Geoffery Paine has submitted the following, which is very much in the Terry Jones vein.
It’s a bit depressing, to be honest, but seems to sum up the feelings of many Villa fans of late, including my own;
Well, we are a joke.
West Ham have agreed a fee with Manchester City for Joleon Lescott.
We know villa wont pay the ninety thousand pounds a week wage he gets there so we missed out again.
No Wells either, he’s going to Hudderfield.
All Lambert wants is a poor midfielder called Hoolahan and I’m sorry, but I think we are going to get
relegated this season.
Why are we not going for Defour instead of a poor player who cant get in the Norwich first team?
What is going on at the villa?
Bill your the next billy goffin mate & i believe you could still out play the shower shite we have atm.
Hang on giddy my legs are not bandy, with his legs you could have got on a double decker bus and drove through them, no I’m more your Johnny Dixon or Dixie Dean.
Supporting Lerner, supports the demise of our club. No excuses if you hand over money to Lerner you are accepting his running of the club. Lerner out
Luckily the club still has roughly 18 days left to make something happen. Plus, now that Ireland is all but off the wage bill there really should be no excuse for the club not to bring in at least 1 quality player, either as a transfer or on loan. Personally, to sign no one really is really just unthinkable. Although given Lambert’s recent comments regarding the struggles of getting players in, I too am starting to fear for the club’s short-term future. Lets just hope he is trying to get a good deal on a player… otherwise we may have another fan revolt before summer.
18 days Marvin…. Sorry mate but that useless twat, we have in charge has had 18 months the blokes a buffoon and can only deal with YTS players, as proper professional know he is mumbling, stubborn, power crazed, clueless etc etc etc etc….
You and a number of others are so blinkered. Yes Lambert has faults BUT he has a directive from Lerner. Lerner pulls the strings. So STOP using Lambert as the focal point. One person and one person only is to blame for poor player bought on the cheap that man Lerner. Lerner out.
Sorry Ted if you look at my previous posts I don’t single out Lambert I think they are all as bad as each other…. Rudderless ship springs to mind.. Lerner is bored of his play thing, he gets all his knowledge from Faulkner who my 8 year old knows more about football than and Lambert is Tactically one of the worst managers I have seen in the premiership… I am not blinkered mate, sorry I am a realist !
Like it or not without more information the club is being realistic about it’s situation. 18 days to sign new players – if the club signs no one we can complain together.
So what’s the excuse for playing 531 at home to arsenal ffs. That’s not Lerner’s fault. Lerner’s is going nowhere so no point trying but easier to get rid of lamberk
Your not making any sense. Who ever comes in will still have to buy cheap poor players who are not good enough. That’s Lerners fault and no one else. Lerner out
True but lambert could of had 2-3 quality players in his budget instead of 7-8 dross players like Barry for instance.
the idea of playing the 3 centre backs and 3 centre mids is quite simple arsenal strength is they play right down the middle, play triangles i thought u knew everything oooooooooohah
I agree saddened what useless prick he is.fuck him off,let’s see if the villa faithful will give him shite when things go pearshaped tonite mate.
Doubt it Giddy as if you so much as mention his name in a negative way, an army of Stewards and coppers will descend on you like a rash and ask you to leave….thats who there have been no banners with ‘Lerner out’ … if it wasn’t so sad it would be laughable.
As long as the players show up and make a game of it I think most supporters will be content. Losing to Arsenal and Liverpool is one thing, but I feel the West Brom game will be the real test and/or turning point for Lambert. I just can’t imagine how hostile Villa Park will be if the club has yet to sign anyone and lose that game.
We shoukdnt just accept losing to arsenal and Liverpool though we beat arse at start and pool away last year. Basically it’s ok if we lose to anyone in the top 8 as long as we beat teams around us in bottom 8. No wonder Lerner is taking the piss
They carn’t stop the fans gobbing off mate,won’t be long now.ted off to the game tonite?i’d rather line the landladys pockets than watch a heap shite at my expense.
well we all seem 2 av different views thats great but one fact undisputed is players are massively under achieving. benteke is example hes not only on a goal drought hes a shadow of himself ~ others are also hiding they owe supporters and management a top performance 2nite correction 4 the rest of season
You are right Nath and lets hope we get it, but as has been asked many times on here before….. If we win tonight is it just papering over the cracks ???
You are so Wrong players are not under achieving, the facts are, some over achieved for a while. The majority are poor championship players at best. Do not have prem ability. Why can’t you see that? Lambert on instruction from Lerner bought cheap players who are not good enough. No excuses. The sad point is they are probably doing their best. It’s not their fault Lambert has put them in a position where they are embarrassed. Wake up, Villa may not even be capable of playing in the championship with these players. Poor team, awful owner. Lerner out.
