Worrying comments from Black and the Man Utd game


I’m pretty sure Eric Black’s quotes have been taken somewhat out of context, but even so they’re worrying;

“It’s not an easy situation in terms of motivating players because this could very easily implode,” said the caretaker boss.
It could very easily turn into anarchy. Easily, it could easily happen. I’m going to try and ensure that is not the case”.
I can only put certain parameters down to ensure that doesn’t happen. We’ll see what happens thereafter.
If they’re all relegated and decide they don’t want to play, I’ve only got certain things I can do.”

Now, I find this confusing.
Surely we’re already relegated and only a fool would suggest otherwise?

So assuming Black is only doing the usual PR type stuff, where he’s saying we’re going to do everything to stay up, regardless of how bad things look (and he has been), why has he even considered answering this sort of question?

I can only assume he’s trying to give us some sort of clue as to what’s going on. But it’s nothing the fans don’t already know.

Gabby going on a re-conditioning stint, where he won’t be available until a month before the end of the season, is only a disguised way of saying “he’ll never play for us again”, for example, in my opinion.
So why the club just don’t come straight out and say that, is beyond me. It would appease many fans, especially if he was only the first in a pretty long list.
Whatever, I think most of us know it’s pretty much true and we’ve seen the last of him.
Could this be Lerner giving his golden boy a last chance?
I suspect so.

And to compound it all, Black was talking yesterday about how well the players had trained.
Was that being realistic, sarcastic, or another hint at how things are better without Gabby?
I’m going to guess at the latter.

And then, we have a game tomorrow, against Man Utd.
Before this season, I didn’t think I could ever see a situation where I wouldn’t want to see this fixture.
And I’m not alone, as it’s traditionally a sell-out, even if the attendance is bolstered by pretend Mancs.
But it’ll be interesting to see if this one sells out.

There’s been plenty of talk suggesting that Rooney will probably start for this one.
And I can only concur with any thought that if he needs a nice easy game to come back into, it has to be against us.

You probably know where this is going.

Villa 0-3 Man Utd is my prediction, but it could easily be a serious thrashing.
Not because Utd are a good side, but because we might be relegated before we kick off.
And the wimps we have playing for us will have given up totally.

I’m at work again while the game is on, but will be able to see it if I really want.
I’m not convinced I’ll bother.


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  1. pat57
    pat57 April 16, 2016 at 4:56 pm . Reply

    We’re down and TBH it’s a relief.

    I feel like the bloke on death row whose execution keeps getting postponed.
    This is the lowest point and the fight back has to start now.

    We may be down but we’re far from out. Come on board sort out our manager and then bring the Championship on.


    1. Ardent Villain
      Ardent Villain April 16, 2016 at 5:05 pm . Reply

      It is a relief, although we now have to listen to all the media c***s [& noses] gloating about our demise for the next few weeks.

      Just want this season to end NOW and let the great re-building begin…

    GIDDYVILLAN April 16, 2016 at 4:57 pm . Reply

    Well done Lerner I hope your fucking proud of yourself you wanker

    1. nath
      nath April 16, 2016 at 5:19 pm . Reply

      well said 🙂 giddy & pat

      season was a none starter. worst in my living memory, but it is over now.

      lets hope the board appoint the manager soon. not pearson i hope, he is a time-bomb ready to explode. RIP premiership ~ vtid championship champs 2017

    2. Dave67
      Dave67 April 16, 2016 at 6:56 pm . Reply

      You are 100% right, what a wankers.

    GIDDYVILLAN April 16, 2016 at 5:31 pm . Reply


  4. pat57
    pat57 April 16, 2016 at 5:38 pm . Reply

    Just listened to Lescott on the BBC and HE JUST DOES NOT GET IT!

    (Shrug of shoulders) ‘Well yes it’s been coming but we’ve still got something to prove to the fans in the last four games…’

    NO YOU HAVEN’T!!! You’ve already proved that you and the rest of the dross shouldn’t put a Villa shirt on again.

    Please someone tell Joleon – THE HORSE HAS F***ING BOLTED!

    Hope Hollis is now handing out P45s and getting security to escort the dross off the premises.

    1. Ardent Villain
      Ardent Villain April 16, 2016 at 6:47 pm . Reply

      All I want Lescott {& Shabby, and several others] to ‘prove’ now is that they can find some non-league sides where they can finish their careers….

  5. VillaAwayInDiv3
    VillaAwayInDiv3 April 16, 2016 at 6:09 pm . Reply
    GIDDYVILLAN April 16, 2016 at 6:32 pm . Reply

    Badger I bet your spam is in overdrive for this site with all those BLUENOSE scum trying to come on & pass on there compliments to us.lol

  7. Bum Bum
    Bum Bum April 16, 2016 at 7:56 pm . Reply

    So Joleon Lescott has said that confirmation of relegation is a “weight off their shoulders”.
    May I say Joleon, you are a complete and utter f**king w**ker of the highest order. What a pr*ck.

