Villa 3-2 Everton; Did we look like losing this?

First off, let me say what a fantastic advert for the Premier League that was. It’s no wonder it’s the most watched league by far, as nowhere else can you see a game ebbing and flowing the way it did today, especially when you consider it was nearly top of the league against the bottom. Would you get that in La Ligue? Doubtful, at least the vast majority of the time. Consider Forest beat Liverpool on their own patch today too.

It just had everything, in Everton taking an undeserved, but typical Aston Villa type game lead. They even went on to lead 2-0 too, even though we’d spanked them for the first 20 minutes, with some good pressing and some lovely, rapid one touch play. Was anyone surprised when that happened? I wasn’t and not being young, I very much suspect I wasn’t alone.

Which brings me to my big concern. I don’t want to put a dampener on things, but today’s approach was a case of “we’re gonna score one more than you”. And while that can be great to watch, it’s almost always unsuccessful. Maybe Unai thought we could go that way today and fortunately, if so, he called it right.

But I doubt that was the case and he’ll surely have been as disappointed as I was at the way we were breached so easily. Was there one strong Everton attack that we managed to resist? If so I don’t remember it or at least it didn’t impress me much.

We look weak at the back and quite simply, Champions league teams will rip us to pieces; certainly the better ones, if that’s all our defence can muster.

Still, today, I prefer to think that Unai was more interested in attacking Everton and ultimately, it worked.

Ollie looks miles off it to me, but proved me totally wrong in getting two goals. He missed another he should have buried, but given the result, I can live with it. No doubt if we’d lost I’d have been complaining like mad, but that’s what it’s about isn’t it? He said himself he’s not 100%, so again we can’t complain.

So why not play Duran from the off and give Ollie a rest? The youngster thinks he’s better than Ollie and certainly looks the better out and out striker. But his time will come and it isn’t just yet, in my opinion. Keep doing what you’re doing Jhon and you’ll be playing when you look more likely than Ollie.

The world really is his oyster at the moment and he’s so young too.

So who played well and who didn’t?

Rogers looks so threatening and is very much like Ramsey, in exactly the driving type of midfielder I like to see. To have two of these types is great and we saw exactly why today. Rogers played well and Ramsey not so well. We always have that big attacking threat is the point.

Tielemens pulled loads of strings and was a close second for me. He’s really starting to look like the player we thought he was and made things tick.

Watkins also has to be up there, although I’m not so prone to praising strikers for doing there basic requirement, but when you consider how far off it he looks, he did well. I do find it concerning that he doesn’t look happy in his play of late, but I’m inclined to think he might be mentally jaded more than anything.

And of course, Duran “the petulant” also did well. Along with the longest distance goal this season, he also hit it with such a curl, it’ll be remembered by many this season. He also did a nice chest down and high level scissor kick that would probably have surpassed his first if it had gone in. “Dangerous” is definitely the word, where he’s concerned and while I still think Ollie is by some way the better player, he now doesn’t look quite the liability he did a while back and I’d be perfectly happy for him to come on against any team. Including the likes of Bayern, which is some praise coming from me, seeing as I wanted him gone just weeks ago, because I thought his attitude was irretrievable. No doubt Unai’s word in his ear has worked. I’m happy to say that’s great, if so.

I’m not going to say too much about who didn’t play well, especially when they were mostly young lads, but John McGinn will be able to take it. I thought he also looks off it. Being played out wide definitely takes from his game, but no doubt he’s just doing as he’s told and playing for the team.

I still think we need another RB, but it is what is.

So a great win, although I’d have been going nuts if we’d lost.

Does that make me fickle or is it just an indicator of those fine dividing lines that the Prem is all about?



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  1. BFR
    BFR September 14, 2024 at 8:49 pm . Reply

    Definitely need a top class right back!
    Ollie said he’s got a few niggles. Give it time. What I will say is he’s such a good guy and there’s a trap there in starting to feel jealous and resentful of Duran’s plaudits and favourable comparisons. Ollie’s record over several seasons speaks for itself. Don’t fall into that trap!


    Oh, and I want a clean sheet on Tuesday. Please!

    1. The Ron Saunders Stand
      The Ron Saunders Stand September 14, 2024 at 9:17 pm . Reply

      Just had a butchers at Young Boys form (you have to be careful how you Google that 😂)
      They’re not looking to
      clever, conceded 14 and scored 7 in 6 matches.
      We should be ok for that clean sheet.

  2. little8
    little8 September 14, 2024 at 9:32 pm . Reply

    Sooooo made up what a a fightback wooo hooo

  3. Sidforever
    Sidforever September 14, 2024 at 10:40 pm . Reply

    Emery is a genius. Never complains and gets the job done time in, time out. He has a 53% win rate- amazing. He wins games, even when we think we won’t. And now, despite the injuries, he now has 5 players he can bring on to change a match. 3 out 4 Premier matches have been won by the subs he used.

    And finally, Jhon Duran, please keep scoring special goals.

