Villa 0-0 Boro; We’re through but I wasn’t convinced.

It’s the result that counts, of course and quite simply we got it.
But while I’m elated that we’ve reached the final, it doesn’t necessarily mean I’m happy about the performance.

We started ok and then sat back deeper in the first half, which it seems many of us weren’t happy about.

The second half, we were also very cagey and I thought we were playing a risky game.
Johnstone had had a pretty good game and had hardly had to get his gloves warm, yet he somehow managed to handle outside his area and for me, should have been sent off.
This resulted in a free kick just outside the box, that Downing hit the bar with.
If that had gone in, lord knows what might have happened.

Don’t get me wrong. over the two legs, I think we were more the cleverer side.
And that’s down to experience.
Hutton was excellent again, as were Chester and Terry. How well do they combine?

But I’m listening to the after match chat and they’re saying Boro just didn’t do enough.
Given that they didn’t have a shot on target, I have to agree.

Boro just made too much running of the game for my liking, but I’d expect a different game against Fulham.

I didn’t mention Grealish yet, did I?

He’s really starting to look the part.

But what pleased me more than anything was that this team look like they’re fighting for each other.
And if that’s the case, we have every chance of anything.


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  1. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson May 19, 2018 at 7:43 am . Reply

    A true fan Hitch, glad you found it.

  2. nath
    nath May 19, 2018 at 7:53 am . Reply

    what a load of baloney. hutton during the dark days of are relegation, was one of the many who was deemed not good enough. end off,,,,,,not many sang his praise and when fulham beat us at wembley, the told you so clan will emerge. they will rip into this team, worse will be aimed at bruce and those who might be his supporters.

    i recall posting about how hutton at least gives his all and if he had more players around him with his desire we would have more of a chance. i only remember the replies to be hostile reminders of his lacking of abiltiy in crossing a ball. so don’t be switching shit to suit, posters now calling for a new contract will be changing their minds when fulham are premiership and we are stuck in championship

  3. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson May 19, 2018 at 8:07 am . Reply

    Thing is Nath, at that time fans was saying our defence was at sixes and seven, plus Nath the whole team was not as it is now, think that’s the reason we have this site to air the views, I remember me saying Hutton gets caught out of position by going forward to far, that doesn’t mean I’m a Hutton hated person, anyway Nath stop talking to Jvillan he’s a bad influence on you and it upsets me. Was he on the blues site?.

    1. nath
      nath May 19, 2018 at 9:18 am . Reply

      i am glad you admitted that bill. because you were the reason i posted this to start with. i saw you posting about his new contract joys and i remember you where never his biggest fan. i didn’t want to single out individuals, because you were not alone in your views.

      as for jvillan i saw what he wrote to giddy and that was not nice. giddy was a decent poster and sounded like a nice guy. they had a disagreement and it got personnel too personnel. insults are not needed i get them and i can dish them in return. its not in my nature to be nasty

      to finish on hutton he a honest player and thats it. we have been not the greatest team so when a honest player is stand out then you are in trouble. he was at villa for a few seasons before we got relegated. he was never popular so i find this love overwhelming because he marked a tricky player out of the game. in fact it was as much bruce and his coaches that stopped traore. hutton was just a pawn in the match

  4. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson May 19, 2018 at 1:19 pm . Reply

    I speak as I find Nath, Hutton was at one time the centre of criticism but as I said he’s found his ideal level in the game, only one now trouble me and its Houlahan I don’t think he has that killer edged in the game, then that’s me and I just hope he puts more into his game next week.Nath I never hide from right or wrong I say it as i see it. That’s Bill.

  5. nath
    nath May 19, 2018 at 2:34 pm . Reply

    Hourihane is another guy who gets his unfair criticism. with the amount of goals hes scored this season from midfield, i wonder why and what more is it, the fans expect of him. he has had influences on game, he has taken time to adjust and will improve.

    in the second leg against boro, Hourihane almost scored the important goal to break boro spirits, but for a last ditch challenge, which was brilliant defending. i think fans might be expecting him to play like grealish. well thats not his game. he isn’t as talented. never-less he is important to the team.

    team can’t be all players like grealish snoddy and adomah you need players that don’t take the limelight. but they are not less important they all have jobs to do

  6. DSVilla
    DSVilla May 19, 2018 at 5:15 pm . Reply

    Here’s my take on Hutton FWIW. I have defended him since he got slagged off under McLeish. I got loads of abuse but my view has never changed. He isn’t hugely talented, but gives 100% every time he takes the field. If other players had been as committed we probably wouldn’t have been relegated. Lots of teams have what appear to be ordinary players, but they fulfil a role.

