Villa – Swansea; Big, big game and Sherwood needs a win


Well, the headline says it all really doesn’t it?
This is simply a massive game for Tim Sherwood and we all know the pressure he’s been under of late.
Indeed, it seems he might have heaped some on himself today, in suggesting that’ll he basically resign if he feels the need.
I’ve got a sneaky feeling that decision might even come as soon as tomorrow if we don’t get the win, so important is the game and I’ve no doubt that’ll please more than a few of us.

While I’ve been supportive of Sherwood up to now, mainly because I’m not convinced we’ll get anyone better in, I’m also becoming perhaps a bit more realistic about how grave our current plight is.
The simple fact is if we lose tomorrow our current form will be six played without a single point to our name. That’s frankly shocking and will surely leave Sherwood in an untenable position, where even if he doesn’t jump, the hierarchy may well sack him, even if they’re somewhat reluctant.

The possibly good news is that we don’t have any injuries at all. Of course Sherwood might not be particularly bothered about that if you believe the stories that he didn’t want at least some of them.
So the big question in that area is who is the manager going to play?
Does Gabby walk straight back in?
Will Lescott be dropped for Clark or Okore?

The truth is I don’t particularly care for this one match, as it’s not about the team selection.
It’s not about the tactics either really. I don’t care if he plays half the reserves and goes 1-8-1 either.
It’s simply all about getting the win at any costs and regardless of if Guzan mis-kicks it into their net or something similarly daft.

And I really do want us to win.
Because the club is pretty much on its knees at the moment and I just don’t want it to sink any lower.

The trouble is, I’m not convinced it’s going to happen and I think a point might be about as good as it gets.
Which won’t be good enough to appease certainly the fans or probably Fox and Lerner either.

1-1 then.


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  1. Andrew
    Andrew October 24, 2015 at 1:54 am . Reply

    Definitely rubbish, can’t see Villa going for a Coventry goal keeper. Mine as well have kept Steer if that was the case. We’ll look for real quality is my guess, but then again Sherwood wants experienced players and our worst players have been the experienced players Sherwood wants to play, so that doesn’t say much either. Wouldn’t trust his judgment on signing experienced players. Our best players haven’t been his signings. His have been by far the worst, bar Richards.

    Swansea are an incredibly hot and cold and they’re blowing cold right now. I can see a draw from this one.

    Anyone read that Sherwood said he’s still happy, and if he wasn’t happy he’d resign? Oh and the whole it’s a cup final bs that we constantly heard from Lambert from January on?

    1. BWS
      BWS October 24, 2015 at 9:21 am . Reply

      How do you know it’s rubbish? Where you there?
      Sherwood – can’t trust his judgment? How’d you know? Cause word on the streef has it Randy and his merry band of followers have been responsible for 99% of the signings, so just how do you come to your conclusions?
      Is it
      (a) You’re aged between 12 -16?
      (b) A sceptic Tank?
      (c) A member of the Lerner household?
      (d) All of the above?

        GIDDYVILLAN October 24, 2015 at 10:13 am . Reply

        LOL 😀

      2. Andrew
        Andrew October 24, 2015 at 2:46 pm . Reply

        Absolutely creative mate!!!

        However going off what the actual rumours of who Sherwood signed and who he wanted, it’s quite easy to see he has awful taste in players. 😉

    GIDDYVILLAN October 24, 2015 at 6:56 am . Reply

    0-2 Swansea I can see them being up for it more than us.lost total FAITH unfortunately.

    1. Im Ronny Pickering
      Im Ronny Pickering October 24, 2015 at 7:30 am . Reply

      Exactly, this is what all this is about, getting in young inexperience player’s, player’s that come to our club at the end of their playing days and having them on past what they where. Having a inexperienced owner, manger, and coaching staff on the cheap. Today is crunch day for Villa fans, the result? 2-2 and a manager gone.

  3. KentNielsen77
    KentNielsen77 October 24, 2015 at 7:30 am . Reply

    3-0 to Villa based on nothing but blind optimism. I’m starting to lose interest.

