Villa-Hull; Protest during the game or not?

The last home game of the season has come around again and once again we’re perennial strugglers.
I’m stating the obvious there, of course, but it got me thinking about how the fans should react during this game, which I’ll be attending with two of my grandkids, my son-in-law and his father.

The truth is, I’m not even looking forward to it game-wise, although the atmosphere should be pretty good. Assuming we’re putting up a decent show, that is.
Which is the part that worries me.

The headline question I’ve asked should of course be a no-brainer. You support the team through thick and thin, particularly during the game.

But let’s say we are losing early on.
Then what?
Do we keep blindly supporting a team that might be taking us down?
Or should we voice the disdain that we apparently near enough all view the hierarchy in?

That’s my personal dilemma.
If we are indeed losing and looking as poor as we have mostly done through the season, especially at home and keep blindly supporting, we won’t be making a major point in the most powerful way we can ie chanting loudly for Lambert/Lerner/the board out.
That’s the part that gets shown on the news and chanting/protesting after the game has finished doesn’t do it, in my opinion.
And the whole lot of them will have basically gotten away with it.

I already know what most of the responses will be.
“You can’t create a negative vibe when the team needs us in such a dire situation”.
And those responses will be correct.
Even Lambert knows it and actually said it in a recent interview.
Football fans support, no matter what. It’s what we do.
Indeed, I can’t see myself protesting during the game.

But I’m wondering if it might be better for the club overall, if I do, in that it might drive the message home to Lerner and Faulkner.

What a state we’re in for me to even contemplate such a thing.


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  1. Jay Dee
    Jay Dee May 1, 2014 at 2:18 pm . Reply

    I don’t really wish for the Villa to go down I would hate it.I just can’t get my head around the way Lerners treated AVFC in recent times.I think giving the team 100% support and showing that the supporters carry out their duties for the team and AVFC and don’t sink to Lerners & Lamboners level.When the game is done sing out loud in proud.If the game is lost at half time then do your worst to show our disgust.Long Live Aston Villa……

    1. saddened
      saddened May 1, 2014 at 2:28 pm . Reply

      I agree Jaydee, its hard because if we go down it will affect Lerners pocket and so it should, but if we stay up we will be subjected to the same shite we’ve had for the last 4 seasons…. I really don’t see him selling up as he would have said “look I am off but this is on the condition we stay up” everyone would have been overjoyed…….This “I will talk to the fans after the end of the season” is all the usual bullshit the club spout, which happens about now along with crappy transfer rumours…

      1. Jay Dee
        Jay Dee May 1, 2014 at 2:39 pm . Reply

        I’m not buying into anything that sounds like or actually does involve AVFC.I will not spend another £ until I see change for the better at the club….UTV

        1. Jay Dee
          Jay Dee May 1, 2014 at 2:39 pm . Reply


          1. Bum Bum
            Bum Bum May 1, 2014 at 3:23 pm . Reply

            But JayDee, haven’t you seen the papers? We’re spending heavily on top rated players with the highest level of experience for next season! I’d snatch up that discounted ST today if I were u mate!!!! Everything is gonna be fantastic come August as the three stooges have each had a brain transplant!!! Whoooooo! Whoooooooooo! !!! Snarf! Snarf!
            What utter bullshit from the Villa PR spins machine all over again. Do they think we’re ‘completely’ stupid? Sigh…..

            1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
              OohAhPaulMcGrath May 1, 2014 at 4:50 pm . Reply

              Good news can’t wait for Ronaldo and Messi to come better rush out and get st now!!!

          2. Andrew
            Andrew May 1, 2014 at 6:15 pm . Reply

            I’m kind of wondering how ambitious we truly are when Hernandez, Holtby and Lescott are considered big players.

            1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
              OohAhPaulMcGrath May 1, 2014 at 6:25 pm . Reply

              Big players for us all better than what Wev got but that’s not saying much

          3. Andrew
            Andrew May 1, 2014 at 7:40 pm . Reply

            But since Benteke’s injured, is he gonna leave? Is Benteke, Kozak (who’s bound to come back soon too), Helenius (if he ever gets a chance) and Robinson not enough? Do we need another striker when we play… 1? A Holtby and a Lescott is arguably needed, but would you start Lescott over Vlaar or Okore when he comes back? Especially as Lescott’s wages would probably be as high as Gabby’s or Benteke’s. Plus if these are the best players we can get, and he considers them big (but then again these are media players for ya), then I’m still worried.

