The Daily Mail have apparently suggested that Ashley Young might return to the Villa and I have to say it just made me laugh.
First off, I believe Young is on around £120,000 a week. Would he really be willing to take a pay cut of around £100,000 a week to come to us? It’s just a crazy notion.
Then, there’s the transfer fee, where apparently United would be willing to take less than the £17 million they paid us for him.
How about £12 million less? No, I don’t think so and that’s even if we could afford £5 million.
Which we can’t, if the all-in spend of £10 mill including wages is true.
So maybe we’re talking about a loan?
I doubt it myself, as I just don’t think Young is Lambert’s kind of player.
I rated Young highly at the Villa and he gave us some really good moments. Who could forget that goal at Goodison, for instance? But I often criticised him for his diving. Indeed, didn’t he even dive in a game against us? I forget exactly, but I’m pretty sure he did.
I’m not sure how you’d feel about him returning, but my feeling is it’d be doomed to fail.
And even if you dislike the player, it’d at least be a sign of us showing some ambition.
So in short, it just isn’t going to happen is it?
In other news, Roy Keane has categorically said he isn’t going to be Villa’s next manager, when he was specifically asked in an interview.
The mind boggles. While I don’t think for one minute he will be (and definitely hope not, as he’s been useless up to now imo), what was he supposed to say?
“Yeah, I’m here to pinch Lambert’s job”?
So, both non-stories then.
On his day Young was an excellent player. My memory of him though was that he would only turn up and perform for about one game in every three or four. His diving is also annoying and indeed he did do it against us. One of his worst bouts was I think near the end of last season against Crystal Palace I think! where he dived twice and on the second attempt got a penalty and a card for the Palace defender. I was listening to this on 5live while travelling up to see villa at B6. I remember the radio commentators being almost sickened by his behaviour.
Would I want him back? Ideally no, but in truth he would be much better than what we already have.
Well that’s one more game in four than most of the utter crap in the team can manage. Sad fact is, we took it as read that we’d keep bringing in quality of the likes of Milner, Barry and Young and now we’ve found ourselves in a four season rut that looks like continuing for at least another one.
Well he is better than tonev I guess
Don’t want the cheating b*****d,why the FUCK he brought diving into his ability is well beyond me.when he played for us he was becoming a regular in the England squad he chose money & glory now he’s paying the price.a big fat no from me.
Terrible decision to go and win trophies, just terrible!!!
Spotted the sarcasm the move did him fuck all favours.
Fuck all really? Why what would he have achieved at villa if he had stayed? And on how much a week!
Did ferguson sign him to warm the bench? Was that the plan? They just tricked him lol truth is he went to a More successful club that was winning trophies for more money after giving villa 4 years and we got good money too appx 17- 19m
I don’t see why the bitterness is all about
Agree giddy
i would never have him back after his penalty dive against us and then his over the top celebrations when the penalty was converted, showed no respect at all to fans who used to chant his name….
He deserted Villa for glory days, started to learn how to fake tackles, my answer is no, you made your bed lie on it, football is a game of skills not twisting, piss off.
Lamberk doesn’t deserve a player of Ashley Young’s ability and the fans won’t see anything of that class so long as Lerner stays at the club. Fans saying they wouldn’t a have him as he dives? FFS, every player in the league cheats and quite often the fans turn a blind eye when the occasion suits. Ashley young won’t be coming back to Villa and to all of you who say ‘good, we don’t want him’ , enjoy watching Westwood, Sylla, KEA and the rest of the absolute garbage that Lamberk has assembled.
‘every player in the league Cheats????hmmm,that’s why every player in the league carries a reputation around their shoulders I must be totally fucking blind along with every English ref.lmao
I stand by what I say Giddy. Appealing for a throw or corner that you know fine well you’re not entitled to is cheating. They all do it. If any fan can honestly say they wouldn’t applaud any of our players for getting a dubious pen at the sty to win the game then I’m afraid you must be blind. While we’re saying no to the likes of Young and Barry, I’ll look forward to our fifth relegation battle on the spin. Wonder if you’ll be ‘lmao’ at that – thought not.
