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  1. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson September 6, 2013 at 10:35 am . Reply

    Good god Jay Dee you do put yourself on the spot mate, but a point that’s long been awaited. I’m a fan that’s welcomed the new change in ideas, being youth, wages, and the game in general, Villa if given fans backing will again be up with the best, its hard for some to wait for that to happen, me again I see goodness coming home to my club.

  2. Foxy
    Foxy September 6, 2013 at 10:53 am . Reply

    I’m excited about all of it. Average players not trying or caring but just claiming their £50k or £60k per week and costing millions are no longer welcome and Villa are bringing in exciting and promising new players who are being given their chances. Those that take their chance and play for the club can see some of the new boys from last year getting new contracts with more money. I wanted N’Zog and Ireland to succeed, I really did, but they needed to be on small wages and high performance bonuses! I want to see the likes of Wiemann, Gardner and Gabby coming up through the academy and succeeding, and the new boys like Helenius, Kojak, Okore, Luna, Bacuna, Tonev and anyone else I’ve forgotten playing for the club. Sure we’ll win some and lose some (players, that is) but the ones who succeed and get rewarded by the club are going to be so much better for us than players coming in on huge wages on the back of huge transfer fees and hype. Would I rather see this version of Villa than one where a new manager comes in, gets given a shed load of money to buy in a new team, doesn’t bother with the academy and goes straight in to the top four? I think I’d rather see Villa earn their progression up the table rather than buy it. When we get there we’ll have more money to spend and can fine tune the squad where it needs fine tuning but that’s a few years down the line.

    Let’s come back to this one in January and see how we all feel then!

  3. Terry Jones
    Terry Jones September 6, 2013 at 11:43 am . Reply

    Where i do agree with everybody on the wage front i would like to see a team that at least after the past three season is capable of moving the club forward.Is it not about time the so-called transition period was over.All that seems to be happening is youth players being bought in the hope that they can actualy mix it with the big boys.If not are we prepared to still support a team that is just standing still.It maybe alright for some whom stick their heads in the sand hoping that one fine day Villa will be the team that everybody wants to beat.

  4. Guest
    Guest September 6, 2013 at 12:03 pm . Reply

    It’s like groundhog day.

    1. Bill Pearson
      Bill Pearson September 6, 2013 at 12:27 pm . Reply

      Guest mate never alter with some, instant cups, league, and ruination, then they wonder what happened.

      1. BWS
        BWS September 6, 2013 at 12:39 pm . Reply

        You could bet your bottom dollar that if Randy threw £200m at it leading to a league and cup double they would still probably moan about the lack of investment for the following seasons foray into the Champions League, such it appears is their nature.

        1. Guest
          Guest September 6, 2013 at 12:44 pm . Reply

          I can’t believe the same debate has been ongoing for some 3 – 4 months now.

          If i see the words ‘Sky 4’ or ‘ffs’ one more time i think i’m going to gauge my own eyes out with a small wooden spoon.

          1. BWS
            BWS September 6, 2013 at 12:57 pm . Reply

            It’s like groundhog day.

          2. Foxy
            Foxy September 6, 2013 at 1:06 pm . Reply

            There’s a new chant here for the Holte, Guest, “Vlaar Vlaar, Sky4, F F S”, repeat ad infinitum.

    2. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath September 6, 2013 at 5:01 pm . Reply

      Instead of being flippant why don’t u actually write a proper comment for once instead of the mono syllabic grunts!! :-).

      1. BWS
        BWS September 6, 2013 at 5:09 pm . Reply

        Point of order -‘Asleep’ and ‘Jaydee’ both have two syllables.

  5. GeneralTrout
    GeneralTrout September 6, 2013 at 1:03 pm . Reply

    Undoubtedly moving forwards. Feeling around VP is far more positive and that in itself is good. But we also forming a coherent style, a squad with some method in it and gaining from PL gambles on youth early last season. Still very much a work in progress but patience is something Villa fans have to live with cos nothing changes swiftly in football without injection of massive cash and that is not gonna happen with Randy.