  4. Hitchens60
    Hitchens60 September 14, 2024 at 10:52 pm . Reply

    I think Ollie’s struggling, physically and mentally. I also think the Euros took a lot out of him as they have with many players. It’s up to Unai to manage that and the relationship between Ollie and Duran – the latter being his obvious successor if we can hold onto him.

    Emery said Duran has provided him with a challenge – can we play with two strikers and how does he (Emery) accommodate that? Good problem to have!

    McGinn is prepared to do a job wherever Unai wants him to play – what more can you expect from our captain? Agreed – he’s wasted on the right wing and we missed Bailey big time – hope he’s back soon.

    Any manager wants problems over who to select and when Bailey, Kamara and Mings are back he’ll have plenty!

    Good to see Buendia get a few minutes.

    On the right back, I would like to see Unai give Ned Kelly a run – by all accounts he impressed on his recent international debut.

    Thought Tielemans was excellent and Barkley also did well – neat and tidy. Onana, I suspect, found it difficult playing against his former team and he was definitely targeted – Emery was right to pull him off at halftime.

    Young Boys (strange name) on Tuesday – will definitely need to tighten up in defence but I think we have enough in midfield and up front to worry even the best teams.

    1. OLL again
      OLL again September 15, 2024 at 4:23 pm . Reply

      Young Boys is not such a strange name. In their early days it was boys athletic clubs in Europe who introduced football and several adopted Young Boys – in local language Jeunesse or Juventus. Often the town is added to distinguish – but here this Young Boys has a problem.
      To English ears – Young Boys Wankdorf sounds like the budget option at a brothel.

      1. DSVilla
        DSVilla September 15, 2024 at 8:27 pm . Reply

        Drove past signs for Wankdorf on my way from Bern to Bavaria. Made me chuckle

  5. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson September 15, 2024 at 8:57 am . Reply

    McGinn it’s not his position, he’s a player that likes to be in the mix not sitting out on the wing , Onana was at fault and EMI could see that he was also lacking on the day. All what we sore was player out injured and players being given positions they are not used to. Let’s be great full we had players that knew what they had to do. Great entertainment and you can bet media will now be looking at us as a team to watch. Well done the lads .

  6. Bum Bum
    Bum Bum September 15, 2024 at 9:47 am . Reply

    Agreed that McGinn is not best utilised anywhere but in the middle but he does what he’s asked. Chesty was great. No complaints and no idea why Ollie had a go when he marginally missed connecting in the 6 yard box. Teillemanns loves his position and is thriving. Pau and Konsa seem to be pushing forward more than usual, Digne’s cross for Ollie was sublime. A bit foxed as Ollie doesn’t look happy and he should have scored 3 or 4. Onana had a bit of an off day, maybe tired from the Internationals? He took a knock then Barkkey fitted on seamlessly at half time. Ramsey did well but is still getting back to his best.
    Buendia coming on was a great moment and wanted the ball from the off. I think he’ll be unstoppable in a few weeks. Duran…Wow!
    Humphrey? Hmmm…hurry up Matty! We need you back. That’s a weak link at the moment. We really need to tighten up at the back otherwise teams who are fast on the break will tear us a new one…
    Emi will be disappointed letting in 2 goals too…
    Cracking game that demonstrated a real mental resilience. Brilliant stuff. Bring on Tuesday’s match!!! I hear their fans main chant is ‘Come on the Young Boys’! Yuk! 🤣

    1. OLL again
      OLL again September 15, 2024 at 4:38 pm . Reply

      Yes Bum Bum. Considering we had the World #1 in one goal and the England #1 in the other, the first 3 goals resulted from poor anticipation and positioning.
      I moaned in recent seasons that opponents never seemed to gift us the really soft goals Villa conceded, but here was the exception. Everton passed straight to Watkins 4 yards out for the leveller.

  7. Bum Bum
    Bum Bum September 15, 2024 at 3:36 pm . Reply

    Did any protest of any note actually take place yesterday???

  8. Alfie Ricketts
    Alfie Ricketts September 15, 2024 at 4:24 pm . Reply

    The one strong attack that we were fortunate to avoid conceding in probably would’ve been Dominic Calvert-Lewin’s crossbar bound strike, but to be honest, we looked quite weak defensively, Torres did not have his best game by any stretch of imagination.

    To the positives, we looked levels above them all game, and we pulled off a Man City-like comeback today, and I had no doubt that we would still win when we were 0-2 down, and that’s a promise.

    I don’t want to give so much credit to a game that could’ve been a lot less tight, but overall this season we have actually looked superb, as much as people might feel as if it’s necessary to dig out the negatives, I genuinely think superb is the correct word for our start.

    Wolves upcoming in the Premiership, a big let down should we lose or draw that, but I am confident, we just can’t concede early against them like we did today, as they will make it extremely difficult for us to get back into the game.

    As for outside the “Barclays” as I’ve heard so many people call it in the past few days, my eyes are set to Young Boys away, can’t attend, but I can’t wait to watch that, it will be a magnificent atmosphere from both perspectives I’m sure, and we have a seriously good chance to kick off our Champions League campaign with a solid victory.