    As for a new contract, not if we are in the Prem, but fine if we don’t make it. Only a year for me though.

    By the way, he kept his mouth shut when Lambert put him in the bomb squad, and didn’t seem to sulk so he’s OK with me.

  7. nath
    nath May 19, 2018 at 5:40 pm . Reply

    how the hell did jones not get sent off there. man utd have rules all to themselves. hazard was clean through. same shit happened to us against utd vidic if my memory is correct got a yellow when he last man

  8. nath
    nath May 19, 2018 at 6:06 pm . Reply

    new laws say if he makes a good attempt to get the ball its only a yellow. well if he made a good attempt for the ball he would have touched it. sorry its a clear red all day long. he made a last ditch attempt and took hazards down. man utd laws is different to everybody elses

  9. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson May 19, 2018 at 6:30 pm . Reply

    Good call DsVilla, he gives -100%, , Nath you see it different to me, I don’t think he is a player that give a great deal of efforts in the team, when Barry first played for us he was just the same, but Nath he turned out to be a first class player. It’s all about finding their feet in football. Almost in a game is not what’s its about, let’s stop and say we agree not to agree. all we want is to get into the premiership.

    1. nath
      nath May 19, 2018 at 7:34 pm . Reply

      you also don’t rate Keinan davis. but he got young player of the year. played 30 games when villa struggled early on in campaign, without him villa would have been further behind than we were, so i am happy we see things differently, tick that lmao

  10. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson May 19, 2018 at 10:13 pm . Reply

    Why are you nit picking Nath, your beginning to get me pissed off, you have to have that last word , you have a attitude that you know everything, I’ve said in the past you know your football, now leave it at that, your the one that drove Giddy off this site along with Langford looking back at previous posts on who said what, now leave please.

    1. nath
      nath May 20, 2018 at 6:17 am . Reply

      i drove giddy off the site well i don’t recall that. i remember he was posting support for the club and their are certain ppl that post shit like jvillan. they got into a argument and jvillan posted insults about his family, i didn’t do anything to the bloke.

      since i have been here its always the same, no matter who has been the manager, its always the same posters that are never happy. they post the same shit for each of different managers. talk about me repeating myself. they posted the same insults about mcliesh lamberk shrewoods the french dude and now bruce. they are not even original

      they don’t stop at the manager they then attack the posters that support the manager. like its their goal in life to correct them see them,help them reach the promise land of a full blown villa basher, show me one post where jvillan has post anything nice about the club. you can’t because he hasn’t he just types nonsense. or attacks somebody else about their post

      as for me driving them away i won’t be posting on here any more after the fulham game. a decision i made ages ago too many john waynes here and they are louder than real posters that have something intelligent to say. so get your party arranged

      oh lastly i know my stuff regardless of,,if you say so. i have listened to most of you and i know lots of you know absolutely nothing of the sport you all claimed to know so well. maybe its a internet thing because the same posts on here were on boro website. they were arguing about the same. but at least they seemed to grasp simple tactics of the sport

  11. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson May 19, 2018 at 11:05 pm . Reply


  12. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson May 20, 2018 at 8:18 am . Reply

    Ok, if you go I’ll stay, I rest my case Nath in your last parting shot you said you state what I’ve said you know your football and you do, but You also so said a lol on here know nothing, what does it say at the bottom of this page, right or wrong? What do you think. You don’t let them think, your criticize what they say, you nit pick Nath your always right. Andrew post good post but you undermine even him.