  4. Saddened
    Saddened October 24, 2015 at 7:36 am . Reply

    2-1 to the Villa to paper over the cracks, be adrift by 9 points before Xmas.

  5. Hitchens 60
    Hitchens 60 October 24, 2015 at 8:02 am . Reply

    Blimey – anyone got a packet of tablets to put me out of my misery?

    My daughter and granddaughter going today 3-1 Villa because they both deserve it.

  6. VTID
    VTID October 24, 2015 at 8:29 am . Reply

    Swansea win 2-0, I have absolutly no confidence at all .

    However if we win I think Sherwood will walk himself, and will then be saying I just needed to prove a point and the club never once backed me while I was going through the rough.

    1. Saddened
      Saddened October 24, 2015 at 8:33 am . Reply

      VTID, lets hope so…… I would love someone to come out and tell the fans exactly what type of shite goes on behind the scenes, and think Sherwood might just be the type that does so……. Unless Lerner pays him to keep quiet like the prevoius managers!

      1. Hitchens 60
        Hitchens 60 October 24, 2015 at 8:51 am . Reply

        Do you really think anyone is going to come in and then criticise the hand that pays them? Keep changing managers is not the solution nor will it open ‘the can of worms’ that everyone believes exists at the club. Face it, the players we have are not as good as some on here thought – me included but whatever you think of the pundits they called it right before a ball was kicked – squad isn’t good enough.

        1. saddened
          saddened October 24, 2015 at 3:40 pm . Reply

          H60 your probably correct, just want something to change.

    GIDDYVILLAN October 24, 2015 at 8:35 am . Reply

    As he’s got a fully fit squad will that mean ilori will be considered for a place on the bench cus since he’s signed there’s been FUCKall mentioned about him.

      GIDDYVILLAN October 24, 2015 at 8:47 am . Reply

      Ps just tried to find any latest on ilori all I found was article in the mirror early September can’t link the article & Sherwood seemed impressed with him on the training field & states signing him was a no Brainer so what’s going on there??

    2. Im Ronny Pickering
      Im Ronny Pickering October 24, 2015 at 8:49 am . Reply

      Giddy, he’s probably another player he didn’t ask for?, so he don’t involve them to his likes.

      1. Hitchens 60
        Hitchens 60 October 24, 2015 at 8:53 am . Reply

        Bill, Giddy, I believe he was carrying an injury when we signed him and had missed preseason – recently Sherwood said he was not matchfit enough to play. Has he made any appearances for the reserves or U21’s?

        1. Hitchens 60
          Hitchens 60 October 24, 2015 at 8:55 am . Reply

          Oops – forgot no reserve team anymore 🙂

        GIDDYVILLAN October 24, 2015 at 9:03 am . Reply

        BILL I’m sure Sherwood was fully behind the signing hence saying signing him was a no brainer.hitch he says we’ve got a fully fit squad so that should include ilori he’s not pointed anyone out who’s not fit.

        1. KentNielsen77
          KentNielsen77 October 24, 2015 at 10:00 am . Reply

          Popped in to the club shop the other day and there was a rail of Ilori shirts – I’d completely forgotten about him until then. Hope he’s fit enough to play soon.

          1. GIDDYVILLAN
            GIDDYVILLAN October 24, 2015 at 10:04 am . Reply

            Maybe he was brought in just to sell merchandise.

          2. KentNielsen77
            KentNielsen77 October 24, 2015 at 1:05 pm . Reply

            Not sure it worked!!

  8. Turv32
    Turv32 October 24, 2015 at 10:03 am . Reply

    Will be tough today.
    Hart says 2 – 0.
    Head says 1 – 3.

    Going to be a long season.
    I can seriously see us getting no more than 20 points.


  9. YohYohY
    YohYohY October 24, 2015 at 10:28 am . Reply

    The club is rotten at the core. It doesn’t matter who the manager on the skin surface is. We might be better off in the long run with relegation. Vtid

    Swansea will beat us today

  10. VillaFan
    VillaFan October 24, 2015 at 10:28 am . Reply

    I dont want us to lose. But losing today could be the best thing that happens to the club in the long term, because I can’t see Tim staying if we lose. And right now, looking at his record, he needs to go ASAP.

