Villa 1-2 Fulham; Just not good enough!

Fulham hadn’t beaten the Villa at home in around forty five years. Until today.
So that’s yet another record broken that we didn’t want and something that’s becoming all too familiar.

It was pretty much the same old, same old really.
We huffed and puffed and I can’t fault the players for their effort. Indeed they played a very pacey game, helped by a Fulham side that had little to lose in being a bit gung ho, something that you would expect to be to our advantage.
But the simple fact for me is that as low in the table as Fulham are, they just looked that bit better quality and had a fair bit more incisiveness about them.
Perhaps it’s down to our player’s inexperience, but I’m not sure I buy that excuse now.
It’s not as though they’re a bunch of 18 year olds is it?

No, what it boils down to is that we are simply not good enough.

I could go on about our chances, but at the end of the day it’s a pointless task.
We simply should not be having the double done over us by a team that beforehand was bottom of the table.
I could possibly live with it, if it was a freaky type of win; that sort of thing happens.
But it wasn’t.
Let’s not forget Fulham had the ball over the line a third time, all bar about a centimetre.
That’s about as close as you get to a goal and in the days before goal-line technology, it could easily have been given.
The ref didn’t give it anyway, but you know what I mean, I’m sure.
So it could have been 1-3 then.
Would that have been a fair result? Not really, but let’s take nothing away from Fulham, they probably deserved the win.
Which frankly says it all and begs the question that if you can’t beat the bottom side at home, who can you actually beat?
It would seem we have more chance of beating Man City than anyone around us in the table at the moment.

While I’m on a total downer, I might as well complain about our disciplinary record.
I believe we collected our 71st booking today.
The highest in the Prem.

Now while I know this doesn’t bother quite a few of you, who think that cynical footy is acceptable, I’m ashamed. This isn’t the Aston Villa I know.
For me the whole situation just isn’t good enough, something that it seems many of the fans who actually attended also think, from what I saw.
After we equalised, the crowd were great and really got behind the team.
Then when Fulham scored again, they started to leave in droves.
Give the fans signs of progression and hope and they’ll be there for the team.
The trouble is, I don’t see any signs of either.


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  1. MorganVilla
    MorganVilla April 5, 2014 at 9:18 pm . Reply

    Has anyone noticed Lambert gets very Scottish when we lose its almost impossible to understand him

    Lambert Out

  2. Jay Dee
    Jay Dee April 5, 2014 at 9:35 pm . Reply

    Had enough

  3. MorganVilla
    MorganVilla April 5, 2014 at 10:04 pm . Reply

    First time we have lost 10 home games in season in our 140 year history. He is officially the worst manager we have ever had

  4. ianrobo
    ianrobo April 5, 2014 at 10:14 pm . Reply

    blame Lambert, easy .. ignore the real cause – Lerner

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath April 5, 2014 at 10:30 pm . Reply

      Fuck me senseless with a ragmans trumpet! Where did you spring from 🙂

    2. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath April 5, 2014 at 10:36 pm . Reply

      Wasn’t Lerner that bought the players or picked the team or did the tactics was it. Though Lerner should go to but no chance of that at the mo

      1. ianrobo
        ianrobo April 5, 2014 at 10:45 pm . Reply

        then pointless really because if you scream Lambert Out the idiot in charge just picks the nest idiot as manager who is doomed to fail

        1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
          OohAhPaulMcGrath April 5, 2014 at 11:36 pm . Reply

          So what’s the answer?

          1. ianrobo
            ianrobo April 6, 2014 at 12:11 am . Reply

            until fans boycott, do not buy season tickets, put loyalty aside there is not one

            1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
              OohAhPaulMcGrath April 6, 2014 at 12:47 am . Reply

              True and I agree but 20,000 plus muppets will still renew so Lerner basically gets the green light. Even if fans boycott it makes fuck all difference to Lerner as sky is his main income what the supporters bring in is peanuts in comparison

          2. ianrobo
            ianrobo April 6, 2014 at 10:36 am . Reply

            You think 20K will renew ? see no chance of that

            1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
              OohAhPaulMcGrath April 6, 2014 at 11:03 am . Reply

              We usually get that whatever happens ian. The villa pr machine will be in overdrive soon linking us with £15-20m players that we Havnt a hope of getting. As per normal people will be taken in by it