  2. billys boots
    billys boots May 1, 2014 at 3:20 pm . Reply

    villa park can be a very noisy place and has seen its fair share of protests but can you tell me of any that achieved anything. a mass noisy well published protest could have a negative effect of scaring of potential buyers

    1. Bum Bum
      Bum Bum May 1, 2014 at 3:26 pm . Reply

      Good point BB, but I think most (not all) mega rich dudes have thicker skins than most of us mortals. It could backfire, but on the other hand could read our protests for what they really are: passionate support for our mistreated club.

      GIDDYVILLAN May 1, 2014 at 3:30 pm . Reply

      No more like show a potential buyer we’re passionate about our beloved club & don’t want to be in this mire.

    3. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath May 1, 2014 at 4:51 pm . Reply

      Other teams protest like hull, utd etc. You wait and see if a utd are as bad next season there will be riots against the glaziers

  3. Jay Dee
    Jay Dee May 1, 2014 at 3:38 pm . Reply

    I will be waiting until after the summer to see who we buy if we stay up.Then I will decide if it will be worth spending my hard earned wages on tickets.If Lerner if still at AVFC doesn’t put proper funding to transfers/quality then I won’t be wasting my time & money on a club that lacks a passionate ambitious owner.UTV

    1. Jay Dee
      Jay Dee May 1, 2014 at 3:39 pm . Reply

      I urge you all to do the same

      1. Jay Dee
        Jay Dee May 1, 2014 at 3:39 pm . Reply

        I have drawn my line

    2. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath May 1, 2014 at 4:48 pm . Reply

      Exactly jay dee no point in committing now. We don’t even know what division we will be in. Iv decided not to get ST whilst Lerner and lamberk are still here. Even if they went and signed holtby and lescott it won’t be enough for me. Complete wholesale changes are needed and you can be sure if Lerner is in charge even if he bought a couple of decent signings in it will be at the expense of selling Benteke next jan. He is like the Tory government gives with one hand, takes with another. For me to renew I want new owners and new manager. All my mates who are regular ST holders in different parts of the ground have said they refuse to renew until we know where we are going and they all want lambert and Lerner out even if we beat man city 25.0.

      1. Jay Dee
        Jay Dee May 1, 2014 at 4:53 pm . Reply

        Lerner needs to be given a message by all that if he carryssick on fuckin with the Villa no supporter will go to VP

        1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
          OohAhPaulMcGrath May 1, 2014 at 5:16 pm . Reply

          Unfortunately there are thousands who are stupid enough to renew. More fool them imo

      2. Bum Bum
        Bum Bum May 1, 2014 at 6:05 pm . Reply

        Lerner is also like Labour – pisses good money up the wall, gets tied up in debt with no visible results.

  4. Jay Dee
    Jay Dee May 1, 2014 at 4:54 pm . Reply

    Carrys on

  5. billys boots
    billys boots May 1, 2014 at 5:21 pm . Reply

    on a slightly different note i see we are linked with all these players and Lambert saying this bargain basement buying must stop well all the bargain basement players that we will get rid of are probably thinking well we may as-well play in the championship with villa and not bother playing for a win on Saturday this is either bad pr from the club or it would be a much better story for the media if we go down instead of the cockneys from fulham

    1. Andrew
      Andrew May 1, 2014 at 5:57 pm . Reply

      You gotta wonder how it makes these players feel. Would you try hard when your own manager basically calls you a bargain basement signing? It might motivate some as they know they’ll be replaced and need to play as well as possible to make sure they can stay in a possible big league, but this isn’t how you motivate your players for the last 3 games, by calling them bargain basement buys, we need better players and whatnot.