  13. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson May 20, 2018 at 9:12 am . Reply

    Nath, just been speaking with Giddy, and he’s explained you wasn’t the cause for him to drop out, so I’m wrong, (again) so apologies for that,

    1. nath
      nath May 20, 2018 at 10:01 am . Reply

      well i thank you for being honest. i was upset with how giddy was treated. i hate bullies and i will not allow that to happen to anybody, i was upset, how nobody stood up for giddy. maybe nobody else saw what i did. i hoped jvillan would be man enough to say sorry to giddy. enough was enough he stepped over the line from discussion to getting personnel.

      its not for me to be judge and jury. but when nobody said anything to him i felt injustice for somebody like giddy. maybe jvillan posted something he regretted but he still has not said sorry. i think the real loser here is the site because giddy offered good arguments and the site is poorer for that.

  14. nath
    nath May 20, 2018 at 10:41 am . Reply

    when i address somebody post i am nit picking. but others are allowed to address other post, they disagree that screams out double standards.

    take my post against utd player jones. i claimed he should have seen red for the challenge on hazard. all the so called experts addressed that challenge and were happy he made good attempts to tackle.

    but i still agree with my first impression i saw in real time. i don’t care i was not agreed with on the telly. jones was dithering, he allowed the striker to get on the wrong side off him. then he made a last ditch challenge,it was with the wrong foot. so either he can’t tackle for shit or he intentionally brought the guy down because he was shaping to shoot at goal.

    the handball by young was deliberate, he knew he could get away with it. so he put his arm in the way of the ball. referee got that wrong claiming young was too close to react. but other clubs doing same thing will concede a pen its a united thing

  15. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson May 20, 2018 at 1:16 pm . Reply

    Again I agree with both issues Nath, that was a pen, and yes Young did move his arm forwads, Oliver did two mistakes no two ways about it, As for giddy we do keep in touch and he did tell me you stood up for him, that helped me to remember it, I’m pretty sure I said something as well on that day, im having problems with this site in as much im not seeing my post go in, but im told it does., Nath if im wrong i always say sorry , As for Davis comments I don’t think he’s the answer to our prayer, we have equal players sitting it out and they don’t put a shift in, Davis needs to stamp his mark on the game like Grealish, but I know in time he will.

    1. nath
      nath May 20, 2018 at 2:04 pm . Reply

      i am also having trouble with the site started other day. i don’t disagree with everybody on the site who posts. or i wouldn’t be wasting my time posting here. i have my views and sometimes they change, because somebody makes good argument. this happens loads by lots of posters. but not all views are correct bill, i mean if i started posting the colour red is actually not red but blue, you would have issues with me and say sorry nath but your wrong rightfully.

      i want the kids introduced when they are ready. davis was forced in by injuries and in my opinion did smashing. yes he is not finished article, he is very much work in process. but he has the size bill, he can look after himself. his game is not about speed. he is a bulldozer and he will mature like a fine wine.

      grealish has only come of age this season and he has been around for a few years now. kids all take different amounts of time to adjust. ohare and some more will break through next year.

      because youth football is all tippy tappy stuff no defence. if you saw murphys goals what everybody was getting excited about. the hat trick game was great and good for him. but where was the challenges. they were just road cones defending. nobody moved and nobody got any foot in. murphy needs to step up. he is another been around since 17, he has to go on loan and play proper football.

      i meant what i said i will stop posting next season. if we go up which i expect we will. it will be very tough staying in the premiership. so i won’t enjoy the bashing bruce willl get and his successor. its not always the fault of the manager. sometimes its just down to the opposition out playing you.

  16. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson May 20, 2018 at 2:21 pm . Reply

    I’ve had to read your reply through email, if I cannot put it right I will be deleating word press myself, just cannot put my finger on the problem, I’ve registered again ,my email had to be changed due to server ending , I just cannot get it right.

    1. nath
      nath May 20, 2018 at 3:17 pm . Reply

      i don’t think the problems your encountering is with your equipment . i am clueless with tech my partner says its not my lappy, as i was complaining my lappy is slow since the windows 10 update but i was told its the website i bet its jvillan

      1. Bill Pearson
        Bill Pearson May 20, 2018 at 3:23 pm . Reply

        I never thought of that, JVillan hey, he’s the likeliest candidate.

  17. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson May 20, 2018 at 7:29 pm . Reply

    Aston Villa have been linked with a move for Sheffield Wednesday youngster Sean Clare.

    The 21-year-old spent the first half of the season on loan at League One Gillingham, but was recalled in January by Owls boss Jos Luhukay.

