I know there was talk of this a few weeks back, but the story seemed to peter out and nothing really came of it.
The Telegraph seem to have got their hands on something a bit more concrete though and they’re saying that the club have sounded out Paul Lambert and he’s receptive to signing to signing a new three year deal on improved terms.
Whatever you think of this, two things cross my mind.
The first is, what’s the rush?
Lambert is contracted until the summer of 2015 and unless you’re a club who wants a manager whose seeming best ability is to run a club on even less than a shoestring, I don’t exactly see anyone queueing up to acquire his services.
The second is, this has to be an indicator that either Randy Lerner or Paul Faulkner are ecstatic about Lambert’s performance. Well, similar to my first point, it can only be about money.
It certainly won’t be our style of football, after all, will it?
So, we’re going to be stuck with what we have now, it would seem.
A third point has just crossed my mind.
Is looking to extend the manager’s contract, when there’s no pressing need, really something an owner who is looking to sell would do?
Or is it maybe just a smokescreen to deflect away from that story?
While I can understand the club wanting stability, I can’t say I’m exactly elated about this story and I’d have left it until nearer this time next year, when we’ll be able to make a better judgement.
What price we extend his contract and are even worse next season?
Would that scenario really surprise anyone?
Best news I’ve heard in a while. Look, no manager is perfect. Like mentioned above even Mourinho loves the counter attack and parks the bus from time to time. The big difference is Mourinho walks into already established world class squads – Villa managers don’t have that luxury. So, given what Lambert has been able to do in the past season and a half (nevertheless on a shoe string budget given the ambitions) I’m thrilled to hear the club is showing some intent by sorting out not only Lambert’s future, but the clubs future for the next 3-5 years. It means one thing – stability and all fans should welcome that. Like him, hate him, it’s all up for discussion, but I think we should not forget how much damage rotating managers can do to a club. We’ve got a good young squad now and I’m 100% sure this summer we will have the more promising signings we’ve all been calling for.
Lamberk sheep no 1
Right… This coming from someone who has openly called for the club to fail and die because of their views on the manager. You are in the extreme minority mate, get over it and you’ll be better for it.
I was proved correct on everything I said from the start on Lamberk, he is shit, the stats prove it and his interviews are pathetic. The guy is an embarrassment.
hire&Fire brigada 1874 #1
If it’s a choice of buying poor players delivering awful football and an owner who won’t communicate and has no respect for supporters don’t forget Lerner still charges interest on the loan he gave to the club. I’m for relegation if that’s what it takes to get rid of Lerner. Time to boycott s STOP funding Lerner. Those who do are as much to blame. Lerner out
so the secret to success is failure ..
you would prefer the risk of never coming back from the championship instead of sticking with the current manager overseeing the youngest squad in the premiership to 10th place under an owner that has stopped spending money.
and the interest on that loan …
its also the same interest which has been waived many times and is completely dwarfed by the sum of money that has been spent so far. 250m or there abouts.
The club lost 50m in 2010- 2011, 17m in 2011-2012, and i am yet to see accounts for the last year
I am yet to see all this money Lerner is raking in.
I am taking the more straight forward approach to that though and i will wait for the accounts to be published for the year ending March 2013
i have yet to see one solid argument any one buys a football club to make profit.
Unless its a leveraged buyout like that of UTD or Gillet and hicks
everyone else loses money .. hand over foot ..and believe me when you are a billionaire .. no investment adviser or bank, or asset manager or fellow billionaire will ever advise you to buy a club for the investment.
there are simply a hundred other easier ways to make money
especially if you already have it.
Ted are you for real relegation?that would have more of a knock on effect than just ousting lerner.thats abit of a knee jerk comment.ffs
relegation from the PL would be a disaster, ask blues how their return to the PL is looking.
some people were saying a while back clubs come back better like Newcastle but if you look closely Newcastle is a mess and nothing has changed there, they are still off loading their best players without replacing them, the ambition hasn’t changed in the slightest and they still have their knob head of a chairman in charge.