    2. Sir Earl Barrett
      Sir Earl Barrett May 2, 2014 at 2:30 pm . Reply

      Billy, he’d get a bit more respect from me if he actually admitted that the project had failed. It was his choice to go with inexperienced players and he’s now changed his mind with no recognition that he was wrong in the first place. Does he honestly take the fans for short term memory mugs? Please don’t forget that this was his doing in the first place, he never inherited a team of championship players, he bought the useless fools. Turn the light off when you leave Lamberk.

  6. Bill Pearson.
    Bill Pearson. May 1, 2014 at 5:41 pm . Reply

    You can read the signs now, panic at the club, the thinking is if we don’t put out the PR that coming out now like we are going to spend big, top names coming, the supposedly new owner won’t buy, its put the shits up Lerner he won’t get what he wants. Me not getting sweet FA from Villa till I see in Black and White change ,and new faces. f;:k um till then.

      GIDDYVILLAN May 1, 2014 at 6:00 pm . Reply

      Same here mate,enoughs enough.

    2. Jay Dee
      Jay Dee May 1, 2014 at 7:01 pm . Reply

      That’s it Lerner has to put in in a respectable way worthy of the Villa.Goes around comes around

  7. Langfordvilla
    Langfordvilla May 1, 2014 at 6:20 pm . Reply

    No ST for me next season unless Lambert, Lerner are both gone and the new owners (?) spend a ‘significant’ amount of money with a decent manager at the helm.
    We will NOT be relegated
    Fuck off Lambert and Lerner, the Villa is OURS!

    GIDDYVILLAN May 1, 2014 at 6:28 pm . Reply

    If Lerner isn’t willing to spend money why the FUCK should the fans. Hi LANGFORD

    1. Jay Dee
      Jay Dee May 1, 2014 at 7:02 pm . Reply

      Agree totally

    2. Langfordvilla
      Langfordvilla May 1, 2014 at 9:02 pm . Reply

      Hi giddy…hows you mate. I am right pissed off with the joke that Villa have become!

        GIDDYVILLAN May 1, 2014 at 9:08 pm . Reply

        Likewise mate,hopefully there is a change on the’s pretty SHITE being a VILLA fan atm >:)

  9. billys boots
    billys boots May 1, 2014 at 6:40 pm . Reply

    with all these projected fees and wages being bandied around i think i would of rather we kept young =, downing, milner,Barry,and with bent playing in the middle of that lot now theirs a nuclease to take to the world cup instead of three ruined careers because of penny pinching

  10. Bencey83
    Bencey83 May 1, 2014 at 7:03 pm . Reply

    But none of those players wanted to stay at Villa once they got a better offer, except Bent who didn’t get a better offer.

  11. Bencey83
    Bencey83 May 1, 2014 at 7:04 pm . Reply

    Support the team during the game. Protest after the final whistle, regardless of the result.

    1. COE1982
      COE1982 May 1, 2014 at 7:57 pm . Reply

      Totally agree bencey, don’t get all these people say we should protest from start to finish? We need to win this game and the team need every bit of support but some people would sooner rather jeopardise PL safety to prove there point. Win, lose or draw protest should start when the game has ended.

      1. Andrew
        Andrew May 1, 2014 at 8:00 pm . Reply

        But the thing is is what’s gonna change from all 35 games to this one? Have they not been backed all season and have they not put in pathetic, dull, not a care in the world performances 95% of the time?

        1. COE1982
          COE1982 May 1, 2014 at 8:09 pm . Reply

          I know where your coming from but why make things more difficult before the game has even started? I want Villa in the PL next year so I will support them in trying to achieve that in the 90 minutes! Plus none of these protest will happen before the game, by the time we kick off Small Heath could be already relegated and there will be a joyous mood come kick off hopefully….

          1. Andrew
            Andrew May 1, 2014 at 8:25 pm . Reply

            Eh, I get it, but I’m more just annoyed that these calls for support from Lambert, the players and such when the players have always been supported and they’ve done nothing with it. But you don’t have to worry, no one’s gonna actually protest before/during the game, unless Villa start losing.

