Aston Villa 0-2 West Ham (All Goals) 08… by ourmatch
Oh dear!
This, to me is quite simply a disastrous result.
In the predictions thread, I thought West Ham would stifle the midfield and we’d struggle to break them down.
That was certainly the case in the first half, where the truth is West Ham were the better side.
West Ham, a side that I’ve said on here, are very poor.
So how much does it hurt for me to say we never had a shot on goal in that half?
A lot. So much so that I’m not even going to mention it anymore.
Onto the second half then and straight away, it seemed like we were asleep.
Downing did well to beat Bertrand and it was all too easy for Nolan to score. Just slack.
And within a couple of minutes or so Delph was caught messing with the ball and Nolan scored again. Even slacker.
And then, on came Albrighton, who within 20 seconds had put in a cracking cross, which was better than anything we’d seen in the whole first half.
And the game turned on it’s head.
Benteke, who hadn’t got a sniff was now getting loads of headers, albeit he failed to hit the net and the side looked instantly revitalised.
Why Albrighton doesn’t start is beyond me.
In short, we battered West Ham, but they went a proper 5 at the back and you just knew we wouldn’t get two goals.
The truth is, I don’t really want to talk much about this game, as losing like we did has really got to me today.
I suppose you could say this is what you get when you have a young side, but I’m just glad I didn’t have to pay to watch it.
And where we were a so called safe in 10th, 5 points above relegation, we’re now 11th, 4 points above relegation.
Still think we’re comfortable?
Because I don’t.
Moan of the day?
Even Bertrand can’t take a legal throw-in.
The clubs lost. Comments like above from Terry Jones highlights the lack of understanding from Lerner supporters who are as much to blame for the clubs demise. Lerner pulled funding Lerner gave Lambert a brief we have sold experienced expensive players and bought poor players who are not good enough. Before you Lerner fans complain remember Lambert had a minimum budget and can only pay division 1 wages. Again I repeat Lambert is not god enough BUT the reason we have poor poor players is down to one man Lerner. Lerner out.
I am to blame because I enjoy a day out at Villa Park? I’m to blame because regardless who controls the ship I go to support our team, however rubbish. Can you hear yourself???
We all support the team but that dosnt mean we have to sit back and take this shite
No you don’t have to take this, but I bet you do. That is unless you have a protest planned ready to actually do something about it????
I blame you and the likes of fans like you, you remind me of sheep one stand on a hill so you have to, wake up man you are in a minority of people that will not accept the likes of Lambert and the owner, I think you are just saying things to get a response on this site, that man that’s put in charge of my football team is a con merchant, wake up for gods sake and join the fans that now understands we are in the shit, only the likes of other bad sides are we sitting in hope.
No thankyou negative. While I see we are shite I won’t join your lil club. I have zero influence in the club therefore I’ll support them through thick n thin.
I look forward to seeing you and the rest of your negative footsoldiers on the news tomo outside VP with your Lambert out banners.
Who fucking said the negs are a little club,if you got your head out your arse we’re a majority on here helen.
Helenius, glad you recognized that was aimed at you, thats proof to me that you say and do write to antagonize caring Villa fans, in this world there are people that will not be taken and expect value for money, then there’s others that dont speak out and say its OK it will go away. Guess who you are ? Again come back to earth and smell the coffee, he’s not what the Villa wants, its what Lerner wants, its not good enough for our club. Full Stop. be a proper Villa fan, one that cares.
Yes Giddy, majority in here but small club in the grand scheme of things. Bill Iv no need to antagonise mate, it’s how I feel. You have a voice of hate towards the upper tiers of Villa heirachy, why don’t you let them know? If most people thought like you the stand would be full of out posters and chants……. Well i didn’t see or hear any. To say i m not a proper fan because I don’t agree with your opinion is utterly ridiculous and actually has pissed me right off. To me, a proper fan supports through the rollercoaster, through the bad times, not just the good!!!
Ted the blame as to lye at Lerner,s door admitted but the fans whom wanted LAMBERK in the first place and have defended him to the hilt should shoulder most of the blame.If they had not chanted his name maybe he would never have been in Lerner,s thoughts.They got their man now we are all suffering as fans watching the demise of our club.
They only chanted his name because everyone was against mcleish out. Even if am won the league a lot of fans wanted him gone. Iv said all along that pl is on a par with am at best and got slated for it. Pl is as bad if not worse than am imo
Sir Oohah my good friend maybe so.But we all knew that taking on am was going to be contraversial as he had just relegated our hated rivals.However in my opinion they are as much to blame as Lerner Faulkner & Lamberk for the state we now find the club in.
So true that old saying “be careful what u wish for” has bitten us on the arse
Lambert/Lerner, I don’t really care.
What about the GAME, people?
irrelevant, look at the short term problem and do not address the main cause behind it.
February 1st 2015 James nursey writes an article on how fickle the fans are and that we will be safe. He will also say in his article that Lerner is not selling and that funds will be released in the summer for 2 big players…………Blah Blah blah blah Yawn
February the 1st 2015? Is it going to happen again.!!!
No Ian, this article is about the game.
