Villa 0 – 6 Liverpool; disgusted and totally ashamed to be a Villa fan today

It’s only a short one, because I’m in the airport on my way home at the moment.
But I just needed to say that I can’t believe how poor that performance was.

It was as poor as anything I remember under Ginge or even lambert and I’m in total shock; so much so that the missus is judging my mood as “ok”.

From front to back, we were shocking and at the minute, I really would get rid of the lot of them, maybe Lyden apart.

No fight, no desire, no nothing.
It’s as simple as that.

I’ll update tomorrow, when I get home, but can’t see my opinion changing much.

Disgraceful is the only word for that display.
Just when they’d raised my hopes too.


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  1. Bum Bum
    Bum Bum February 14, 2016 at 6:16 pm . Reply

    Will be interested to hear Sherwood’s comments tonight on MOTD…

  2. steve
    steve February 14, 2016 at 6:28 pm . Reply

    we need a football man on the board now to help plan for next season. these idiots haven’t a clue.

    1. steve
      steve February 14, 2016 at 6:31 pm . Reply

      graham taylor ?

      1. Bill Pearson
        Bill Pearson February 14, 2016 at 8:50 pm . Reply

        No Steve, Josef Venglos that’s the man for Villa.Brillian tactician.

  3. nath
    nath February 14, 2016 at 7:38 pm . Reply

    disgraceful display, pool was in 1st gear and had harder training sessions. villa players gave up soon after the first pool goal. i beg remi gardes to ditch players like Leandro Bacuna and blood some youth. we need to start switching from flogging a dead horse and planning ahead to next year.

    bacuna is a bad player. for the length of time he’s been here i’am yet to fully understand his strengths. cause i heard hes a dead ball specialist. sorry i beg to differ. hes also a winger sorry the guy couldn’t cross the road, with the green man for aid.

    surely we should be blooding the youth now. they wouldn’t give up. they are probably better, with more ability. yeah i get remi wants to hold um back and not rush um. but i hate to think bacuna get a start, i could easily find my boots and give it more than him, i could clear the first man from a corner at the age of 5

  4. Villain1
    Villain1 February 14, 2016 at 7:43 pm . Reply

    For those who follow American football, the comments from Villa fans right now completely echo what the Cleveland Browns fans were saying just a few years back. They were ashamed, embarrassed of their leaderless, passionless and catastrophically bad team. They even called their home stadium the factory of sadness. Well thats Villa Park now, the common factor is the world’s worst sports team owner… step up Randolph Lerner.

  5. steve
    steve February 14, 2016 at 7:44 pm . Reply

    I would definitely get Gardner and Robinson back.
    Robinson looked really good in pre-season.
    at least the younger players would give there all. not like the lazy tossers picking up their huge salaries each week.
    bacuna is a disgrace. hurt my voice shouting at him today to put some bloody effort in. he did not break sweat.

  6. Jvillan
    Jvillan February 14, 2016 at 8:02 pm . Reply

    Watching that after arsenal Leicester, then reading cascarino page in the sun well he was wrong our players looked like they came out off graveyard, lazy useless heartless what more could you say

  7. originallondonlion
    originallondonlion February 14, 2016 at 9:54 pm . Reply

    Today’s game established that none of the players on show are any good, and do not even have the right attitude. Survival is now impossible, so the right idea now is to introduce all the under 21 players we can – and still be legal.

    We can expect to find a few of the youngsters who blow up with the hike in status – possibly as many as half of them. but the experience should throw up a few nuggets who can form the platform for a Championship side. Two of the main arguments against fielding an all-youth side were: they might get a bigger thrashing than the first team ever got and be demoralised – that’s not an issue now; and the EPL might query if we were deliberately fielding a weaker side. Well until they demonstrate it the U21’s will have to go some to put up a worse show than today,

  8. pat57
    pat57 February 14, 2016 at 10:25 pm . Reply

    Whatever happens Remi cannot field that team again.

    I’ve already said that we should play the under 21s, at least they might show some spirit. Time to start cutting away the deadwood.