  12. billys boots
    billys boots May 1, 2014 at 7:33 pm . Reply

    yeah but they were in a privileged position and saw what was coming hence downing s comments about staying, as soon as possible they all ran

  13. belcs
    belcs May 1, 2014 at 11:01 pm . Reply

    The Stoke – Fulham game is of more relevance tbh as I know we’re going to get 0 points already. Our survival hinges heavily on that game.
    Also, surely the club wouldn’t dare do a lap of honour on the back of this truly appauling season, or would they, who knows with the muppets in charge. It’s better for everyone’s sake they don’t as it will only result in abuse being thrown at all involved in a less than half empty stadium. Though Lamberk and co could do with hearing a few home truths.
    Nevertheless, I am confident that this will be the final wretched home game under the worst and most dislikeable manager to have ever graced our great club. I just sincerely hope it is also the last game at Villa Park with Lerner and Faulkner. not that it makes any difference where Lerner is concerned, surprised he can even remember where VP is given the time frame since his last visit.

    1. Andrew
      Andrew May 2, 2014 at 5:10 am . Reply

      I dunno, I do think Villa can get a point against Hull, but either way, a walk of honor is a joke. Final whistle goes, should be a walk out despite the result. Wouldn’t give them the time of day.

  14. markdrapernumber8
    markdrapernumber8 May 2, 2014 at 8:57 am . Reply

    We need only positive vibes tomorrow everyone, that will transfer through our televsision screens and for the fands travelling to VP, on to the field. Like I said to the missus late last year in a hospital ward, One last big push!

    Imagine, by 6pm tomorrow, we could potentially (and I really hope to) be looking at a Villa win and a Bolton win. Happy days all round!


  15. DSVilla
    DSVilla May 2, 2014 at 9:20 am . Reply

    I guess it’s up to individuals how they react. Ultimately, protesting/booing is letting off steam. It has been a long period of disappointment.

    I don’t think it will make any difference to anything that will happen though. I’m sure Lerner, Faulkner and Lambert all understand where fans are coming from. I also think decisions have already been made about next season. No idea if that means he is selling but I can’t see him leaving things as they are. If the statements about the accounts dealing with all the previous financial mess are true, there is an opportunity for Lerner to invest a decent sum without getting in the same mess.

    Holtby/Hernandez/Lescott? Don’t think so as the wages would be too high, and let’s face it, why would you move to Villa for any other reason?

    Let’s just hope we get over the line and whatever changes take place see next season being a lot more positive.

    1. BWS
      BWS May 2, 2014 at 10:40 am . Reply

      If something don’t change DS we are going to get dragged down it’s an inevitability.
      Looking on Wiki at the record of our nearest neighbours (who incidentally are the all time most relegated team from the top flight of English football) and it appears to be a pattern, Hover just above the relegation places for a few seasons then the trap door goes and down you go.
      They’ve done time and time again and we need to break the cycle before it’s to late (that’s if it isn’t already!)

        GIDDYVILLAN May 2, 2014 at 10:52 am . Reply

        Mate I’ll keep on saying it till my head explodes I feel we deserve the drop I do believe it’s our year.I’m fucked off with relying on other teams to bail us out. That surely can’t be right ?

        1. BWS
          BWS May 2, 2014 at 12:16 pm . Reply

          It’s bad mate, Villa relying on stoke to save us from the abyss, wtf is happing in the world? Three games and a possible 9 to play for, Giddy what’s your prediction on how many we’ll pick up?

          1. GIDDYVILLAN
            GIDDYVILLAN May 2, 2014 at 1:30 pm . Reply

            FUCK ALL MATE.

      2. DSVilla
        DSVilla May 2, 2014 at 11:12 am . Reply

        Totally agree BWS. There will be change. If you try to look at it from Lerner’s viewpoint, he will have seen the way we finished last season as a vindication of the new policy. With the additional investment made in the summer he would have expected a reasonable season.

        The way it has turned out means that he is hugely at risk of losing a great deal of money. There is no logic in looking forward to the same next season(assuming we stay up). Better to invest a decent sum based on increased Sky money and lower wage bill after some big earners leave. That’s if he stays. I am still struggling to see any truth in the takeover story. We should know soon enough, unless of course Lerner’s after season statement is just as cryptic as he recent one.

