I’m pretty sure Eric Black’s quotes have been taken somewhat out of context, but even so they’re worrying;
“It’s not an easy situation in terms of motivating players because this could very easily implode,” said the caretaker boss.
It could very easily turn into anarchy. Easily, it could easily happen. I’m going to try and ensure that is not the case”.
I can only put certain parameters down to ensure that doesn’t happen. We’ll see what happens thereafter.
If they’re all relegated and decide they don’t want to play, I’ve only got certain things I can do.”
Now, I find this confusing.
Surely we’re already relegated and only a fool would suggest otherwise?
So assuming Black is only doing the usual PR type stuff, where he’s saying we’re going to do everything to stay up, regardless of how bad things look (and he has been), why has he even considered answering this sort of question?
I can only assume he’s trying to give us some sort of clue as to what’s going on. But it’s nothing the fans don’t already know.
Gabby going on a re-conditioning stint, where he won’t be available until a month before the end of the season, is only a disguised way of saying “he’ll never play for us again”, for example, in my opinion.
So why the club just don’t come straight out and say that, is beyond me. It would appease many fans, especially if he was only the first in a pretty long list.
Whatever, I think most of us know it’s pretty much true and we’ve seen the last of him.
Could this be Lerner giving his golden boy a last chance?
I suspect so.
And to compound it all, Black was talking yesterday about how well the players had trained.
Was that being realistic, sarcastic, or another hint at how things are better without Gabby?
I’m going to guess at the latter.
And then, we have a game tomorrow, against Man Utd.
Before this season, I didn’t think I could ever see a situation where I wouldn’t want to see this fixture.
And I’m not alone, as it’s traditionally a sell-out, even if the attendance is bolstered by pretend Mancs.
But it’ll be interesting to see if this one sells out.
There’s been plenty of talk suggesting that Rooney will probably start for this one.
And I can only concur with any thought that if he needs a nice easy game to come back into, it has to be against us.
You probably know where this is going.
Villa 0-3 Man Utd is my prediction, but it could easily be a serious thrashing.
Not because Utd are a good side, but because we might be relegated before we kick off.
And the wimps we have playing for us will have given up totally.
I’m at work again while the game is on, but will be able to see it if I really want.
I’m not convinced I’ll bother.
What did Ellis say after finalising the sale of the club ‘ I know the club is in safe hands’ may you take those words to your grave.
Just when you think there is no more piss to be taken, this once great club squeezes out a little bit more.
What a fucking mess. Lerner has poisoned the Villa and we’re all watching it die. Would any manager looking to rebuild a reputation (Moyes / Pearson) really risk coming to this freak show?? I can picture a twitching, melted Wellington Boot faced Harry Redknapp opening his car window outside Bodymoor Heath at 11.59pm on the 31st August having just missed out on Nico Kranjcar.
I’d take the Venkys right now……but only because I like chicken.
Lol colonel sanders for me.
He’s probably mates with Lerner
Never thought of that hmmm
all this bulshit again is nicely timed. when we are, only one of the three clubs relegated, that know we are in championship. we should be hiring a new manager to asses the crap players and draw up possible transfer targets.we have the chance to get ready NOW, unlike the the other two
but again lerner and his mad fantasy new buyers negotiating all summer oh breakdown and lerner will remain, no money will be made available down to timing. no manager cause they will all chat at the lma function lerners a twat promises money and never produces. like giddy says we will get a black or hollyoways
Obviously everyone is going to go the negative way, because fans aren’t logical, they’re emotional. A few different things though.
Bernstein was known to have an interest in buying Villa as part of a Consortium. There’s a possibility King and Bernstein were working together on this, while also looking at the finances and the running of the club, with King helping Bernstein due to King’s banking and financial connections. With the club confirming Hollis is in negotiations to sell the club, it’s possible and I’d go as far as plausible that it’s not to Bernstein’s group.And that’s why they both left. It’s claimed Bernstein resigned as the setup of the board isn’t going to be what was agreed upon. So I’m guessing there was a possibility of an agreement for Bernstein to buy the club, and that’s no longer there so he’s moved on along with King?
That could be wide of the mark but it makes sense seeing Hollis is in talks to sell the club. So either Bernstein was going to buy it and is no longer going too, or the agreed setup of the board is no longer happening because the new owner doesn’t want it setup like that. I’d have been far more concerned if Hollis and Little were gone.