  9. andrew1
    andrew1 February 14, 2016 at 10:25 pm . Reply

    the worst game as a villa fan ive seen at villa park.
    and lets be fair theres too much to comment on.
    the only way forward is to prepare for championship football and relieve a lot of the squad of their duties.
    keep playing some of them that may suit next season and gradually introduce some of the kids.
    whats the worst that can happen? we lose most of our games and go down.
    and to those who say it may affect the kids, well at least they get some experience at a competative level and may want to prove themselves as the current crop clearly can’t be bothered.
    and to assume the board will spend in the summer i doubt it.

    am i wrong

  10. Jvillan
    Jvillan February 14, 2016 at 10:30 pm . Reply

    There is no logical reason for remi to ever play lescott bacuna Gabby Westwood Hutton ever again

  11. Villain1
    Villain1 February 14, 2016 at 10:40 pm . Reply

    The only issue with playing kids is getting battered will completely destroy their confidence… imagine being Lyden making your debut coming on when your team is 0-5 at home. But on the other hand I’d gladly never see Gabby, Bacuna, Westwood, Richards and the rest of the gutless mob ever again.
    Its a rotten choice for a manager to make… and this is exactly why Garde should have been backed in January instead of being cut adrift.

    1. andrew1
      andrew1 February 14, 2016 at 10:53 pm . Reply

      i see your point but sometimes if you want to see if any of the kids are good enough you have to bring them on regardless of the scoreline and say show me what you’ve got.
      i also agree that players should have been brought in but some of those players could of been acquired for next season and loaned back.

  12. Astonished Villan
    Astonished Villan February 14, 2016 at 11:14 pm . Reply

    There’s a lot of support for Remi and whilst he is straight talking and has integrity I’m not convinced he’s the man to take Villa forward. Just watched MOTD and the contrast to Sunderland’s tenacity was telling. Remi’s a slow burner type of manager – given time and support he may end up successfully rebuilding but he was the wrong choice for the job in hand. Board need to decide after next 5 games whether he’s the right man and then seek to agree terms including transfer budget. If not, a new manager needs to be lined up to take over as soon as season ends and transfer targets identified so that he has a full pre-season with new recruits.

    1. bws
      bws February 15, 2016 at 6:45 am . Reply

      Sunderland have two things we don’t, Big Sam and premier league standard players.

    2. steve
      steve February 15, 2016 at 7:02 am . Reply

      The board don’t basck the manager in his choice of players. Then it doesn’t matter who we bring in it will be the same.
      I am not saying Garde is the right choice but this isn’t his team.
      Sherwood signed Bacuna (why i don’t know) and the likes on new long term contracts last year.

      1. Bum Bum
        Bum Bum February 15, 2016 at 7:43 am . Reply

        I thought Bacuna was a Lambert signing…

        1. steve
          steve February 15, 2016 at 8:20 am . Reply

          sherwood extended his contract and westwood and baker and clark

      2. bws
        bws February 15, 2016 at 7:47 am . Reply

        He did but it don’t matter a toss who the manager is while this shower are at the helm.

      3. OohAhPaulMcGrath
        OohAhPaulMcGrath February 15, 2016 at 8:35 am . Reply

        Bottom line is o Reilly and co signed players using powerball system. No wonder we are fcuked

  13. Benno
    Benno February 14, 2016 at 11:34 pm . Reply

    He might as well throw in some of the young players now. I think Baker and Gardner will play a big role for us next year and the kind of players that we need. No point bringing them back off loan though, they are getting their experience now.

    Garde needs to try and give game time to the likes of Grealish, Lyden and the young strikers. Apart from key players (Gana, Ayew) we might as well drop any of the high earners as they will be long gone come August.

    I think this is the only way that the atmosphere at VP wont be toxic. The crowd wont get onto the backs of the young players.

    1. pat57
      pat57 February 15, 2016 at 7:01 am . Reply

      Absolutely agree. I’d go so far as to pay off the dross and tell them to shove off right now.

      Play the under 21s, the ball boys, the tea ladies, anyone with a bit of fight in them.

      Wouldn’t even mind losing 6-0 if they tried.