  8. VillaAwayInDiv3
    VillaAwayInDiv3 April 16, 2016 at 8:33 pm . Reply

    Delapsus resurgam! ….when I fall I shall rise! …sometime soon we hope.

  9. Andrew
    Andrew April 17, 2016 at 7:43 am . Reply

    Pretty funny how fast agents are in talks with other clubs already. Not surprised Gana would leave, seriously underrated CM and statistically only 2nd to Kante. Could get into any mid-table Premier League side or Bundesliga side.

    Also seems Cissokho’s in talks with Trabzonspor in Turkey.

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath April 18, 2016 at 9:23 am . Reply

      Gana is shit just because he made more challenges than most it means nothing. A lot of his challenges were fouls. He couldn’t pass to save his life

    2. #HELENIUS
      #HELENIUS April 18, 2016 at 1:20 pm . Reply

      Gana is a good player in a completely shite team. Good luck to him

  10. Bum Bum
    Bum Bum April 17, 2016 at 7:46 am . Reply

    Loving Collymore. His Lescott tweets have been fantastic!…”sorry, didn’t mean to send that, phone was in my pocket!!!” Class!

    GIDDYVILLAN April 17, 2016 at 8:29 am . Reply

    Just seen the lescott interview on motd what a tosspot they’ve already proven how SHITE they are,he really thinks they can prove to the fans in the last 4 games otherwise?? Fucking twat

  12. Bill Pearson
    Bill Pearson April 17, 2016 at 9:04 am . Reply

    To me he was lost in what to say , like his car mouth first brain last, even now he don’t realize he’s part of the worst team ever to Grace Villa park, how can we get back to being a top club when our scouting team cannot identify players wanting money before honour, now the time to show us the academy kids and stop this them and us at the club from the first team and second.

  13. nath
    nath April 17, 2016 at 9:34 am . Reply

    bumbum loving the humor from collymore too. he is mar-mite with some with villa fans. but i love his villa rants on the radio. he says what most villa fans want to say, but unlike some villa fans don’t have the platform to be heard. good on him and hope he continues to speak his mind of the many

    love to know more, on which players, posters on here would love to keep or not. i find it hard to make a case of any. but like andrew said gana is one that is a decent player. just hard to show this in a bad team. i can’t see him wanting to stay anyways

    1. Bill Pearson
      Bill Pearson April 17, 2016 at 1:06 pm . Reply

      Gana for me, he has the wanting and skill to have in a team, the rest get rid haven’t footballing brains.

    2. originallondonlion
      originallondonlion April 18, 2016 at 12:31 am . Reply

      The only three I would give a stay of execution to are Amavi and Traore who were injured before the melt down – and Ayew who does have the skill to be a handful if better supported. I really don’t rate Gana at all.

      The rest are rotten apples, if they stay they will contaminate the incoming players and any youth team players coming through.

      Of course I wont get it all my way, so where do I draw the line? I have decided I will never again pay to watch any of these in a Villa shirt. Guzan, Hutton, Richards, Lescott, Cissoko, Richardson, N’zogbia, Gabby, Westwood, Gana, Vertout, Bunn, Bacuna. It could be a while before I need reach for my wallet.

      1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
        OohAhPaulMcGrath April 18, 2016 at 9:14 am . Reply

        Agree OLL. Though Veretout could be ok in a decent team. Like yourself I will never go down again unless Lerner and all that above dross u mentioned are well and truly gone. Problem is most have long term deals and no one else will want them either so will be stuck in the lower regions for at least a few more years. Anyone who thinks we will go up first attempt is deluded imo

  14. Villain1
    Villain1 April 17, 2016 at 10:34 am . Reply

    Just look at Lescotts comment “I’m here for as long as Villa need me”. That just screams out – i’ve got a big money deal and I’m going nowhere.
    If the club is serious about even finishing in the top half of the championship next season, it needs to take the financial hit on Gabby, Richards,
    Lescott, Guzan and Bacuna. For me those 5 leaving would be non-negotiable for any manager – get them out any way possible, we cannot afford a poisonous and lazy core in a tough league where you need heart and desire on a weekly basis

    1. Holtender
      Holtender April 17, 2016 at 3:36 pm . Reply

      100% agree with you, there’s probably 2 or 3 more who are just as bad, but better at keeping there heads down. Stoke or some promoted team will take Richards, hopefully Lescott and Guzan to the MLS. No ones touching Gabby with a barge pole, let him and Bacuna rot.

      Since we’ll still be paying him, maybe make Gabby show up on match days, outside the ground, so kids can kick balls and throw pies at him?

