It seems we beat a mighty Mansfield Town second team today;,,10265~4013478,00.html
The trouble with this is, I couldn’t care less in the slightest and it really bugs me.
Surely Mansfield town should at best be seen as on a level with our academy kids? If the hype that we get spoon-fed about our academy kids is actually true, that is.
And would the squad playing against a load of kids normally warrant any kind of report? I doubt it.
I’m utterly bored with this type of stuff, which for me, can be summed up in “Okore had a run-out and didn’t collapse”. Same as for Unzog and his fabled injury (gardening leave, if like me, you don’t believe the BS), who should be well up for it, or totally pissed off (take your pick).
Which leads us back to Bent and Mutton.
Will they be willing to go balls out for the club after they’ve been right royally abandoned?
I doubt it, myself, but we’ll no doubt see.
I know the OS has to post something, but if this is as good as it gets in the closed season, we’re in trouble.
Show at least some ambition Villa and give us somthing to shout about, for god’s sake.
KI would be a minimum first signing, for me.
I don’t think he’s anything special, but he’s possibly better than anything we’ve got.
Which isn’t saying a lot.
Same could be said of the posts on here. Gotta post something, may as well post moaning shit for no good reason.
Haha. My sentiments exactly
Too true. It’s why I only cone back every so often. This site used to be one if the best. Now it’s just turned into a home for the moan.
Would you rather the OS didn’t report on friendlies? That would be weird wouldn’t it? This isn’t a PR attempt, this is actual fact. There’s a lot of things to have a go at the club about but surely this isn’t one of them.
Friendlies are not worth the paper they are written on. Didn’t we beat some team 13.0 under dol some years ago and still has a shite season. Friendlies are to build up match fitness and try out new formations and players against shite opposition to make us look better than we are
If they didn’t report on them you’d come up with some conspiracy that we’re hiding our bad performances or something.
This level of friendly is to get some cash in the coffers of the hosts, sometimes in return for a favour done by the hosts’ manager. The result is unimportant but it is bad manners to win 6-0 even if you can.
There is a funny story of Villa playing Bournemouth for a beneficiary. The usual protocol is that the benefit boy is allowed to score first after which the visitors can take it seriously. When no home player had netted after 15, Psycho Evans asked a Bournemouth player to point out Francis Holland so Villa could let him waltz ‘through. “She’s in the Directors Box” was the reply. The widow of a recent player.
Well said Originallondonlion , people don’t see no farther than the end of their nose, correct,near local club looking for money and good relations for both clubs, Oohah you might see it that way but think of players having to show their worth, you now know long term players having pitch work out are coming back, I say good news.
Since when did you take over from Paul Faulkner Bill?!! 🙂
I’d have done a better job in the first case,still available if they needed me 🙂
Had we of lost I’m sure a negative post would of been submitted and rightly so. Fact we won and still a negative post gets submitted goes to show that no matter what goes on at the club, wether we win, lose or draw only the negatives will be submitted. Brilliant.
Yep I have to agree B6, it was the first friendly what else do we expect. of course their going to put up the rersult, it’s not PR it’s what is done!!!
Not true Wev put many a positive article up last season on the very rare occasion we had a decent result. As me and badger keep saying all posters are welcome to submit articles to us whether positive or negative and we will print them.
Oh for fuck sake – Can’t believe we won a friendly then the Villa had the cheek to report on it. Hate it when clubs report on how their teams do in games!!! Wouldn’t catch City, Man Utd or Chelsea doing it……Oh wait a minute………………………….
Congratulations you are the next idiot post!
Irony is when you report on something you don’t think you should report on it. Some of us actually wanted to know what happened.
Surely the next post……was you…….!!!
Badger…have you lost the plot mate?
Wow what’s the big deal????we won a friendly & now it’s turned into a PR stunt,can’t the club just let us know what’s going on & off the field without fans thinking there’s an alteria motive behind me it’s now getting extremely boring.