We can debate the ins and outs of the club during the week mate.
We know where the main causes are, I’m sure.
so pointless discussing groundhog day … nothing changes until the direction from the top changes. I could easily rant and rave about the idiot who is manager, his so called tactical genius etc but all pointless if he is backed 100% by the owner as he is clearly is.
Your chosen one Ian ogs the so called new messiah isn’t doing great is he!! 3.0 down and Cardiff look worse than they did under McKay. Yes they may beat us on tue but who dosnt!!
Ian, it’s just as pointless discussing the owner.
He’s the constant we can’t change without a major revolution, that simply isn’t going to happen, imo.
I’d rather we talk about what went wrong today, as at the end of the day it’s about the game and where we went wrong.
But hey, if the actual game itself doesn’t count for anything, carry on.
It’s all debate, which I’m happy with.
What went wrong today was simple. Our manager and players simply arnt good enough for this division. There is fuck all quality on the bench and a talentless mumbling fuckwit in charge of the talentless dross. I think that just about sums it up only 4 point from bottom 3 now so being sucked right in to it and if we lose on tue we will be in big trouble
February 1st 2016 James Nursey writes an article……………………………………
Got it, slow Billy.
Lambert would have seen the Hammers at Chelsea so he knew what to expect. He also should know that Agbonlahor is likely to be useless first game back from injury because he always is. In fact Gabby barely touched the ball after 30 minutes. So why not start him on the bench?
As for Delph, words nearly fail me. The number of bad choices he makes of what to do with the ball should see him out of any premiership side. The caught in possession today was typical. I don’t think he can be taught now not to be so effin arrogant about his own ability, but it would help if he was immediately substituted after a gaffe like that. Albrighton apart the approach play was predictable and clueless.
Finally will our misfiring players watch in-form strikers taking aim at goal. Do they try to clip it in off the post? No they are more likely to blast it straight at the middle of the goal knowing the yard by which they miss the spot will take it past the keeper. Villa aim just inside the post and miss the goal.
Ian you are absolutely right. The games irrelevant the only conversation we all should be having is how to get rid of Lerner. I don’t agree Lerner is here for a long time. If supporters stop financing him and make it clear we will not attend games Lerner will I believe GO. Lerner out
Ted, it isn’t going to happen mate. The fans are quite simply not up to forcing Lerner out.
And tbh, it’s boring me.
If it’s boring you then delete the comment. It’s what normally happens.
So what would you change then ?
Nothing….Badger loves you just the way you are.
The question is what can you change Ian.
Me, where I want to take my grandkids to every home game I can, I pick them, so we might see something decent.
Today was never going to be one of those under this manager.
But what’s the option?
Just give up 100%?
Fans have two choices go or not …
Noticed one thing over the past few games, the total apathy after games, that is what Lerner plays on.
I’d change the manager owner and team in an ideal world but unfortunately that ain’t going to happen. Lamberk Shoukd do the honourable thing and resign and if he signs that contract he should be hounded out the club. Complete piss take
It just isn’t going to happen mate.
Lambert’s up for a wage rise; Lerner hasn’t a clue, neither does fatty.
Everyone is happy.
Except those that really matter 🙁
Just hope tge Lerner and lamberk apologists boycott the club next season and don’t get suckered into wasting their hard earned on STs next month. It’s amazing how the club always seem to talking to the fans when they want to sell STs and the rest of the season they don’t give a fuck. The club will go on the charm offensive then we will be linked with a couple of £15m attacking midfielders who wev got fuck all of getting. The Benteke will be off and pl will still only have £10m to spend. The. It will be the usual pr bullshit spun out by puppet Kendrick that the club were on the verge of signing Messi I min before the window closed. Sane old bullshit every year and 36,000 mugs fall for it pathetic
Mate we both know he will sign as he knows that not if but when he gets the sack he will never get another job in the premiership.So will need a big payoff to tide him over as he will be on Jobseekers for a very long time.
In that case sack him and pay him off get in pochetino. Lerner will lose more than a few mill if we go down and the money Lerner’s saved and got of sky means sacking him shouldn’t break the bank
His own continence should tell him he’s lost it, time to admit he’s unable to take the club to the standards of the name of Aston Villa. he’s got to go, a parks manager could do better in a local team.
It’s pointless adding to any debate on here. Unless you agree with the owners or the owners boyfriends your opinion gets deleted. Really don’t see the point if having a website called “news and views” if people can’t give there views unless they’re agreeing with the owners or owners boyfriend.
Oh, it’s you again “freedomofspeech”.
How many times do you need to be told to stop slating and just add to the debate?
What a knob you are, you troll.
Both IPs barred and you’ll get bored before me, I assure you.
I’d happily add to the debate but deem it worthless as any comments that you don’t agree with you delete, so what’s the point? You should consider changing the sites name to Badgers views, as there the only ones that you’ll accept to be worthy.
Ha ha ha you then call me a knob and a troll yet if you’re called anything again it’s deleted. What a spoilt little twat you are. 🙂
Oi wanker fuck off with your pureile comments.
Yet still you’re here………..