Lamberk would make him a left bk
He’s better than anything we have in our squad at the moment and he can put the ball on ya head in the box.Quality player diver or no.Be a great signing if he came back.I don’t care about his diving a lot of players do it to win penalties not saying I’m agreeing with diving.He can dribble to and cause problems.Ashley Young is a quality player not sure if Lerner would pay his wages but would love to see him team up with Cole.UTV
Fuck me J Dee, do really want a player who cheats, OK they all do, but in his case he has brought the game into distribution with diving, the guy a joke to football, plus at the end of his time wants back, fuck him his not my cup of tea, he’s a cheat.
He is a quality player who can better the side we have and if he came could encourage other quality players to take a look at Villa again.
the worlds gone crazy if u all think we av a chance of signing young,lerner won’t give up anymore of our money. the owner is taking all our money, so answer is young will end up at newcastle most probably
also young is a diver and cheater, the guy can play, but is first thought is 2 win a penalty or free kick then can i stay on my feet, watch messi hes fouled loads, but it takes real challenges 2 knock him down,
Taking all our money? He’s pumped in 300m into villa . He selling at a loss.
he spent money (wasted more like) well given he wants 2 sell and likelihood is, no sale for the immediate future, 3 seasons ago when lambert arrived a new plan was disclosed, we were gonna buy cheap hungry players, this means we bought league 1 players, on league 1 wages also giving away players on high wages (normal premier wages) saving lerner money . money which means hes recouping his loses.take this season no money 2b spent, players and coaches all taking drops in salaries 2 come. 2 coaches leave 1 comes in. oohahahaha is onto sumat with the tv money
He had go and it didn’t work out. Showed blind faith in O’Neill. He didn’t have a bottomless pit and had to reduce expenditure. The sky money if never just pocketed its absorbed through the day to day running of the club.
i mean iam no expert ~ but i could av saved him millions , hiring mcliesh wot a fooking joke / not only allow him 2 spend 30 million plus high wage on 3 players. but then after one season sack him and pay him his contract in full .
hiring a guy with bad medical history and paying his contract up in full. also allowing him 2 waste money one french midfielder 8million was released on a free
i refuse 2 boot mon, its 2 easy he spends a fortune and complains squad lacks depths (he should look at us now ) send a youth squad into quarter final of uefa cup
i don’t know wot school of finances or business school he attended but his mother or ex wife would be proud of his achievements at vp well done lerner
Every diving cheat should be named and shamed… should be about honest, grown-up men that are sporting in both victory or defeat. Cheats should be thrown out of the game full stop! I dont want ANY cheats playing for our great club EVER. I would rather go down the park and watch a gang of kids playing the game the way it should be played. Give football back to the hard working lads that played for honour and pride and NOT for money. Cheats will always be here whilst there is an obscene amount of money in the game. Thanks Sky For fucking up our game!
Agreed LANGFORD they should be booted out the sport whatever their ability is.
Agreed. Not a chance this is going to happen. We just have to hope that Grealish can develop ointo a similar player (minus the diving). James Milner would be a more realistic target, but sadly money will still be an issue even if we would return.
Personally I’d forgive and forget all the diving etc. if he came back to us. He still has quality and would improve the team that’s all I care about. I’m sure the fans that would be angry with him coming back would be loving it if he dived and won a pen at old Trafford in the 90min and we win 1-0. So long as he is willing to work hard, put in some top performances and we can afford him, I say get him in!
Adam….NO, NO…..I couldnt give a flying fuck if we win through cheating..there is absolutely NO pride, satisfaction or pleasure if you win by cheating…it would simply be meaningless to me!
Man City bought the title is that not a form of cheating? They still take pride in winning the league. IF we did the same would you not have pride in us winning the league?