  6. Terry Jones
    Terry Jones September 6, 2013 at 2:49 pm . Reply

    Now lets get things straight i have not said throw Billions at it but how many of those players PL as bought in do you the last two years are going to cut the mustard apart from Benteke whom as done the business from the start.Bennett & Vlaar have not shown they can cut it.So please do inform myself & my friend Oohah how many of the new batch are going to fair .Yes youth does need the chance to shine & show what they can do but at the expense of the club not showing any real improvement by just standing still.I would like to see them all come good but we all know that is not going to be the case it will be only the odd one or two.

  7. Kerryvillan
    Kerryvillan September 6, 2013 at 3:02 pm . Reply

    If you can’t be positive about the way we are running tings now then u won’t be until we are spending 50-100 mill and sending the club into oblivion! That’s what terry nd ooh vlar want short term plans that are not sustainable, in other words they want to destroy villa! And i hate all this unknown bollox, the players we signed are only unknown to premier league fans especially ones like ooh vlar and terry who constantly complain about the premier league and sky 4 Blah Blah Blah but all they do is watch premier league football, helenius- best player in the danish league last season, kojock- top scorer in the Europa league, okore-champ league experience and wanted by top clubs in Europe, luna- known to anybody who watches la liga. So hardly unknowns! BUT i am not completely positive, all our signings i hav no doubt hav potential and most will come good, my problem is that none of the players we signed besides maybe okore improve our 1st team, i have no doubt our squad is stronger but is our starting 11? I don’t tink so except for the improvement of Delph, next season i would like to see us buy more ready made quality, i don’t mean even experienced players like ooh vlar wants, rent Barry for 5 mill a year and play him CH hahaha, i mean buy young players that are already quality but will improve even more, sure they will cost 10 mill or more but in 3 years or so could be worth 2 or 3 times that so still cost effective. That’s the only thing i hope Lambert will do but not sure he actually will which worrys me cause if we keep doin what we are doin now we will stay a mid table team at best.

  8. Foxy
    Foxy September 6, 2013 at 3:08 pm . Reply

    Three games into the season against teams expected to finish above us and we have three points. It’s a) a massive improvement and b) surely a bit too early in the season to say we’re standing still. Just totted up the goals from the same three fixtures last season and we have 2 for and 12 against. That includes the 8-0 drubbing at Chelsea when Vlaar was injured. If you don’t think we’ve improved and think you can judge the season based on the first (tough) three games then you’re deluded and have your head firmly stuck in the sand.

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath September 6, 2013 at 5:06 pm . Reply

      It’s Groundhog Day again! 🙂

  9. Lionheart
    Lionheart September 6, 2013 at 3:27 pm . Reply

    I am positive..

    YES i would have loved RL to give PL 20M this season and say go get a play maker and defensive midfielder but he didn’t..

    PL has spent roughly 25M roughly net to TRANSFORM a squad from top to bottom.. get rid of ALL deadwood high earners and NOT pay anyone coming in more than 25K a week..

    It is a bloody miracle what he is slowly achieving.. i doubt many managers could do it..

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath September 6, 2013 at 5:10 pm . Reply

      What’s he achieving then lionheart oh yes we lost 2.1 to Chelsea when we lost 8.0 last season when no other team got hammered by them. He achieved 5th from bottom, he achieved the most goals conceded ever, he achieved one of our darkest days against Bradford, he achieved a team that has a prem league record of not keeping a clean sheet in the league for nearly a year, he achieved arguably the worst home record for years, he achieved our worst gal diff ever another unwanted record other than that he’s a great manager!!

  10. Lionheart
    Lionheart September 6, 2013 at 3:28 pm . Reply

    Next season let’s say Benteke is off for 30M..

    The wage bill sorted..

    PL could easily bring in 4 players for 10M each.. a play maker ST DM and CB.. and i also think he already as two targets for each positions he knows about..