        1. BWS
          BWS May 2, 2014 at 12:37 pm . Reply

          That’s what I’ll never understand from the Gérard Houllier reign, he (GH) took ill McAllister took over and it was all looking peachy. Time then to put GH upstairs pulling the strings and McAllister running the playing side of things? Then imo we’d have been ok. But no Lerner went for complete wholesale change with McClown and just what the f**k that was about I’ll never know.

          Then the present incumbent, well imo you sorta have to feel for him.
          Is he up to the job? Well probably not but few managers could have done much with what he’s been given to work with but there again as you say DS, towards the end of last season it looked like it was all coming together so where did it go so horribly wrong this term?

          Lerner cut too much too quick, we needed evolution not revolution and his gamble just might cost him (and us) dear.

          1. DSVilla
            DSVilla May 2, 2014 at 1:36 pm . Reply

            GH upstairs would probably have been good for us. That said he did buy some crap at Liverpool. As for McAllister, I have a mate who played in a charity golf match organised by BMW or Audi just after Houlliers heart problems. One of the celebrity hosts was Gary McAllister. He (GM) had one too many and was spouting off about how he was going to be the next Villa manager. A few weeks later McLeish got the job.

            I think Lerner probably had to cut back as sharply as he did (from his need to get things in shape). It was still a big gamble and this year it could come back to haunt him. It will almost certainly happen next year if things don’t change.

    GIDDYVILLAN May 2, 2014 at 9:44 am . Reply

    Being the final home game wheather we win or lose, when the players do there walk of shame around the pitch fans should have their backs to them for a lacklustre season. Just a thought folks

    1. COE1982
      COE1982 May 2, 2014 at 9:48 am . Reply

      To right we should!

    2. Jay Dee
      Jay Dee May 2, 2014 at 10:29 am . Reply

      I agree do it

  17. Vaze
    Vaze May 2, 2014 at 10:47 am . Reply

    With you on this one DS.

    We are still in deep trouble, though I can’t see two clubs below us pulling off the required points. Good job, because I can’t see us getting another, but booing and protesting before the off isn’t the solution.

    I very much doubt that Randloph will base his decision on the club on whether he hears boos tomorrow or we all follow Giddy’s advice to humiliate the players when they come out with their families to thank us for our support through a shyte season.

    I’m in two minds on this one, best case is we move to some philanthropic billionaires, worst case is Lambert is given £20m or less to spend.

    Either way I’ll be there to see the never ending saga that is the Villa.

    PS – it’s the last day of the King Edwards tomorrow, be another decent match day boozer to go.

      GIDDYVILLAN May 2, 2014 at 1:38 pm . Reply

      Don’t you think the players have humiliated the fans? So we should go easy on them What a load of bollox.

  18. Jay Dee
    Jay Dee May 2, 2014 at 11:00 am . Reply

    Lose Saturday and other teams around us win we are down

    1. Vaze
      Vaze May 2, 2014 at 11:12 am . Reply

      Agreed, if we can’t get something at home to Hull whilst all the other sides below us win away, we probably deserve to go down.

      I really can’t see that happening.

      Here’s to home wins for Bolton and Villa !!!

  19. nath
    nath May 2, 2014 at 12:25 pm . Reply

    i hope the villa fans attending do support the worst villa team in living memory.i couldn’t care either way wot happens after the 90 minutes. this weekend should tell us which league we will be struggling in nxt year.

    Birmingham look like they are dropping another league.nice bet .villa stoke and bolton £10treble 🙂

  20. BWS
    BWS May 2, 2014 at 12:47 pm . Reply

    Sports Direct News
    Gianfranco Zola for Villa manager????

    1. Andrew
      Andrew May 2, 2014 at 12:59 pm . Reply

      Well it is a new name, but a bigger joke than Lambert if we got him.

      1. BWS
        BWS May 2, 2014 at 1:03 pm . Reply

        No I don’t get how that would be an advantageous or progressive appointment.

        1. GIDDYVILLAN
          GIDDYVILLAN May 2, 2014 at 1:33 pm . Reply

          What about dimatteo?

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