Some common sense Andrew. No need to panic yet . Fingers crossed a takeover of the right nature is happening
Nice positive spin Andrew. King came on board in February, and Bernstein last month. Villa is a fair sized business. If Hollis is in extensive talks to sell the club it is unlikely that first approach and agreeing a price/buyer has only happened in the last few days.
Villa (Lerner and Hollis) appointed Bernstein. You do not employ somebody who wants to buy the club. You negotiate with him and sell it to him.
Now tell me Guzan is a great keeper and most Prem teams would want him 😉
The last bit of your post I can see logic in. Lerner will not restructure the club if there is a buyer out there who will want to make their own decisions. Equally, he is a completely inept owner who would probably tie the laces of his shoes together and fall flat on his face.
I really hope you’re right Andrew, that’s the only possible positive outcome. If we haven’t announced a sale by Saturday, there’s going to be a full blown riot at Villa Park!
If Bernstein and King thought they were going to be the new owners and today they’ve found out they’re not, fair enough, let’s get the new owners in. If this is because Lerner (fucking wanker that he is!) has reneged on promises or withdrawn decision making responsibilities, and the sale statement is another smokescreen, all hell is going to break loose!
King’s letter seems to point quite clearly to Lerner being the stumbling block to any reform of the club – in fact it reads like a plea for ‘someone’ to come and buy Lerner out before he completely destroys his now- unwanted toy.
Now if only he could use some of his business/finance contacts to try and put a bid together…
I don’t want any manager who would be prepared to come to Villa in the mess we are in. It would prove they are not right in the head.
I also don’t know what to think anymore. Changing my view every 10 minutes.
This Hollis comment about extensive talks to sell sounds more like a deflection than anything else to me.
King says it all – for the club to go forward it must be sold. This does not sound like a sale is imminent.
Lerner sat in his mansion in America (probably hiding behind Krulak) just doesn’t get the message. I think its just that Lerners mummy has taken away his pocket money as he doesn’t know its true worth.
takeover come on boys your not falling for another takeover smokescreen. its like you believe in fairies wearing boots
King and Bernstein both know the owner has no interest for the club nor the supporters.
They are highlighting it to everyone. When was the last time resignation letters were made public.
Hollis goal as we first thought is to asset strip and sell the club for the best price. I am sure Lerner will pay him handsomely for his efforts. If he had any dignity he would walk himself.
Steve, that’s more to the point, its got to the stage now should we win a game all will be forgiven, let’s get it right don’t trust Lerner, hes assets stripping our club behind the scene, 40 million first cut staff, get rid of high wages it’s just started.we are being made to look like idiots to us Brits.
Bernstien’s letter really seems to make it clear –
“To this end a football board was created consisting of four people with considerable football and relevant experience.
For this new structure to work it required all at the Club to accept new disciplines, clear reporting lines and to adhere to the authority delegated to the new football board.
Unfortunately it has proved impossible to implement the agreed structure…”
-I’d suggest that the key here is in the words “reporting lines” and “authority [delegated]”; which suggest that whereas the new football board was set-up believeing that it had the authority to act, in reality they’ve now discovered that they were only going to be there in some sort of advisory capacity, probably competing with advice from others [un-named] before the owner chose who’s advice to follow in each case.
Well said Ardent. The only way this ends well is if that authority was withdrawn because a sale really is imminent and Lerner (wanker) felt they were about to change something that would conflict with the sale or wishes of the potential new owners.
If on the other hand he withdrew the authority because… well because he’s Randolph Lerner, silver spooned, idiotic, sports team destructor extrodinaire! Then God help us! We’re completely fucking doomed.
It’s only my guess, but I read it that there’s ‘someone’ – who may not even be in any kind of official role at VP – who’s been giving Lerner ‘advice’ for years; crap advice which runs against whatever these football and business pro’s were trying to put in place, and they’ve just woken up to the fact that Lerner won’t get rid of this ‘advisor’ out of the shadows.
That’s the greatest fear. If it’s true, or if General Chuck or Reilly had anything to do with this, we’re fucked. Fair play to King & Bernstein, they called it right and publishing the letters was unusual but classy and correct.
Pat Murphy of BBC reporting Lerner is willing to sell for £75m, Merrill Lynch are no longer involved and the sale could be done soon.
Reading all this shit today, I could almost forgive ALL the playing staff for dismal performances all season. Things are rotten to the core at our club and it needs fixed off the field first and foremost before even considering assembling a new playing squad. I know the players are paid to play but even they must wake up some mornings and read this shit and think “What the fuck is going on here ?”