  11. marvin
    marvin September 6, 2013 at 3:42 pm . Reply

    To be fair that argument can be said for any manager or team though. How many of QPR’s established signings last season came good? How many of Houllier’s signings? McLiesh?

    In the case of Lambert, sure he’s had some less than special signings, but for the amount of money we’ve spent on a whole new squad the pro far outweigh the cons. No matter how you spin it the club comes out ahead.

    1. marvin
      marvin September 6, 2013 at 3:43 pm . Reply

      ^ in response to Terry Jones comment above.

  12. Terry Jones
    Terry Jones September 6, 2013 at 4:39 pm . Reply

    MARVIN Mon did throw money at it and failed but at the same time with the level of investment we now have and we all knew cuts would have to be made all i am saying is when are going to see this vision of PLs pay dividends.Are we fans whom invest our hard gained money in going to watch our team and in merchandise going to see any improvement if any.There is no garantee we are.Some of us are at the age now we will not be around in twenty years time.

    1. Foxy
      Foxy September 6, 2013 at 4:48 pm . Reply

      Lambert only took over last season and the point of bringing in young, cheap and promising talent is that you coach them to bring out the potential and get a bunch of them working as a team. That’s what Lambert is doing and it’s going to take two or three years.

      It’s going to be interesting seeing how Kojak stacks up against Benteke. Unfortunately for him there’s going to be a load of pressure and scrutiny but in Lambert we trust. Well, most of us!

      I have my ticket booked for the Newcastle match, will be about £100 all in, including ticket, petrol train in and some grub. Can’t wait, especially as I can’t afford to come up every month.

      1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
        OohAhPaulMcGrath September 6, 2013 at 5:11 pm . Reply

        The point of bringing in cheap talent is to save Lerner shit loads of money end off

        1. Foxy
          Foxy September 6, 2013 at 5:13 pm . Reply

          No evidence of that. He’s pumped in a few hundred million, that didn’t work. He’s getting the club financially stable and building it up again.

  13. Terry Jones
    Terry Jones September 6, 2013 at 4:58 pm . Reply

    FOXY would you not like to refrase that to some of us.If there is not a vast improvement on last season then i;e mid-table then will you be defending him when once again he brings out the British-Rail book of excuses.

  14. Foxy
    Foxy September 6, 2013 at 5:22 pm . Reply

    Terry, yes I wouldn’t. Not sure what you want me to rephrase, that rebuilding the club is going to take two or three years? British Rail, ‘we’re getting there’? Yes, I’m going to support Lambert and Aston Villa.

    So what instead Terry, what’s your master plan? Lerner pays off another manager, gets in a new one (who would you bring in?) and gives him (i.e. lends the club) another couple of hundred million? That’s probably about what it will cost to replace the team except for presumably Guzan and Benteke, and pay their wages for three years minimum, to the standard of challenging the top four. Does Lerner keep lending the club money until he runs out, or is there a point at which he stops? Either way it’s unsustainable financially, especially if financial fair play rules come in. That’s probably a naive way of looking at it but it would be interesting to hear how you would sort out all of this?

  15. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson September 6, 2013 at 5:30 pm . Reply

    Terry you just don’t get it do you, we don’t have magic wands at Villa park , just professional coaches, pay attention man to what lial fans are saying, there is a change going on, give it time mate I’m about 8 years older than you so you have seen some good years like myself, I will make a bet with you, you will think different by December. I want my grandson to see a solvent top class football club not one that buried with greedy footballers, pluss people that’s moaning because we don’t buy the league or cups, give them a chance. Villa will change the way its been going by breaking agents and footballer over paid wage.

  16. Benno
    Benno September 6, 2013 at 6:09 pm . Reply

    I’m totally behind his philisophy and ideas. I love most of the players that he has brought in and the fact he has been able to offload most of the dross that we had.

    I have two concerns about Paul Lambert:

    Firstly- the ability to organize a good defence. Last year we were shambolic at the back. The worst I have seen following the team. This year we seem a lot more organized and way less likely to concede goals. However, we are still not keeping clean sheets…so the jury is still out for me on this one.