    Midfielder Clare made his debut for Wednesday in their goalless draw at rivals Sheffield United and then went on to open the scoring against Villa, when the claret and blues ultimately prevailed 4-2 at Hillsborough back in February.

    Despite manager Luhukay handing him his breakthrough into the first team, it’s understood that Clare has turned down the offer of a new contract and is looking for a new challenge.

    The Londoner, who originally came through the Nike Academy and has also previously had loan spells at Bury and Accrington Stanley, has also accrued interest from Preston North End and Norwich City.

    Villa, though, could be able to offer the potential of Premier League football next term if they get the better of Fulham in the play-off final at Wembley on Saturday, and the Mirror report that the club are confident of landing him ahead of other interested parties.

    Sheffield Wednesday would be entitled to compensation because Clare is under the age of 23.

  18. nath
    nath May 21, 2018 at 6:10 am . Reply

    reading about grealish, seems the injury preseason the clash with cleaverly. which seemed innocuous at the time. was life threatening and this was the wake up call for him. he has come back like a player possessed, before his injury he was a very good player, who often played within himself. but since returning he has grasped each game stamping his authority on them. he really has made the difference to villa. like it or not without him we are ordinary. we struggled early this season because we missed him and a striker. but since grealish has returned he has given us the cutting edge. he has also linked midfield with the front line. his vision has led the way feeding adomah and snoddy.

    ppl talk about fulham enjoying wembley, grealish will enjoy it too,he will hit fulham every time they lose the ball in our half. one thing fulham are is attacking, they can not change that. the match will be decided on how well they handle grealish. who remembers the pool semi finals. grealish at his best and pool couldnt handle him. his passes are short but sweet, they find players on the move and into their strides. he is like a conductor the team around him is his orchestra

    1. Adam
      Adam May 21, 2018 at 8:54 am . Reply

      In my opinion Grealish should have been in the world cup squad. I dont see any other play in that team bar possibly dele ali that can do what he does. Plus with the calibre of player around him he would thrive in that environment.

      1. Bill Pearson
        Bill Pearson May 21, 2018 at 12:03 pm . Reply

        To be honest Adam, I cannot see England stamping its mark on this world cup.
        To me its down to English FA allowing far to many foreign players to the English clubs. You put any new player in and they would be lost in understanding who does what. Then that’s only my opinion Adam.

    2. Hitchens 60
      Hitchens 60 May 21, 2018 at 3:42 pm . Reply

      Nath a couple of points. Agree about Grealish but would add that (according to SB), Terry has had a massive positive influence – oops got to go second point later….

      1. Hitchens60
        Hitchens60 May 21, 2018 at 5:46 pm . Reply

        Back now but of to the pub shortly …. my second point is in regard to the comments about Wembley suiting Fulham’s game – why does it? I would argue that the opposite might be true in that they have been very successful at Craven Cottage which is a small ground with the crowd close to the pitch and where the pitch is 9m shorter and 4m narrower compared to Wembley – whereas Villa’s pitch dimensions are almost identical (in fact slightly larger) as at Wembley

        1. nath
          nath May 21, 2018 at 7:29 pm . Reply

          the fulham liking wembley isn’t my belief. i see it said every where, that they play the beautiful game, this means they will love the open spaces of wembley.

          i think if they over commit against villa,they will get caught out very easily. fulham will commit their fullbacks forwards its their way. they can’t play like derby and boro they have to open up with the ball. they are good at it and as long as we defend well. we will have loads of chances to score.

          its not going to be like the boro bore games. this will be a slugfest toe to toe. looking forwards to it now

  19. B6
    B6 May 21, 2018 at 5:57 pm . Reply

    I got my Wembley ticket yesterday and a mates today. We are in the same block but about 20 seats apart but who gives a fuck cause I don’t, I am buzzing.

    Wemberley, Wemberley, we’re the famous Aston Villa and we’re going to Wemberley. Wemberley, Wemberley……

  20. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson May 21, 2018 at 6:17 pm . Reply

    You lucky sod B6 , I’m waiting on my lad to get mine,, Wembley Wembley we ge pissed at Wembley. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    1. B6
      B6 May 21, 2018 at 7:54 pm . Reply

      Fingers crossed for you mate. πŸ™‚

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