    3. Villain75
      Villain75 April 6, 2014 at 3:17 am . Reply

      Exactly ,it’s the no money issue not the manager

    4. Villain75
      Villain75 April 6, 2014 at 3:20 am . Reply

      Its not lambert,anyone who’s knows football can see that the players are shit,that’s because lambert HAS to sign shit players to get any good(well paid) players off the books,Guadiola would struggle if he had this team to work with,who ever takes charge will have the same issues,the issue is Learner and his cost cutting(disguised as a “project”)because he wants to make money from the villa and not lose it,so if lambert was to be sacked or resign then nothing will change,the next manager will still be expected to manage a team worth £30 million in it’s entirity that’s the issue

      1. Villan1
        Villan1 April 6, 2014 at 8:59 am . Reply

        Granted Lerner is an absolute disgrace but that shouldn’t mask Lambert’s shortcomings as a manager, he is a mumbling, arrogant prat who cannot organise team tactically. Lerner out, Lambert out!

        1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
          OohAhPaulMcGrath April 6, 2014 at 11:06 am . Reply

          Spot on

  5. MorganVilla
    MorganVilla April 5, 2014 at 10:19 pm . Reply

    Getting Lerner Out is going to be harder. I agree that something is rotten at the club but i have to say that Lambert is to blame for todays result and the results against Palace and Stoke. Tactically so bad, what position was Bertrand playing.

  6. Benno
    Benno April 6, 2014 at 12:40 am . Reply

    Dont get me wrong, i think the problems at the club run deeper than just Paul Lambert and his coaching staff. However, over the past 2 seasons they have proved themselves incapable of moving Villa forward. We need to ship them out now before they end up taking us down.

    The hierachy at Villa is an issue for another time. Lerner, Faulkener and co. are on borrowed time too.

  7. Villan1
    Villan1 April 6, 2014 at 8:56 am . Reply

    All other 19 PL chairman would have sacked Lambert by now, the 1 exception being Lerner. We have the worst manager in the league and the 2nd worst owner after Tan (although at least Tan attends matches and seems to care so maybe Lerner is the worst). I am totally and utterly embarrassed to be a Villa fan. 12 home defeats in league and cup, absolutely shocking.
    I feel for the ST holders who have wasted their hard earned cash on another diabolical season, just glad I gave it up a couple of years ago as every defeat is so predictable.

  8. MorganVilla
    MorganVilla April 6, 2014 at 8:57 am . Reply

    I dont understand how anyone can still back Lambert. We have our off field issues with the finances but i think that is another can of worms. Lerner does not do the tactics and its the tactics that have let us down. We have also played some decent football under Lambert especially the second half of last season, this season we have been awful in pretty much every game bar 3 or 4 matches.

    If we had not put in the performances against Liverpool or Chelsea then yes we can turn on the chairman whole heartedly but the fact is we have and that has not helped Lamberts cause. Also look at Palace they have the poorest squad in the league and yet they are set up week in week out to get a result. I dont like the way Pulis gets his tea,s too play but it gets results and he is very astute when it comes to tactics. I feel that this sumer is the one where Lerner has a chance to respond to the fans and the so called transition period. At this moment in time this seasons poor showings are imo Lamberts fault. We have been lucky again that there are worst teams in the league than ourselves or teams.

    Lambert has to go and although i feel the same about Lerner as others i am willing to give him one last go as long as he sacks Lambert, because in all fairness Lambert is no premier league manager. I dont know who we should have in to replace him all i know is after nearly two seasons we have given him enough chances and he is simply not good enough

    1. ianrobo
      ianrobo April 6, 2014 at 10:39 am . Reply

      Lambert goes and who do you think would replace him ? Under the current rules at the club then the answer is another dumb idiot who fans will be calling to be sacked within months because on the wage limit you can not get the quality in.

      do not compare to the likes of Palace as well because for small promoted clubs the situation is different in terms of expectation etc. ask Lambert about the difference between Norwich and Villa.