I’v just got off the phone to a guy I know inside VP atm (proper ITK) – Lerner is there, in a meeting with Faulkner and Lambert…..Apparently discussing a £700m investment. Messi, Ribery, Bale and Ronaldo amongst others are due into Birmingham later this evening to discuss their definite moves to Villa Park in the summer.
AND even if that was true, the negatives would still find something to whinge about it
700m cheap skate not enough ~ don’t like ribery oh i see ur point lmao
i don’t like ronaldos hairstyle
Nice distraction from talking about takeovers, as some might say
Never a truer word spoken in jest Ian,
If everyone thinks the money is there then why get a donkey int he window and so desperate to get average rubbish like Hoolahan, it simply does not match up
If you believe Kendrick, we were in for someone much better than Hoolahan, but never finalized. Of course could have been told that to make it sound like Lambert knows what he’s doing.
As I said on twitter to him, heard it all before
remeber Lampard anyone, just sounds so much like the ellis days !
Complete bullshit as per usual from Kendrick who us writing as a puppet for villas pr machine. Just like Ellis days it’s easy to say you were in for Messi knowing u havnt a hope of getting him. This us appalling news re lambert and the beginning of the end as far as I’m cincerned
dont worry oohahh nothing lasts for ever!
it will be the end to the beginning of the end again some day
Or could it mean now most of the bomb squad are gone or will be hopefully by the summer that this shows Lerner’s intent to give lambert a big war chest? Now that Lambert has passed his “budget test” Lerner feels confident to let him go wild on transfers in the summer!
i believe adams version ~ i always thought that was the case release the bomb squad, iam not saying we will go crazy but i reckon 30~40 million
Adam and Nath…agree with you both, or at least I hope thats the case!
hoolahan was a cheap panic buy option ~ hes a player we lack. if charlie insomnia hadn’t gone awol, summer i think thats one of many positions we will strengthen . hoolahan wont be approached thou
Regardless of the manager, Lerner’s budgets are usually the same each season, roughly 20m. To be honest I really cannot see that rising anytime soon without additional investment into the club, although I do feel come summer Lambert will now be able to spend that money on 2-3 players rather than 6-7.
I understand the criticism of lambert as a manager i just never understant or hear much of an alternative ..
Lambert is tactically inept fire him
we are winning more games then last season or the season before that but he isn’t improving enough
Lambert is the problem but Lerner is the problem ..
I think Lambert is a young unproven manager that is making plenty of mistakes while still incrementally getting more points year on year on a shoe string budget
As a Villa fan i am delighted to see the criticism of lamberts mistakes. We shouldn’t just accept anything but i think to fire Lambert or say that he has proven not good enough after the last 18 months is just off the mark for me.
especially considering the alternative which is nothing .. name a manager that is better than Lambert that would come in .. that would inherit this squad and would work under Lerners budget..
That is very unrealistic.
why are so eager to fire every manager that isn’t an instant success?
as for the contract
i am actually confused at this
I think the time for contract extensions is right before summer or early post season.
Why the rush now?
Colonius…thats just a longer version of what I said this morning….why use 50 words when 3000 words will suffice 🙂
apologies langford my thoughts are slower and longer but similar
Vaze anything else you’d like to add to that. 🙂
i enjoyed the rant lmao
in fact i av enjoyed everyones contribution 2day,
Saw a picture of it, so I’ll take a look. But you’re probably right.
Spent Sold Net Spend
£18,500,000 £2,000,000 £16,500,000
£25,700,000 £2,000,000 £23,700,000
However those are the figures from his 2 years so far.