Boring,boring negativity….continously! FFS, we played a friendly game, we won, whats the problem with reporting it? I dont understand why this is seen as a PR stunt. The negativity on here is getting a bit too much for me! Would you rather the club reported nothing? We suffer enough silence from Lerner. I say that the club should report as much as they can about everything Villa related.
There is NO ulterior motive…simply a report on a game! Get over it! I have got to say that some of posters on here deserve a shit club. The new season is only 4 weeks away. If you cant be positive at the start of the season then you should find yourself another club. Please stop knocking the club that I love at every opportunity…..its petty, boring, and it hurts.
We WILL finish top 10!
Langford, another shit decision Villa made , should have sold it to Sky,ITV, BBC, and BT, bad PR , we need a PR man urgent 🙂 could make Oohah happy if we let him be Villa’s PR. he thinks we are doomed again,dooooooomed, fuck it getting pissed to drown my sorrows,I’m a nervous wreck again, and we’ve not started yet.
Bill.we will be fine next season trust me mate. The ‘R’ word will not even get mentioned next season! BTW …ohaah makes me feel suicidal! 🙂
Very strange post. There are a few supporters who seem to delight in a wallow in The Slough of Despond. Prozac might help!
Not sure about top 10 langford but have alwasy liked your positivity on here.
Hitchens how’s the barbe go???can we get a bit more of an uplifting feel about things instead of this we’re fucked the club is finished rymans league here we come.bored shiteless with it
Top 10, if we get both Ki and Bendtner or their equivalent. What I do know for certain is that we certainly WONT be embroiled in another relegation scrap even if we dont buy anyone else! There are at least 8 teams in the division with inferior squads as it stands. I thing its just a question of ‘proper coaching and management’. I actually think that Roy Keane will be a big, positive influence on the squad!
“Proper coaching and management”, 2 things that are totally alien to Lambert.
Anymore news on the takeover with a Turkish connection Mr. “We will NOT be relegated?”
Lamberk you’ve got to have a dig anything else Is just unthinkable.
Giddy you know who that is, he goes bike rides. 🙂
Is he old enough to mate????
Ignore the silly little boy! He’s not capable of stringing two words together. ….little Small Heath boy I suspect!
Mate I’ll probably bang into him a week Saturday the SCUM are coming to town can’t wait.
I actually asked you a question.
No you were having a dig.
Giddy…give him one for me as well!
There is a tight little unit of people on here who have been probably been pentioned off.
It would be alot easier if you all took each others numbers rather than spouting your shit on here everytime someone dares to be critical of the Villa. Thay way we all wouldn’t have to read it.
I seem to remember all of you being very critical of Villa during last season and now its all been forgotten about bacause we have signed Phillipe Senderos.
The fact is there is NOTHING to be positive about and hasn’t been for 4 years.
The return of a proven goalscorer and English international in Bent. NZogbia who is a classy gifted attacking midfielder/winger and French international. Okore a promising centre back paired with Vlaar to potentially make a very strong defence. Kozak who makes goals look effortless and proven on a European level and of course Benteke who we know can match it with the premier leagues best.
With the addition of a bit more experience to help the young players to find their feet with exciting prospects coming through the youth..
and a hardened coach with a new view and ideas in Keane
Yep nothing to be positive about..
You must write for the Official Site?
Unfortunately for you.. no. However I do have a club I support and will always be excited to see them play no matter what…
Do you have a club to support little one? It seems you need one…
“Excited to see them play”, what are you 8?
Its people like you that are happy to keep funding our pathetic owner and while you do, then he will keep laughing at you.
Acceptance of mediocrity is a very dangerous road to go down.
Once a club like Villa drop, it just keeps dropping.
Darren…well said mate. Agree 100%. A much better season ahead. I ‘m convinced of that!
Definitely! Up the Villa!
Spot on there is fuck all to be positive about
Oohaah…I see your lovechild McGrath is spouting off in the papers. He is more or less urging Vlaar to join Manure… Mcgrath, Villa legend my arse….just a shit spouting pisshead who ripped Villa off for years…..disgracefu!
Utterly disgraceful remarks.