There must be a few Lerner yes men still around the club carrying news back to Lerner that the changes were bad news and he has vetoed them. Don’t think Hollis is the bad guy in this and now feel him and Brian Little is the only people left at the club that can fight on behalf of the fans interests.
It appears Randy’s not top of Merv’s Christmas card list.
He’s not even on mine ! A total cutn.
Well we’re at a pivotal moment in our future. Today hurts way more than the relegation, we all saw that coming years ago.
The percentage bet was keeping Lerner as owner with the board being in charge. I think we’d have turned it around under that combination, but to what point, and potential new ownership would always have been a potential spanner.
Current ownership with them making the decisions is the dark abyss. I always try to be positive on here, but I’m not sure how much more of this I can take.
If the club statement is to be believed(?) and a sale is happening, then we are at the roulette table, the sun is coming up and we’re all in, the house, the wife & kids too! Of all the new owners of football teams recently who would you take? I’d say we’ve maybe got about a 20% chance of getting the owner we want, the rest…
You’re right, but the previous ‘plan’ would have depended on Lerner continuing to finance the operation while leaving the professionals to run the show without interference.
Bernstein’s letter clearly suggests that Lerner either wouldn’t give them the resources that he’d originally promised, or that he still couldn’t let them get on with the agreed job without some sort of interference.
On that basis, ‘Plan A’ was doomed, although it might have taken another disasterous season for the truth to emerge; better it’s all now in the open.
Absolutely. I think it’s King’s letter refers to a recent communication between Lerner and the board, could have been funding, the new manager, paying off contracts, who knows. As you say, its better it happened now than later.
Ultimately it’s just down to him to employing some eminently high profile and competent people to run the club, and making them certain promises on what they could do (just like he did with Garde, and who knows who else) before he either changed his own mind or took some terrible advice. Either way he looks like a complete fool, not just to us fans, but to the business world in general. Here is a man so incompetent he has made his own name an oxymoron, will he never learn!
Just heard on talk sport a story is breaking at 11pm tonight re Villa takeover does not sound good.
The trotted breaking news will be in the studio.
Produced has said Villa fans will be exasperated.
Names such has Ken Nstes being mentioned.
Last line in Mirror article interesting relating to today’s resignations, it states “or shift their expensive duds, who remain under contract with stubborn Lerner unwilling to pay them off”.. Does this tie in with Mr Berstein’s comments? “The issues at the club are fundamental and the solutions are radical and do not lend themselves to compromise.”
Has Lerner been told he needs to clear out a number of carcinogenic players, but baulked at the pay offs? Does this mean Flabby will lead the line next year? Will “It’s a relief to be relegated and drive a Mercedes” be captain next year? How much will it cost to shift “I want champions league” who has a four year contract remaining?
What really sticks in my throat is Mervin King, who is adept at dealing with two faced back stabbing politicians was unable to work with the owner of our once great club. What hope is left?
One of my best friends is a Portsmouth fan. I used to sympathise with his clubs predicament. Now I can truly empathise with him. Our club has now become the role model of how not to run a football club. Doug Ellis stated in the 60’s, last time we nearly went out of business, “never again should the club be owed by so few”. When this incompetent owner of our club has to settle for a sow’s ear rather than the pots of gold he once dreamed of, let us supporters gather together,a buy a stake in our club. We must make sure our voice can never be drowned out again.
Just heard on talk sport a story is breaking at 11pm tonight re Villa takeover does not sound good.
The reporter breaking news will be in the studio.
Produced has said Villa fans will be exasperated.
Names such has Ken Bates being mentioned.
Ken Bates? F@@k right off.
Randy’s parting gift, lovely.
Surely not. Guess we will find out in an hr if true
Talk sport stating the breaking news will be front page of the Sun.
News Breaking at 11pm
Club been sold to Hicks & Gillette ! Lol.
Just heard that Ted apparently it’s front page of the Sun and it all sounds a bit ominous. Roll on 23.00.
It’s only about shabby getting pissed in a hotel room on the night we went down and he with his mates and two girls nothing new there then
Surely not and that’s already on the website.
I know he makes poor decisions on the pitch, but this! Why would you spend all that money on tasty hookers, get high, and then give your mate a blowjob!
Muzzy you were spot on.
Someone must have spiked my drink, I’m agreeing with Collymore and waiting on Talksport for important news. Fuck it, barman! I’ll have another 😉
FFS, looks like Flabby spiked my drink!
Lol if it’s as bad as collymore was saying you might need a double.