So here it is then in all it’s glory the NEW home strip for the 14-15 campaign.
What are you thoughts?
I also hear that the away strip is like a modern homage to the white pinstripe 1982 CL final kit.
Again thoughts?
I normally go for away strips so I hope it is the white one UTV.
Seems Hitzfield was the one who recommended Senderos. A shocking assistant, Hitzfield is supposedly leaving Switzerland after the world cup? MAYBE IT’S HIM!?!?!?!?
See, I can be a journalist!
Don’t really mind the link to Keane, what bothers me is that if Lambert is this close to getting a new number 2, we mustn’t be any closer to getting a new owner..
Well keane can still keep his tv role and in role as well. So he would only be doing it part time bit like lerner and lamberk
Or we could be a lot closer to a new owner, who decided Lambert’s going to stay, and agreed to allow a new assistant to come in? Could go both ways.
A lot of this is all being based on this actually being true.
Plus, this is yet another wage Lerner would have to pay. Why would he bring him in this early?
We can only hope, but any new owner would be as mad as Lerner to keep Lambert on…
Probably, but most owners are mad, no? Who knows, Keane openly rejected Celtic, he probably would’ve mentioned Villa if he was offered it, he’s not afraid to talk.
He will probably come part time and keep his tv role and prob a short term contract maybe monthly who knkws
He’s in the US for Ireland’s 2 latest friendlies. Kinda makes sense. Maybe meeting a new owner. 😉
Wrong again OOHAH – Keanes punditry for ITV is no more…!!!
thats what the mirror said yesterday. hes coming as our manager then with celtic taking lambert and paying lerner money towards his pay off. talk about a back door appointment
Any new owner that kept lambert would have ail anted tge fans for the off so unlikely
I don’t know. There’s quite a bit of fans that still think Lambert is good enough with money so they won’t have as many fans as you truly think that would be on their asses.
More fool them. Of course he would be better with money who wouldn’t. But he still won’t be good enough overal
I don’t really care who is assistant to Lambert. If it’s Keane the so be it. I recon he would make a better assistant / coach than manager. At the end of the day these are all side shows. Until we are sold we are not going to have much to choose from in terms of players in or coaches for that matter so why not Keane. It’s a short term fix that suits all parties involved. They could hire Ronald Mcdonald for all I care as it makes fuck all difference in the grand scheme of things.
We had Kevin McDonald but I think his brother Ronald is a better bet tbh!!
Looks like we’re no closer to getting a new owner after all, time to hit the panic button?..
June 2nd, hit the panic button? Interesting.
It does amaze me how well the Mirror seems to know Villa. Now I know most will take this news negatively, but it could have a positive twist. What if Lerner has an offer of 150m instead of 200m however Villa’s PR machine runs it at Lerner lowered the price for the club? Who told them Villa were offered to a couple of Middle Eastern investors? That Kazakhstan guy still could be in the mix then, no? Langford could very well be correct still.
So my mate claims we could be taken over this week as he heard it at work. Don’t know if true, but he claimed this a couple hours ago and I figured not posting it as he could be wrong as he was once before.
Mirror just came out with this.
However, Mirror Sport can reveal that Villa has now been offered to a couple of Middle East investors in the past few days.
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Guess we’re nowhere near closer to being taken over after all..
Or we are? Could still very well be that a deal is close, and an offer of 150m instead of 200m came in, and the Mirror’s simply twisting the story. Either they have the best inside reporters in the world to know exactly what Lerner’s doing, or Villa’s told them something.
I wish. I just can’t help but think, Keane being offered the position of Lambert’s number 2 and Lerner struggling to sell coming out in the same hour? Something must be going on.
My thinking is, is why would Keane come in if Lerner is trying to sell? Why bring on another body right now he has to pay? Why bring in an assistant if a new owner is going to come in and if they wanted, have to sack both of them and pay them off. That simply makes little sense to me. Either the Mirror do in fact know something, or the Keane bit is completely untrue.
Maybe be keane is going to be announced as our next manager with lamberk going to Celtic
That would be the worst thing that could happen to Villa. I’d keep Lambert.
I am gobsmacked
I want Lambert out.
However i just can not see a good reason for him not walking now. He can walk with his reputation in tact saying the club is unmanagable in its current state and why would Keane come to coach the players we have.
I can only think a new owner is on the way and lambert has a year to show
the new owner what he can do.
Some might he loses out on compensation but he would have more chance if he left now of gettting a new contract with another club than if villa are shit again next season.
Ps i din’t believe anything printed in the mirror
I reckon this is y we are struggling to sale. Lerner wants to sell with lamberk as part of the package and investers don’t want him which is understandable. I will never go down VP again while that clown is in charge I don’t care how much money he spends
It’s possible, but then why bring in someone else he has to pay? I gotta agree with Steve that a new owner is going to see what he can do rather then pay him off, plus then pay Keane off as well. A new owner may very well give Lambert a try.