    If we win, he will probably stay, but as someone said it is papering over cracks.

    If we win convincingly, with a top drawer performance for the full 90 minutes, then maybe, just maybe some sort of corner has been turned.

    I really hope for the latter.

    But deep down I know it will be the wrong tactics, wrong formation, endless floated corners from Westdud, and another loss.

    Hope I am proved wrong.

  11. VillaFan
    VillaFan October 24, 2015 at 10:48 am . Reply

    P.S – i dont understand the people who say relegation could be good for us.

    How can relegation possibly be good for us? Its ridiculous.

  12. originallondonlion
    originallondonlion October 24, 2015 at 10:48 am . Reply

    I suppose from a manager’s point of view having the treatment room full provides a short list of excuses. Today for the first time I can remember in the last 3 years our squad is fully fit. So we should see what TS believes is his best team.

    I can see Villa scoring 3 today, whether that is enough for a win I don’t know. The tactic that will get us into trouble against Swansea is playing a high line, particularly in the first half, and being beaten for pace on the counter. What we should be doing further forward is not guessable, it all depends on what players are out there, I hope that a pairing of Gestede and Traore or Gabby and Sinclair is the front line.


      GIDDYVILLAN October 24, 2015 at 1:44 pm . Reply

      OLL shabby????really???you must be holding out for one of his once a season performances.I hope he’s not even next to someone on the bench.

  13. Dave67
    Dave67 October 24, 2015 at 11:27 am . Reply

    I don’t know what way this game is going to go or what team will be played. I hope we but in a good preformance and get the result we want. Sherwood said we will win today, yesterday in his interview. I can see him walking if we lose .

  14. pat57
    pat57 October 24, 2015 at 11:41 am . Reply

    I can see us playing okay, being the better team until the 89th minute and then Guzan passing the ball to Ayew – the wrong bloody one though.

    Unfortunately I think it’s going to be a crap game with Swansea nicking it 0-1.

    Hope I’m wrong though

  15. third generation villian
    third generation villian October 24, 2015 at 1:13 pm . Reply

    had a fiver on swansea to win might as well make some money out of our suffering.

    we will lose today
    sherwood sacked tomorrow
    moyes in next week

    still not optimystic we would survive though.

    1. B6
      B6 October 24, 2015 at 1:32 pm . Reply

      Good luck with the bet TGV. 🙂

      GIDDYVILLAN October 24, 2015 at 1:46 pm . Reply

      TGV I’d of put £20 on easy money MATE.

  16. B6
    B6 October 24, 2015 at 1:31 pm . Reply

    Can’t wait to visit grounds like Charlton, MK Dons, Brentford and Huddersfield next season.

    1-3 Swansea.

    GIDDYVILLAN October 24, 2015 at 2:06 pm . Reply

    Shabbys starting say no more a fit shabby he’ll start however SHITE he is.that’s fucking it for me now.

    1. KentNielsen77
      KentNielsen77 October 24, 2015 at 2:09 pm . Reply

      You beat me to it. Sherwood’s head has well and truly gone.

    GIDDYVILLAN October 24, 2015 at 2:13 pm . Reply

    That’s his best team????? For fucking real a big ps where the FUCKs ilori???

  19. bencey83
    bencey83 October 24, 2015 at 2:15 pm . Reply

    Just seen the lineup. As far as I’m concerned, Sherwood’s got to go! Still hasn’t dropped Guzan and Gabby gets an immediate recall even though he’s been poor for a long time! Very weak and unbalanced looking side. Only one central midfielder in Gana as far as I can see. Hutton, Lescott, Richardson, Bacuna, Gestede – all not good enough. The only players I rate out of that 11 are Grealish and Richards and I think Ayew has potential. Our best players, in my opinion, are on the bench – Gil and Traore. I also rate Sanchez (I know others don’t) and Amavi (although he is inconsistent, he has potential) and I’d rather see Crespo given a chance than Hutton, who is generally pretty poor.

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