Agreed Ted but one question, you say “Lambert has put them in a position where they are embarrassed” surely thats down to Lambert isn’t it, I know he has his hands tied but hey ho he did except the job 18 months ago and takes home his wedge each month… Just a thought, it may even be he wasn’t allowed to play the bomb squad on Lerners orders but surely any grown adult with all those constraints would have grown a pair and walked by now…. Another debate maybe ????
Yep I agree Its Lambert responsible for buying the players . But he is working within Lerners restraints . As for walking don’t you think that’s what OGS did? I guess Lambert looked at his contract and thought Money. I can’t think of any other reason for him to accept this working relationship. What it does show is Lambert and Lerner have no thoughts for the fans or club . Disgraceful.
Completely agree Ted, the Club as a whole treats its fans with utter contempt and I really believe the PR dept think we are all stupid, but Faulkner runs this side of things so that fat prat needs to go asap….. says something that we get turned down for Cardiff, and Grealish would prefer to stay at Notts County…. makes me errrrr ‘saddened’ !
interesting how most teams struggle without their main striker ~ ours is benteke and u suggesting hes championship, rethink needed hes a been a massive flop the guy wants away its written across his performance
but hey thats ur views i understand
I’d sack the fucking lot of them bar guzan,IV in now.
I dont think that Nathan Baker is that bad. He is just a bit inexperienced. You cant fault his commitment and he is strong in the tackle and in the air. However he does need to be playing alongside an experienced centre back…not Clark, Herd, Lowton, etc….this is where we run into problems. How many teams in the top flight play with 2 centre backs under 23!! NONE!!!!
If lowton plays CB tonite fuck it im washing my hands of it.that just takes the piss.who else herd? great you’ll have laurel & fucking hardy back in partnership.0-8 gooners.
lowton is no CB for sure, he’s struggling this season in his RB position.
I think there’s definitely players hiding but I agree there are players finding themselves out of their depth because the is no balance.
I appreciate the young and hungry philosophy but there needs to be balance and its clear to see that, ideally clubs blood these young prospects slowly playing them in with a team of more experienced players and hopefully they will come on as they become more confident, never underestimate the effect of confidence(or lack of it)in players performances.
playing virtually a whole team of young inexperienced players is a huge risk and playing badly and getting beat regularly will hinder any progress and cripple confidence, if I was in that villa team tonight id be shitting myself rather than realishing the prospect of the game playing in that team, especially if vlarr isn’t back and we are forced into a make shift pairing at CB again.
saying all that though, most of em have been here before just last season, I was hoping this season they’d have more about em, battle hardened if you will but its not looking that way at all.
and the transfer signs are just pathetic considering what we all know we need. so far a 750k/1mil offer for hoolahan being the only real thing that’s happened in 2 weeks is just totally piss poor and not good enough.
vlaar plays
Well that’s a slight glimmer of hope,how long he’s on the pitch is another question.
5-3-1-1 when defending, 3-5-1-1 when attacking (haha). Back to the “hope we don’t get battered and maybe score 1 on the break while defending like hell”.
Yep agreed lamberk would be happy with a 2.1 defeat and then say we did well to lose by only one goal to the champions elect mumble mumble and next game we go again
He’s claimed twice now he fears the sack so I’d guess he’s trying as hard as he can for Villa not to get romped as of course any owner of any bottom 12 club would be far happier with a 2-1 defeat than a 6-0 defeat and could see why a team like Villa lost to Arsenal.
Saddened I think your right about Villas PR machine and the contempt shown towards fans. BUT it’s happening because certain fans accept the mediocre football and continue to hand over money to Lerner. Why would Lerner or his PR team change when so many Villa fans show no desire for change? Lerner will accept gates of 30,000 and Sky money why should he change? Lerner out
As I’m working away from home and country had to give my ticket to my lad, hope he doesn’t hold it against me for long……….
Arsenal at 1/2 is printing money, def worth a few quid.
0-4 Arsenal
i think our side will be hard 2 break down / but they av 2 keep the ball, be brave ~ arsenal will panic if they don’t score early 🙂 fingers crossed benteke needs 2 perform hes the key along with vlaar ~ set pieces vital
Lmao this has a big defeat all over it, arsenal must be pissing themselves at our tactics.
Can’t fault the lads effort though Adam.
Yeah they’re quality off the ball! El ahmadi is a clumsy fool giving needless fouls in dangerous areas.
And there it is! The meltdown starts.
I’ve given up on Villa and now use them to make money. It’s really quite easy, bet on them to lose every week and over the course of the season there’s a profit to be made. Now that’s taking a positive from a negative, Lambert will be impressed.
Truly does amaze me how we’re not 19th like last season, when last season Villa actually tried playing football and this season… We play 5 at the back and tell the 3 midfielders to sit as deep as possible. Really shows how bad the EPL has become and how any manager with the slightest ounce of intelligence can finish top 10.
True don’t forget on us having 30% possession either but like lamberk says possession is overrated it’s the score that counts. Well lamberk we are getting stuffed on both fronts
Here we fucking go ref get your abacus at the ready.ffs
i can see this being at least 6