Sorry, he’s had a competitive transfer budget.
lol woh woh woh.. when did Benteke’s fee go from 7.5m to 10?
and luna,Sylla and helenius was also closer to 1m .. these figures are very approximate and tend to round up more so than down.
even still ..
lets say we take these figures at face value
we have spent 20m a season
we are currently 10th.
who have we outspent in 9th,8th,7th,6th and so on where should we be in the table?
using the same table
Southampton – avg 33m
Newcastle – after cabaye’s sale, we have spent far more then newcastle
Man utd – about 50m+ avg the last 2 seasons
Spurs –
you have to take your hat off to levy!
they are making net profits the last two years –
Everton – sell to buy the last decade!
Liverpool –
30m avg per season under rogers
should i even bother to go any further than that?
I am not going to coz that would mean people expected Villa to compete for top 4 by now this far into Lamberts reign
i am not going to dignify that argument or at least not in this post
So Lambert has spent less than Spurs, everton of the team above us.
Can anyone spot the differences between us and those two clubs?
Spurs .. had a top 50 squad before Lambert came to villa.
and benfited enormously from shrewd buying in the preceding years.
They also have a much bigger wage structure
Everton –
Its true they sell to buy and if you compare Lamberts spending then we should be doing better or similar to everton this year?
the thing with everton is they didn’t spend much net each season but they didn’t fire their managers after 18months either.
If we want to learn from them i say we learn patience.
all in all
what does this very approximate table tell us?
To me at least it doesn’t scream FIRE HIM
it says we are par for the course possibly on target for small year on year progress while getting closer to breaking even each time ?
i still don’t see a huge argument for immediate sacking.
and i have yet to see one solid realistic alternative if we did sack him
My argument wasn’t about firing him.
My whole argument has always been he’s gotten money and the fact all I read is it’s Lerners fault because Lambert hasn’t spent is completely false.
I never expected anything above 10th this season, however I didn’t expect us to become the most defensive team in the league, and still concede a fair amount. But I never wanted him, so I’m just gonna stick with that last bit. 😉
Great news!! Put him on an 8 year contract and rewind Villa into the dark ages.
If he stays in charge we’ll be playing with a pigs gut ball, have 20 players on the pitch and the outfield players will start using their hands again.
Just when you thought AVFC under Lerner couldn’t be a bigger embarrassment this news comes along.
Said before I’d rather the club die than have Lamberk in charge any longer.
Way to go Lerner, offer the worst manager in the club’s history an extension. At this extremely low point you can only laugh at the ineptitude of everyone at the club.
Though the remaining sheep in the Lamberk fan club will be happy, so they can keep sucking up to his every mumbled word.
Spot on Belcs
Laudrup sacked…fancy him for Villa? would love to see his style of footy at VP
really swansea sacked him ??iam shocked
on way 2 sky sports
now thats a panic decision ~ yes they av lost form bad results. but to sack him that could come back 2 haunt the swans
laudrup sacked? really? you’d love to see his style of footie at villa? seriously? he and swans have been woeful since they landed the league cup almost a year ago. you think he’d come in and get our squad playing pretty football? he’d get us relegated maybe.
I said earlier people were crying out last season ‘why cant we have a manager like laudrup?!’
he and swans have been just awful this season, along with this I think they’ve spunked quite a bit of cash too.
I said earlier too that this may be a reason as to why contract talks are being had at this stage to keep the long list of teams that in the near future will be looking for new managers, basically any team outside of the top 7/8 could sack their manager by the end of the season.
Laudrup is hot property. Wee really should get him in, seriously like
Yes….REALLY, I would love to see his style of football at VP…do you prefer hoofball then?..Its the Europa thats screwed up Swansea IMO….much like the cup done to Wigan last season. His resources are fairly limited too. If Lerner backed him, he would be great for Villa. Its all about opinions of course 🙂
sacking managers now without any windows 2 freshen up, bring their own ppl in ~ this is a BIG mistake ~ iam behind lambert but summer comes he needs 2 add quality cos when need 2 play more football less up and unders
swansea play cardiff weekend lose that they could be history