      (Massive sigh)

      You keep thinking it can’t get any worse….and it does

  14. bws
    bws February 15, 2016 at 7:01 am . Reply

    The thing that is really scary is Liverpool had done their homework and did a job on us.
    They knew just how piss poor we are and if they kept the pressure up with wave after wave of attack we’d crumble and we got found out – we lack quality in every area on the pitch.
    Seeing how affective this was other teams are going to adopt the same tactics against so I think we can expect a dumpy ride till the end of the season.

    1. Bill Pearson
      Bill Pearson February 15, 2016 at 7:51 am . Reply

      Morning BWS, this is how I feel now, have to say it might anger some fans but its got to be done for the good of, walk away now, break the club so Lerner has to sell because of loss. As long as he can sit in Yankee land taking our money because we don’t want to walk away he’s a happy chappy. Why should we suffer this tatal crap ,shit, rotton football and he still makes money, hes taking the piss, walk away i say.

      1. bws
        bws February 15, 2016 at 8:01 am . Reply

        Morning Bill, mate you wouldn’t catch me down there if they paid me.

        1. Stubbs
          Stubbs February 15, 2016 at 8:04 am . Reply

          Not even if Tom Fox offered you last seasons official kit for half price?

          1. bws
            bws February 15, 2016 at 8:09 am . Reply

            Home or away?

          2. Stubbs
            Stubbs February 15, 2016 at 8:35 am . Reply

            Based on his mood be joyful due to the success of the new website he’d give you that option.

          3. Stubbs
            Stubbs February 15, 2016 at 8:36 am . Reply


          4. bws
            bws February 15, 2016 at 9:00 am . Reply

            Free match of your choice, corporate hospitality, free beer ,shirt and pie.
            All I want to know is what pies are they?

          5. Stubbs
            Stubbs February 15, 2016 at 9:12 am . Reply

            There is no free pie, no free corporate hospitality, no free beer, no free game of your choice or no free shirt. In fact there is no free anything..Well there is a free “proud history, bright future” scarf from a few years back that you can have but that is about as far as the free stuff goes.

            Tom has now retracted his offer and sold the kit that was on offer to Acorns for the full market price. You lost out there BWS!

          6. bws
            bws February 15, 2016 at 9:25 am . Reply

            Tom’s in the process of designing a new “Ploughed History, Blight Future” scarf. Should do well in the Chinese market.

          7. Stubbs
            Stubbs February 15, 2016 at 9:29 am . Reply

            Will you be getting one?

          8. bws
            bws February 15, 2016 at 9:30 am . Reply

            one what?

          9. Stubbs
            Stubbs February 15, 2016 at 9:36 am . Reply

            One of Toms new designed “Ploughed History, Blight Future” scarves.

          10. bws
            bws February 15, 2016 at 9:48 am . Reply

            They’re out already? Put me down for 3,494, one for everyday of Lerner’s tenure.

      2. SAD VILLAn
        SAD VILLAn February 15, 2016 at 11:52 am . Reply

        Bill, I totally agree….VILLA NO SHOW!!!!! VILLA NO SHOW!!! Lets do it…can you imagine Villa Park with only 3,000 away fans and a couple of thousand who just can’t bring themselves to stay away…!

    2. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath February 15, 2016 at 8:37 am . Reply

      Whether they did homework or not Liverpool r not that good they don’t thrash anyone normally. Look at the fight Norwich put up a few weeks ago. Why didn’t we attack their defence it’s error prone like ours. We made them look a lot better than what they are there was no fight no belief no tactics nothing

      1. bws
        bws February 15, 2016 at 8:53 am . Reply

        From what I witnessed yesterday they went at us from the first whistle knowing we’d buckle and buckle we did and yes you’re right no they’re not that good but what does that they say about us?

      2. Bill Pearson
        Bill Pearson February 15, 2016 at 9:06 am . Reply

        That’s why I laughed when they was saying a win ,a draw, I knew they would fold with pressure, how is it we have kids with minds of baby attitude, not one has the bottle to fight,, it maybe they know they are gone come next window a its fuck it mental mind.