      1. MorganVilla
        MorganVilla April 6, 2014 at 10:56 am . Reply

        I dont disagree with what you are saying my point is Villa have put in the odd good performance that tells me the players are capable of better if they were set up properly. If the tactics were set up right we would be safe we should have beaten Palace, Stoke, West Ham and Fulham that is a lot of points dropped. If we were in the position of beating these teams and Lamberts budget was still very tight next season then yes lets turn on the owner. In all fairness i would not let Lambert loose with any money atm. The time to judge Lerner is next season no excuses they announced this year that the transitional period was finished so this summer with the bomb squad all but gone then we can start looking at Lerner and his intentions as there will be nowhere to hide.

        At this moment in time the problem is clearly Lambert he has signed nearly 20 players if they were that bad then maybe he should have signed 10 at twice the quality.

        I am not lerners biggest fan but he does not pick the players, scout the players, pick the tactics and take training that blame lays at the feet of Lambert.

        Lerner must now realise if you dont invest in this league then you get relegated i am sure he must know this by now

        1. ianrobo
          ianrobo April 6, 2014 at 11:22 am . Reply

          Every team puts in ‘odd good performances’ you have to ask why they are never followed up … that is 100% Lambert’s area but I would argue even shit can rise occasionally to the top.

          Do you really think a midfield that has Westwood playing every game can compete ? Do you really think the cash is there to get better no matter whom the manager is ?

          1. MorganVilla
            MorganVilla April 6, 2014 at 12:01 pm . Reply

            Lambert has to go his decisions are all over the place, we lost to a team yesterday that has lost 22 games, was rock bottom of the table and to top it all off were playing without a striker. In fairness to Fulham they could have easily got another couple of goals.

            Lerner is not in the clear but the anouncements from the board have indicated we will be in a better financial position this summer than than in recent years. I dont trust Lambert with money and feel if he was given more money to spend he will waste it ajd put us back to square one.

            lambert should be sacked, i cannot see him doing anything other than getting us relegated.

            Lerner should be given one more season before we turn on him and this is only because the board have announced the books are balanced.

          2. OohAhPaulMcGrath
            OohAhPaulMcGrath April 6, 2014 at 12:17 pm . Reply

            Look at oak ace they beat Chelsea and built on it. We beat them and go backwards. You can only blame lambert for that not Lerner

    2. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath April 6, 2014 at 11:08 am . Reply

      Well said Morgan

  9. Bill Pearson.
    Bill Pearson. April 6, 2014 at 9:37 am . Reply

    Good point Morganvilla, as long as the policy from Lerner is what you sell and make is yours to build I’ll go along with that, but question is has he stipulated that wages are capped and club has to support itself? at this time with the club its carry on regardless and by rights should be going down. Me as Oohah as said Lambert is inept in knowledge of the game of football, but don’t forget so are the coaching, all to me are cheap guys just good enough for park games. I will do what Robo saying no more of my money will go into Aston Villa and its a sad thing for me to do, but 70 years I’ve been doing just that throwing good money after bad returns.

  10. steve
    steve April 6, 2014 at 9:51 am . Reply

    The 2 season ticket holders (54years and 59 years) next to me have had enough and after all those years are not renewing. I am one who believes that all managers should be given time but Lambert is just tactically incompetant. If he stays my 38 year run is also coming to an end.

  11. TED
    TED April 6, 2014 at 12:14 pm . Reply

    Morgan your views show a complete lack of understanding. We have an awful manager and rubbish players one man only is to blame for their appointments that Man LERNER. Yes Lambert should go but you and the other, Lerner fanatics fail to see the next manager will be the same, nothing will change until Lerner goes. Lerner successfully deflects away from himself using managers to take flack HE manipulates fans such as you. WHY can’t you see Lambert has bought cheap rubbish on Lerner instruction the next manager will do exactly the same. You will the blame the next manager and again Lerner is free to run the club into the ground. Ask yourself TWO question if you are right and it’s mainly Lambert WHY is he still employed and why will he remain VIlla manger? Lerner OUT

    1. ianrobo
      ianrobo April 6, 2014 at 1:11 pm . Reply

      totally with you Ted and why people still continue to defend Lerner is well beyond my own comprehension. As we saw in the Ellis days the managers are only there for the owner to cower behind at Villa because fans in general are short sighted.

    2. MorganVilla
      MorganVilla April 6, 2014 at 2:06 pm . Reply

      I have not defended Lerner i have simply stated at this moment in time lambert is to blame for our current run of results.