In that case the new owner won’t have my support. Anyone with ambition would remove a perennial loser like lamberk immediately
Spot on
Unless the new owner is willing to just keep Keane around and sack Lambert.
That’s what I’m thinking. Total lack of ambition getting keane he’s useless
Or it’s not a lack of ambition because they have the totally opposite opinion of you?
Shows total lack of ambition and aldo a new owner getting 50 m of the price can afford to sack lamberk
Badger123 Oohah, cannot get back on notification to me on blog, Bill Pearson. Oops just spotted not tick in box silly billy.
Things are looking very grim then. Lerner can’t sell the club, we’re stuck with the worst manager in our club’s history and now to appease the fans we’ll end up with Roy Keane (sigh) and the utterly useless Senderos.
For that reason I couldn’t care less what the kit looks like, I’d rather play in cut up black bin bags with decent players and a decent manager, than have a nice kit watching the current turds in our squad along with the mumbling oaf on the touchline.
The club just keep on finding ways to embarrass themselves over and over again. It’s pathetic and humiliating.
Belcs don’t hold back mate. 😉
Keane? Not successful as a manager, but you can’t help but wish there was a bit more of his “will to win” and unwillingness to accept players who do not give 100% all the time. I’m not a big MON fan but its interesting that he is prepared to have that type as his assistant without fear that he is going to take his job. Given the current predicament over the sale of the club, it is perhaps low risk to both Keane and the club if this was to happen.
Also, it could just be BS!
I still can’t believe people come on here and say Lambert should quit. If you want that then at least explain how this would improve matters, and just name me one person of quality that would be willing to take the job in the present circumstances.
Lambert should quit.
Why? He has a contract. You may well argue that he has done a shit job but then it’s up to Lerner to fire him if he agrees with that view. MON quit and how did that help? Oh yeah, Kevin Macdonald stepped in. That went well didn’t it?
Tell me why that would be good for Aston Villa at this time? An owner wanting to sell, no manager, and the same question to you….What proven, quality manager would take the job with no job security or money to spend? Just name someone?
Like it or not Lambert staying is the best of a very bad situation.
Any Manager would be mad to quit any post, simply because of the pay off. Unfortunately there is little integrity left in the game so we’re stuck with him. It would serve Lerner right to be stuck without a Manager which would increase the chances of us going down. And who would suffer most? The Fans, as usual. Because of the Lerner created shit we find ourselves in, we couldn’t even attract a Pulis type figure. Because of all the uncertainty, our stock has fallen massively. As you say, who would come?, so we’re stuck with the idiotic Lambert for now.
I keep thinking things can’t get any worse and then they do!
Well it might be on the cards DSVilla he’s turned down Celtic and Daily Mail making him out to come, do I like it, no I don’t as you said hard man young men might work, and anyone but what we have would be better. IMO.
At the end of the day, Keane or no Keane, Lambert or no Lambert, it’s the players we bring in and sell we need to worry about, like Harry Redknapp said this morning on talksport, being a manager is easy when you have good players.
That’s true Adam. I don’t really know the reasons behind the “bomb squad” and whose idea it was. The decision to include the players again may help, if they show commitment. The return to fitness of other players is a plus too. One or two signings on top of that, plus perhaps the emergence of one or two like Grealish and Robinson could see a much better season. Maybe that’s just wishful thinking!
Yeah I think Grealish and Robinson will be top class and I really hope they get a good 20+ games under their belt next season to get some proper experience and development.
the problem with these 2 is Lambert didn’t sign them. He was forced to introduce them through injuries last season. Expect to see more of Tonev on the left wing.
Depressing isn’t it.
Keane to Villa
I believe he turned celtic down because they said to him you must pack in your Ireland job and ITV work. Whereas Villa on the other hand said he could keep them and hence pay him less. Total shite.
If i remember correct Ellis told Ron Atkinson to stop his TV work and concentrate on the Villa. Ron didn’t and got boshed.
If Keane comes to Villa he should be solely employed by us. That way you should get 100%
Steve that’s correct Ellis did say that, Grealish, and Robinson are young guns no time behind their playing days, we need an old head to show the way, we have lacked that over Lambert’s reign, Keane is and was a hard player in his day, Lambert is not, his time was Scotland and English leagues is faster and more skilful. We need wanting that ball and games to win.
Looks like Keane is quitting his ITV job to come to Villa.
Why am I not against the idea of Keane. I think roy Keane is a prat but there is something enticing about this. Maybe he can give the lads some grit and gumption.
Keane has given up his ITV pundit job