  15. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson February 15, 2016 at 8:26 am . Reply

    Ive more to lose Lads, running around with Villa personalized number plate 4 seats, but believe me im gone lads, shower of shit, the next door neighbours feeling Sorry for me he’s a hammers fan through and through, I’ve said don’t mention Villa again to me.the work force in America warned us what he would do. A right prick is Lerner.

  16. VillaFan
    VillaFan February 15, 2016 at 9:21 am . Reply

    Yesterdays game made me think that there is something else going on behind the scenes at Villa.

    Almost like a conspiracy by the players. I wonder if there are a handful of really rotten eggs amongst that squad that are pulling the rest down.

    I mean, I have never seen such a lacklustre display from any Villa team since I remember aupporting them as a kid in the mid 90’s.

    None of them looked like they wanted to be on that pitch yesterday, apart from a couple like Gana and Gil. Nobody busted a gut or got stuck in.

    Add to that Okore coming out and saying he didnt owe Villa anything and he will move to a big club blah blah blah in midweek. (Tosser)

    Add to that Agbonlahor coming off with a headache (wtf!)

    Added to that Lescott posting the supercar on twitter 20 mins after the game and then blatantky lying that his phone was in his pocket and it was accidental. (Another mercenary tosser)

    And all the rest of the stuff this season like the chewing gum olympics etc

    To me, the players are just having one big laugh, and sticking 2 fingers up to us fans, but it makes me think that there are a couple of troublemakers within that setup that are just there to make trouble and have a laugh. Are they betting with each other who can spoof the fans the most or something?

    I say stick them all in the reserves, apart from the likes of Veretout, Gana, Gil, and give the young lads a chance to show what they can do (Lyden showed more pssion in 20 mins yesterday than most of them put together the whole season).

  17. giddyvillan
    giddyvillan February 15, 2016 at 9:37 am . Reply

    Just been reading that absolute load of bollox from lescott,who wrote the comments in the first place???I suppose he can also peel an Orange in his pocket.don’t take us for mugs matey.

  18. swampduck
    swampduck February 15, 2016 at 10:19 am . Reply

    anybody that pays to see that fucking shit again this season must be mad talk with your feet empty ground till end of season i hope

  19. billys boots
    billys boots February 15, 2016 at 11:14 am . Reply

    i wouldn’t say garde has lost the dressing room, i don’t think he ever had it, where was the new manager bounce we were expecting, there is something rotting in that squad which was probably why there were no new signings until we can get rid of the infectious individuals that are poisoning the whole squad.

  20. Sad Villan
    Sad Villan February 15, 2016 at 11:45 am . Reply

    This Villa team is rubbish and Garde is lost! Villa going forward yesterday was 2 against 5 or 6 Liverpool defenders. Gana and Westwood just stood on the half way and watched the forwards struggle. Nobody came forward and Garde said nothing?? In Defence the same, Lescott and Richards are over the hill and clearly not up to the job, the midfield again just stood and watched them suffer. Bacuna should never play for Villa again. He was a disgrace and how Garde left him on the field is beyond me. The Villa fans were booing him every time he touched the ball for 25 minutes!!?! Is Garde deaf AND blind? A word for Idrisse Gana. He really is not good enough to play premier or even Championship football. He passed the ball directly to Liverpool players from 10 feet away, not once but 3 times! I complain to team mates in my Veteran 5 a side team for doing that.

    It was thew worst display I have ever seen from a Villa team since I have been watching since 1971. At 1 point in the second half at 0-3 down all 10 Villa players were stading stone still.

    Mr Lerner, please please please sell the club, before YOU destroy it completely. Just leave the fans with a glimmer go hope. For the next home game we need to start a movement, a fan power base. Nobody should go to the Everton game, I mean nobody!!!!! An empty stadium should greet this shameful team and management.

    Please make it happen. Put pressure on ALL Villa Fans to stay away….Its one game to miss, Lets do it…!!! We could make the plight of VILLA fans on the world news headlines. An empty stadium for a premier league match would be famous global news, it would embarrass Lerner into and the players to fight or leave.

    The club is slowly dying anyway. Action like a total NO SHOW will not do any harm to the club or fans. Only to the greedy pathetic owner.

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