      The club announced that the transitional period has come to an end, this may mean we have money to spend in the summer it may mean we dont. If we do can you see Lambert spending that wisely?

      This anouncement gives Lerner a stay of execution and for the first time in 4 or 5 seasons every fan will be able to see what Lerners intentions really are. It is quite possibly a load of flannel but if we pre empt everything anyone does before they do or dont then the argument is lost and all those that fully back the board will win with the usual nonsense fickle, negative argument. Sometimes you have to wait for the right moment to be proven wrong or right.

      Saying all of that Lambert has now had this and last season to show us what he can do, and it has not worked. League position is no argument has the bottom half of the prem have been so appallng it deflects the points argument and performance argument.

      Lambert simpy is not the right man for the job who is i dont know. No to Laudrup and Mackay as well or we will be entering the same old circle.

      I am nt disagreeing with anything you say but i am of the belief that you have to be patient to prove your point or peole will just think it is hot air

  12. Bill Pearson.
    Bill Pearson. April 6, 2014 at 12:39 pm . Reply

    Ted in a sense your right, but that don’t hide the fact that one is saying cut wages, the other saying OK I can do that and my idea is buy cheap and get the best out of cheap players, Ted its not fucking working ffs , he had the chance last year to take on two older players to train our youngsters, so he said no to Barrys agent, he knows he’s in the shit and still confound us with idiotic decisions, he should not accepted the job in the first place its to big a project for a none proven so called manager, and employs coaches that are useless to say the least.

    1. Bill Pearson.
      Bill Pearson. April 6, 2014 at 12:43 pm . Reply

      And yes Lerner is the fly in the ointment blame Doug Ellis he still has a boardroom and a row of seats plus an office in Villa Park the twat.

  13. Lionheart
    Lionheart April 6, 2014 at 1:56 pm . Reply

    LADS wake up and smell the COFFEE….!!

    Take the ROSE TINTED glasses off…!!

    Who in there RIGHT MIND will pay 200M for us….!!??

    Yes Lerner is to blame BUT who is going to buy us??

    Midlands football is in decline.. Aston is a sh!t hole.. the surrounding land is owned by the Council who would never sell…

    So again who in there right mind will pay 200M and then need a bare MIN 100M to even compete against the top four.. not forgetting the age bill..

    Second prize is the Europa Cup and no one wants that..

    So unless it is a mega mega rich guy we are stuck.. Hell Leeds is a better bet right now.. only club in a big City..

    We have to face facts..

    As for now.. PL has to go.. that is something that can happen.. he SHOULD NOT be our manager come the summer..

    1. MorganVilla
      MorganVilla April 6, 2014 at 2:11 pm . Reply

      The land surrounding VP is being turned into a business hub and i was of the belief had been invested in heavily by foreign investors due to its location with the M6.

      It is why the pub near the ground is re opening and the king Edward is closing down. A lot of people thought arab investors were interested in Villa, this was wrong because they were interested in the land surrounding Villa Park. I maybe wrong and typing this off the top of my head but i am sure i saw this on the news and in the press

      1. ianrobo
        ianrobo April 6, 2014 at 2:15 pm . Reply

        You are partly right, the council tried to pretend Arabs were interested in the City centre etc but nothing ever happened.

      2. Lionheart
        Lionheart April 6, 2014 at 2:17 pm . Reply

        Morgan.. a family member told me land was mainly owned by Council or Government and they would never sell.. not sure if he was giving the billy big bollox.. but that is what he said..

        Bham’s appeal is not great right now.. so unless it is a PSG Man City type takeover i would be astonished if someone else came in at that price..

        1. MorganVilla
          MorganVilla April 6, 2014 at 2:25 pm . Reply

          The council can still own the land and put it out as leasehold. I dont think we need a major investor just someone who is passionate about the club Bill Kenwright is an example of an owner who has a club running on a budget and really achieving something

          1. Lionheart
            Lionheart April 6, 2014 at 2:38 pm . Reply

            Morgan but who will be passionate enough to pay a 200M asking price.. and then invest 50M just to make us a Southmapton..