  15. Hitchens 60
    Hitchens 60 April 17, 2016 at 12:01 pm . Reply

    The players have got it all wrong both on and off the field. Every time they open their mouths they make it worse!

    Didn’t Southgate leave us to win trophies with a bigger club – Middlesborough? How can appointing a former blues manager be any worse than appointing Southgate as manager – that will be the end for me.

  16. claret and blue
    claret and blue April 17, 2016 at 1:03 pm . Reply

    Contrary to how much of a idiot Lescott is, I do feel he’d be a goodun for us in the championship. Brain over heart is hang onto to him for next season. (Is that bad to say that?)

    Lescott isn’t the reason we’re down. Let’s not make scapegoats out of individuals. The writings been on the wall since MO left.

    It’s a collective let down from the suits at the top.

    Let’s hope for a bounce back although I predict it’s gonna be a while


    1. Stubbs
      Stubbs April 17, 2016 at 2:40 pm . Reply

      Lescott isn’t being made a scapegoat under any means. He is however being rightly targeted for the way he has tried to make a mockery of the fans with the stupid comments he has come out with.

      What makes the whole thing worse is he is supposed to be a Villa fan!!!

      He deserves every bit of criticism and verbal abuse aimed his way. He should learn to keep his mouth shut and maybe consider watching how a majority of other captains apply themselves.

      1. Jvillan
        Jvillan April 17, 2016 at 3:29 pm . Reply

        Lescott should been dumped after Wycombe fiasco along with Coco the clown
        All senior pros at villa have been a disgrace,from fat Gabby to chewing gum Kings guzan lescott, h
        How is black as stand in manager can get flabby shamed yet remi as manager had to play him,especially after Xmas video him and richards

      2. claret and blue
        claret and blue April 17, 2016 at 8:08 pm . Reply

        Stupid is as stupid does Stubbs.

        He is a villa fan, not a supposed one and he’s only made a mockery of his own character.

  17. Dave.C
    Dave.C April 17, 2016 at 2:34 pm . Reply

    Slightly off topic but Mark Warburton would be a great appointment for us, did a cracking job at Brentford and now getting big club experience north of the border, he’s a bit left field but I’m sure he’d do a great job, and a breath of fresh air from the ‘usual suspects’!

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath April 18, 2016 at 9:21 am . Reply

      Scottish football is a joke though. Rangers and Celtic are championship at best and the other teams are div 2 standards.

  18. Mark
    Mark April 17, 2016 at 4:35 pm . Reply

    So frustrated to see the line up yesterday, frustrated but not surprised.
    Eight defeats in a row and yet he still picks Leandro (I want to leave to play champions league Football even though the only way I will be able to is to sign for a qualifier from the Faroe Islands) Bacuna, Kieron (I’ll show you how to completely miss the ball from three yards out of the goal, I can’t defend to save my life, how did I ever play for England ?) Richardson, Joleon (Look at my new car, I’m so relieved it’s all over, I don’t give a stuff about people losing their jobs, I am a Villa fan but let’s see how far I can spit out chewing gum whilst being overpaid, part of it is the fault of the fans, I will stay here as long as I am on mega money…sorry as long as Villa need me) Lescott .
    It was stated earlier this week that Traore and Grealish were in contention to play.Yet Grealish was put on the bench and did not get on and Traore did not even make the trip to Old Trafford.
    When Eric Black says that it is important to get the fans back onside then why does he not try the kids who have at least restored some pride with their efforts ?

  19. Hitchens 60
    Hitchens 60 April 17, 2016 at 7:02 pm . Reply

    Lescott will go to the MLS for a final pay day so just ignore his fatuous comments. I hope Richards follows him through the door. Richardson and N’Zogbia’s contracts are up so wave them goodbye as well.

    Just hope Black has the balls to start picking players that might just make a contribution next season for the last four games and waves a single digit at the others – fat chance I’m sad to say.

      GIDDYVILLAN April 17, 2016 at 7:45 pm . Reply

      I agree a total revamp for the final 4 games give some of our nonentitys a bash you never know we might beat the barcodes & send them yet again down lol bring on the fresh blood.

  20. nath
    nath April 17, 2016 at 7:22 pm . Reply

    hats off to paul legend McGrath

    Lescott came to villa for money and nothing more, he got what he wanted and laughed it off, you are slime bag son . Ur a disgrace !

    can not disagree with that, lesscu*t refuses to acknowledge the fans who criticize him. but when a legend says your a slime bag, he will have to look hard in the mirror, realize hes fooling nobody but himself

    1. OohAhPaulMcGrath
      OohAhPaulMcGrath April 18, 2016 at 9:18 am . Reply

      As much as I don’t like Lescott you could say that about virtually every pro footballer. If a team offered you or me thousands a week to play for them we would.

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