    Secondly: the way we play at home. We are outstanding when we play counter attacking football. Our performances away at the end of last season and the beginning of this have been brilliant, but our home form is woeful. FOr me, this comes down to an inability to break teams down. Teams that come and get players behind the ball, we struggle to score against and got caught out several times last year (Wigan, Newcastle, Southampton…). IMO we still lack a creative midfielder that can help us do that. I was 100% sure that PL was going to bring one in during the window….and instead he bought in another big striker!!

    However, all in all, I am a happy Villa fan. Whatever happens this year, I dont see us ending up anywhere near the bottom of the table!

    1. Andrew
      Andrew September 6, 2013 at 7:49 pm . Reply

      Helenius wants to play that creative midfielder spot, Tonev can also play that spot. We needed someone to back up Benteke if he can’t play a game or two we really don’t have anyone.

      1. Foxy
        Foxy September 6, 2013 at 8:49 pm . Reply

        Kojak seems to be Benteke’s replacement, or back up.

  17. Terry Jones
    Terry Jones September 6, 2013 at 7:26 pm . Reply

    Well British-Rail did not get there they got sold off.All i am saying is if this does not work then how the hell can anyone keep defending what is going on and as for the fair play rules who in their right mind thinks that the so-called Sky 4 are going to abide by them they will always find a get out clause.

    1. Foxy
      Foxy September 6, 2013 at 8:51 pm . Reply

      Doom, gloom, doom, gloom. If the world ends that will teach us lot thinking we’re alright.

  18. Naughtius Maximus
    Naughtius Maximus September 6, 2013 at 7:34 pm . Reply

    im also on the positive side and like the ideal and the philosophy, I wont go over the ground that has been covered.
    I will bring up the way we go about sourcing players now, take the new lad kozak playing 2nd fiddle to klose at Lazio only getting his chance in the Europa league and scoring 10! goals he must be itching to prove his worth and now he’s got his chance just like a certain Mr Benteke, same goes for the other lads where they might otherwise be playing in obscurity they come to villa to play in the prem and play they will but Iwhat I think they find more importantly is a spirit at villa that is found at few clubs, the same spirit there is at dormund, ajax and currently Liverpool under Brendan Rodgers.
    for me ive said since the start i’ll know for sure by jan if I trust in lambert and I still stand by that, im not blind to the problems in this philosophy nor am I convinced about lambert tatically at times but one this is for sure I like what I am seeing and Im liking the possibilities of the promise even more.

  19. Andrew
    Andrew September 6, 2013 at 7:42 pm . Reply

    Kozak started in the Czech’s qualification loss.
    Okore’s on the bench for Denmark.
    Weimann and Tonev to start v Germany and Italy.
    Clark on the bench against Sweden
    Vlaar on the bench for the Netherlands
    Benteke to start against Scotland

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath September 6, 2013 at 8:31 pm . Reply

      Vlaar on the bench for Netherlands who was it that said yesterday he is a regular for holland. Bad thing for us now is he can’t get injured 🙂

      1. Andrew
        Andrew September 6, 2013 at 8:34 pm . Reply

        Only defender they have that’s a regular now from the World Cup’s Willems. Hell if they had an older LB he’d have been replaced anyways. Holland’s going the youth way because well, they can in defense.

        1. Andrew
          Andrew September 6, 2013 at 8:36 pm . Reply

          To be fair he’s the only one making the bench from the world cup other than Willems from the defense. So…

      2. Andrew
        Andrew September 6, 2013 at 8:45 pm . Reply

        Look at that, without Vlaar, the Netherlands are losing to ESTONIA.

        1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
          OohAhPaulMcGrath September 6, 2013 at 9:04 pm . Reply

          Ha ha they’d be losing 4.0 of he was playing

          1. Andrew
            Andrew September 6, 2013 at 9:17 pm . Reply

            6-0, he’d been sent off, booed off and exiled from Holland!

            1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
              OohAhPaulMcGrath September 6, 2013 at 11:31 pm . Reply


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