      3. Bill Pearson.
        Bill Pearson. April 6, 2014 at 2:27 pm . Reply

        Your not far out Morganvilla, and as for the land around Villa Park not all council land, Villa still has across from Doug Ellis and back and front of Villa itself.remember Deadly saying don’t trip the assets to the club. And yes it was stated that Witton is earmarked for development.

    2. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath April 6, 2014 at 2:50 pm . Reply

      how about an invester that puts money into the club and owns a percentage and will fund players in return. And the more success we get the more the investor gets back. A top business man will understand the speculate to accumulate principal even if it appears lambert dosnt

      1. Guest
        Guest April 6, 2014 at 5:35 pm . Reply

        That’s one of the biggest over-simplifications i’ve seen in a while.

        Stick to talking about something you know …. oh wait.

    3. BWS
      BWS April 7, 2014 at 3:28 pm . Reply

      OK LameHeart we’ll all sit on our hands and do fuckall as HMS AVFC sinks faster and further into the murky depths and disappears quicker than a Malaysian airliner.
      What a load of regurgitated old bollox with the same old Stockholm Syndrome excuses form the same old posters… (This lot just have must be working for Villa PR?).

  14. MorganVilla
    MorganVilla April 6, 2014 at 2:58 pm . Reply

    I dont know all i know atm is we have to change the manager its not just yesterday its a collection of performances. A lot of people are annoyed and if Randy sticks with Lambert i cant see half the fans renewing. Its on every forum and even fans who have backed him are now changing opinion.

    We could dissect everything but its simple Lambert is not the right man for the job. I dont dislike him and i am sure he will be fine in his next job taking an under performing Norwich and having them over achieving. His CV will not be to damaged by his time at Villa either. We need someone on now so they can get a look at the players and move us on

  15. belcs
    belcs April 6, 2014 at 3:16 pm . Reply

    You know part of me doesn’t want us to break the 40 point barrier because then Faulkner and the other twats on the board can’t lie through their teeth about the progress under Lamberk.
    Mcleish got sacked for less…… but the sheep gloss over it as they love Lamberk and his dour mumbling voice

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath April 6, 2014 at 3:20 pm . Reply

      spot on belcs

      1. Lionheart
        Lionheart April 6, 2014 at 4:50 pm . Reply


  16. billys boots
    billys boots April 6, 2014 at 3:59 pm . Reply

    the problem is belcs that destroys every one of your posts is your constant referral to fellow fans as sheep well we were all sold an idea that could possibly stop greedy players from taking the Manchester dollar it could still work but no way with Lambert in charge the players though not any way near the best have proven when the tactics and application is right that can beat anyone in this league

    1. Bill Pearson.
      Bill Pearson. April 6, 2014 at 4:49 pm . Reply

      The thing is Billy Boots he may have cracked the nut once or twice in the game but he doesn’t have the players to read games, plus he’s unable himself to understand what’s happening in the game, I’m a prat for going to the games knowing It ain’t going to get better,but I have no faith anymore in the setup,what’s going on now happened years ago and fans dug their heals in by not going, the club had no answer they started to let kids in on the cheap, they gave concession for the elderly, what’s the club doing now ringing up asking you to buy now at cheap rates next year’s if you buy now is cheaper. Its now a joke to be a Villa fan and I don’t like it, so fuck them no tickets, no merchant goods and no Bill.

    2. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath April 6, 2014 at 9:27 pm . Reply

      I see Hughton been sacked at Norwich hopefully they will take lamberk back

  17. Jay Dee
    Jay Dee April 6, 2014 at 4:19 pm . Reply

    Lambert n Lerner the skidzzzzz in me pants UTV

  18. Longboy
    Longboy April 6, 2014 at 5:03 pm . Reply

    Belcs is spot on, doubtful we will make it to 40 anyhow so let’s see what happens next!

    Ian is also spot on, this board only think about money, the piss poor renewal numbers did for Mcleish, the same has to happen to move out Lamberk! Not sure how poor these numbers have to be to force Lerner to open his wallet (or leave)

  19. Jay Dee
    Jay Dee April 6, 2014 at 5:23 pm . Reply

    I won’t be going again anytime soon players,football utter shite

  20. Jay Dee
    Jay Dee April 6, 2014 at 5:23 pm . Reply

    We will go again and play shit

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