Paul McGrath is the best centre-half this club has had and will ever have
Yes…I expected that from you….McGrath, magnificent CB. Just showing you how easy it is to spread negativity…..but, then again, you dont need too much help!
If you have read Paul “God” McGrath’s autobiography, then you should know the problems that man had to go through.
He won the player of the year award for virtually every season he was with us and the PFA player of the year award in 1993.
Not bad for a, as you say, “a pisshead”.
You are vile and a complete disgrace.
Paul McGrath was utterly crap.always error prone. Nowhere near as good as Concrete Ron! 🙂
Who gives a fuck he’s doing us a favour talking up vlaar IMO no loss to the club. Let’s put it this way even with him playing we have the most unwanted records ever and just about manage to stay up. Without him we will still finish about the same. So who cares? I don’t anymore
‘Talk alot and say nothing’ springs to mind!
Good luck with your pessimistic attitude.. hope it works out for you. But ill continue with my positive and optimistic one thanks! Up the Villa!
lmao wot have i been missing loads of posts and i enjoyed reading um all 🙂 McGrath is god like 2 me as well, sad with ur comments on that one langfordvilla but i guess u maybe winding somebody up. anybody got any whispers on possible transfer incoming ?????
Nath…you read me well. Just making a point mate. Its a case of do you always have to be negative or,in my case, find a positive in every negative.
I reiterate……I am a massive Paul McGrath fan……but dont tell Lamberk! 🙂
no your secret is safe ~ i am confident about this season now ~ nice blend of experience and potential up and comings ~ i think, one more experienced CM like that ki just 2 cover in front of the back line and iam confident of a mid table finish. how many of us would enjoy that i think most would 🙂
Mid table…with no mention of the ‘R’ word would be refreshing? My liver/heart could not handle another ‘R’ battle…then again, I know it wont have to. Ki would be a very good signing IMO.
See you next year in rehab mate . 😀
Langford has that Lamberk fuck off he getting on my tits,(as they say) I’m sure its Robo, if its not, got to be his double type of twisted mind.
Bill I’m knocking the top off a bottle of nice malt feelings mutual mate UTV
Tut tut , best you’ve got, Hey Giddy just started mate 6 weeks holiday now, kids off school and on my way soon to Spain, all inclusive mate, I’ll have a few for thee mate.
Have a nice time mate.
Well, at least it got a few replies, didn’t it?
Which tbh, was the total intention.
I just have a bit of a bee in my bonnet about hype in general.
I’m much the sort who prefers people do less talking and let actions speak louder than words. Something the Villa aren’t doing of late.
Even the Albion, who haven’t got a pot to piss in, are basically embarrassing us and that’s just not good enough for me!
As I keep saying, there’s nothing going on at all wrt the Villa and it’s bloody difficult to think of things to write.
Anyone who has anything to say can feel free to put it up for review, where there’s every chance it’ll be posted.
Langford, top ten?
You’re joking make, I’m afraid to say.
Too many players who have basically been fucked over, in the squad, for my liking and it doesn’t bode well. Probably why Keane was bought in, to quell any dissent and back-biting imo.
Just how I see things at the moment mate.
Hopefully my view will change after our first 6 games or so.
Badger..yes mate my predictions are terrible..3 years on the bounce I told you we wouldnt get relegated. 100% correct, yes thats a terrible record mate! 🙂
I never ever said your predictions were terrible 🙂
I do think you might be wrong this year though.
We will not be top ten, imo.
Hi Giddy – Brabie going well, thanks. 2 large martinis down – now on the wine so feeling mellow!
If Lamberk is having a go at pensioners he can s*d off. Watched Villa for over 50 years so i know what really bad times are like!! Season ticket holder in the bad old dasy of the third division but eventually had to give it up through working in London. My three kids (2 girls / 1 boy) have all stood with the Villa Youth I’m proud to say.
We’ll be OK – not sure about top 10 but we’ll survive and look forward to better times under a new owner.
Hitchens you sound like my type of guy get it down yer if all BERK can do is pick on pensioners that’s without a T as spelt by a certain prick,I’m like yourself a villan through thick & thin.cheers UTV