What a load of bollocks, I haven’t deleted anything for months (except my own fuck ups) and only ban total idiots.
Congratulations, I think you’re no 3 in the time I’ve owned the site.
If you feel you can add to the debate without just slating the owners or the site, feel free to contact us and we’ll sort it.
We’re pretty fair, on the whole and will consider it.
Hopefully, the dickhead is gone and the vast majority will realise that contrary views to ours are very welcome, as long as they’re talking about the club or the team.
Hopefully you can see the sort of comments he was making and they added nothing, imo.
Thoroughly pissed off now, after that shower of shit I watched today, combined with a troll that I’d given every chance to, but there you go 🙁
Ian, one thing I did notice today was that the “boos” seemed louder.
Not loud enough IMO chants of lambert and lerner out Shoukd be the order of the day now
Foul throws at this level?! Come on!!
Badger it won’t be long til the boo’s become verbal,i’d put contract talks on chill mate fuck that wanker.
If I was Lerner I’d put contract talks on hold until the summer the timing at the moment couldn’t be worse
Contract talks are unbelieveable to me and I feel a post coming on.
I’ll leave it for now though. Maybe tomorrow, when i’ve thought about it more.
I think the contract talks are another great example of how the club is so far removed from reality…. hmmmm I thinks this smells of Faulkner !
Just a thought would fatty do that, give Lambert a 3 year contract and not foresee a sacking in this coming year if we go down?.
Sadly, Yes Bill, imo.
While I can see fatty’s pov, just leave it until the end of the season at least.
It’d be just like us to be relegated just after giving him a new contract, ffs.
Clueless, imo.
And we think Newcastle are a joke club?????
Badger thinking about it how many times have we done that? and to think it lowers the chances of quality buys for the club, to me the infrastructure is bent, no wonder
Agreed Badger, Fatty is that clueless nothing would surprise me… Just look at his managerial fuck ups to date and we can’t just blame MON for the financial mess we got ourselves in… Why he is still in a job amazes me !
There might be a clause that we can sack him if we go down.
nah ooh ahh, that would be too intelligent for us, they will include a bonus to bring us back up though
Tbh I think going down is prob better than this crap for the future years. And to be honest out team would struggle to get into the top ten in championship.
Don’t think we’ll go down still… 3 poorer clubs than us somehow… Though Lambert should’ve been gone a year ago.
Agree Andrew he’s over stayed his welcome time to go.
Today’s summary is simple. Counter attack setup does not work against defensive sides. This team v Pool, City, Gooners, Soton, Chelsea etc do well as they come at us. Today was a diff game and proved a simple 442 is the way to go. Same goes for Cardiff Tuesday. Learn that lesson Lambert or the boys will be out with their Pitchfork’s!!!
Helenius Lambert won’t learn from today, he never does, far too stubborn….
Lerner is sitting in his pants in the US, receiving all his news from Fatty Faulkner who aint got a clue all Randy sees is our position in the league, sky money, gate receipts and merchandise monies…. If he knows fuck all about “soccer” and is getting his advice from someone (fatty) who knows fuck all about “soccer” we haven’t got a chance……I would like Faulkner to leave before the other two, as he must responsible for 80% of the fuck ups this club has made.. !
Lerner has lost interest, Lambert is clueless, Faulkener couldnt run a piss up in a brewery and half of our players arent Premier League standard. I think that about sums it up.
Hi Ya Bill Helinius the boys will be out with the pitchforks.Have a better idea put Lambert in the stocks on Church Hill Coleshill rotten eggs tomatoes mixed in with some cow shit.
We battered them for the final 40 mins, don’t understand why we don’t start with the intensity we finished with. If we did, alot of sides wouldn’t know what hit em, a bit like the gooners today.
We only ‘battered them’ because they sat back and defended their two goal lead in the same manner we do most matches. I agree we should have scored though and Albrighton has to start.
I agree rawlie they sat back and also being 2 nil down its easy 2 play then, u av nothing 2 lose
i held off commenting straight after the match 2 calm myself down, wot can i say thats not already been said.
i believe formation was wrong , no width ,tempo, or even a plan 2 break down a confident hammers side.
lambert in my mind is 2 blame cos after the pool and derby win confidence was high strikers finally clicking. lambert then messed around with this, now a demoralizing home defeat 2 a poor side at home, leaves us stunned and needing 2 get a grip, as another very important game is days away.
lambert needs 2 understand strengths and weakness of our team, chopping and changing is all very well. but sometimes a settled team and formation is best. and our strengths is not center midfield or defensively. i believe our strength is attacking. we need 2 start playing this way ~ 44 2 back 2 basic 2 wingers supplying 2 strikers get the tempo rite from first whistle and go 4 the game. we are trying 2 play a way thats foreign 2 us 2 slow and negative
i better go back 2 the dark room . staying away from motd again
Spot on Nath.
Compare pool away with this game.
Different league, imo.
We went for pool, but tried to just hold our own today. WHY?
This has to be down to the manager.
And while I’ve tried for a very long while to be reasonable in my views, I suspect I’m going to blow soon.
We can give the top sides a game, but have no hope against the shit around or below us!