    Overall, happy Alfie this weekend as difficult to please as I am, onwards and upwards, U, T and V 🙂

  9. OLL again
    OLL again September 15, 2024 at 4:30 pm . Reply

    Duran! A strike of that power is a once in a generation talent. If you were there to see it you will remember it forever. the names Bobby Charlton, Peter Lorimer, Malcolm MacDonald and Alan Shearer come to mind. Jhon hit a similar strike in a European tie last season.

    1. BFR
      BFR September 16, 2024 at 6:58 am . Reply

      Don’t forget Tony Yeboah. Inbelievable. And our Dalian! He beat prime Schmeichel at his near post in 93, such was the power in his shot! Rudolph even got a massive paw to it but couldn’t keep it out. The look on his face was priceless. Rare strikers have that kind of power. Keep launching em Jhonny!

      1. BFR
        BFR September 16, 2024 at 6:58 am . Reply


      2. BFR
        BFR September 16, 2024 at 7:01 am . Reply
        1. Hitchens60
          Hitchens60 September 16, 2024 at 7:26 am . Reply

          Not just the power of the shot but the skill in the pick up and then run with the ball before shooting. He was some player Dalian. HEITS.

          1. BFR
            BFR September 16, 2024 at 2:38 pm . Reply

            Exactly, Hitch!

  10. villaawayindiv3
    villaawayindiv3 September 15, 2024 at 7:19 pm . Reply

    Very bad news circulating about Gay Shaw today.
    Hope its not correct.

    1. Bum Bum
      Bum Bum September 15, 2024 at 8:26 pm . Reply

      What have you heard???

  11. Bum Bum
    Bum Bum September 15, 2024 at 8:26 pm . Reply

    5.45 KO on Tuesday boys.

  12. Badger123
    Badger123 September 15, 2024 at 8:36 pm . Reply

    I believe Gary Shaw has died 🙁
    I had a Pool fan on Friday asking about him, but I didn’t know any news. He described him as a fantastic player and after all this time from the fan of another club, that’s about as big a compliment as you can give.
    An incredibly nice, down to earth bloke too, from everything I heard about him.
    RIP and codolences to his family and friends if it’s true. 🙁

  13. Alfie Ricketts
    Alfie Ricketts September 15, 2024 at 9:30 pm . Reply

    Breaking it down

    Jonny Gould reported that he has passed away
    Kilmarnock FC official X account backed this claim

    Gary Shaw the boxing promoter passed away in April 2024, so I do not think it has been confused with him

    Tom Ross from Talksport has “been informed” that he is still in hospital and seriously unwell, Stan Collymore has thus backed this claim

    Looking like he is still alive at the moment, and Jonny Gould has some serious explaining to do.

    Hope this helps 🙂

    P.S I’m not claiming he is or isn’t dead, just breaking down all the significant sources online that have made claims regarding the rumours of Gary’s passing

  14. Hitchens60
    Hitchens60 September 16, 2024 at 7:28 am . Reply

    Nothing on the OS or main stream media – as yet.

  15. Bum Bum
    Bum Bum September 16, 2024 at 7:48 am . Reply

    Hey, come on lads. He may open his eyes and say ‘What the eff just happened’! Let’s keep our fingers and toes crossed for him.
    Come on Gary!!!!

  16. Tom
    Tom September 16, 2024 at 9:12 am . Reply

    Wow! I’ve just learnt the name of Young Boys Stadium.

  17. Texas Villan
    Texas Villan September 16, 2024 at 2:12 pm . Reply

    Sad news that Gary Shaw has passed. You could be forgiven for thinking Villa’s former players are cursed – with so many having died untimely deaths. It’s pretty insane. Dalian Atkinson, Jlloyd Samuel, Peter Whittingham, Ugo Ehiogu and now Gary. That’s pretty wild stuff.

    1. BFR
      BFR September 16, 2024 at 2:37 pm . Reply

      Paul Birch, Cyrille Regis, Les Sealey…

      1. Bum Bum
        Bum Bum September 16, 2024 at 3:17 pm . Reply


  18. Holte
    Holte September 16, 2024 at 2:28 pm . Reply

    Terribly sad news that Gary Shaw has passed away. A true Villa legend who won the biggest prizes for the club he loved. A brilliant striker who I was fortunate enough to see play. Without the injuries he suffered, he would definitely have been an England regular. Far too young and another Holte Ender in the sky. RIP!

    1. Ardent Villain
      Ardent Villain September 16, 2024 at 3:33 pm . Reply

      Completely agree. If it hadn’t been for that knee injury at Forrest a year after the Cup-win, he’d probably have been as famous as any England striker in history.

  19. Bum Bum
    Bum Bum September 16, 2024 at 3:16 pm . Reply

    Gary’s recovery wasn’t to be. Terrible news. It sounded as though he had everything going for him. RIP Gary, you were a star and a legend.

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