time with us. I really hope Spurs get Soldado now as i dont see any other club coming in for CB then.

  18. ifiruledtheworld
    ifiruledtheworld July 19, 2013 at 12:04 pm . Reply

    I’d really love for Benteke to stay, but is anyone else worried about Transfer Deadline Day? That’s the time Spurs always seem to make a real go for their targets.

  19. Lionheart
    Lionheart July 19, 2013 at 12:24 pm . Reply

    On the Spuds front.. don’t they need TWO strikers to challenge really.. that Levy is one tight git..

  20. billys boots
    billys boots July 19, 2013 at 5:48 pm . Reply

    benteke withdraws transfer request and signs new deal

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