Two wrongs do NOT make a right. I repeat winning by cheating is meaningless IMO
I understand where your coming from, but personally I see winning as winning I really don’t care how we achieve it anymore!
I blame the foreigners for influencing the British players.I could be wide of the mark but years gone by Foreign teams were notorious for trying it on.if you have to cheat to win football can FUCK OFF,I’ll watch the cricket mind you I think it happens there.I’ll just read a good book sod it.
if bent is to come in from the cold who better to supply the ammunition
just need to sell delph and with the money get barry playing there then most of last years problems are on the mend. if gabby cant perform for 90 minutes he needs to be gone also
also statement from randy(Faulkner)this morning
well wots this hutton has a chance 2 play football and earn a wage. all he has to do is sign a reduced contract for baggies. 40k less wages, will lerner allow lamber 2 get two 20k players to bulk a thin squad. its all getting exciting hey
Lerners comments today
“This statement is intended to provide clarity regarding the status of the sale announcement I made in early May,” said Lerner.
“Over the last eight weeks we conducted a targeted process during which we explored the sale of the club.
“In advance of this process however, I committed to our manager to become completely focused on the upcoming season should there be no agreement to sell by the time players and coaches return to training.
“Given that no agreement has as of yet been reached, I feel that it is time now to turn my full attention back to Villa matters at hand.
“While the sale process has been productive and remains ongoing, my priority at this point in the summer, heading into the upcoming season, is that the Villa organisation’s sole focus be football – undistracted by any sales process.
“Reverting to common practice, I do not intend to comment further on a potential sale or related rumours unless and until I have reached a definitive agreement to sell, at which time I will be prompt and clear.”
As iv always said he was never selling. Just a ploy to shut us up and get away with another year of lamberk and his dross team.
Well there you have it, no sale as yet, never did think people would fall over each other to get Aston Villa, we are not an atractive enough side to turn heads in the businesses, O well carry on as normal,nail biting season again for us, I wonder if I can get compensation for stress, heart failure, and lack of entertainment , they seem to do well in other claims.
Still non the wiser another nebulous statement that tell us fuck all
He’s now focusing on the New season mate, Europe here we come. 😀
are u mad oohahahahaha
the statement was clear as mud,
i av a question ???? if now hes concentrating on the season being villa owner, doesn’t he have a responsibility to sell us as he bought us, as a premier league team. in the last 3 seasons we av trimmed the wages, i believe its his duty 2 reinvest the squad, which is stale and thin needs new blood,
He will keep us in prem this year we will still finish 4th or 5th from bottom we have the know how now
here i hope right,
but the squad may av escaped on a number of occasions, but losing benteke last year nearly cost us dear, it would only be the same again say vlaar or guzan (say given leaves like he wants) get injured then we will again struggling near the trapdoor
If somebody offered him what he wanted he’d be off like a shot. It might just be dawning on him that if villa go down he will lose an awful lot more of those American dollars.
Time to start thinking about the new season ahead even if we dislike what’s going on at VP we are the supporters of AVFC and it is nearly time to go again……UTV
I’m gunna go down anyway I wanna see the Villa play win or lose…..My dad was down with his dad in the 70s.My grandad down VP with his dad and me with my old man in the 80s and now I go down with my boy……Why break a family tradition of generations….I will bite the bullet,buy the new shirt and turn up when I can……..VTID…
Fair play jay dee rather you than me. Couldn’t stand another season watching that dross
Tradition is a strong thing Jay Dee.
It’s why I take the grandkids down, even though the footy is often totally shite.
Clubs can and do take the piss sometimes though and that’s what we’re currently going through, imo.
It’ll turn sometime, no doubt.
Stuff tradition badger I’m sick of the club taking advantage riding roughshod over us fans. In voting wel and truly with my feet this season and will never set foot in vp until Lerner and lamberk fuck of
You mug. Must have money to burn?